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MARCH 2017 Country Club Preliminary_as of 4-10-2017
REVENUES Driving Range Membership Cart Rental Walking Fees Greens Fees Lessons Tournament Proceeds Bag Room Golf Club Rental Merchandise Sales Food & Beverage -Lease Operation Liquor Sales Food & Beverage Sales Sales of Surplus Interest Earnings Facility Rental Charge Card Fee Revenue Insurance Refunds Appropriated Retained Earnings Other Total Revenues EXPENSES Personnel: Salary & Benefits Operating: Accounting & Auditing Charge Card Fees Contractual Services Entertainment Rental- Equipment/Uniform, etc. Legal Fees Lessons Marketing & Advertising Materials & Supplies Merchandise Professional Services Repairs & Maintenance Utilities Other Operating Costs Capital: Capital Outlay Debt & Other: Debt Service Golf Cart Lease (Capital Lease) Insurance -Prop & Gen Liab Contingency Total Expenses Revenues over (under) expenses The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2016 -2017 Preliminary 6 Months Endine 3131117 Golf F & B Admin Total $ 193,650 92.87% 565,980 $ 193,650 556,603 55.94% 446,725 556,603 468,780 71.21% 29,476 468,780 33,455 74.06% 590,893 33,455 642,648 48.05% 74,950 642,648 62,465 125.61% 2,954 62,465 4,020 105.23% 13,320 4,020 13,680 67.77% 21,279 13,680 27,107 42.54% 86,873 27,107 76,578 0.00% 0 76,578 271,745 18,000 137,890 18,000 436,700 0.00% 1,140 1,140 - - 4,139 4,139 4,569 10,295 2;164 17,028 2,083,556 28,295 7,444 2,119,294 290,155 35,540 32,517 358,213 - - 3,460 3,460 37,516 40 - 37,556 634,713 85 3,545 638,343 - 1,241 - 1,241 3,756 - 1,525 5,281 2,577 2,577 17,362 - 17,362 5,964 - 5,964 22,676 2,846 25,522 46,203 - 46,203 4,232 463 - 4,694 68,174 22,670 1,112 91,957 15,882 2,600 734 19,215 199,079 199,079 23,734 23,734 1,345,712 62,639 72,050 1,480,402 FY 2017 % of Prior Actual Budget Budget Year 9/30/2016 $ 315,920 61.30% $ 191,184 $ 322,208 599,365 92.87% 565,980 595,076 837,956 55.94% 446,725 815,894 46,984 71.21% 29,476 44,525 8679785 74.06% 590,893 830,808 130,000 48.05% 74,950 118,346 3,200 125.61% 2,954 3,840 13,000 105.23% 13,320 13,750 40,000 67.77% 21,279 37,120 180,000 42.54% 86,873 153,190 0 0.00% 0 0 271,745 0.00% 137,890 254,446 436,700 0.00% 270,215 466,484 0 0.00% 145,000 145,000 10,000 11.40% 4,753 9,230 30,000 0.00% 23,186 38,972 6,000 68.99% 4,874 5,466 0 0.00% 0 387 45,400 0.00% 0 0 8,800 193.50% 8,920 20,061 3,842,855 55.15% 2,618,472 3,874,803 $ 737,843 $ (34,344) $ (64,607) $ 638,893 $ 1,2189306 29.40% 609,085 1,213242 7,000 49.43% 5,600 5,687 79,572 47.20% 42,191 67,862 1,254,974 50.87% 594,865 1,220274 7,000 17.72% 3,231 5,462 23,750 22.24% 11,796 22,002 10,000 25.77% 3,990 5,898 32,000 54.26% 26,060 33,596 26,000 22.94% 1,478 5,121 71,500 35.69% 34,605 56204 364,000 12.69% 231,620 412,749 100 0.00% 143,980 227,818 48,620 9.65% 12,568 22,383 200,162 45.94% 97,162 193,588 47,250 40.67% 22,034 32,710 7,000 0.00% 19,783 19,394 398,151 50.00% 199,079 398,159 0 0.00% 149,566 149,566 479470 50.00% 25,944 51,888 0 0.00% 0 0 3,842,855 38.52% 2,234,638 4,143,601 $ 383,834 $ (268,797) Rounds 24,036 44,050 22,863 42,415