05-28-1998 VC SP-MMINUTES OF SPECIAL SESSION • OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1998 Present: David B. Norris, Mayor Charles O'Meilia, Vice Mayor Dr. Edward M. Eissey, President Pro Tem Gail H. Vastola, Councilman Joseph A. Tringali, Councilman George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk Absent: Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager ROLL CALL Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. All members of Council were present. Members ofi staff present were the Village Attorney and Village Clerk. Mayor Norris announced at this time that the Village Council would recess for the purpose of holding an Attorney/Client Session at 6:30 p.m. for approximately 55 minutes to discuss the lawsuit of the Village v. 421 Northlake Blvd. Corp., d/b/a Crystal's Bar and Grill. Mayor Norris announced all persons who would be in attendance at the Session. RECESS Mayor Norris recessed the Special Session at 6:31 p.m. The Special Session reconvened at 7:28 p.m. Councilman Vastola was not present, having been called away for a family emergency. Mayor Norris announced that the Attorney/Client session had adjourned. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. ~~ • Ka hleen F. Kelly, CMC, Village rk THE PALM BEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday West Pahn Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Chris Bull who on oath says that she is Classified Advertising Manager of The Pahn Beach Past, a daily and Sunday newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising, being a ti in [he matter of Ooen Mee 'no Attorney-Client Session iir the ---- Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of Mav 24. 1995. Affiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published m said Pahn Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the fast publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~¢ day of 1~ A.D. 1998 L Personally known ~ or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced ((7'IlIOlL'ANlIlr77Aaill/A171N77711111I1A1.' i~ /~ o*"v 've. Karen McLinton ~C+ ~@,~~',~' Ne:nr! Public, State of Florida ' ~ y;4 ado Cnmrtissinn No. CC 591331 ' ~ ~F9F nPc My Cotalnission Exp. 11;15/2000 1~BW3~N6TARY Fla. Notuy SCrr:u 3c-ov~iv4 CO. ~ jSri}}YAM)}`.)})1)))):)))))S)))))U})})}}})))))))) PRIVATE ATTORNEY-CLIENT SESSION WITH n3 WLLAGE ATTORNEY GEOAGE W. BAL- DWIN, AND RS LmWnGN ATTORNEY TXOYAS J. BAIPD. TO DISCUSS PEHOWO LTCA- TION STYLED YILLAOE OF NORTH PAW aEACN V. 621 NORTXLAKE BLVD CORP., D/B/A CRYSTAL'S BAR ANO GRILL THIS ATTORNEY•CLI• ENT SESSION WILL BE NFLD PURSUANT TO FLA. STAi. %286.011(8) ON YAY 28, 1996, AT APPROKIMATELY 6:30 P.M., Ai TFff VILLAGE HALL, 601 U.A HIGHWAY 1, NOATH PALM BEACN, FL011F DA. THE PRIVATE ATTORNEY- ! CLIENT SESSION I$ ANTICF'~ PAYED TO LAST FOp APPpOxIMATELY 66 -YIN' UTES. ALSO, BE AOWSED THAT AT THE CONCLUSION OF TXIS ATTORNEYCLIENT SESSION AT APPROXIMATELY ]:26 P.M., OA AS SOON THEREAFTER AS POSSIBLE; THE VILLAGE COUNCIL WILL RECONVENE ITS PUBLIC MEETING TO OISCU55 ANY MATTERS WHICH REMAIN ON ITS AGENDA. KathNan F. Kelly, CYC Wlia9a CNrk PuEIIaM Palm Baach Poat 6unaar. Mav 24._199a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 M 16 co O 17 O O co 0 18 U- U- 19 w 20 co w 21 0 w 22 w 0 23 0 24 0 25 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ATTORNEY/CLIENT SESSION Council Chambers Thursday, May 28, 1998 6:35 p.m. — 7:25 p.m. PRESENT: 1 ORIGINAL MAYOR DAVID NORRIS VICE MAYOR CHARLES O'MEILIA PRESIDENT PRO TEM EDWARD EISSEY COUNCILMAN JOSEPH TRINGALI COUNCILWOMAN GAIL VASTOLA VILLAGE MANAGER DENNIS KELLY VILLAGE ATTORNEY GEORGE BALDWIN VILLAGE CLERK KATHLEEN KELLY SPECIAL VILLAGE ATTORNEY THOMAS J. BAIRD COURT REPORTER JANE PASTORE LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 Cl) M N 0 00a 0 0 U U- 2 2 06 W CLQ IL U) M W 0 (L W Cr fr W U) J 0 0 U r> tr 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 P R O C E E D I N G S MAYOR NORRIS: This is the continuation, I guess, or reconvening of our prior meeting at which we had Tom Baird, who gave us a detailed discussion on the status of the case and some options on how we proceed. We kind of had, if you recall, some discussion on some alternatives, and recessed with wanting to let everybody think about what was said; come back and kind of go through the alternatives and come up with our game plan. What I think might be helpful, Tom, if you could just give us a brief summary of what you -- a very brief summary of what you did last time, to tell us about the case, and then most importantly is go through the alternatives that we were talking about. And then we can start the discussion from there. MR. BAIRD: The last time we discussed the law as applied to alternative sites for adult entertainment facilities, and I presented to you two differoing viewpoints that have emerged in Florida courts, Florida federal courts regarding LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 co m T CD N CD O O co 0 U C7 U- 2 2 06 W Q a co M W Cc 0 CL W Cc rr W Q J O O U rr 0 LL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 that. I referred to them as the per capita approach, where it's the -- the standard is the number of facilities versus the population of a given jurisdiction, and I indicated that the Florida federal court opinions have basically accepted ordinances which have produced sites of a ratio of roughly one site per six thousand population. The opinion that resulted in that is from the Middle District court, federal court. The Southern District, which is our district, were we in federal court, reached a slightly different conclusion, and while not outright rejecting the per capita approach, said that the approach that it believed should be followed was on an acreage basis. And generally that court will follow a standard of five percent of the land area being made available for adult entertainment facilities. I had suggested to the council that it's my opinion that a state circuit court judge, which is the court that we are in, would be more inclined to follow the Southern District viewpoint than the Middle District viewpoint, LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M Cl) O N 00a O 0 0 6 LL od W CL U) rr W I-- rr 0 CL W rr Ir W Q J O O U 0 4 1 because we are geographically in the Southern 2 District, and while that opinion is not 3 precedent, it is persuasive and I would think 4 that generally the judges in Palm Beach County 5 would follow the Southern District law. 6 MAYOR NORRIS: That was which one; the 7 five percent? 8 MR. BAIRD: That's the five percent. 9 Based on that, I suggested to you that 10 while our approach of demonstrating the 11 alternative sites meeting the per capita ratio 12 that's been accepted could be -- could result in 13 a favorable opinion to the Village, I felt that 14 it was more likely that the court would apply 15 the acreage standard. 16 And therefore I estimated our chances of 17 prevailing to be less than what I would like our 18 chances to be. 19 Of course, there is no predicting exactly 20 what a court may do with a given set of facts, 21 and sometimes a court will strive to reach a 22 decision because they believe that it's in the 23 best public policy. 