05-25-2000 VC REG-MMINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION • OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, MAY 25, 2000 Present: Joseph A. Tringali, Mayor Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vice Mayor David B. Norris, President Pro Tem Don Noel, Councilman Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Shaukat Khan, Acting Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk Absent: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager KOLL CALL Mayor "Tringali called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present except Village Manager Dennis Kelly, who was out of town. Acting Village Manager Shaukat Khan was present. Doug Smith, Assistant Village Manager was present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilman Noel gave the invocation, and Mayor Tringali led the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL, OF MINUTES 7 he following Minutes were approved as written: Minutes of Regular Session held 5/11/2000 KEPORT OF THE MAYOR Mayor Tringali, on behalf of the Village Council, presented service awards to Village employees for 20 years of service and 25 years of service. Those receiving awards were: Will Ashley, Gurlester Belk, Jr., Robert 1,. Clark, Walter L. Clark, Margaret Cook, Cynthia Hawes, Wiley Livingston, Henry Rudolph, Elvie Wright and Jane Lerner. On behalf of the Village Council, Mayor Tringali presented a plaque to Mayor and Councilman Gail H. Vastola, in recognition of her eight years of service to the Village as a member of the Village Council. Mrs. Vastola thanked the Council and the Village staff for their contributions and assistance to her •iring her eight years on the Council. Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, May 25, 2000 -)NSENT AGENDA APPROVED Vice 1.4ayor Eissey moved that the Consent Agenda be approved. Councilman O'Meilia seconded motion, and all present voted aye. The following items were approved: Accepted for file the Minutes of the Library Advisory Board Meeting held 4/25/00 Accepted for file the Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Board Meeting held 5/9/00 Accepted for file the recommendation of the Recreation Advisory Board that Council "alert the Public Safety Department to increase patrols at both Osborne Park and the Community Center" Approved budget transfer in the amount of $4,030 from various accounts to K8032-49920 (Construction Reserves-Anchorage Park) for wheelchair safety railing at Anchorage Park Approved proposal of Village Engineer for design services for Osborne Park parking lot renovation in the amount of $15,400 and accompanying budget transfer for funding from A7321-1 1 1 10 (Executive Salary-Street Maintenance) to A5206-33120 (Engineering & Planning) VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Recreation Director Mark Hodgkins reviewed the Heritage Day events of May 13, 2000. Assistant Village Manager Doug Smith announced that the Village offices will be closed on Monday, May 29th, in observance of Memorial Day. I3ll,L 990 -REZONING -LOT 30 OF PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD - ENACTED AS ORD. 14- 2000 Vice Mayor Eissey moved that Bi11990 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, REZONING A PARCEL OF LAND KNOWN AS THE VILLAGE GROCERY AND VILLAGE LAWNMOWER SHOP, LOCATED AT 9267-9271 PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD WITHIN THE VILLAGE AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" AT7'ACHEU AND MADE PART HEREOF FROM R-1 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT 7'O CC TRANSITIONAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Be placed on second reading and read by title alone. President Pro Tem Norris seconded the motion. 7'he motion passed 3-2, with Vice Mayor Eissey, President Pro Tem Norris and Mayor Tringali voting aye, and Councilman Noel and Councilman O'Meilia voting nay. • 2 Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, May 25, 2000 ce Mayor Eissey moved to enact Bill 990 as Ordinance 14-2000. President Pro Tem Norris seconded to motiat. The motion passed 3-2, with Vice Mayor Eissey, President Pro Tem Norris and Mayor Tringali voting aye, and Councilman Noel and Councilman O'Meilia voting nay. BILL 991 -AMENDING CC TRANSITIONAL COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT -ENACTED AS ORD. 15-2000 , President Pro Tem Norris moved that Bi11991 entitled: AN OItD1NANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SUBSECTION F, YARDS, OF SECTION 45-32.1, CC TRANSITIONAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, OF ARTICLE III OF APPENDIX C-ZONING OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE TO PROVIDE FRONT YARD SETBACK FOR PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Be placed on second reading and read by title alone. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-2, with President Pro Tem Norris, Vice Mayor Eissey and Mayor Tringali voting aye, and Councilman Noel and Councilman O'Meilia voting nay. }'resident Yro Tem Norris moved to enact Bill 991 as Ordinance IS-2000. