JANUARY 7, 2017
Present: David B. Norris, Mayor
Doug Bush, Vice Mayor
Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., President Pro Tern
Robert A. Gebbia, Councilmember
Mark Mullinix, Councilmember
Jessica Green, Deputy Village Clerk
The forum was held for the purpose of obtaining resident input and opinions regarding the new
Clubhouse and amenities at the North Palm Beach Country Club. There were 20 residents in attendance.
Mayor Norris thanked everyone for coming and explained the purpose of the forum. Mayor Norris
introduced Architect, Brian Idle of Peacock + Lewis Architects and Planners.
Mr. Idle introduced Sean Sukhu, Francis Lussier, and Robert Braido of Peacock + Lewis and
Brendan Mannix - Slobig of EDSA. Mr. Idle stated Robert Dickert of Carl Von Luger was also
present to answer any questions related to the food and beverage operations at the new clubhouse.
Mr. Idle began the presentation by giving a chronology of the project as well as the new clubhouse
offerings. Mr. Idle discussed the efficiency, flexibility, scalability and affordability of the new clubhouse.
Mr. Sukhu continued the presentation by discussing the proposed site plan including parking and the
redesign of the entryway to the clubhouse from U.S. Highway 1. Mr. Sukhu stated that the architects
would look into the possibility of a secondary entrance to the pool. Mr. Sukhu stated that the restroom
facilities before the 100' hole of the golf course would still be available with the new construction.
Mr. Mannix - Slobig discussed the proposed pool area amenity deck and children's splash park. Mr.
Mannix - Slobig stated that there were two options for the splash park. Mr. Mannix - Slobig stated that
neither of the options for a splash park provided would require a life guard and that they were
currently working on a preliminary budget estimate.
Mr. Idle explained that the architects were asked to plan for an additional lap pool in case it was
requested. Mr. Idle reviewed the different options for a proposed lap pool. Mr. Idle explained that
the amenities building had not yet been finalized and that they were working on developing a
plan and price.
Mr. Lussier discussed and explained the proposed floor plan options of the clubhouse. He discussed
the layout and efficiencies of the lower and upper levels of the clubhouse. Mr. Lussier stated that
the Von Luger Group would be responsible for the food and beverage for both restaurants at the
clubhouse and that the casual dining area would be facing the pool deck and the 18"' hole of the
golf course.
Mr. Idle explained that the casual dining area would be approximately the same size as the
clubhouse's current banquet room and the formal dining area would be approximately the same
size as the clubhouse's current restaurant.
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Mr. Idle explained that there would be a landscaped area between the parking lot and the
roundabout that would be hidden from view for the delivery trucks to go to and from the
building. Mr. Idle stated that the current clubhouse would be taken down and temporary
facilities would be installed to maintain current operations. Mr. Idle stated that all of the current
bricks and memorial bricks at the clubhouse would be salvaged and incorporated into the new
design and that the memorial brick program would be continued. Mr. Idle explained that they
were still getting final approvals on all aspects of the project. Mr. Idle discussed what they have
finalized and were currently working on getting final approvals for. Once a design is chosen,
they will determine specifications and get permitting around mid -year. Mr. Idle stated that they
were a very disciplined team working toward the goal of a December 2018 opening date.
Mr. Dickert explained his vision for the casual dining area of the clubhouse as a farm to table
restaurant that would be affordable for everyone. The formal restaurant would be a steakhouse
type restaurant. Specials will be offered and breakfast, lunch and dinner would be provided. Mr.
Dickert gave a brief history of his experience and discussed his plans and vision for the
restaurants and stated that he was open to ideas from the residents.
Mr. Idle discussed the advantages of clubhouse storage for the golf carts. Mr. Idle explained the
different options for parking during the temporary facility phase. Mr. Idle stated that a full
analysis would be done before implementing the temporary facilities.
Discussion ensued regarding energy efficiency and plans for landscape irrigation.
• Will there be a secondary entrance to the pool off of Greenway Drive?
• Will temporary facilities be landscaped?
• What will be done to make the new building more energy efficient?
• Will the restroom facilities prior to the 10`h hole of the golf course still be available?
• Is there a cost difference between the two splash park options?
• What would the cost of an extra lap pool be?
• Was an additional lap pool needed?
Which direction would the casual dining area face?
• Would the current dining area double in size?
• Would the existing brick walkway up to the clubhouse remain?
• Would food and beverage services be available during temporary operations?
• Where would deliveries take place?
Minutes of Informational Forum held January 7, 2017
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• Was the new Clubhouse Project at the point of final approval and was there a definitive date
for breaking ground?
• Was a cost study done to see if money would be saved by not having the golf carts stored
inside the clubhouse?
• What are the foreseen challenges with the parking during the temporary facility phase?
• What was being done to make the new building more energy efficient?
• Would there be an amenities building for the pool?
• Would there be room for the amenities in the cut-rent building if a separate building was not constructed?
• A resident stated that they were against the amenities building being separate.
Upon conclusion of the presentation and public questions and comments, the forum adjourned at
1:00 P.M.
J ss' a Green, CMC, Deputy Village Clerk