24 So what we have attempted to do -- "we" 25 being myself and the expert witness that's been LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 M 16 co CD 0 17 coo 18 U- 5 19 W c 20 o ir Cc 21 0 W °` 22 W 0 23 0 r 24 r 0 `- 2 5 5 retained by the Village, a land planner -- is to identify the number of sites that were available within the Village, to identify how many of those sites could be made to fit the standards that the Village zoning code applies for adult entertainment facilities. And I went through for you the various sites. There are, as you might expect, not many sites that would be available because there is not a lot of commercial land in the Village, and furthermore, the land that is available in the Village generally abuts residential properties or is within a certain proximity of establishments, for example, that sell liquor. And those kinds of standards create the situation of not many sites being available. The sites that we have identified, and there are some qualifications to each of the sites, are: Obviously the site where Crystals now is. We looked at that and we have determined that only one facility could be located there under your current ordinances. There are now two there: One legally, one illegally; Crystals being the illegal one, and Adult Video Warehouse LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M Cl) O N 00a O 0 U 6 LL 2 06 CC W CLELQ U) Ir W Cr 0 CL LU rr LU U) Q J O O U 0 1 6 1 being the legal one. 2 The other location that we identified, 3 that I think it's safe to say the council 4 unanimously rejected, is the site -- I will 5 refer to it as the DeSantis property. It is the 6 proposed shopping center. And that site would 7 not be eligible because there is a religious 8 institution within a certain -- I think it's a 9 500 foot radius. 10 The other sites that are available are at 11 approximately the corner of Northlake and 12 Prosperity Farms where Eyeglass World and, I 13 believe it's the Citco station are. 14 There is a qualification there in that the 15 property would have to be subdivided in order to 16 meet the setback standards from the residential 17 property that is to the north of the Aldrich 18 rental facility. 19 So that requirement of subdivision creates 20 potentially a problem for the court in accepting 21 the site as an eligible site, because the court 22 has to weigh the likelihood of that subdivision, 23 or in some other cases it would be the 24 likelihood of a rezoning occurring, in order to 25 make that site eligible. LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500—B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 co O O N T O O co 0 U d W 2 06 cr W CLCLQ cr W Cr 0 CL W W U) Q J O O U 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7 And obviously subdivisions come to the Village council for approval, and so the court would be faced with determining whether the Village council was likely to approve the subdivision, knowing that the result of that could be the location of an adult entertainment facility and perhaps knowing the council's position with respect to adult entertainment facilities in the village. So that site is a toss-up in my opinion. The court can accept it or the court can reject it. The other site that is eligible is the Steve Moore site. That zoning is C2, however, which means that in order for it to be eligible it would have to be zoned C1. The consultant for the Village and I gave consideration to what would be the best means of making that site eligible: Would it be to rezone it to C1, where adult entertainment facilities can be located, or would it be to change the C2 zoning to allow adult entertainment to be located in C2? And our conclusion was that changing to C1 was not the preferred approach; that rezoning or LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M Cl) N 00a 0 0 U 6 W 75 od M W CLQ rr W F- rr 0 a - W It W Q J O O U 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 adding the use of adult entertainment to C2 was the preferred approach. And we have reached that conclusion because the Steve Moore site is the only C2 zoned property in the Village. MS. VASTOLA: We just did that so we can allow for car dealerships. We created that for them. MAYOR NORRIS: Just for the record, it's really Ed Morse. MS. VASTOLA: Yes, it's really Ed Morse. MR. BAIRD: Car dealerships seem alike to me. So that would be the action that the council would have to take in order to get that second site, which then gives you the opportunity to present evidence to the court that there is a ratio of one site per six thousand population to get within that framework that the Middle District of Florida at least has accepted as a constitutionally valid ordinance. If the Village decides that that approach should be followed, then obviously Mr. Baldwin and your staff would have to prepare an ordinance amending the C2 zoning to allow for LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 Cl) M co N C) 0 00 0 U d U- r> 06 W Q U) W Ir 0 ELW Ir rr W U) Q 0 0 U 0 9 1 those facilities to be located in C2. You would 2 have to adopt that. 3 And not knowing exactly how long it takes 4 you to adopt ordinances, but imaging that it's 5 going to take at least -- or not imaging -- 6 understanding that it's going to take two 7 meetings, a first and second reading, I would 8 say that it could be accomplished within a 9 month, depending on how your schedules fall and 10 how quickly the ordinance is prepared. 11 It doesn't seem to me to take a lot of 12 work, but obviously it has to be done properly. 13 The time frame, just to give you an idea 14 of where we are at now with trial, is as 15 follows: 16 When Crystals became 421 Northlake 17 Boulevard, the court, because it was a new 18 entityl took it off of its -- I believe it was 19 then on a May trial docket. And the next 20 available trial docket for nonjury trials is 21 August. 22 The Village, though, has another law firm 23 representing it, assigned by the insurance 24 carrier to defend against the counterclaim, and 25 that firm has filed a notice or request for a LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 r co 0 N 0 CD 0 0 0 U U LL 06 Cc W Q co cc W 0 a - W M rr W Cn a J O O U 0 LL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 jury trial. The jury trial docket is not available until February of 1999, which means that if we are to expedite this and get this case to trial as quickly as possible, we are going to have to try and segregate the counterclaim and the jury trial of that counterclaim from the Village's injunctive relief action that we have asked for. I am not sure what the court may do with it. I would think that a court would want to try everything in one trial as opposed to two trials. The other option that we have is that I think it's possible to proceed with this with the Village's claim on summary judgment. And what that means for those of you that aren't familiar with summary judgment is that we would essentially agree to proceed with the case based on affidavits submitted which state the facts. Now, whether the court -- obviously there is going to be a disagreement about facts in terms of the affidavits that are