01-22-2009 VC WS-M~~
JANUARY 22, 2009
William Manuel, Mayor
David B. Norris, Vice Mayor
Darryl Aubrey, Sc.D., President Pro Tem
Edward M. Eissey, Ph.D., Councilman
T.R. Hernacki, P.E., Councilman
Jimmy Knight, Village Manager
Leonard Rubin, Village Attorney
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk
Mayor Manuel called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. All members of Council were present.
All members of staff were present.
This item was removed from the 1/22/09 Regular Session agenda and placed on the Workshop
Session agenda for discussion only
Village Manager Jimmy Knight explained that Administration received a request from Donnini
Motor Cars LLC for a Similar Use Special Permit to operate limited auto sales within the CC
Transitional Zoning District. Mr. Knight stated that the applicant asserts the proposed use is
similar to a professional office or commercial use that would be permitted in the CC Transitional
Zoning District. Mr. Knight noted that automobile sales is a prohibited use in this zoning
district; however, the proposed use provides for vehicle sale and delivery by appointment, limited
display, and limited hours of operation. Mr. Knight advised that, in establishing similar use,
determining whether the impact on adjacent property owners will be greater or lesser than a
currently permitted use must be considered. Mr. Knight noted that if the Special Use Permit is
approved, it is specific to the applicant and use requested, and can be revoked if any of the conditions
are violated. Mr. Knight detailed conditions and restrictions that would be attached to the permit.
Dodi Glass, AICP, of Gentile, Holloway, O'Mahoney & Associates, Inc., representing Donnini
Motor Cars, gave a presentation on the application for Similar Use Permit. Jim Donnini
answered questions and reviewed details of the proposed business operation.
Discussion ensued on issues including parking, signage, vehicle deliveries, lighting, ingress and
egress, security measures, and amount of inventory. Council expressed concern with the number
of cars to be stored onsite.
Village Attorney Len Rubin stated that full-service automobile dealerships and accessory uses
are permitted only in the Commercial District; however, the type of auto sales being proposed is
not specifically addressed in the Code of Ordinances. Mr. Rubin advised that Council must
determine whether this type of limited auto sales is similar to a professional office.
Discussion took place on whether the proposed use qualifies as a similar use. Council consensus
was that the project does not qualify as a similar use to professional offices unless there is no
inventory. This item will not be brought back for Council action unless staff and the applicant
can develop conditions that bring it in line with the requirements for similar use.
Minutes of Village Council Workshop Session held January 22, 2009 Page 2 of 2
• Village Manager Jimmy Knight and Mike Gray, Director of Golf Operations, reviewed ideas for
increasing golf memberships at the Country Club.
Proposals included reducing the cost of Summer Memberships from $700 to $495, and allowing
first-time members a $250 credit (portion of the cost of Summer Membership) toward the cost of
a yearly membership. Mr. Knight discussed implementing a member loyalty initiative, which
would grant a 5% discount to current members who renew their membership and pay in full by
August 1, 2009. Furthermore, any current member who introduces a new member would receive
an additional 5% discount for a newly signed resident member and 10% discount for a newly
signed non-resident member. Mr. Knight noted that increasing the number of members may
alleviate the need to increase membership rates.
Discussion took place on the need to attract non-resident members. Ideas proposed included
offering a "good neighbor" discount to residents of neighboring cities who wish to join, and/or
reducing the cost for non-resident memberships.
Mr. Knight gave an update on the number of rounds played to date, compared with last year,
along with details on membership revenue and golf course expenses.
Council preference was that the cost of memberships not be increased. Council consensus was to
approve Summer Memberships at $495, with first-time members receiving a $250 credit toward
the cost of a yearly membership. Regarding a member loyalty initiative, Council consensus was
in favor of granting returning members a 5% discount on yearly membership, if paid in full by
August 1, 2009, as well as a 5% or 10% discount on yearly membership for current members
who recruit new members resulting in signed resident or non-resident memberships, respectively.
It was determined that recruiting multiple new members will equate to an increase in the
applicable discount, subject to the membership cap.
With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
Melissa Teal, CMC, Village Clerk