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion. 7'he motion passed 3-2, with President Pro Tem Norris, Vice Mayor Eissey and Mayor Tringali voting aye, and Councilman Noel and Councilman O'Meilia voting nay. BILL 992 - AMENDING BUDGET TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR THE LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT -PLACED ON FIRST READING President Pro Tem Norris moved that Bill 992 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $11,128 FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT OVERTIME 1'AY OF WHICH $10,000 WILL BE RECEIVED FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT FOR SURVEILLANCE WORK Fie placed on first reading and read by title alone. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. BILI, 993 -AMENDING GENERAL FUND BUDGET -RAISES AND SALARY ADJUSTMENTS Councilman O'Meilia moved that Bill 993 entitled: ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING TFIE ORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 TO Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, May 25, 2000 ~'PROPRIATE FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $602,803 FOR RAISES AND SALARY DJUSTMENTS Be placed on first reading and read by title alone. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. BILL 994 -AMENDING COUNTRY CLUB BUDGET -RAISES AND SALARY ADJUSTMENTS Councilman O'Meilia moved that Bill 994 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1999-2000 TO APPKOPRIATE FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $206,775 FOR RAISES AND SALARY ADJUSTMENTS Be placed on first reading and read by title alone. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. RESOI.U'I'ION 34-2000 ADOPTED -ACCEPTING LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WITH DCA Councilman O'Meilia moved that Resolution 34-2000 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SAFETY TO ACCEPT A LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM WITH THE SPATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS (DEPARTMENT) WHEREIN 7'HE VILLAGE WOULD RECEIVE TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) DOLLARS FROM Tf-IE DEPARTMLNT AND BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A TEN PERCENT (10%) CASH MATCH; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Be adopted. Councilman Noel seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. RESOLU7'lON 35-2000 ADOPTED -CREATING AN AD HOC COMMITTEE -LANDSCAPING PROJECT FOR PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD Vice Mayor Eissey moved that Resolution 35-2000 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, CREATING AN AD HOC COMMITTEE CONSISTING OF SEVEN (7) RESIDENTS OF THE VILLAGE FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE LANDSCAPING AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD; APPOINTING COUNCILMAN DON NOEL AS CHAIRMAN, THE VILLAGE COUNCIL SHALL ELECT SIX (6) ADDITIONAL VILLAGE RESIDENTS TO SERVE ON THE COMMITTEE WITH IREE (3) RESIDENTS TO BE FROM THE PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD AREA; PROVIDING HAT THE VILLAGE MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE AND A REPRESENTATIVE FROM 4 Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, May 25, 2000 STRICT ONE OF THE PALM BEACH COUNTY COMMISSION SHALL BE EX-OFFICIO TO 11E COMMITTEE; PROVIDING FOR THE DISSOLUTION OF THE COMMITTEE; AND, }'ROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Be adopted. President Pro Tem Norris seconded the motion. During discussion, Councilman O'Meilia moved to amend the resolution by changing Section 2. To add ""I'he Village Council shall select six (6) additional Village residents to serve on the committee with three residents to be from the Prosperity Farms Road area. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. 1'he Council agreed by consensus to strike Item d. in Section 4 that referred to estimated costs, and to add the la~iguage to the first sentence of Section 4 that "the committee shall address as a minimum the following criteria". The Council strongly recommended that the committee hold at least one Public Hearing prior to sending their recommendations to Council. Thereafter, the original motion, as amended, passed 5-0. BUDGET TRANSFER APPROVED FOR SAILING PROGRAM Vice Mayor Eissey moved to approve a budget transfer in the amount of $6,000 from A5540-49911 (Council Cmttingency) to A8229-34932 (Public Events) to match contributions for a Children's Sailing Program that will be run by the North Palm Beach Yacht Club. Councilman Noel seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. I3UDGET TRANSFER APPROVED FOR THE WEST ALLEY PAVING PROJECT Vice Mayor Eissey moved to approve a budget transfer in the amount of $14,600 from A5540-499] 1 (Council Contingency) to A7321-34682 (R&M-Paving) for additional funding to complete the west alley paving project. President Pro Tem Norris seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. J ~ 'athleen F. Kelly, CMC Village Clerk •