04-27-2000 VC REG-MMINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION • OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 2000 Present: Joseph A. Tringali, Mayor Dr. Edward M. Eissey, Vice Mayor David B. Norris, President Pro Tem Donald G. Noel, Councilman Charles R. O'Meilia, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Tringali called the meeting to order at 730 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Tringali gave the invocation, and President Pro Tem Norris led the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The following Minutes were approved as written: Minutes of Regular Session held 4/13/2000 REPORT OF THE MAYOR Mayor Tringali reported on the North Palm Beach Yacht Club's continued efforts to bring a youth sailing program to the Village, by introducing Marty Becker of Palm Beach Gardens, who addressed the Council regarding a proposed program. Mayor Tringali added that a national organization has agreed to sponsor this program, which means that every dollar contributed to the program will be tax-deductible, and encouraged everyone to make a contribution to the program. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED Vice Mayor Eissey moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilman O'Meilia seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. The following items were approved: • Accepted the Minutes of the Library Advisory Board meeting held 3/28/2000 Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, Apri127, 2000 • r1 LJ Accepted the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting held 4/4/2000 Accepted the Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Board Meeting held 4/11/2000 REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF ADVISORY BOARDS Councilman O'Meilia reported that the Palm Beach County League of Cities has announced that all the problems with the School Concurrency Interlocal Agreement has been worked out, and will be put before the County Commission and the School Board in May. Mayor Tringali announced that Councilman O'Meilia has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Palm Beach County League of Cities, and the Installation and Dinner will be held on Saturday, May 13, 2000. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Village Manager Dennis Kelly called on Recreation Director Mark Hodgkins, who gave a status report on the upcoming Heritage Day Parade to be held on May 13, 2000. Public Services Director Tom Hogarth requested that the street paving budget be supplemented to allow completion of the paving of the west service alley to the north. Mr. Hogarth will bring this forward at the next Regular meeting. Additionally, Mr. Hogarth told the Council that he has determined the location of the Country Club sign will have to remain in the same location as is currently used. F.X PARTE COMMUNICATIONS Councilman Noel reported that he had spoken with Ed Moore on Apri126, 2000 regarding the zoning application for the property on Prosperity Farms Road. BILL 988 ENACTED AS ORD. 12-2000 -AMENDING CODE -SIGNS AND OUTDOOR DISPLAYS President Pro Tem Norris moved that Bi11988 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SUB-SECTIO PROHIBITED SIGNS, OF ARTICLE V., SIGNS CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES CHANGEABLE COPY SIGNS IN P-PUBLIC SEVERABILITY THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM N (28) OF SECTION 6-113(B), AND OUTDOOR DISPLAYS, OF OF THE VILLAGE TO ALLOW DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR 2 Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, April 27, 2000 • Be placed on second reading and read by title alone. