05-18-2016 VC BWS-MPresent:
MAY 18, 2016
David B. Norris, Mayor
Doug Bush, Vice Mayor
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., President Pro Tem
Robert A. Gebbia, Councilmember
Mark Mullinix, Councilmember
James P. Kelly, Village Manager
Melissa Teal, Village Clerk
Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present.
All members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney. Finance Director Sarnia Janjua
and IT Director Michael Applegate were present.
The purpose of the meeting was to conduct a mid -year review of the FY 2016 Budget, including
the Country Club and General Fund Budgets, Tax Distribution Schedule, and Village Investment
Policy Update; discuss strategic planning for the Village; and determine the Council's FY 2017
goals and objectives.
• Country Club Revenues: $2,617,567
• Country Club Expenses: $2,234,638
• Country Club Mid -Year Preliminary Financials: revenues exceed expenses by $382,929
• Food & Beverage Revenues: $430,998
• Food & Beverage Expenses: $538,075
• Food & Beverage Mid -Year Preliminary Financials: expenses exceed revenues by $107,078
• Food & Beverage Inventory on Hand: $19,482.64
• Golf Revenues: $2,175,160
• Golf Expenses: $1,477,410
• Golf Memberships: 211
• Golf Rounds: 22,863
• Administrative Revenues: $11,410
• Administrative Expenses: $219,153
• FY 2016 Original Budget: $4,128,676
o Budget Amendment: $264,000 open purchase order carryover for Country Club
Architectural Design Services
• FY 2016 Revised Budget: $4,392,676
Discussion tools place concerning FY 2016 year-to-date food and beverage revenues and
expenses compared to FY 2015 at mid -year. Discussion ensued regarding liquor COGS (Cost of
Goods Sold) and food COGS as a percentage of liquor and food sales.
Discussion was held regarding total Country Club expenses and the net revenue over expense at
mid -year.
Mr. Kelly detailed the areas where expenses are above the 50% benchmark and reported that
total department expenses are tracking at 50.87%.
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• General Fund Revenues: $16,029,853; an increase of $910,724 over FY 2015, primarily due
to increased ad valorem tax revenue
• General Fund Expenses: $9,955,934
• Transfers to other funds: $1,303,750
• General Fund Mid -Year Preliminary Financials: revenues exceed expenses by $4,770,170
• FY 2016 Original Budget: $20,524,967
o Budget Amendments: $519,889 total, including open purchase order carryover;
Small Business Grant carryover; Grant Match
• FY 2016 Revised Budget: $21,044,856
• Ad Valorem Taxes: $11,109,693 or 92.41 % of the budgeted amount
• Tennis Revenues: $261,684
• Tennis Expenses: $219,970
• Tennis Mid -Year Preliminary Financials: revenues exceed expenses by $41,714
• Pool Revenues: $35,132
• Pool Expenses: $87,466
• Pool Mid -Year Preliminary Financials: expenses exceed revenues by $52,334
Regarding the Tax Distribution Schedule, Mr. Kelly advised that the Village would receive four
more tax distributions during FY 2016. Mrs. Janjua reported the Village typically receives 102%
of budgeted ad valorem revenue.
Mr. Kelly reported that total department expenses are tracking at 50.43%. Mr. Kelly detailed the
departments that are above the 50% benchmark.
Brief discussion ensued regarding sanitation collection. It was requested that Mr. Kelly provide
Council with a summary of the number of tons of garbage and vegetation collected. Mr. Kelly
stated the information would be provided on June 9th.
Mr. Kelly reported that Tennis net revenue over expense was $41,714 at mid -year. Mr. Kelly
announced one additional team signed up for this year's league.
Discussion took place concerning pool revenues and the proposed addition of a splash park feature
and other amenities when the new clubhouse is completed. Pool maintenance was discussed.
Mrs. Janjua reviewed the Village's Investment Policy and the status of Village investments.
• $8,409,872 to date transferred for investment as core funds, representing 40.97% of FY 2016
General Fund adopted budget ($20,524,967)
• Core investment portfolio market value: $9,042,464 as of 3/31/16 (inclusive of accrued
interest and cash on -hand at the custodial bank)
• 2015 Audit Report (CAFR) of Village financial statements for year ending 9/30/15 found
that Village investments are in accordance with the Village's investment policy
• Total cash on hand: $11,549,125 as of 3/31/16
• General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance: $10,802,623 as of 9/30/15 (52.63% of FY 2016
Adopted Budget)
• Country Club Unrestricted Net Assets: $544,523 as of 9/30/15
Discussion took place concerning the appropriate use of reserves and the amount of funds that
should be maintained in reserves.
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Mr. Kelly reviewed the draft Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats (SWOT) analysis.
