1958-43 Creating a Civil Defense CouncilPage ~~ RESGLUTIGN #!c3 A RESCLUTIGN OF THE UIZLAGE CGUNCIL OF THE PILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLGRIDA, CREATING A CIVIL DEFENSE CGUNCIL FOR SAID PILLAGE. ~ # ~ ~ # # t~ WHEREAS, the possibility of disaster or emergency resulting from ene~y attack, sabotage, other hostile action or from natural causes, is ever present; and, WHEREAS, it is deemed vital and essential that the Village of North Palm Beach be adequately prepared to protect the lives and property of the residents of said Village should such eventuality arise; and, fit-IEREAS, it is further deemed necessary that said Village be at all times capable of assisting other duly constituted civil defense organizations in providing for the common defense, and in the protection of the lives and property of the citizens of this State; and, WHEREAS, Section 252.09 Florida Statutes specifically authorizes the creation of local defense organizations by incorporated municipalities for the purposes hereinabove set forth; NCW THEREFGRE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE CGUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: 1. Tnat a Civil Defense Council in and for the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, is hereby created for the purpose of carrying out civil defense functions both within and without the territorial limits of said Village as prescribed by Section 252.09 Florida Statutes. 2. That the membership of said Civil Defense Council shall at all times be composed of the same individuals who may be then serving as duly constituted members of the Village Council. 3. Tnat said Civil Defense Council is hereby vested with all of the powers and authority prescribed under Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, and shall be further subject to such limitations as may be imposed under the provisions of said Chapter. PASSF,D AND ADGPTED this 2l~th day of June, 1958. ~..~-~-~ r Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: R~~~""`~ Village Clerk n ~J