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1, with President Pro Tem Norris, Vice Mayor Eissey, Councilman Noel and Mayor Tringali voting aye, and Councilman O'Meilia voting nay. President Pro Tem Norris moved that Bill 988 be enacted as Ordinance 12-2000. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1, with President Pro Tem Norris, Vice Mayor Eissey, Councilman Noel and Mayor Tringali voting aye, and Councilman O'Meilia voting nay. BILL 989 -CODE AMENDMENT -GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION PLAN -PLACED ON FIRST READING Councilman Noel moved that Bi11989 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACI3, FLORIDA, AMENDING DIVISION 3, PENSION AND CERTAIN OTHER BI:NE}'1TS FOR GENERAL EMPLOYEES, OF ARTICLE V, PENSIONS AND RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, OF CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, BY ADDING A SECTION 2-159, OPTIONAL BENEFIT PLAN NO. 2, TO PROVIDE FOR A COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT (COLA) FOR PENSION BENEFITS WITH A MANDATORY CONTRIBUTION OF TWO (2%) PERCENT OF THE EMPLOYEES SALARY FOR SUCH BENEFIT; PROVIDING THAT THE NEW SECTION IS MANDATORY FOR NEW EMPLOYEES AND OPTIONAL FOR EXISTING EMPLOYEES; PROVIDING THAT THE COLA ADJUSTMENT SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION SHALL APPLY TO ALL FORMS OF BENEFITS SET FORTH IN SECTIONS 2-148, 2-149 AND 2-158 OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HL'REWITH; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Be placed on first reading and read by title alone. President Pro Tem Norris seconded the motion. During discussion, staff was directed to bring forth the cost to the Village for the added benefit at the next meeting. Staff was also directed to review Section 2-146, the definition of actuarial equivalence, and to consider changing the date of October 1st. Thereafter, the motion passed 5-0. RESOLUTION 31-2000 -APPOINTING MEMBERS TO VILLAGE BOARDS By written ballot, copies of which are attached to the Minutes of record, the Village Council made its annual appointments to various Village Boards, and those names were entered into • Resolution 31-2000 as follows: Code Enforcement Board: William Howard and Margaret Turney; Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals: Anthony Agrusa, Dave DuFault, Harry Ackerman and John Smarge; Country Club Advisory Board: Chris Anstead, Bob Below, Jim Minutes of Regular Session held Thursday, April 27, 2000 • Bender and Joseph O'Hagen; Library Advisory Board: Thomas Farley, Tillie Gardner, Dr. Harold Powell, Mary Annis and Eric Hinckley; Planning Commission: Richard Breithart, Tim Hullihan, William Whiteford and Richard Freedman; Recreation Advisory Board: Donald Grill, "1'im Gooley, Robert Bell, Jim Peterson and Bruce Emery; Zoning Board of Adjustment: Many Chira, Lou Daniello, Curtis Witters, Roy Chapin and Peter Carvajal. Thereafter, Councilman O'Meilia moved that Resolution 31-2000 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD, CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS, COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD, LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD, PLANNING COMMISSION, RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD, AND ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Be adopted. President Pro Tem Norris seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Councilman O'Meilia left the meeting. RESOLUTION 32-2000 ADOPTED -OPPOSING EXTENSION OF MORATORIUM, ON TAXING INTERNET SALES Councilman Noel moved that Resolution 32-2000 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACfI, FLORIDA, IN OPPOSITION TO THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS EXTENDING THE CURRENT INTERNET TAX MORATORIUM BEYOND THE CURRENT MORATORIUM THAT EXPIRES OCTOBER 21, 2001; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO SEND A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE HONORABLE ROBERT GRAHAM AND CONNIE MACK, UNITED STATES SENATORS FOR THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AND, CLAY SHAW, UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Be adopted. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. Councilman O'Meilia returned to the meeting. CHANGE ORDER #6 TABLED UNTIL MAY 11, 2000 Vice Mayor Eissey moved that Change Order #6 for the Public Safety facility be removed from the table. Councilman O'Meilia seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. • Public Services Director Tom Hogarth informed the Council that the architect and the builder had not yet come to agreement on this matter, and recommended that the Council table it. Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, April 27, 2000 • Councilman O'Meilia moved to table until the next Regular meeting. President Pro Tem Norris seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. COUNTRY CLUB SIGN LOCATION APPROVED Vice Mayor Eissey moved to approve the current location of monument sign (south of the driveway) as recommended by staff. President Pro Tem Norris seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Public Services Director will bring a mockup sign to the next meeting to show the size of the sign. REZONING APPLICATION APPROVED Councilman O'Meilia moved to deny the application to rezone 9267-9271 Prosperity Farms Road (Lot 30) from Rl Single Family Residential District to CC Transitional Commercial District (presently occupied by Village Grocery and Village Lawnmower Shop). Councilman Noel seconded the motion. Attorney Martin Perry addressed the Council on behalf of Mr. Lynn, owner of the property. Thereafter, the motion failed 2-3, with Councilman O'Meilia and Councilman Noel voting aye, and President Pro Tem Norris, Vice Mayor Eissey and Mayor Tringali voting nay. President Pro Tem Norris moved to approve the rezoning application. Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-2, with President Pro Tem Norris, Vice Mayor Eissey and Mayor Tringali voting aye, and Councilman O'Meilia and Councilman Noel voting nay. 13UDGET TRANSFER APPROVED FOR DONATION TO NPB ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Councilman Norris moved to approve a budget transfer in the amount of $15,000 from A5540- 49911 (Council Contingency) to A8229-34932 (Public Events) for a donation to the Norih Palm Beach Elementary School for purchase of playground equipment (Playscape). Vice Mayor Eissey seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. ADEI,PHIA CABLE FRANCHISE FEE COLLECTION - NO ACTION TAKEN Vice Mayor Eissey moved to authorize staff to collect unpaid franchise fees from Adelphia Cable Company through court action in the amount of $31,388.00. Councilman Noel seconded the motion. During discussion, the motion was withdrawn. • Councilman Noel moved to accept payment of $23,000 with the provision that if further audits find another shortage, there will be dire consequences. The motion died for lack of a second. 