Council discussion ensued and the SWOT analysis was revised as follows:
f. 011-macom -1
Strong financial position
Safe place to live
Quality of Life
Unified Council
High quality staff/level of service
Advisory Board/citizen participation
Tradition — 2nd & 3rd generation residents
Vision and willingness to invest in the future
K-8 public school in our Village
Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course
Resistance to change/rumors
Underutilized commercial properties
No current anchor or destination
Aged/deteriorated buildings in our community
Dated infrastructure
Traffic flow on Northlake Boulevard and Parker Bridge
Not perceived as "business -friendly"
Digital communications — citizen self-serve/online
Redevelopment/implementation of master plan
Utilize the waterfront
New Country Club facilities-destination/gathering place
Return on investment (Country Club/Master Plan)
Coalition of business & commercial property owners
Potential expansion of the public school to K-12
WalkabilityBike Friendly
Provide opportunities for our citizens to help
memorialize the Village through donations
Federal/State/County pressures on authority of
Neighborhood decline/crime/special needs properties
Sober homes in residential areas
Increase in costs
Discussion took place regarding establishing a volunteer group to build a sense of community by
helping neighbors with home maintenance, such as painting a house or repairing a fence.
Councilmembers were supportive of this idea. Consensus was that although the Village may be
able to offer some support, similar to that provided to Support Our Troops USA, Inc.; it would
need to be run by a group of private citizens.
Discussion was held concerning sober homes in residential neighborhoods. It was noted that
State Attorney Aronberg was forming a task force to address this issue and the Village should
look into the possibility of having a member of our police force on the task force.
We sustain North Palm Beach as the "Best Place to Live Under the Sun" through superior services,
timeless traditions, quality amenities.
North Palm Beach will be known for our unparalleled amenities and innovative approach to
meeting the needs of our safe and secure community through continuous improvement in
infrastructure and service delivery as identified by our stakeholders.
We Create Exceptional Public Service Through:
• Our People — We care about our people and actively advocate diversity, safety, and
personal growth.
• Continuous Improvement — We are committed to excellence and professionalism.
• Integrity — We are transparent, honest, ethical, and have mutual respect for all people.
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Mr. Kelly distributed draft goals and objectives for discussion. Council considered and prioritized
its goals and objectives for FY 2017 as follows:
1. Provide a sustainable financial base for the Village
a. Ensure equitable taxes and fees for Village services.
b. Keep taxes and fee growth as close to inflation rates and property value as possible.
c. Implementation of Master Plan to encourage new businesses and promote economic
d. Actively pursue annexation opportunities.
e. Pursue the best facility and land utilization for the benefit of all Village residents.
f. Explore all opportunities for sources of funds.
2. Maintain a high quality of life and improve the overall appearance in the Village
a. Improve and maintain Village waterways as a unique Village asset.
b. Maintain the highest quality of public safety services through accreditation of its
law enforcement component and through fire rescue level of service partnerships.
c. Enhance communication with residents through mediums such as the Village Newsletter and
website, and other forms of communication.
d. Provide more interactive opportunities for all citizens to participate in Village direction,
activities, and facility decisions.
e. Maintain service levels.
f. Update the Code of Ordinances to match contemporary requirements and to encourage
redevelopment consistent with the Master Plan.
g. Improve code compliance and education with special emphasis towards the abatement of
"special needs" properties.
3. Maintain quality of all recreational facilities of the Village
a. Maintain high level of appearance and condition of Village parks and recreational facilities,
including the Country Club.
b. Reinvigorate recreational activities for a fresh approach that is responsive to the current
interests of residents to include, but not be limited to:
1. Increased involvement in recreational activities by expanding programs for all age groups.
2. Enhancement and promotion of pool, tennis, and park amenities.
4. Build a new Country Club Clubhouse
a. Release construction RFP.
b. Break ground during Fiscal Year 2017.
5. Implement the Master Plan for business economic development in our commercial
corridors and community development in our neighborhoods
a. Review Comprehensive Plan and Land Development regulations to make recommendations
that would facilitate the implementation of the Master Plan.
b. Prepare marketing strategies.
c. Facilitate the creation of a coalition of business and commercial property owners to
revitalize and redevelop our commercial corridors.
d. Identify grant opportunities.
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6. Continuously improve the way the Village operates
a. Encourage resident participation on Village Boards and in programs and events.
b. Improve communication with businesses, encouraging participation of businesses in
Village events.
c. Assess key work, processes to determine what services can be improved and implement
improved procedures.
d. Provide a human resources capability that brings consistency in policies and procedures
across all departments while remaining current, relevant, and compliant with federal,
state, and local personnel and labor laws.
7. Complete the implementation of the pay for performance system
a. Create management/employee workgroups to:
1. Establish appropriate performance measures based upon job descriptions;
2. Create procedures for the evaluation process; and
3. Set goals and objectives.
b. Complete implementation of pay for performance for appropriate personnel before the end
of FY 2017.
8. Implement and maintain a long-term (10 -year) capital plan
a. Proactively address infrastructure maintenance and replacement needs.
b. Maintain a consistent level of expenditures to achieve Village goals.
c. Plan funding needs, where possible, to avoid substantial debt or tax swings.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:02 p.m.
Melissa Teal, MMC, Village Clerk,