1957-36 Resignations of C.A. Cunningham and R. E. Ross - appointing E. Ross, Mayor and Jay H. White Vice-MayorPage . 3 G RESOLUTION N0. 36 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUPdCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF PdORTH ' PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTIPSG THE RESIGNATIONS OF CI-IARLES A. CUNIdINGHAM AS P~9AYOR AND RICHARD E. ROSS AS VICE PhAYOR; APPOINTING RICHARD E. ROSS AS P~AYOR TO SUCCEED CHARLES A. CUNNINGHAM, RESIGNED, AND APPOINTING JAY H. WHITE AS VICE MAYOR TO SUCCEED RICHARD E. RCISS, RESIGNED. n ~ * ~ BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: • Section 1. The resignations of Charles A. Cunningham as Mayor and Richard E. Ross as Vice Mayor of the Village of ?dorth Palm Beach are hereby accepted. Section 2. Richard E. Ross is hereby appointed Mayor and Jay H. White is hereby appointed Vice Mayor of said Village, and shall assume office at once, and shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of November, 1957. (SEAL) ATTEST:. S/ Richard E. Ross Mayor S/ Robert C. Tufford Village Clerk