5 Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, April 27, 2000 • Clarification was added to suggest adding in language that default of any kind would be grounds for termination. Village Attorney George Baldwin was instructed to look into this and come back with his opinion before the Council goes any further with it. Staff was directed to prepare an RFP for another audit of Adelphia for the period prior to the one just completed, since funding is in this year's budget. Village Manager Dennis Kelly recommended that RFP's for auditing of other utilities such as Florida Power and Light and BellSouth be prepared as well. BUDGET TRANSFER APPROVED FOR SICK LEAVE REIMBURSEMENT Vice Mayor Eissey moved to approve a budget transfer in the amount of $20,000 from A5540- 49911 (Council Contingency) to A5540-49916 (Reserve-Accrued Benefit) for the purpose of paying sick leave reimbursements per SBWA contract. Councilman O'Meilia seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. BUDGET TRANSFER APPROVED FOR PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO REPEATERS AND ANTENNA RELOCATION Councilman O'Meilia moved to approve a budget transfer request in the amount of $6,350 from K8032-66200 (Capital Project Fund Account) to A5711-34660 (R&M-PA & Communications) for the purpose of installing Public Safety Department's radio repeaters and antenna to Lodestar tower in Lake Park. Councilman Noe] seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. athleen F. Kelly, CM~ Village Clerk • 6 . CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 9/27/2000 Select 2 names: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Andres, Martha Brandlein, Tom Brooks, John ~ Howard, William . ,1 ~-~ Turney, Margaret (I) ~~_ Varona, Andre' C~ CEB. BAL • CLERK'S TALLY SHEET CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEALS 4/27/2000 Select 2 names for Regular members:: Ackerman, Harry Agrusa, Anthony (I) -~ Brandlein, Tom Du Fault, Dave (I) ~~ Feddersen, Char les (I) Smarge, John (I) ~~ Varona, Andre' Select 2 names for Alternates: Ackerman, Harry ~ Agrusa, Anthony (I) Brandlein, Tom DuFault, Dave (I) ,- Feddersen, Charles ( I ) ~ ~ ~~ Smarge, John (I ) ~ --~-~ Varona, Andre' Signa ure) (Signature) w CONST.BRD OF ADJ. BAL CLERK'S TALLY SHEET BALLOTS FOR COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD April 27, 2000 Round 1 Round 2 Anstead, Chris (I) Below, Bob (I) Bender, Jim Brandl.ein, Tom <//~~]ilker, Kitty \O'Hagen, Joe Varona, Andre' ( i atur ) Signature i CCAB. BAL Round 3 • • CLERK'S TALLY SHEET LIBKARY ADVISORY BOARD 4/27/2000 Select 3 names:for Regular members: Annis, Mary (I) Farley, Thomas (I) Gardner, Tillie (I) Hinckley, Eric Powell, Harold (I) ~~~~ Varona, Andre Select 2 names for Alternate members: Hinckley, Eric ,~ Powell, Harold (I) 1~ Varona, Andre ( ignatu e) Annis, Mary (I) ~/~// Farley, Thomas (I) Gardner, Tillie (I) Round 2 Round 3 ICI B. BAL CLERK'S TALLY SHEET PLANNING COMMISSION 9/27/2000 • Select 2 names:for Regular members: Round 1 Brandlein, Tom Breithart, Richard (I) Freedman, Richard (I) E'reeman, Donald Hullihan, Tim (I) ~~~ Karlan, Jerrald O'Hagen, Joseph Rennebaum, Rob Varona, Andre Whiteford, William (I) Select 2 names for Alternate members: Brandlein, Tom Breithart, Richard (I) Freedman, Richard (I) Freeman, Donald ~+~~t~ Hullihan, Tim (I) Karlan, Jerrald O'Hagen, Joseph Rennebaum, Rob '~ Varona, Andre Whi eford, Wil m (I) ~~ (S a re) '~`'~~ • Round 2 Round 3 FC.BAL J C Bell, Robert Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom CLERK'S TALLY SHEET RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD /4//27/2000 -~-F~ Dziczkowski, Patricia Emery, Bruce 1 Gooley, Tim (I) r ~ ill Donald () G ~ r , _ Norwell, Rolf Peterson, Jim 1_ Varona, Andre' Se;ect 2 names for Alternate members: o ert ~ Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom '- Dziczkowski, Patricia ~~ _Emery, Bruce 1~ Gooley, Tim (I) Grill, Donald () Norwell, Rolf Peterson, Jim ~__ Va/L~ona, Andre _ /f p ignati(he) gnature RF.C.BAL ~/ ~ I,~QQ~- CLERK'S TALLY SHEET ZONING BOARD OF CONSTRUCTION 4/27/2000 Select 3 names for Regular members: n.,....d 1 Brandlein, Tom Carvajal, Peter (I) Chapin, Roy (I) -- Chira, Marty (I) ~~ __Daniello, Louis (I) Varona, Andre --~ _Witters, Curtis (I)~ Select 2 names for alternate members: vnl Brandlein, Tom _~_ pk-c~Carvajal, Peter (I) ~,' / + [~~'Chapin, Roy ( I ) Chira, Marty (I) Daniello, Louis (I) Varona, Andre Witt rs, Curtis ) (S gnat (Signature) Round 2 Round 3 ZONING BRD OF ADJ.BAL BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 9/27/2000 Select 2 names: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Andres, Martha Brandlein, Tom Brooks, John Howard, William Turney, Margaret (I) _~ Varona, Andre' (Signature CEB.BAL • BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 4/27/2000 Select 2 names• Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 • Andres, Martha Brandlein, Tom Brooks, John Howard, William / Turney, Margaret (I) Varona, Andre' (Signa ure) CEB. BAL BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 4/27/2000 Select 2 names: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Andres, Martha Brandlein, Tom Brooks, John _~ Howard, William ~_ Turney, Margaret (I) Varona, Andre' ~S nature) r ~ LJ CEB.BAL • u BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 4/27/2000 Select 2 names: Round 1 Andres, Martha Brandle in, Tom Brooks, John Howard, William _~ Turney, Margaret (I) Varona, Andre' Round 2 Round 3 CEB. BAL BALLOT CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD 4/27/2000 Select 2 names: RnnnA 1 Andres, Martha Brandle in, Tom Brooks, John Howard, William Turney, Margaret (I) Varona, Andre' (Si a ur ) C~ Round 2 Round 3 cee.ea*.. BALLOT • CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEALS 9/27/2000 Select 2 names £or Regular members:: Round 1 Ackerman, Harry Agrusa, Anthony (I) _~ Brandlein, Tom Du Fault, Dave (I) ~ Feddersen, Charles (I) Smarge, John (I) ~_ Varona, Andre' Select 2 names £or Alternates: Ackerman, Harry Agrusa, Anthony (I) Brandlein, Tom Du Fault, Dave (I) Feddersen, Charles (I) Smarge, John(I) Varona, Andre' Signature) • Round 3 CONST.BRD OF ADJ.BAL BALLOT CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEALS 4/27/2000 Select 2 names for Regular members:: Round 1 Round 2 Ackerman, Harry A A th I grusa, n ony ( ) Brandlein, Tom DuFault, Dave (I) ~~ Feddersen, Charles (I) Smarge, John(I) ~~ Varona, Andre' Select 2 names for Alternates: Ackerman, Harry Agrusa, Anthony (I) Brandlein, Tom DuFault, Dave (I) Feddersen, Charles (I) Smarge, John(I) _~ • Round 3 CONS1'.BRD OF ADJ.BAL • • BALLOT CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEALS 4/27/2000 Select 2 names for Regular members:: Ackerman, Harry Agrusa, Anthony (I) Brandlein, Tom DuFault, Dave (I) 7~ Feddersen, Charles (I) Smarge, John (I) Varona, Andre' Select 2 names for Alternates: Ackerman, Harry ~_ Agrusa, Anthony (I) Brandlein, Tom Du Fault, Dave (I) Feddersen, Charles (I) Smarge, John (I) X Varona, Andre' A ) X I/Ln a~,.~ CONST.BRD OF ADJ.BAL r J BALLOT CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEALS 9/27/2000 Select 2 names for Regular members:: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Ackerman, Harry Agrusa, Anthony (I) ~~k Brandlein, Tom Du Fault, Dave (I) Feddersen, Charles (I) Smarge, John (I) Varona, Andre' Select 2 names for Alternate~s~ Ackerman, Harry V ° K Agrusa, Anthony (I) Brandlein, Tom DuFault, Dave (I) ' Feddersen, Charles (I) Smarge, John(I) Varona, A re' (Signature) CONST.BRD OF ADJ.BAL BALLOT CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEALS 4/27/2000 Select 2 names for Regular members:: Ackerman, Harry Agrusa, Anthony (I) Brandlein, Tom Du Fault, Dave (I) Feddersen, Charles (I) Smarge, John(I) '~/ Varona, Andre' Select 2 names for Alternates: / y Ackerman, Harry Agrusa, Anthony (I) Brandlein, Tom DuFault, Dave (I) Feddersen, Charles (I) Smarge, John(I) Varona, Andr ' (Sig t re) CONST.BRD OF ADJ.BAL Round 2 ~~ BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD 4/27/2000 Select 4 names: Anstead, Chris (I) Below, Bob (I) Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Hilker, Kitty O'Hagen, Joe Varona, Andre' ~~~ (Signature) • CCAB.BAL Round 1 Round 2 ~ ~ Select 4 names: Anstead, Chris (I) Below, Bob (I) Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Hilker, Kitty O'Hagen, Joe Varona, Andre' • CCAB.BAL BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD 9/27/2000 n_.._a ~ n_...,_a n n -..