01-12-2017_WS Land Development Code and Village Master Plan ImplentationVILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH
TO: Honorable Mayor and Council
FROM: Samia Janjua, Interim Village Manager a
DATE: January 12, 2017
SUBJECT: WORKSHOP — Discussion Regarding Adoption of Land Development Code and
Implementation of the Village Master Plan
On September 25, 2014, the Village Council executed a contract with Calvin, Giordano & Associates,
Inc. ( "CGA ") for planning services to assist in the development and preparation of a Unified Land
Development Code ( "ULDC "), as specified in the Request for Proposals issued by the Village.
CGA prepared a general timeline for workshops, code review and adoption and divided the
implementation and adoption process into the following phases:
• Phase I Establish format of UDLC — Develop the framework
• Phase II Identification of Issues — "Discovery"
• Phase III Public Outreach
• Phase IV Creation of UDLC — Evolution of the Working Draft to Final Draft
• Phase V Public Hearing /Adoption
Phase I was completed and Phase II, Discovery, was partially completed. The Discovery phase
primarily involves the identification of issues. The Consultant and Village Administration solicited
input by conducting initial public workshops with the Planning Commission on February 19, 2015 and
the Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals on March 24, 2015 to afford each Board, based on its
assigned role, the opportunity to identify the major issues within the community that should be
addressed as part of the Code rewrite. At the May 28, 2015 Village Council meeting, the Council, at
the urging of members of the Planning Commission and others, determined that prior to proceeding
with the ULDC process, the Village should develop a Vision and Master Plan.
On August 15, 2015, the Village Council executed an Interlocal Agreement with Treasure Coast
Regional Planning Council ( "TCRPC ") to develop a master plan for future and infill development and
redevelopment, as well as a community -based vision for economic growth.
On August 11, 2016 at a Council Workshop, TCRPC presented and received input on the first draft of
the Master Plan that fully described the master plan process including the charrette, public input, and
public involvement, and highlighted all recommendations in considerable detail. At a subsequent
Workshop on October 13, 2016, TCRPC presented implementation strategies for the draft Master Plan
with projected timeframes. At its October 27, 2016, Regular Session, the Council formally accepted
the Master Plan through the adoption of Resolution No. 2016 -73.
This Workshop is to discuss the next steps for Code revisions with respect to the following:
ULDC format: requires the re- organization of the various land development regulations into a
consolidated ULDC;
2. Non - Master Plan Related Revisions: addresses administrative items, process, procedures,
clarifications, updates, definitions, general provisions, etc.;
3. Master Plan Dependent /Implementation Revisions: requires direction from Council as to what
components of the Master Plan are desired to be realized. Comprehensive Plan and Code
Revisions necessary to implement them can then be identified. This may include consideration
of new zoning districts and /or regulations, and the type of zoning code (form based, traditional,
hybrid) best suited to address them; and
4. Consultant assistance in drafting the desired revisions.
At the Workshop Meeting, Village Staff and TCRPC will be providing additional background and
examples of different types of Land Development Codes.
There is no immediate fiscal impact.
Contact person: Denise Malone, Community Development Director
Village Administration requests Council discussion and input of the next steps regarding the
adoption of a new Unified Land Development Code and Implementation of the Village Master
Plan in accordance with Village policies and procedures.