Present: David B. Norris, Mayor
Charles O'Meilia, Vice Mayor
Dr. Edward M. Eissey, President Pro Tem
Gail H. Vastola, Councilman
Joseph A. Tringali, Councilman
Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager
George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney
Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk
Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. All members of Council were
present. All members of staff were present.
The purpose of the Public Hearing was to hear comments from the Public concerning Bill
920, adopting Amendment 98-1 to the Comprehensive Plan for the Village of North Palm
Beach, Florida, in accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and
Land Development Regulation Act, as amended, being Sections 163.3161 Et. Seq.,
Florida Statutes, which amendment is attached as Exhibit "A"; providing for severability;
providipg for the repeal of all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and
providing for an effective date.
Lois Jeffcott, 804 Fairhaven Drive, presented the signatures of 33 residents who object
to the revision of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment that will permit commercial uses
in a residential district along Prosperity Farms Road. Mrs. Jeffcott stated that the
residents all support the Village Grocery, but would not support other uses. Mrs. Jeffcott
told the Council that there is no reason to change the permitted uses to protect the
Village Grocery, since that business is already protected by being grandfathered in.
Mort Levin, 115 Lakeshore Drive, asked the Council if Amendment 98-1 would affect the
zoning which had been addressed north of Parker Bridge. James Fleishmann of Land
Research Management, Inc., explained that the properties on U. S. 1 that are included
the Amendment are parcels that have been annexed by the Village, and are zoned
Commercial at this time.
. Ed Moore, 2621 Conroy Drive, addressed the Council regarding his concern that a door
is being opened for other businesses to come into the neighborhood, and that the
Minutes of Public Hearing
• Held Thursday, June 25, 1998
decision being made at the present time could have long-term ramifications that the
Village will not be able to control. Mr. Moore also told the Council that he, and his
neighbors on both sides ofi Prosperity Farms Road, all support the Village Grocery, but
don't want to open the door for additional uses.
Bob Hilton, 2526 Honey Road, told the Council that he is remodeling a home behind the
Village Grocery, and asked wh_y he is not permitted to put amulti-unit building on his
property, since there are already multi-unit buildings within a square block area. Mr.
Hilton was advised that he should contact Mr. Hogarth, Director of Public Services, since
the purpose of this Public Hearing was to address the Amendment to the Comprehensive
Plan only.
George Spears, 758 Fairhaven Drive, told the Council that he ran the first store on
Northlake Blvd. in 1961, and that he is opposed to the change in the land use designation
as stated in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Spears told the Council that, once the change
is made, the whole thing regarding zoning would have to be fought all over again, but if
no change is made, there would be no problem.
There being no further comments from the public, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
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