~a BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD 4/27/2000 Select 4 names: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Anstead, Chris (I) _~ Below, Bob (I) Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Hilker, Kitty / O'Hagen, Joe // Varona, Andre' i a u e) CCAB.BAL LJ BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD 4/27/2000 Select 4 names: Anstead, Chris (I) Below, Bob (I) Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Hilker, Kitty O'Hagen, Joe Varona, Andre' S gn ture) • CCAB.BAL Round 1 Round 2 i/ Round 3 BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD 9/27/2000 Select 4 names: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Anstead, Chris (I) )C Below, Bob (I) ?C Bender, Jim X Brandlein, Tom Hilker, Kitty x X O' Hagen, Joe Varona, Andre' ~j6~~/~V~~-2,' (Signature) CCAB.BAL BALLOT . LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD 9/27/2000 Select 3 names:for Regular members: n.-......a ~ n.......a n n_.....a o Annis, Mary (I) Farley, Thomas (I) Gardner, Tillie (I) Hinckley, Eric Powell, Harold (I) Varona, Andre Select 2 names for Alternate memb rs: Annis, Mary (I) Farley, Thomas (I) Gardner, Tillie (I) Hinckley, Eric / //~~ (Signature) Powell, Harold (I) Varona, Andre LI B.BAL u BALLOT LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD 9/27/2000 Select 3 names:for Regular members: Round 2 Round 3 • Annis, Mary (I) Farley, Thomas (I) _~ Gardner, Tillie (I) _~ Hinckley, Eric Powell, Harold (I) _~ Varona, Andre Select 2 names for Alternate members: Annis, Mary (I) Farley, Thomas (I) Gardner, Tillie (I) Hinckley, Eric ~~ Powell, Harold (I) Varona, Andre (Signature) LIB.BAL I ~I BALLOT LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD 4/27/2000 Select 3 names:for Re lar members• Round 1 Annis, Mary (I) __~ Farley, Thomas (I) _~ Gardner, Tillie (I) _~ Hinckley, Eric Powell, Harold (I) Varona, Andre' Select 2 names for Alternate members• Annis, Mary (I) Farley, Thomas (I) Gardner, Tillie (I) Hinckley, Eric Powell, Harold (I) Varona, Andre Round 2 Roun~] ~ BALLOT . LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD 9/27/2000 Select 3 names:for Regular members: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Annis, Mary (I) Farley, Thomas (I) Gardner, Tillie (I) Hinckley, Eric Powell, Harold (I) / Varona, Andre Select 2 names £or Alternate members: Annis, Mary (I) Farley, Thomas (I) Gardner, Tillie (I) Hinckley, Eric / Powell, Harold (I) Varona, Andre (Sig t re) LIB.BAL LJ BALLOT LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD 9/27/2000 Select 3 names:for Regular members: Round 2 Round 3 Annis, Mary (I) ~_ Farley, Thomas (I) x Gardner, Tillie (I) Hinckley, Eric Powell, Harold (I) Varona, Andre Select 2 names for Alternate members• Annis, Mary (I) Farley, Thomas (I) Gardner, Tillie (I) Hinckley, Eric , Powell, Harold (I) ~_ Varona, Andre ~~ (Signature) LIB.BAL BALLOT PLANNING COMMISSION 9/27/2000 Select 2 names:for Reg ular members• • Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Brandlein, Tom Breithart, Richard (I) _~ Freedman, Richard (I) Freeman, Donald Hullihan, Tim (I) _~ Karlan, Jerrald O'Hagen, Joseph Rennebaum, Rob Varona, Andre Whiteford, William (I) Select 2 names for Alternate members• Brandlein, Tom Breithart, Richard (I) Freedman, Richard ( I) Freeman, Donald Hullihan, Tim (I) Karlan, Jerrald O'Hagen, Joseph Rennebaum, Rob Varona, Andre ef W d Wil ~r ~ , ~.