submitted because in all likelihood the defendant 421 is going to reach the conclusion that there is only one site available. LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 M 16 co T CM 17 a 0 co 0 18 d U- 19 rr W 20 rr 21 0 a_ W °` 22 ir W co 0 23 0 24 0 25 11 Now, once you change the zoning on C2, it may be that they have to concede that there is a second site available. The other option is to seek from the court -- and I think this is a more likely scenario -- to seek from the court permission for a limited evidentiary hearing where the two planners, the experts on either side, are presented as witnesses and we have a limited evidentiary hearing, together with the filing of the motion for summary judgment or some motion to resolve the case, and the case is decided on that basis. I have had some discussions with opposing counsel, and I think opposing counsel would be agreeable to such an approach, because it appears that the one thing that we'd certainly agree on is that the only thing that is at issue here is how many alternate sites there are. And if that is the only issue for a court to try, and it can be tried in a half a day, we might get some relief from the court, might get the ability to at least have that disposition of the case. Obviously if they prevail, then the counterclaim is subject to a trial at a later LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500—B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 co co 19N coa O 0 U U U- 2 2 06 W Q U) W W W 0 a W Cc W Q J O O U 0 LL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 12 time. MAYOR NORRIS: But what you're -- the way you started this out was that unless we make some kind of change, you think we are in a bad situation on the case. MR. BAIRD: Correct. THE COURT: And to do what you just said the other side would have have to agree that the rule is the Middle District's rule, not the Southern District's rule. MS. VASTOLA: No, the Southern District, not the Middle District. MR. TRINGALI: Exactly. MAYOR NORRIS: The Southern District rule is the five percent of land area. And you are going through a scenario to get us more than one site, and that's the Middle District rule. So we have to get them to agree that that's the rule. MR. TRINGALI: No. We have to convince the judge. MR. BAIRD: We have to convince the judge. The rule of law -- we would have a difference of opinion as to which law to apply. MR. TRINGALI: If I may: Apparently there LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 co co O N 00 0 O 0 U d LL 7- 06 cc W a Q U) rr W F- rr 0 W cc cr W U) a J O O U rr 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 13 is no state law on this or case law, anything out of any state court. MR. BAIRD: Not on the alternate, not in Florida. MR. TRINGALI: So what you're -- you are in the position of having to convince a local trial court judge that he -- that the Middle District rule makes more sense and he should follow that. MR. BAIRD: Correct. MR. TRINGALI: Rather than the Southern District rule. MAYOR NORRIS: Go ahead. MR. TRINGALI: Can I just -- how come this isn't in federal court now? I mean, I don't think I ever understood that. MR. BAIRD: Well, we filed a complaint for injunctive and declaratory relief based on our assertion that the zoning codes of the Village were being violated. MR. TRINGALI: Okay. MR. BAIRD: Which is a state court action. There is no federal claim on that basis. MR. TRINGALI: So they are not, at least up until now they haven't brought an action in LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 co Co O N 19a O co 0 U d LL od W W ClQ Ir W W 0 ILW rr tr W U) Q J O O U 0 LL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 14 federal court that we are violating their right to do business or whatever. MR. BAIRD: No. They brought a counterclaim based on first amendment grounds. And my co -counsel and I discussed whether removal of that claim to federal court was appropriate or not, and since he was lead counsel with respect to the counterclaim, it was essentially his call. And his call was to leave it in state court. MR. TRINGALI: Well, that's where this, my question is going, because are we going to get into a situation -- it seems to me if we get into federal court, we are in a very tenuous position. We are not in a real good position in state court, but in federal court we are pretty much dead in the water. Right? MR. BAIRD: Whether it was luck or not, we are better off where we are in state court. MR. TRINGALI: Is there any way that the defendants can remove this action to federal court, where the law is more favorable to them? MR. BAIRD: Removal has to occur within LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 co co O N N coa O 0 U d W 06 Cc W CLQ Ir W CE 0 CL W cc W U) Q J O O U fr 0 LL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 15 the time frame of the filing of the responsive pleading. And in this case the defendant has already filed its answer to our complaint and its counterclaim, and the Village has filed its answer in affirmative defenses to the counterclaim. So I believe they are outside of the stage where they can remove. MAYOR NORRIS: Let me ask you a question on the five percent rule, the Southern District rule. That's five percent of the total area in the Village, or five percent of the commercial area? MR. BAIRD: Well, the opinions -- there are different opinions in different federal courts about that. Obviously, Crystals' attorneys are going to argue its five percent of the total area, but the Village is not even going to meet it if it's five percent of your commercial area, not even close. So it's weak grounds to rely upon that, and the best argument that can be made is this per capita argument. LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 N 0 0 0 U 00 U LL2 06 M W fLQ U) Cr W CE 0 a.W Er W 0 0 U 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. TRINGALI: None of these things has gotten up to the 11th Circuit to sort of stabilize the law, obviously. We are dealing with a bunch of federal trial courts. MR. BAIRD: The Southern District opinion, I believe, has gone up. But I'm not aware that -- let me back up. The Southern District opinion only came down earlier this year. So any appeal, we are probably a year away from the 11th Circuit deciding on appeal what the law is to resolve the Middle and Southern District approaches. MR. TRINGALI: Okay. MAYOR NORRIS: So alternatives, what we have to decide is whether we want to -- I think where we left it last time -- whether we want to continue at all. And it sounds to me that we are down to whether we want to continue it at all or whether we want to go through and make a zoning change like you're suggesting and go forward on the argument. Is that pretty much what it comes down to? MR. BAIRD: Yes. Let me add one other thing, just for you LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 m M T CD N 190 0 co 0 U C'3 U- ob rr W a a U) rrw rrrr 0 M W cc Cr W U) Q J O O U 0 W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1.9 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 to consider: It's my understanding -- and Mr. O'Meilia may be able to add to this -- that Palm