Present: Gail H. Vastola, Mayor
V. A. Marks, M. D. , President Pro Tem
Tom Valente, Councilman
Larry Kelley, Councilman
Dennis w. Kelly, Village Manager
George W. Baldwin, Village Attorney
Kathleen F. Kelly, Village clerk
Mayor Vastola called the meeting to order at 7:25 p.m. All members
of Council were present. All members of staff were present.
The purpose of the Public Hearing was to hear comments from the
Public concerning Bill 764, a proposed ordinance of the Village of
North Palm Beach, Florida, amending subsection G 'of Section 45-33
of Article III of Appendix C - zoning of the Code of ordinances to
allow car wash and car waxing businesses to utilize awning
structures; providing for the repeal of all ordinances or parts of
ordinances in conflict herewith; and, providing for an effective
Manny Grinn, 536 Greenway Drive, addressed the Council regarding
Bill 764, and stated that he was happy with the proposed change,
but questioned why the Council would loosen appearance standards by
allowing awning structures while tightening up on signs.
Mort Levin, 115 Lakeshore Drive, told the Council that he had no
objection to an awning structure at the specific Texaco station
location on U. S. One and Yacht Club Drive, but he did oppose
changing the code to allow awning structures anywhere in the
Village. Mr. Levin feels that allowing these types of changes
weaken the Code. Mr. Levin said he felt that the gas station
should ask for a variance instead.
The Public hearing recessed at 7:30 p.m. and reconvened at 7:31
p.m. in order to open and recess the Regular session scheduled for
7:30 p.m.
' Richard Voss, 645 Atlantic Road, applauded the Council regarding
this issue, stating that approval would carry out a reasonable
extension of awning structures already allowed at certain
businesses, and added that the appearance code gives protection
against future requests that may be inappropriate.
Minutes of Public Hearing
Held Thursday, December 8, 1994
Louise Call, 28 Yacht Club Drive, rebutted Mr. Levin's argument by
telling the Council that when she moved to North Palm Beach in
1968, ordinances were very specific regarding building heights, but
the Code was changed to allow the building of old Port Cove, where
Mr. Levin resides. Mrs. Call supports the proposed change to allow
awning structures at gas stations.
Charles O'Meilia, 756 Lagoon Drive, told the Council that the
change as written would allow more than one structure. He also
explained that the C-1 zoning setbacks are different than other
commercial setbacks in that C-1 zoning only has a front setback,
with no side or rear setbacks, unless it were a corner lot, which
then would have a side setback only. Mr. O'Meilia feels that the
Council. should consider that in making a decision. Further, Mr.
o'Meilia said the alley behind the gas station in question is an
alley easement given to the Village by Gulf Oil Company after a
long, hard battle, but they did not dedicate it to the Village as
a piece of property; it is merely an easement on the back of the
lot and is still part of that lot, with no rear setback.
Therefore, whatever structure is permitted now can be set right on
' the back property line. Currently, Mr. o'Meilia added, they could
technically do that by putting up a building in the back and doing
their car-washing inside a building. The present code says that
any work performed must be within enclosed walls of a building.
Mr. O'Meilia told the Council that the main reason the code reads
the way it does is because of the requests, and the code
enforcement problems we've had through the years with people doing
things outside buildings in commercial areas on U. S. one and down
Northlake Blvd. The current ordinance is only four years old,
having been passed in 1990..
the meeting adjourned at
With no further comments to be heard,
7:43 p.m.