~ian~ ) • PC.BAL BALLOT PLANNING COMMISSION 9/27/2000 • Select 2 names:for Regular members: Round 1 Round 2 Rnun rl ~ Brandlein, Tom Breithart, Richard (I) X Freedman, Richard (I) Freeman, Donald Hullihan, Tim (I) ~ C~ Karlan, Jerrald O'Hagen, Joseph Rennebaum, Rob Varona, Andre Whiteford, William (I) Select 2 names for Alternate members: Brandlein, Tom Breithart, Richard (I) Freedman, Richard (I) X Freeman, Donald Hullihan, Tim (I) Karlan, Jerrald O'Hagen, Joseph Rennebaum, Rob Varona, Andre Whiteford, William (I) ~_ (Signature) , • YC.BAL BALLOT PLANNING COMMISSION 9/27/2000 . Select 2 names:for Reoular members• Round 1 Brandlein, Tom Breithart, Richard (I) Freedman, Richard (I) Freeman, Donald Hullihan, Tim (I) Karlan, Jerrald O'Hagen, Joseph Rennebaum, Rob Varona, Andre Whiteford, William (I) Select 2 names for Alternate members: Brandlein, Tom Breithart, Richard (I) Freedman, Richard (I) Freeman, Donald Hullihan, Tim (I) Karlan, Jerrald O'Hagen, Joseph Rennebaum, Rob Varona, Andre Whi Wil iam (I) (Sign t e) PC.BAL Round 2 Round 3 BALLOT PLANNING COMMISSION 9/27/2000 • Select 2 names for Regular members: Round 1 Round 2 Round Brandlein, Tom Breithart, Richard (I) Freedman, Richard (I) _~ Freeman, Donald Hullihan, Tim (I) Karlan, Jerrald O'Hagen, Joseph Rennebaum, Rob Varona, Andre Whiteford, William (I) Select 2_names for Alternate members: Brandlein, Tom Breithart, Richard (I) Freedman, Richard (I) Freeman, Donald Hullihan, Tim (I) Karlan, Jerrald O'Hagen, Joseph Rennebaum, Rob _~ Varona, Andre Whitefo W 'am (I) (S at PC.BAL • BALLOT PLANNING COMMISSION 4/27/2000 Select 2 names:for Recrular members• • Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Brandlein, Tom Breithart, Richard (I) V Freedman, Richard (I) Freeman, Donald Hullihan, Tim (I) Karlan, Jerrald O'Hagen, Joseph Rennebaum, Rob Varona, Andre Whiteford, William (I) Select 2 names for Alternate members: Brandlein, Tom Breithart, Richard (I) Freedman, Richard (I) Freeman, Donald Hullihan, Tim (I) Karlan, Jerrald O'Hagen, Joseph Rennebaum, Rob Varona, Andre Whiteford, William (I) ~~~ (Signature) • PC.BAL BALLOT RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD 9/27/2000 Select 3 names for Reg ular members• Round 1 Round 2 Bell, Robert X Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Dziczkowski, Patricia Emery, Bruce Gooley, Tim (I) ~C Grill, Donald U X Norwell, Rolf Peterson, Jim Varona, Andre' Select 2 names £or Alternate members: Bell, Robert Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Dziczkowski, Patricia Emery, Bruce Gooley, Tim (I) Grill, Donald () Norwell, Rolf Peterson, Jim Varona, Andre' (Signature) ~_ Round 3 REC.BAL BALLOT R ECREATION ADVISORY BOARD 4/27/2000 . Select 3 names for Reg ular members: Round 1 Round 2 Bell, Robert ~~ Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Dziczkowski, Patricia Emery, Bruce Gooley, Tim (I) Grill, Donald () _~ Norwell, Rolf Peterson, Jim Varona, Andre' Select 2 names for Alternate members: Bell, Robert Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Dziczkowski, Patricia Emery, Bruce Gooley, Tim (I) _~ Grill, Donald O Norwell, Rolf Peterson, Jim V Va n Andre' nature REC.BAL Round 3 BALLOT RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD 9/27/2000 . Select 3 names for Reg ular members• Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Bell, Robert ~--ttt Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Dziczkowski, Patricia Emery, Bruce Gooley, Tim (I) Grill, Donald () ~_ Norwell, Rolf Peterson, Jim Varona, Andre' Select 2 names for Alternate members: Bell, Robert Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Dziczkowski, Patricia Emery, Bruce ~_ Gooley, Tim (I) Grill, Donald () Norwell, Rolf Peterson, Jim Varona Andre' • REC.BAL BALLOT RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD 9/27/2000 Select 3 names for Reg ular members: . Round 1 Round 2 Bell, Robert Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Dziczkowski, Patricia Emery, Bruce Gooley, Tim (I) G ill D ld r , ona () Norwell, Rolf P t Ji e erson, m V Varona, Andre' Select 2 names for Alternate members: B ll R b t V e , o er Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Dziczkowski P t i i , a r c a Emery, Bruce Gooley, Tim (I) Grill, Donald () Norwell, Rolf Peterson, Jim / Varona, Andre' Q _ / (Signature) • REC.BAL Round 3 BALLOT RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD 4/27/2000 Select 3 names for Regular members: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Bell, Robert Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Dziczkowski, Patricia Emery, Bruce Gooley, Tim (I) Grill, Donald () Norwell, Rolf Peterson, Jim Varona, Andre' Select 2 names for Alternate members: Bell, Robert Bender, Jim Brandlein, Tom Dziczkowski, Patricia Emery, Bruce Gooley, Tim (I) Grill, Donald () Norwell, Rolf Peterson, Jim ~ v Va a, nd ~_ (Sign e) REC.BAL • • BALLOT ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 9/27/2000 Select 3 names for Regular members: Round 1 Brandlein, Tom Carvajal, Peter (I) Chapin, Roy (I) Chira, Marty (I) Daniello, Louis (I) ~_ Varona, Andre Witters, Curtis (I) ~_ Select 2 names for alternate members: Brandlein, Tom Carvajal, Peter (I) Chapin, Roy (I) Chira, Marty (I) Daniello, Louis (I) Varona, Andre Witters, Curtis (I) (Signature) ~~ Round 2 Round 3 ZONING BRD OF ADJ.BAL BALLOT • ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 9/27/2000 Select 3 names for Regular members: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Brandlein, Tom Carvajal, Peter (I) Chapin, Roy (I) Chira, Marty (I) `~ Daniello, Louis (I) Varona, Andre Witters, Curtis (I) Select 2 names for alternate members: Brandlein, Tom Carvajal, Peter (I) Chapin, Roy (I) Chira, Marty (I) Daniello, Louis (I) Varona, Andre Witters, Curtis (I) _ - --- (Sig at re) • ZONING BRD OF ADJ.BAL • BALLOT ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 9/27/2000 Select 3 names for Regular members: Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 r1 U Brandlein, Tom Carvajal, Peter (I) Chapin, Roy (I) Chira, Marty (I) Daniello, Louis (I) Varona, Andre Witters, Curtis (I) Select 2 names for alternate members: Brandlein, Tom Carvajal, Peter (I) Chapin, Roy (I) Chira, Marty (I) Daniello, Louis (I) Varona, Andre Witters, Curtis (I) ~~ (Signature) ZONING BRD OF ADJ.BAL • • BALLOT ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 9/27/2000 Select 3 names for Regular members: Round 1 Brandlein, Tom Carvajal, Peter (I) _~ Chapin, Roy (I) Chira, Marty (I) _~ Daniello, Louis (I) Varona, Andre Witters, Curtis (I) Carvajal, Peter (I) Chapin, Roy (I) Chira, Marty (I) Daniello, Louis (I) Varona, Andre Witters, Curtis (I) Select 2 names for alternate members: Brandlein, Tom Round 2 Round 3 ZONING BRD OF ADJ.BAL BALLOT ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 9/27/2000 Select 3 names £or Regular members: Round 1 Brandlein, Tom Carvajal, Peter (I) Chapin, Roy (I) Chira, Marty (I) Daniello, Louis (I) Varona, Andre Witters, Curtis (I) Select 2 names for alternate members: Brandlein, Tom Carvajal, Peter (I) Chapin, Roy (I) Chira, Marty (I) Daniello, Louis (I) ' Varona, Andre Witters, Curtis (I) i ure Round 2 Round 3 20NING BRD OF ADJ.BAL