Beach County is considering amending its adult entertainment ordinance, but the amendment that they are considering, while it would strengthen presumably the ordinance, would also be such that they are going apply that ordinance only in the unincorporated area, they are going to leave the municipalities out. Which would then require the Village to adopt additional standards regarding your adult entertainment ordinance. That is in some ways an opportunity, but it also in my opinion is going to be difficult for the Village under almost any circumstances to meet this five percent criteria because of the lack of commercial land that's available. The other thing that you may want to consider if you are going to consider amending your ordinance at all is that some communities have been successful by prohibiting alcohol sales within adult entertainment facilities. The theory is that the two are linked and if you take away the alcohol, I suppose some of LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 C0 m m N CD 00 O O 0 0 6 LL 06 W (L a U) cc W 0 CL W Ir CC W U) Q rf J O O U 0 IL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the entertainment value departs and some of the profit departs from those facilities. MAYOR NORRIS: Sale and/or consumption? MR. BAIRD: Yes. MS. VASTOLA: And you can do that, that's legal, right? MR. BAIRD: That's legal. MAYOR NORRIS: And then we would be able to do that and it would apply to this property. MR. BAIRD: Right. Now, they might well challenge the Village on that ordinance, but the research that I have done indicates that the courts are pretty strong -- pretty much strongly upheld those ordinances. MR. O'MEILIA: You would have to do that in the licensing ordinance, though, not in the zoning ordinance. MR. BAIRD: Well, you would -- yes. MR. O'MEILIA: We depend on the county's licensing ordinance, but we adopt a zoning ordinance to measure -- MR. BAIRD: The adult entertainment license. MR. O'MEILIA: Yes. The adult entertainment license is a county ordinance that LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 co co N a O co 0 U U LL 2 06 W W a a IL U) Ir W W 0 IL W Cc rr W Q J O O U rr 0 LL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19 we can opt out of, and it is the one where the county was proposing to do that, to make that alcohol change, but they sent it back to staff. The last I heard it had gone back to staff for a lot more reconsideration. So I really don't think we can count on that county license ordinance to help us out in the near future. MR. TRINGALI: Here is a real stupid question, Tom: What would happen if we would take the existing area, which includes Crystals and the Adult Warehouse, and subdivide that, make that into, quote, two sites by not requiring the -- I understand what's keeping, what's preventing that from happening is because by the current zoning ordinances, they have got to be 1500 feet apart or 2000 feet apart or something. Right? MS. VASTOLA: Well, those both are grand- fathered in right now, because that ordinance was created after those two. MR. BAIRD: No, just the -- MAYOR NORRIS: Just with the adult video. MS. VASTOLA: That's only because it was a LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 co Cl) T N 0 C) 0 0 0 U d LL 75 od Cc W a.Q U) Cc W Cc 0 (L W Cc cr W U) a 0 0 U cr 0 LL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Nul new business. If it was still the same old business, it would be grandfathered in. MR. BAIRD: I suppose there is an amendment that could be made or amendments that could be made to the current zoning ordinance that might produce two sites there as opposed to one. There are two problems: One is their proximity to one another; they are about 300 feet apart. So you would have to amend the regulation which now says that adult entertainment has to be 1,000 feet apart. And secondly -- there's 2000? 2000 feet apart. MS. VASTOLA: Yes. MR. BAIRD: And secondly, depending upon -- there could be a problem with alcohol sales and their proximity on either side of those properties. I think the report I got from the consultant said that that was potentially a problem. So if that's the case, then you are having to look at reducing the separation requirement also between those facilities and alcohol serving facilities. LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 Cl) M O N C) O 00 0 U 6 LL r> od CC W Q U) M W 0 ILW W U) Q J O O U r> 0 LL 21 1 MR. TRINGALI: I am just wondering, and I 2 don't want to waste time exploring useless 3 alternatives, but I am just wondering: Rather 4 than trying to get them out of town and facing 5 the possibility of a counterclaim or losing a 6 counterclaim, would we be better off isolating 7 them and saying, okay, both these joints are 8 here, that's the way life is, now we are just 9 going to isolate you in that spot and that's the 10 end of that. 11 MR. BAIRD: Well, if you were going to 12 take that approach, rather than try -- rather 13 than mend your ordinances at all, I would 14 suggest that you try to work a stipulation out 15 that essentially grandfathers Crystals also, 16 rather than trying to fit it in based on your 17 zoning standards and changing all of your 18 standards. 19 But I think the path that you are headed 20 in is one that the council has to consider kind 21 of a business decision as, you know, with the 22 likelihood of prevailing in the litigation being 23 not strong, is it in your better interest to 24 accept, as much as you may not like it, that 25 second facility there, continue to work on LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 m 16 co 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 18 UL 19 corrW 20 co Cc 21 O W °` 22 M W U) 0 23 0 24 0 25 22 strengthening your ordinance so that you don't get any additional facilities coming in, but recognize that it's always going to be difficult, I think, given the law as we now have it, and the lack of commercial that the Village has, to ever meet that five percent requirement which would give you the kind of certainty that under the law now you really need to have. MR. TRINGALI: Well, my problem is that if we stipulate with Crystals, just stipulate to, okay, we will all just go away and leave each other alone, that's not going to stop XYZ corporation from coming in and saying, okay, now we want to open a place. MAYOR NORRIS: There is two factors there: One is the lawsuit; do we decide that we don't have a good enough case here, so we do whatever we can with Crystals. But then we still have to deal with the problem that what you are telling us is our adult entertainment ordinance is not enforceable, so anyone else could come in and basically go -- it sounds like go anywhere that they want to go because they are going to be able to say ours is totally unenforceable, so they are not prohibited from LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M co O O N O O O co 0 U C7 LL 2 06 Cc W Q W Ir 0 a W fr rr W U) Q J O O U 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 23 going anywhere. So even if we decide -- which I am not saying we should decide -- to settle the case, I think we still have to work on the ordinance, to make sure that -- MS. VASTOLA: Well, you have two facilities. We do meet the central Florida code with two facilities. MAYOR NORRIS: We don't yet. MS. VASTOLA: If we can't -- allow the two facilities, we would be able to meet the central Florida interpretation of laws and regulations. MAYOR NORRIS: Well, we have to make some amendments to do that, to meet that. MS. VASTOLA: What would happen, you would have to grandfather Crystals in. MR. TRINGALI: Well, no, then you wouldn't have to -- if you took another piece of property, the Ed Morse property, and changed the zoning there to allow adult entertainment at Ed Morse Chevrolet, right, now you've got your two sites. Now you can go forward with the lawsuit against Crystals, win or lose, even though you may lose. MR. BALDWIN: How much other property do LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M Cr) T Cfl CV Co a O 00 0 U 6 LL 2 od rr W ILQ W 0 (L W cc Cc W U) Q J O O U 0 24 1 we have zoned C2? 