01-26-2017 VC WS-MPresent: ROLL CALL MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 26, 2017 David B. Norris, Mayor Doug Bush, Vice Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., President Pro Tern Robert A. Gebbia, Councilmember Mark Mullinix, Councilmember Samia Janjua, Interim Village Manager Leonard Rubin, Village Attorney Melissa Teal, Village Clerk Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 9:24 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB CLUBHOUSE AND FACILITIES Discussion took place concerning the new Clubhouse and facilities, including temporary facilities, site plan, floor plan, elevations, and revised financial plan. Special Projects Director Chuck Huff reviewed the updated project schedule and the proposed site plan and timeline for the temporary facilities, including utility hookups and construction of handicapped ramps. Mr. Huff reported temporary facilities would be delivered in mid -April and ready for occupancy about June 1st. Purchasing Manager Sharon Swan responded to Council questions regarding the 16 month lease of a trailer for golf and pool operations. Mr. Huff stated pool renovations would likely begin in July /August 2018, and projected the pool would remain open until summer 2018, except for the clubhouse demolition phase. Mr. Huff discussed plans for continuing food and beverage service during construction. Randy Epstein, RBI Restaurants, LLC, asked about the timeline for moving to temporary facilities, and requested to move items such as tables, chairs, pictures, etc. from the current building for use in the temporary trailer. Council concurred with this request. Francis Lussier of Peacock + Lewis reviewed the current space allocations based on Option A -9b. Although the overall square footage of the building remains the same, Mr. Lussier noted the space allotments are subject to change as the project moves through the construction document phase. Hank Gonzalez, Project Manager for the restaurant facility design, addressed the Council concerning space allocations for the food and beverage operations. Mrs. Janjua reviewed the financing worksheet and noted the costs were redistributed according to the square footage. Mrs. Swan discussed issuing a Request for Proposals for a construction management consultant to provide assistance until the general contractor is mobilized and explained the proposed tasks to be performed. Mrs. Swan advised the RFP could be issued January 30th, with the contract award placed on the March 23, 2017 agenda. Architect Brian Idle, Peacock + Lewis, explained the need for a construction management consultant during the design phase. Consensus of Council was to issue an RFP for construction management consulting services. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:27 p.m. Melissa Teal, MMC, Village Clerk