10-23-1997 VC REG-MMINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION • OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1997 Present: Gail H. Vastola, Mayor Charles O'Meilia, Vice Mayor Larry Kelley, President Pro Tem Tom Valente, Councilman David Norris, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Vastola called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE • Mayor Vastola gave the invocation, and Councilman Valente led the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The following Minutes were approved as written: Minutes ofi Regular Session held 10/9/97 REPORT OF THE MAYOR Mayor Vastola requested that SB 2121 regarding the overcrowding of schools be placed on the Workshop Session agenda of 11/13/97. Mayor Vastola referenced a communication from Commissioner Marcus regarding the focus ofi growth in Coastal areas (Eastward Ho}. This will also be placed on the Workshop Session agenda of 11 /13/97. Councilman Valente, as the Village representative on the John D. MacArthur Park Conservation Corp. Board of Directors, reported that the Board would like to make use of the Village's boat to go to Munyon Island to observe the project. Consensus of Council was to approve this request, and Councilman Valente was directed to handle this request. • Minutes of Regular Session • Held Thursday, October 23, 1997 Vice Mayor O'Meilia reported on the Palm Beach County Municipal League meeting held Wednesday, October 22, 1997, at which the Wetlands Ordinance was discussed. The County Commission postponed their final reading on this ordinance until 11/18/97, so that resolution could be made regarding the concerns of the Municipal League and its members. Councilman Norris reported that he attended a N.A.M.A.C. meeting last week, and discussion centered around a centralized dispatch system, and a definitive plan would be presented to all the participating municipalities after their committee studies it further. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS The following Minutes were received for file: Minutes of the Construction Board of Adjustment Meeting held 5/7/97 Minutes of Police & Fire Pension Board Meeting held 9/16/97 • Minutes of Library Advisory Board Meeting held 9/23/97 Minutes of Code Enforcement Board Meeting held 10/6/97 Minutes of Country Club Administrative Board Meeting held 10/6/97 Minutes of Recreation Advisory Board Meeting held 10/14/97 REPORTS OF SPECIAL COMMITTEES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Councilman Valente moved to accept the recommendation of the Country Club Administrative Board to "approve request for budget transfer in the amount of $7,300 for tennis part time pay (L8050-11300), from L8050-66490 (Machinery & Equipment) in the amount of $2,500 and from L8059-11300 (Clubhouse Part Time Pay) in the amount of 4,800 in order to fund end of year negative balance". Vice Mayor O'Meilia seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Village Manager Dennis Kelly reported that all Village Departments will be closed on November 11, 1997, in observance of Veteran's Day, and that the Haunted Forest has • 2 Minutes of Regular Session • Held Thursday, October 23, 1997 been cancelled for this year. He also gave a brief status report on the various capital projects. The Village Council agreed by consensus to recommend that residents follow the County's recommendation that Halloween Trick or Treating be done on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. due to the current mosquito problem. EX PARTE COMMUNICATIONS All members of Council declared Ex Parte communications regarding 11.b on the agenda, Utility Trailers. Record of these communications will be submitted to the Village Clerk for file. BILL 903 - ZONING_ -IN-PROGRESS MORATORIUM EXTENSION -PLACED ON SECOND READING AND ENACTED AS ORD. 45-97 Councilman Valente moved that Bill 903 entitled: . AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING AND EXTENDING THE DURATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 21-97 OF THE VILLAGE KNOWN AS THE "INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE" WHICH PROVIDED A MORATORIUM ON APPROVAL AND ISSUANCE OF DEVELOPMENT ORDERS FOR PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE INCORPORATED AREAS OF THE VILLAGE BOUNDED BY LAKE WORTH ON THE EAST, THE INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY ON THE SOUTH AND WEST AND PGA BOULEVARD ON THE NORTH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE be placed on second reading and read by title alone. Vice Mayor O'Meilia seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Councilman Valente moved that Bill 903 be enacted as Ordinance 45-97. Vice Mayor O'Meilia seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. • 3 Minutes of Regular Session • Held Thursday, October 23, 1997 BILL 904 -COMMERCIAL UTILITY TRAILERS -FAILED Mayor Vastola asked that a motion be considered to approve second reading and enactment of Bill 904, a proposed ordinance amending Sec. 18-95, Recreational, Boating and Camping Equipment, of Article III of Ch. 18 of the Village Code, allowing for commercial utility trailers. The second reading of Bill 904 died fior lack of a motion. RECESS _ __ The meeting recessed at 7:58 p.m. and reconvened at 8:10 p.m. RESOLUTION 65-97 ADOPTED -PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS Vice Mayor O'Meilia moved that Resolution 65-97 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH • PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SUBSECTION e OF SECTION 406, CERTIFICATION AND LICENSE PAY, OF THE PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE VILLAGE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE be adopted. Councilman Norris seconded the motion. During discussion, certification for an intoxilizer operator was added to the list of certifications. Vice Mayor O'Meilia moved that an Exhibit be added to the Personnel Rules & Regulations listing the certifications and their dollar amounts. Councilman Norris seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Thereafter, the original motion, passed 5-0. DECLARATION OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT President Pro Tem Kelley moved to declare five vehicles used by Public Safety Department as detailed on RCA dated 10/2/97 as surplus. Vice Mayor O'Meilia seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. • 4 Minutes of Regular Session • Held Thursday, October 23, 1997 HOLIDAY MEETING SCHEDULE APPROVED Councilman Valente moved to cancel Village Council meetings of 11/27/97 and 12/25/97, in observance of Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. President Pro Tem Kelley seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY -FINAL CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS President Pro Tem Kelley moved to approve the Architect's submission package to the Planning Commission for the final Certificate of Appropriateness. Councilman Norris seconded the motion. Councilman Valente moved to upgrade the wall to $40/foot by American Wall Systems and to leave all the trees as shown. Mayor Vastola passed the gavel to Vice Mayor O'Meilia and seconded the motion. During discussion, it was clarified that the wall would • be 1,320 feet long and 6' high. The motion passed 4-1, with Councilman Valente, Mayor Vastola, Councilman Norris and President Pro Tem Kelley voting aye, and Vice Mayor O'Meilia voting nay. Vice Mayor O'Meilia returned the gavel to Mayor Vastola. By consensus, the Council agreed that the fencing which will separate the public parking from employee parking will be 4' high, and will be the aluminum picket fencing without the pilasters. Thereafter, the original motion passed 4-0. President Pro Tem Kelley left the meeting at 8:52 p.m. due to illness. Councilman Valente accompanied Mr. Kelley from the Council Chambers, and returned at 8:54 p.m. HIRING FREEZE LIFTED ON ACCOUNTING CLERK POSITION Councilman Valente moved to lift the hiring freeze on an Accounting Clerk position (job code #6018-0104) in the Public Services Department; reference position audition audit and needs assessment submitted in accordance with the hiring freeze policy. Vice Mayor O'Meilia seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. • 5 Minutes of Regular Session • Held Thursday, October 23, 1997 HIRING FREEZE LIFTED ON PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER POSITION Vice Mayor O'Meilia moved to lift the hiring freeze on a Public Safety Officer position Qob code #5711-0124) in the Public Safety Department; reference position audition audit and needs assessment submitted in accordance with the hiring freeze policy. Councilman Valente seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. HIRING FREEZE LIFTED ON DISPATCHER POSITION Councilman Valente moved to lift the hiring freeze on a Dispatcher position (job code #5711-0115) in the Public Safety Department; reference position audition audit and needs assessment submitted in accordance with the hiring freeze policy. Vice Mayor O'Meilia seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. CORRIDOR STUDY - U. S. 1 NORTH OF PARKER BRIDGE • Vice Mayor O'Meilia moved to direct staff to take the steps necessary to implement the recommendations that are made in the Corridor Study. Councilman Valente seconded the motion. During discussion, the Village Manager was directed to write a letter to DOT regarding a traffic light and median access for the proposed Winn-Dixie project, as it relates to the traffic around the Benjamin School. Thereafter, the motion passed 4-0. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. athleen F. Kelly, CMC, Villag Clerk f. J 6