2 MS. VASTOLA: That's it, that's all we 3 have, just that. 4 MR. BALDWIN: That's the only piece zoned 5 C2? 6 MR. O'MEILIA: Which brings up the point: 7 Now, if we are going to be annexing that other 8 strip on up north of Ed Morse one of these 9 days... 10 MS. VASTOLA: You are talking about the 11 Live Oak Plaza, that area in there? 12 MR. O'MEILIA: Yes. 13 MAYOR NORRIS: That would be targeted for 14 C2? 15 MR. O'MEILIA: Probably. 16 Well, I don't know whether it would be 17 targeted for C2 or -- 18 It would have to be targeted 19 for C2. 20 MR. BAIRD: We have looked at that 21 property and concluded that at least a portion 22 of that could meet the ordinance. 23 But what we always get back to is this 24 difference of opinion between the federal 25 courts, and -- LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 CO M O N 00 a O 0 0 6 LL 06 fr W CLILQ U) Ir W 0 a W Cc rr W U) a J O O U rr 0 LL 25 1 MR. O'MEILIA: I read this Hendricks 2 letter. I read the results, I think that you 3 sent us, of one of those lawsuits in Broward 4 County. 5 And I think what the final decision is is 6 what you are going to say: Shall we take a 7 chance on saying, "Hey, Federal Court, this is 8 the one that applies to us, not this one. I 9 mean, "This, Federal Court, applies to this us, 10 not this one, because we are a small community, 11 we are a bedroom community with very commercial. 12 Because that one was based on a big, big thing. 13 MR. BAIRD: Well, almost all of the 14 opinions are based on large communities. Renten 15 (phonetic), the leading case, is a community of 16 60,000 in the State of Washington. And you've 17 got Detroit and you've got Atlanta and some 18 others. 19 But, I mean, what you are talking about 20 is convincing a trial court judge -- and it will 21 go up on appeal if you win, certainly -- that 22 new law should be made in the State of Florida. 23 One -- 24 MR. O'MEILIA: Because the little guy 25 hasn't been considered. LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M C7 T O 00 N a O 0 U U tL 06 cc W CLCLQ U) M W 0 a W cr W C0 Q J O O U cc 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. BAIRD: -- one, that you are going to use the per capita approach; and two, that courts should recognize a distinction between small bedroom communities and larger communities. And the opinions thus far have been -- there has been two different -- two opinions: One has suggested that there should be a distinction; and the other has suggested that there should not. And one is from Connecticut or New Jersey, in the northeast somewhere, and the other is from the west coast. MR. EISSEY: Tom, what happens if wherever the second parcel is designated and some group wishes to open up another adult facility and the owner/proprietor of that piece of property won't lease it or rent it to them? MR. BAIRD: The courts have said that that's the marketplace. MR. TRINGALI: Too bad. MR. BAIRD: That you need only make it available and the operators of adult entertainment facilities need to make -- the economic factors essentially aren't to be LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 co m T co N 000 0 0 U C'3 75 o6 cc W a CLQ rr W F- rr 0 Qw W cc W Q 0 0 U 0 W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 considered. MR. EISSEY: Okay. Then if, the same scenario and the property becomes available and the proprietor can make more money from client A than they can client adult, the courts will say the owner cannot do it with client A because it's beneficial to the owner and they have to go with client B? MS. VASTOLA: Which is the adult entertainment? MR. EISSEY: Yes, which is the adult. MR. BAIRD: I am not sure I am -- MR. EISSEY: Okay. Two pieces of property; this is the second piece of property. MR. BAIRD: Right. MR. EISSEY: Ed Eissey owns it. Charlie O'Meilia comes in and he wants to put up some business there, and I am going to lease him the property for X amount of money. And then Gail comes in and she wants to put in a strip joint, adult joint there, and she doesn't -- she can't, nor does she want to pay half of what I am going to be able to lease it to Charlie for: Are the courts going to tell me as the LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M Ch O 00 O N a O 0 U U LL 06 Er W CLa U) M W 0 EL W Ir rr W Q J O O U rr 0 LL 28 1 owner of this property I have to lease it to her 2 for less money? 3 MR. BAIRD: No. 4 MAYOR NORRIS: No. 5 MS. VASTOLA: No, the economics have 6 nothing to do with it. 7 MR. TRINGALI: As a matter of fact, as I 8 understand it the courts wouldn't even say to 9 you that you have to lease it to her for more 10 money. It's your property; you do what you want 11 with it. 12 MR. EISSEY: That's my question, then. 13 So what is the big deal if the owner, Ed 14 Morse property or who else, doesn't want to 15 lease it to the adult group, am I hearing that 16 they are going to have to lease it? 17 MS. VASTOLA: No. 18 MR. BAIRD: No. 19 MR. EISSEY: Then what happens? 20 MS. VASTOLA: Nothing. 21 MAYOR NORRIS: Nothing. 22 MR. O'MEILIA: It goes away. 23 MAYOR NORRIS: It serves our purpose 24 because it is a site that potentially could be 25 used for adult entertainment, but it's not LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M M O N coa O 0 U C7 LL W a Q U) Cr W rrrr 0 IL W rr W Q J O O U 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 because the owner doesn't want to. MR. EISSEY: Amen, Brother. MR. TRINGALI: But some day -- MS. VASTOLA: But what if Ed Morse decides he wants to sell that, and you know, how about that beautiful big facility they just built on 45th Street? I mean, there is big money in that. MAYOR NORRIS: That is what I was going to say. MS. VASTOLA: That's adult entertainment, and that's a big piece of land that somebody could theoretically go and put a big facility like that -- MAYOR NORRIS: Don't forget that if we go down the road to changing it and allowing it in C2 or whatever, we are opening it up to another site. MS. VASTOLA: That's right. MR. O'MEILIA: You're shaking the dice. You're better off than you are now. MR. TRINGALI: What else are you going to do? What is your alternative? MR. EISSEY: Leave it as it is. MAYOR NORRIS: Continue the fight and see LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M m T N O O O O 0 U LL U n. 06 Ir W a U) W Er 0 W T W U) Q J O O U 0 I 30 1 if we can convince the court that neither of 2 those standards are the applicable standards to 3 us. 4 MR. TRINGALI: I don't think you are ever 5 going to convince a court that neither one of 6 those standards should apply. I mean, we will 7 be lucky to convince them to go with the per 8 capita approach, I would think. That's what I 9 am hearing. 