09-13-1966 VC REG-MPAGE -56- • MINUTES OF REGULAR REGIILAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1966 ' Present: Thomas F, Lewis, Mayor Thomas R, Bell, Vice-Mayor David C, Clark, Councilman Allan V, Everard, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Joe J, Eassa, Jr., Village Clerk and Village Manager Dolores R, Walker, Village Managers Secretary Absent: Herbert A, Watt, Councilman Mayor Lewis called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. and asked the Village ROLL CALL • Clerk to call the roll, all members being present except Councilman Watt. On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present 5/9/66 MINUTES OF voting aye, the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Tuesday, August 9, 1966 REGULAR MEETING were approved as .written. APPROVED On motion of Councilman Everard, seconded by Councilman Clark, all present 5/9/66 MINUTES OF voting aye, the minutes o£ meeting of Building Board of Appeals held Tuesday, BUILDING BOARD OF August $, 1966 were read by Village Clerk Eassa and approved as written. APPEALS MEETING APPROVED On motion of Vice-Mayor Bell, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present 9/6/66 MINUTES OF voting aye, the minutes of Tax Equalization Board meeting held Tuesday, TA% EQUALIZATION BOARD September 6, 1966 were approved as written. MEETING APPROVED Mayor Lewis advised the Council that the organizational meeting for the ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Tenth Anniversary of the Villag® will be held at twelve noon on September FOR 10TH ANNIVERSARY 2Q, 1966 in the Gold Room of the North Palm Beach Country Club, OF VILLAGE OF NPB Mayor Lewis read a letter from Paul A, Emond dated August 17, 1966 tender- PAUL A, EMOND RESIGNA- ing his resignation as Chairman and member of the Recreation Advisory Board TION AS CHAIRMAN & effective August 31, 1966, MEMBER OF RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Letter from Congressman Paul G, Rogers to Mr, K, C, Mock, K, C, Mock & LETTER FROM CONGRESSMAN Associates, dated August 23, 1966 relatiee to the permit issued to The ROGERS TO K, G. MOCK RE Village of North Palm Beach, Florida for public park use o£ spoil area LW-2 LW-2 SPOIL AREA was read by Village Clerk Eassa. Police and Fire Department Activities Reports for the months of July and POLICE AND FIRE DEPT. August 1966 were accepted by Council without reading. REPORTS FOR JULY AND AUGUST 1966 Village Clerk presented Council with letter from William E, Doran dated 8/9/66 LETTER FROM • August 9, 1966 in connection with removal of debris £rom Yacht Club Drive W, E. DoB.AN and the canal intersection. Mr, Eassa advised Council that this had been taken care of, Letter from John Greuling, Village Resident, dated August 12, 1966 was 5/12/66 LETTER FROM read by Village Clerk Eassa, This letter was a complaint re the new schedule JOHN GREULING for garbage and trash pickup for the Village. Letter from Elizabeth D, Redding and Philip E, Redding dated August 10, 1966 5/10/66 LETTER FROM was read by Village Clerk Eassa. This letter was a complaint against the ELIZABETH D, Sx PHILIF new schedule for garbage and trash pickup for the Village. E. BEDDING On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present BOARD OF GOVERNORS voting aye, Council dispensed with the reading of minutes of Board of Gov- MEETING OE 7/25/66 errors Meetings of July 25, 1966 and August 25, 1966. AND 5/25/66 Building Officiate s Statistical Data Report for August 1966 was read by Council ted b Cl rk Eassa and was acce Villa BUILDING OFFICIALS STATISTICAL DATA y . p ge e REPORT FOR AUGUST 1966 i PAGE -57- r~ u i September 13, 1966 Page _2_ On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Vice Mayor Bell, alI present voting aye, Council dispensed with reading of H, L, Gildan+s letters of August 10 and I2, 1966 re North Falm Beach vs, Ross. Mr, H, L, Gildan+s letter of August 15, 1966 re Travel Agents Association of Palm Beach County, Inc, was read by 'Village Clerk Eassa. Letter of August 17, 1966 from Mr, G, W, Voorhees, President, Travel Agents Association of Palm Beach County, Inc, was read by