1958-48 Changing the Designation of a Certain Street or ThouroughfarePage 55 RESOLUTION ~t' 8 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE Vl"lSAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, CHANGING THE DESIGNATION OF A CERTAIN STtiEFIT OR THROUGHE~ARE WITHII3 THE ~Trr•r.ac;~:, ~ ~c-x~ ~ BE IT AND IT IS REREBY RESOLVED BY THE VIISAGE COUNCII, OF THE ViT.TdV:F'. OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the street or way presently designated on the Village o~ North' Palm Peach, Plat No. 3, (recorded in the oi'ficial records oP Palm Beach Cotimty in Plat Book 25 at pages 175 and 176), as Lake Park West Road, shall henceDorth be designated or known as Noxthlake Boulevard, said designation to be applicable to said road as presently laid out and as the same may be hereafter extended. PASSID AND ADOPTED this 14th day of October, 1958• ~~0~ e,~ (SEAT, ) ATTEST: Village Manager L n