Present: Joseph A. Tringali, Mayor
Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vice Mayor
David B. Norris, President Pro Tem
Donald G. Noel, Councilman
Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman
Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager
George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney
Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Tringali called the Public Hearing to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were
present. All members of staff were present.
7'he purpose of the Public Hearing was to hear the public concerning the proposed 2000-2001
Operating Budget, including the North Palm Beach Country Club.
As required by the Truth in Millage Law, prior to hearing any statements from the public, Mayor
Tringali announced the proposed millage of 5.75, stating it is 13.0% more than the roll-back figure
of 5.0891. He further stated that the proposed millage rate of 5.75 is 2.7% more than the 1999-2000
millage rate of 5.6, and the main purposed for which ad valorem tax revenues are being increased is
due to budgeting and financing of Village-wide canal dredging; budgeting and financing of the
Village Hall renovation; and the overall employee salary adjustments due to pay for performance
and other adjustments.
Mr. Stuart Powell, 1116 Marine Way, #C-1L, Old Port Cove, North Palm Beach, Florida,
addressed the Council regarding the budgeting for the north Public Safety substation. Mr.
Powell stated various concerns of the Old Port Cove residents, including their desire for a
dedicated fire truck to be kept north of the bridge, and the reduction of money allocated in the
proposed budget for the substation. Regarding Mr. Powell's concern about the bridge opening
during an emergency, Public Safety Director Earl Johnson explained that emergency vehicles
have a direct line to the bridge tender, and the bridge is not raised once the Public Safety
• personnel make the call.
Minutes of Public Hearing
Held Thursday, September 14, 2000
• Tillie Gardncr, 1117 Marine Way, Old Port Cove, North Palm Beach, Florida, addressed the
Council regarding the north substation. She told the Council that the temporary substation had
been set up 6 years ago. She asked that a meeting date be established as soon as possible to
discuss this issue. Mayor Tringali told Mrs. Gardner that a Special Workshop is being scheduled
in early October. The Village Clerk was directed to poll the Council regarding a meeting date as
soon after October 16th as possible.
Frank Shone, 833 Cinnamon Road, North Palm Beach, Florida, addressed the Council regarding
the Village Newsletter reporting on the Country Club Budget. Mr. Shone felt that the proposed
increases were inaccurately stated in the Newsletter. He also told the Council that he had called
neighboring cities who operate municipal courses, and North Palm Beach rates are the highest.
Village Manager Dennis Kelly reviewed three items that are not included in the proposed budget,
and asked that they be included. These items were: $12,000 for Team Leaders Funding for
Public Safety; Certification Pay Adjustments for Public Safety; $25,500 for Certification Pay
Adjustments for Public Safety; and $17,000 for Increment Pay for Fire Department. Mr. Kelly
stated that inclusion of these items would increase the line item of Appropriated Fund Balance
ai page 22 by approximately $54,500, for a total of $1,003,000.
Vice Mayor Eissey moved to adopt the tentative Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2000-2001.
Councilman Noel seconded the motion.
Councilman O'Meilia moved to amend the tentative budget as follows: Change Account
#A4200-09300 (Bank Loan) to $2,000,000; change Account #A4600-09100 (Appropriated Fund
Balance) to $896,671; Change Account #A5206-66210 (Construction & Renovation) to
$787,000; and change Account #A8535-49152 (Loan Payment) to $130,000. Vice Mayor Eissey
seconded the motion, for purposes of discussion.
After discussion, Vice Mayor Eissey moved to table the amendment until the next Public
Hearing on September 28, 2000 to give the Council and staff time to review the proposed
changes. President Pro Tem Norris seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-I, with Vice
Mayor Eissey, President Pro Tem Norris, Councilman Noel and Mayor Tringali voting aye, and
Councilman O'Meilia voting nay.
Councilman O'Meilia proposed to reduce the millage rate to 5.50 by increasing the revenue from
the Unappropriated Fund Balance. To accomplish this, Mr. O'Meilia moved to change Account
#A4600-09]00 (Appropriated Fund Balance) to $1,161,171; and to change Account #A0100-
00110 (Ad Valorem Taxes) to $4,713,655. The motion died for lack of a second.
Staff was directed to study the proposed reduction prior to further discussion at the second Public
• Hearing on September 28, 2000.
Minutes of Public Hearing
I leld Thursday, September 14, 2000
• Thereafter, the motion to adopt the tentative Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 passed
4-1, with Vice Mayor Eissey, Councilman Noel, President Pro Tem Norris and Mayor Tringali
voting aye, and Councilman O'Meilia voting nay.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
a ~~~
thleen F. Kelly, MC
Village Clerk