Village Clerk Eassa Mr, H, L, Gildan+s letter of August 17, 1966 re Village of North Palm Beach vs, Thomas Hodges Construction Company was read by Village Clerk Eassa. Mr, H, L, Gildan+s letter of August 26, 1966 re Water Rates -North Palm Beach Utilities, Inc, was read by Village Clerk Eassa. H. L, GILDAN+S LETTERS OF 8/10/66 AND 8/12/66 RE NPB VS ROSS H, L, GILDAN+S LETTER OF 8/15/66 RE TRAVEL AGENTS ASSN, GF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC, 8/17/66 LETTER FROM G, W, VOORIE:ES, PRES- DENT, TRAVEL AGENTS ASSOCIATION OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC. H, L, GILBAN+S LETTER OF 8/17/66 RE NPB US THOMAS HODGES CONSTRUC_ TION CO, H, L, GILDAN+S LETTER OF 8/26/66 RE WATER RATES - NPB IITILITIES, INC, Letter from Thomas Squeo, First Lieutenant, CAP, Commander, Palm Beach Senior LETTER RECEIVED $/30/66 Squadron Civil Air Patrol received August 30, 1966 was read by Village Clerk FROM PALM BEACH SENIOR Eassa, This letter was in connection with a contribution for this organiza- SQUADRON CIVIL AIR tion, and is to be considered during 1966-67 budget hearings. PATROL Letter from Rudolph von Unruh, Music Director Riviera Beach High School, dated September 6, 1966 relative to a contribution to their band fund was read by Village Clerk Eassa. This is to be considered in connection with the 1966-67 budget, On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Vice-Mayor Bell, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 281-66 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE TO SETTLE ITS CLAIM AGAINST THOMAS HODGES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY REGARDING THE COATING AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB SWB/~fING POOL FOR THE SUM OF $3,000,00, ANB AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO SIGN A GENERAL RELEASE TO CONTINENTAL CASUALTY COMPANY ARID THOMAS HODGES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONCERNING THIS LITIGATION, 9/6/66 LETTER FROM R, VON UNRUH, RIVIERA BEACH HIGH SCHOOL PROPOSED RESOLUTION N0. 281-66 ADOPTED AS READ AS RESOLUTION N0, 281-66 was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 281-66. On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present PROPOSED RESOLUTION voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 282-66 entitled: N0, 282-66 ADOPTED AS RESOLUTION N0. 282-66 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA • AUTHORIZING TAE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A ONE YEAR CONTRACT WITH PARGO, INC. FOR THE LEASE OF GOLF CARTS AT TBE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 282-66, On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present voting aye, Council approved disbursement; o£ X647.10 from the Contingent AUTHORIZATION OF DIS- BURSEMENT FROM CONTIN- Account for payment to Callaway, Carpenter & May, certified public account- GENT ACCOUNT OF X647.10 ants. PAYABLE TO CALLAWAY, CARPENTER & MAY Village Manager Eassa was instructed to provide Council with more detail in INTEREST RE REPAYMENT connection with $718,75 in interest with regard to the repayment of $50,000. OF BANK NOTES in bank notes. On motion of Councilman Clark, seconded toy Councilman Everard, all present DISBURSEMENT FROM voting eye, Council authorized disbursement from Contingent Account not CONTINGENT ACCOUNT NOT to exceed $900 £or garbage disposal fee for period August 1, 1966 through TO EXCEED X900 - FAYMENT October 31, 1966 OF GARBAGE DISPOSAL FEE THROUGH 10/31/66 n U PAGE -58- • Page -3- September 13, 1966 ' Fire Chief David F, Harris, Jr, letter Sated September 1, 1966 to Chief Herbert Kohl requesting funds in connection with the North Palm Beach County Fire Prevention Program was read by Village Clerk Eassa. A con- tribution in the amount of X75 was suthnrized by the Village Manager. CONTRIBUTION OF x'75 AUTHORIZED BY VILLAGE MANAGER IN CONNECTION WITH NPB COUNTY FIRE PREVENTION PROGRAM With no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman RECESS Clark, seconded by Councilman Everard, all present voting aye, the meeting was recessed at 10:05 p,m. until call to reconvene by the Mayor. V L CLERI