09-07-1994 VC B PH-MMINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1994 Present: Gail H. Vastola, Mayor Jeffrey H. Atwater, Vice Mayor V. A. Marks, M. D. , President Pro Tem Tom Valente, Councilman Larry Kelley, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Glerk Absent: George Baldwin, Village Attorney ROLL CALL Mayor Vastola called the Public Hearing to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present except Village Attorney George Baldwin. PURPOSE OF PUBLIC HEARING The purpose of the Public Hearing was to hear comments from the Public concerning the..proposed 1994-95 Operating Budget, including the North Palm Beach Country Club. As stipulated in the Truth in Millage (TRIM) Bill, every owner of real property in the County was notified by the Palm Beach County Tax Assessor of proposed property taxes and Public Hearing. No further legal publication of this Public Hearing by the Village was required. STATEMENT OF PERCENTAGE INCREASE IN MILEAGE OVER THE ROLLED-BACK RATE Mayor Vastola announced that the proposed millage rate is 5.25, with a 9.9% increase over the current rolled-back rate. COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC Leon Smith, 100 Wettaw Lane, addressed the Village Council regarding the proposed $2.00 walkers' fee. Mr. Smith opposes this, stating that it would be a "nuisance" fee, and would not enhance revenue for the Club. Joe Banaszak, 44 Yacht Club Drive, President of the MGA, ' recommended to the Council that the Country Club Administrative Board be abolished and replaced with an Advisory Board, who would work with the Club Manager. Mr. Banaszak also suggested leasing the restaurant to an outside party. He further stated that the losing departments should be remedied, instead of increasing the Minutes of Public Hearing Held Wednesday, September 7, 1994 most productive money-makers such as carts and driving range, and invoking a walking fee. The Public Hearing recessed at 7:15 p.m. for the purpose of convening the special Meeting scheduled at that time. The Public Hearing reconvened at 7:15 p.m. Chester Bricker, 409 Flotilla Road, registered his protest of the proposed $2.00 walkers' fee. Mr. Bricker told the Council that he has seen people walk from the driving range directly to the 18th green and start chipping balls. Mr. Bricker did not object to the increase in dues, but said that walkers' fees would not be enforceable, and would only be an aggravation. Arnold Hess, 878 Fathom Court, member of the Country Club Administrative Board, refuted the arguments against the proposed walkers' fee. Mr. Hess explained that the Board's efforts are to raise the revenue to meet increasing expenses, and since the increased dues do not cover the entire expense, it is reasonable to expect walkers to contribute to the maintenance of the entire club. Robert Slater, 301 Linda Lane, Palm Beach Shores, told the Council hip, that some members are on f and can afford, the increas suggested that golf members g" fee for food. on1y~~20.0 only, to be tried for a~year members fixed incomes while oth ~'~ ~ ~ .~ ers_are es with-little complaint T1r.~ be ._ , . -,_..,. ., assessed a nominal "min.imum 0 every two months during ~ ~ '-:_.~W ~. SS~ater fe~:t this would ~ „u ,. ____ , mend would be supported, ppol rMnM ny ~imum, of ,$10.00_ per every two _ 536 Greenwap Drive, addressed t ~ ,° Zy Grinn, ~ he Council regarding __. _ proposed 1594-95 budget, giving an exegesis of the ViYlage dget messy a in `a recent newsletter. Mr.~r_,. ger's b_u g.. inn 9~ionetT the fact~;~hat,.~2QO,000~was„ budgeted to implement the __ and may Plan Study before the Study was completed. Ciccarel.l.or 313 Lake Circe, told the Village Council that the ?osed Increase in membership -dues '3.s' justified, but that t~.e _ kegs slou7;d not be lienal.ized laeyoncl that. He rec'ommeiidec~ t~iat ,.. ~ _ istor dou on-books be issue - w',... ~~ ~ ci, to be spent at the restaurant. Beattie, Z0 Yacht Club Drive, Chairman of WGA 9-Holers, reported that the WGA members-disagree -with the proposed increases; -- - °- and asked Council to reconsider. ' Minutes of Public Hearing Held Wednesday, September 7, 1994 Barry Magee, 353 U. S. One, stated his opposition to the increase in dues as well as the walkers' fee, and felt that members would be driven to other clubs that cost less. Robert Gavin, 740 Buttonwood, told the Council that he objected to the walkers' fee because he didn't think it would generate enough income. He also feels that the reasons for proposed increases should be published in the Village Newsletter so that the golfers who support the club should make the decisions. M. C. Love, 837 Anchorage Drive, told the Council and the audience that we should all consider ourselves blessed, and that the club is something that everyone in the Village can enjoy and be proud of. Mr. Love said that these charges need to be adjusted from time to time, and feels that the Board has done an honest job of trying to come up with reasonable increases. Mr. Love further added that if the increase is due, it's due, and if the Board k~,as studied and reviewed the increases, they should be supported. Mary Stronczer, 5480 N. Ocean Drive, Singer Island, replied to an earlier speaker who questioned how walkers' fees could be monitored. Mrs. Stronczer said she hoped that the walkers are honest and have a conscience. ADJOURNMfiNT With no further comments to be heard, the Public Hearing adjourned C~ J 3