10 MS. VASTOLA: I would lean toward, as much 11 as I hate to say this, because I truly do hate 12 to say this, but I lean toward letting the two 13 facilities stay there, saying that we have met 14 the per capita criteria for the central Florida 15 situation and work our avenues toward allowing 16 no longer alcoholic beverages sold in adult 17 entertainment facilities and changing the 18 ordinance in that way. 19 That way it does make our life a little 20 less -- 21 MR. EISSEY: That would grab them. 22 MAYOR NORRIS: How can you do that, 23 though? We can't do our ordinance to make those 24 two actual sites qualify under our ordinance, 25 right? I mean, under our ordinance -- LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M co O co N 0 O co 0 U C7 U - cc W Q U) Cr W cc 0 0- W rr Cc W U) Q J O O U 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 31 MR. O'MEILIA: Without opening it up to fifteen other ones. MS. VASTOLA: No, but if you grandfather just those two -- keep the ordinance as it is right now, but grandfather -- now remember, we created that ordinance after those two facilities were existing, and the understanding was that those two would be grandfathered, but if something -- No, both of them were there, Charlie. MR. O'MEILIA: I know, but they weren't legal. MAYOR NORRIS: One was and one wasn't. MS. VASTOLA: They weren't legal, but the understanding was they would be grandfathered and if one of them left, well, then the ordinance would come into play and then it would really only allow one facility. But if you allow those two facilities only to be grandfathered in, if something happened to one of those facilities, then the ordinance kicks in. But then working the avenue and not allowing alcoholic beverages... MAYOR NORRIS: Then according to what we LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 Cl) M O N 000 O 0 U d LL rr W Q U) cc W F- rr 0 CL W rr W W U) Q J O O U W 0 W 32 1 are hearing, at that point our ordinance becomes 2 unenforceable because we only have one site. 3 MS. VASTOLA: That's if one of them 4 leaves. 5 MR. TRINGALI: Well, that was my earlier 6 question: Is there some way of making that two 7 sites -- 8 MAYOR NORRIS: Right. 9 MR. TRINGALI: -- and putting a 20 foot 10 wall around it and saying okay, that's it? 11 MAYOR NORRIS: There is your district. 12 MR. O'MEILIA: That was never the intent. 13 The intent was: We knew one was legal, we knew 14 one was illegal. We got the ordinance changed. 15 And the thing is obviously illegal, and the idea 16 was then to take them to court and put them out 17 of business. 18 MR. TRINGALI: Both of them or one of 19 them? 20 MS. VASTOLA: No, just one -- well, we are 21 working on the one. 22 MR. O'MEILIA: The one is legal. They did 23 everything that they were supposed to have done 24 the way they should have done it. 25 MR. TRINGALI: And that's, what; the book LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 co co O (D N co0 O 0 0 d U- W Q U) Ir W 0 (L W cr fr W U) a J O O U rr 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 33 store or the video store? MS. VASTOLA: The video store. MR. TRINGALI: Well, then the only other viable alternative, I think, is to use the Ed Morse property and if some day it becomes the world's largest, you know, whatever, at least it's as isolated as it can be within the bounds of North Palm Beach. MR. BAIRD Well, I think one thing you have to consider -- I am not sure of the size of the Ed Morse property, but I am assuming it's a pretty -- probably six acres or more. (Thereupon, Ms. Vastola left the meeting room.) MR. TRINGALI: It's big. MR. BAIRD: Car dealerships tend to command a very high price for the land. Service stations and car dealerships probably compete for the highest price for land in most areas, and certainly this area. So to the extent you want to feel somewhat secure about that site, it seems unlikely that an adult entertainment facility could buy out Ed Morse. Ed Morse would have to have another LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 CO CO T N 00a O 0 0 6 LL 2 cd W a. Q U) It W 0 ILW rr tr W U) Q J O O U 0 34 1 location to go to to open up their facility if 2 they were going to accept an offer to buy them 3 out of that area. 4 MR. TRINGALI: And, you know, again this 5 is a difficult thing to say in public, but you 6 have to look at this -- you have to look at all 7 the possibilities. 8 If we really are stuck with allowing them 9 some place, is it the best some place in North 10 Palm Beach, trapped between Alternate AlA and a 11 railroad track? 12 I mean, I would prefer that over Northlake 13 Boulevard or Anchorage Drive. 14 (Thereupon, Ms. Vastola returned to the 15 room and then excused herself from the meeting.) 16 MR. O'MEILIA: When you say August, now 17 you're thinking August; if the thing goes along 18 it is going to be August? 19 MR. BAIRD: Well, assuming we can 20 segregate the counterclaim from the Village's 21 claim, then we can have a trial on our claim, a 22 nonjury trial in August. 23 But -- 24 MR. O'MEILIA: But in any event it would 25 probably be August, even if the judge wanted to LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 Cl) Cl) T N 000 O 0 U 6 LL W Q W 0 CL W W U) Q J O O U fr 0 LL 35 1 put them together. 2 MR. BAIRD: No. If they remain together, 3 then it's February. 4 MR. O'MEILIA: Probably February. 5 MR. EISSEY: Of 199. 6 MR. O'MEILIA: Well, if that's the case, 7 we have got plenty of time to change the 8 ordinances. 9 MR. BALDWIN: Tom -- 10 MR. O'MEILIA: You do have to go to the 11 planning commission first. We have got to go to 12 them first for recommendations. 13 MR. BALDWIN: Does jury trial include our 14 claim against Crystals? 15 In other words, it would seem to me if 16 not, there would be some likelihood that he 17 would sever because of the problem of the 18 counterclaim drawing a jury trial and -- 19 MR. BAIRD: Well, the idea I suppose of my 20 co -counsel was that he wanted to keep them 21 together because he felt that a jury would be 22 more likely to rule favorably for the Village. 23 And we were kind of -- my co -counsel and I 24 were at odds to the extent that I wanted things 25 to move along as quickly as they could, and LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M M O O N 00a O 0 U U LL 2 06 cr W CLQ Ir W 0 a. W ir cc W a J O O U cc 0 LL 36 1 although he also represents the Village, he has 2 a little bit different interests in things -- 3 MR. TRINGALI: Yes. 4 MR. BAIRD: -- and felt that that was the 5 best approach. 6 I think that if you are going to go ahead 7 with and continue the litigation, then it is 8 worth attempting the summary judgment route or 9 the limited evidentiary route. 10 And the reason I say that is that that 11 takes us out of having to wait until February. 12 It also keeps the cost down. And in the event 13 you're unsuccessful because of the counterclaim 14 and the 1983 action that's part of the 15 counterclaim, if you're unsuccessful, there is 16 attorney fees available. 17 Now, we now have, though, in my opinion we 18 have started the clock over, because we have a 19 new defendant counterplaintiff in this case, 20 that being 421 Northlake. 21 So, really, I believe the attorney fee 22 clock under 1983 ought to start now as opposed 23 to all of the discovery and litigation that went 24 on previously. 25 And to that extent we have been fortunate LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500—B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M Cl) T cD N O O O W 0 0 d W W CLQ a Ir W ir 0 CL W CC W Q J O O U 75 rr 0 37 1 in that we may have been able to minimize any 2 damages -- damages being attorneys' fees -- in 3 this case that the village might incur. 4 But you really, you really do have to 5 decide, I think, as the threshold issue what is 6 the best business decision for the Village in 7 terms of continuing with litigation. 8 MAYOR NORRIS: So if we go the summary 9 judgment route, basically what we are doing is 10 we are getting a quicker legal answer to the 11 legal question as to what the standard is. 12 Okay, so we can get that and we can lose 13 and that doesn't necessarily mean we have lost 14 the case; we have just lost summary judgment. 15 We can go forward or we can do whatever we want 16 to in terms of backtracking at that point in 17 time. 18 My problem with jumping in and changing 19 the ordinance or the code the way we are talking 20 is we are just guessing; we are guessing whether 21 that's going to do it or not. And by making 22 whatever change we are talking about, we are 23 opening up a huge site, a huge additional site. 24 So why do that when we don't know that: 25 First of all, A, that they even are going to LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M CO O N C) O 00 0 0 6 LL 2 o6 W CLQ U) W W Cr 0 W rr W Q J O O U 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 apply either standard; or B, which standard they are going to apply. MR. TRINGALI: Well, I agree with you except that we sure as heck know they are going to apply some standard. MAYOR NORRIS: It could be a totally different standard. MR. TRINGALI: What other one is there? MR. BAIRD: Well, the standards that have been used in Florida, when the Middle District rendered its opinion, as part of that opinion it went through all of the cases in Florida, and there were seven of them, and it looked at those cases in the context of per capita. Those that were -- the range that was acceptable for a constitutional ordinance was one site per two thousand to seven thousand population based on the opinions that have been reached. So you know that if you are above one to seven, you are almost certain to lose. The optimum chance for success is to get that second site so that at least you can make the credible argument that you are within that standard that's been established in six or seven LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 Cl) M O O N 0 00 O 0 U U LL 2 06 W CLa.Q fr W ir 0 CL W M Ir W U) Q J O O U 0 39 1 different opinions. 2 MR. O' MEILIA: If we go for the summary 3 thing you are talking about, we need to have 4 that in play. 5 MR. BAIRD: Yes. 6 To give you any chance of winning. 7 MAYOR NORRIS: If you are going to argue 8 one of those two standards. 9 MR. BAIRD: Right. 10 MAYOR NORRIS: Or you will argue these 11 other sites that you listed and try to convince 12 the court that they do apply, they are likely 13 sites. 14 MR. BAIRD: I would argue those anyway. 15 Whether the court accepts them or not is going 16 to be another question. 17 MAYOR NORRIS: So do you have -- excuse 18 me. 19 Do you have to go in on the basis -- on 20 the summary judgment, and I should know this, 21 but on the summary judgment do you have to go in 22 and argue one of those two bases, standards? 23 MR. BAIRD: Yes. We would argue that -- 24 MAYOR NORRIS: You have to? 25 MR. BAIRD: -- the law that should be LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M co M (0 N T O O co 0 U U U- 2 06 Cc W a d U) W 0 IL W Cc W U) Q 0 O U Ir 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 40 applied is the law recited by the St. Petersburg case. MR. O'MEILIA: I think if we are going to proceed, I think we better make up our mind. I am totally in favor of going ahead with something. And then we have got to decide -- well, let's change the ordinance. MR. TRINGALI: It just seems to me that is our best chance of actually winning this. MR. O'MEILIA: Let's change the ordinance both ways. Let's change it for Ed Morse and change the other part of the ordinance to take care of that one little lot, just in case. MR. TRINGALI: Are you talking about the Eye Glass World? MR. BAIRD: You mean subdividing it? MR. O'MEILIA: Yes, and let him worry about subdividing. It's an unplatted lot. MR. BAIRD: I should probably know this, but can the Village on its own initiative subdivide properties? MR. O'MEILIA: No. But why should we have to? LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M C0 O (0 N 0 O co 0 U U W 2 06 ir W a U) W 0 a W cr Ir W Q J O O U rr 0 LL 41 1 MR. BALDWIN: No, but -- 2 MR. O'MEILIA: Why should we have to? 3 That's an unplatted lot, I think. In 4 fact, I know it's an unplatted lot. And if we 5 say that on this end of that lot he can he do it 6 -- I mean, the owner can split that lot any time 7 he wants to. He can subdivide that lot. In 8 fact, he can subdivide it without going through 9 a subdivision ordinance. 10 MR. BAIRD: Well, I can evaluate that, but 11 my initial reaction is that unless it's 12 subdivided, it's not going to qualify. 13 MR. O'MEILIA: And Fleishman is saying it 14 has got to be subdivided to apply. 15 MR. BAIRD: Correct. 16 MR. TRINGALI: It seems to me, though, 17 Tom, that at our last meeting you said you were 18 referring to -- and we had the map up, which 19 made it a lot easier -- but isn't there a piece 20 of property in there somewhere and the only 21 thing wrong with it is it's within so many feet 22 of property that's zoned residential? 23 MR. BAIRD: Yes. 24 MR. O'MEILIA: But it has to be 25 subdivided. LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 co co O co N a O 00 0 U C`3 U- 2 od W rr Q rr W 0 W Cc Cr W Q J O O U 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 42 MR. BAIRD: Well, there is another standard in your ordinance that says proximity to somewhere -- MR. TRINGALI: Right. MR. BAIRD: -- where a citizen resides, something like that. MR. O'MEILIA: An existing residence. MR. BAIRD: It's my recollection that it's actually a nonconforming site, but there is some renters, tenants in there, and that if you change that standard, that site, too -- MR. TRINGALI: That would then become a third site. MR. BAIRD: -- a third site would become eligible. MR. TRINGALI: But we could probably win with two. MR. BAIRD: Personally I would like to, have three. MR. TRINGALI: Well, I understand that, but if we are going to fit into the Middle District formula, we can fit in with two. MR. BAIRD: Barely, yes. MR. TRINGALI: Barely. MAYOR NORRIS: Barely is good enough. LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M N 0 OD 0 0 U U LL 2 06 Cr W CLCLQ U) W 0 CL W M W W Q J O O U 0 43 1 MR. TRINGALI: But barely is good enough. 2 MAYOR NORRIS: Yes. 3 MR. O'MEILIA: I don't see any sense, if 4 we are going to change something, we might as 5 well change the other one, too, and see if we 6 can't get three. 7 MAYOR NORRIS: Why do we want three? I 8 think that is what you are saying. Why do we 9 want three if two is all we need? 10 MR. O'MEILIA: Three won't hurt, though. 11 MR. TRINGALI: There is a greater chance 12 of somebody actually moving into number three. 13 I doubt very seriously anybody is going to get 14 Ed Morse Chevrolet out of there in our lifetime. 15 You know, the problem with -- 16 MR. EISSEY: Not in mine. 17 MR. TRINGALI: -- the problem with Eye 18 Glass World is, you know, I got my glasses there 19 and I like the guy, but those places come and 20 go. Car dealerships generally don't. 21 MR. O'MEILIA: It wouldn't fit. Under our 22 current ordinances, you couldn't put anything on 23 that lot big enough to satisfy them. 24 I mean, with the parking requirement and 25 stuff like that... LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 Cl) Cl) O N C) O 00 0 0 d LL 2 o6 rr W a Q U) M W F- rr 0 IL W rr W U) Q J O O U 0 44 1 MAYOR NORRIS: We have got to wrap this 2 up, so we need to decide what to do. 3 What do you want to do, Joe? 4 MR. TRINGALI: I say change -- do the Ed 5 Morse route. Change the C2 -- we have one C2 6 area in the Village. Say that -- 7 MR. EISSEY: C1. 8 MR. TRINGALI: Or whatever it is, C1. 9 MR. EISSEY: C2 to C1. 10 MR. BALDWIN: Add a permitted use to C2; 11 only apply to Ed Morse -- 12 MR. TRINGALI: Right, add the permitted 13 use in C2. And if by some disaster Ed Morse 14 goes out of business and if we do get stuck with 15 another one of these joints, that's probably the 16 best place for it anyway, next to the railroad 17 track. 18 MAYOR NORRIS: What about the restriction 19 against alcohol? 20 MR. TRINGALI: If we can get away with 21 doing that... 22 MR. O'MEILIA: I don't see how we can do 23 that, do you, George, unless we do a whole 24 new -- 25 MR. BALDWIN: Well, Tom is way ahead of me LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 Cl) M M O N coa O 0 U 6 U- 2 06 Cr W Q IL U) M W F- cr 0 W Ir W U) Q J O O U 0 45 1 on this. I am aware that there is a case or 2 more than one case that says you can do that. 3 The problem you have is twofold with 4 Crystals: Number one, you're going to get right 5 back into a lawsuit with them because it is 6 going to hurt them financially; and number two, 7 they are going to raise some defenses along the 8 line that we permitted them and allowed them in 9 there and they have invested all their money on 10 the basis that they can serve alcohol, and that 11 we are just directing that at them. 12 I mean, I just think you would be back -- 13 MAYOR NORRIS: But we haven't permitted 14 them. 15 MR. BALDWIN: Well, but they have been 16 allowed to serve it. 17 MR. O'MEILIA: We didn't permit them to do 18 the adult entertainment. 19 MR. BALDWIN: So I don't know that I am 20 inclined to put that with what you are trying to 21 decide right now. 22 MAYOR NORRIS: Okay. How do you feel 23 about that, Joe; leave it alone right now? 24 MR. TRINGALI: It seems to me the purpose 25 of this lawsuit is to get rid of Crystals. So LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M M O O N 0 00 O 0 U C3 U- 2 2 06 W a a a U) Cr W Ir 0 a W cr rr W a J O O U cc 0 LL 46 1 if we win, we don't have a problem. 2 I mean, we have a new ordinance which 3 basically says we have two areas in the Village 4 where you can have adult entertainment. You can 5 entertain all you want, you just can't serve 6 alcohol. 7 Crystals would not be part of the picture, 8 unless I am missing something. 9 MR. O'MEILIA: Yes, it would. I hate to 10 say, but I think, like George said, it's going 11 to create another lawsuit. 12 MR. TRINGALI: Well, let's not create 13 another lawsuit. Let's leave that alone. 14 MAYOR NORRIS: Leave that alone for now. 15 And do you want to go the summary judgment 16 route, then? 17 MR. TRINGALI: Yes, go the summary 18 judgment route. 19 MR. BALDWIN: After the ordinance is in 20 place. 21 MR. TRINGALI: The Ed Morse is the 22 sacrificial lamb. 23 MAYOR NORRIS: Charlie, do you agree with 24 that approach? 25 MR. O'MEILIA: Yes. LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 M Cl) O (0 N 0 0 00 0 0 6 W od M W CLILQ U) Ir W 0 a - W ir rr W Q J O O U rr 0 U- 47 1 MAYOR NORRIS: Ed, do you agree with that 2 approach? 3 MR. EISSEY: Yes. 4 MAYOR NORRIS: I don't agree with that 5 approach. I don't want to add another site, 6 but -- 7 MR. O'MEILIA: I am going to take a look 8 at that other eye glass thing, though, so... 9 MR. BAIRD: I think it's just important 10 that the record reflect that the Village council 11 is not taking action in this room to change -- 12 MR. TRINGALI: No, I will -- 13 MR. BAIRD: -- the C2 zoning, but there is 14 a consensus about the litigation strategy that 15 ought to be pursued. 16 MAYOR NORRIS: Right, and we have to 17 proceed on per staff -- 18 MR. EISSEY: Right. 19 MR. TRINGALI: David, I agree with you. 20 Nobody wants another site. It's just that I 21 think if we go into the summary -- if we 22 continue the litigation without coming under 23 some standard, we are going to lose. 24 MAYOR NORRIS: Yes, it sounds like that, 25 and I would have hoped that we would have known LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 Cl) Cl) T CD N 0 000 0 0 0 6 LL - 13 13 od W iL ¢ rr W rrrr 0 CL W Cc n: W W J O O U rr 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 about that before we filed the lawsuit or shortly thereafter, instead of coming to this point and then finding out we have a very bad lawsuit and then we are in a situation of are we going to drop the lawsuit and, you know, we can't do that, or are we going to allow to change the zoning and allow another site potentially. MR. O'MEILIA: These federal cases have just come down. MAYOR NORRIS: Anyway -- MR. BAIRD: Well, your decision about sites was made when you adopted the ordinance. MAYOR NORRIS: Yes, okay. Do I have to say anything about we are recessing this and going into -- MR. BALDWIN: No, we will say that in there. MR. EISSEY: Let the record show that I thanked the reporter. THE REPORTER: You are welcome. (Thereupon, at 7:25 o'clock p.m., the hearing was adjourned.) LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 co co O N O O O co 0 0 d U- 06 rr W ¢ U) W 0 IL W W U) J O O_ U rr 0 LL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 49 C E R T I F I C A T E THE STATE OF FLORIDA,) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH.) I, Jane Pastore, Registered Professional Reporter, do hereby certify that I was authorized to and did report the above meeting at the time and place herein stated, and that it is a true and correct transcription of my stenotype notes taken during said meeting. Dated this 17th da f June, 1998. Jane Pastore LEY AND MARSAA COURT REPORTERS, INC. 1551 FORUM PLACE, SUITE 500-B WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401