01-28-1993 VC REG-MMINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1993 Present: Judy M. Pierman, Mayor V. A. Marks, M. D., Vice Mayor Jerry Gardner, President Pro Tem Tom Valente, Councilman Gail H. Vastola, Councilman Dennis W. Kelly, Village Manager George w. Baldwin, Village Attorney Kathleen F. Kelly, Village Clerk ROLL CALL Mayor Pierman called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilman Valente gave the invocation, and Vice Mayor Marks led ' the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The following Minutes were approved as read: Minutes of Public Hearing held 1/12/93 Minutes of Special Session held 1/12/93 Minutes of Regular Session held 1/14/93 REPORT OF THE MAYOR On behalf of the Council, Mayor Pierman presented a plaque to Howard L. McFann for his service on the Code Enforcement Board. Mayor Pierman presented the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to Finance Director Shaukat Khan for Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1991. This Certificate was awarded by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS The following Minutes were accepted as written: Minutes of the Country Club Administrative Board Meeting held 1/4/93 i; r 1 Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, January 28, 1993 Minutes of the Code Enforcement Board Meeting held 1/4/93 Minutes of the Special Country Club Administrative Board Meeting held 1/6/93 Minutes of the Special Country club Administrative Board Meeting held 1/11/93 Minutes of the Recreation Advisory Board Meeting held 1/12/93 VILLAGE MANAGER'S REPORT Village Manager Dennis Kelly introduced Marilyn Tiedemann, who gave a presentation on Project Ecology at the Allamanda School Environmental Learning Center. Amelia Ostroksy, Principal of Allamanda School, presented an appreciation plaque to Charles O'Meilia, Director of Public Services, and to all the employees in the Public Services Department, who contributed to the project by donating signs and delivering mulch. Appreciation was also given to Village Manager Dennis Kelly, who was instrumental in arrangements for mulch and boulders. and will address this further at a later date. Mr. Kelly reported to the Council on the North County Planning Forum, which is forming a steering committee to foster intergovernmental coordination on growth management for the North Palm Beach County and South Martin County region. Mr. Kelly requested direction from the Council regarding level of involvement in a proposed Strategic Growth and Development Plan. The Council expressed interest in a joint meeting with other municipalities, BILL 703 ENACTED AS ORDINANCE 5-93 - AMENDING BUDGET FOR F.I.N.D. GRANT - - Councilman Valente moved that Bill 703 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH,-FLORIDA, AMENDING THE NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 TO REDUCE THE FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT GRANT REVENUES AND SHORELINE PROJECT APPROPRIATION 1 be placed on second reading and read by title alone. President Pro Tem Gardner seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, January 28, 1993 Councilman Vastola moved that Bill 703 be enacted as ordinance 5- 93. Vice Mayor Marks seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. BILL 704 ENACTED AS ORDINANCE 6-93 - AMENDING BUDGET FOR PHYSICAL_ EXAMS Vice Mayor Marks moved that Bill 704 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB FUND BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR PHYSICAL EXAMS be placed on second reading and read by title alone. Councilman Valente seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. Councilman Valente moved that Bill 704 be enacted as ordinance 6-93. Councilman Vastola seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. BILL 705 PLACED ON FIRST READING - ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR LEGAL SERVICES Vice Mayor Marks moved that Bill 705 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 TO APPROPRIATE ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR SPECIAL LEGAL SERVICES AND FOR VILLAGE ATTORNEY be placed on first reading and read by title alone. Councilman Valente seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. BILL 706 PLACED ON FIRST READING - AMENDING STORMWATSR MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS Councilman Valente moved that Bill 706 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 21 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT, PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR WATER QUALITY; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT; PROVIDING FOR INSPECTIONS AND ' MONITORING; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR CAPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN 3 ' Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, January 28, 1993 CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE VILLAGE CODE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE be placed on first reading and read by title alone. President Pro Tem Gardner seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. RESOLUTION 3-93 ADOPTED - BID AWARD FOR FIREWORKS DISPLAY Councilman Valente moved that Resolution 3-93 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THS BID OF VITALE FIREWORKS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC., NEW CASTLE, PA, FOR FIREWORKS DISPLAY IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,350.00, TO BE EXPENDED FROM ACCOUNT A8229-34932 (PUBLIC EVENTS) be adopted. President Pro Tem Jerry Gardner seconded the motion, and all present voted aye. ' EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT FOR CLUB MANAGER APPROVED Councilman Vastola moved that the Mayor and Village Clerk execute an Employment Agreement with Alan Sayer as Manager of the North Palm Beach Country Club. Vice Mayor Marks seconded the motion. By consensus, the Council amended the draft agreement as follows: Page 1: Section 2. Term of Agreement: Term to be open-ended, with Village Attorney's recommendation to continue until terminated by the Employee or the Employer as set forth in Sections 6 and 7. Section 2.(a), line 4: delete the word written. Page 3: Paragraph (e) Personnel: Add language "and in consultation with the Village Manager, ensure that the Personnel policies are strictly enforced." Page 5: Section 4. Compensation/Benefits/Professiona Annual base salary was changed to $42,500.00. Paragraph (d), Dues and Subscriptions: The sentence "Employer agrees to budget and to pay for" was changed to "Employer agrees to consider the budgeting of..." Page 6: Line 1, Club Memberships: First word "Employer" was changed to "Employee." 4 Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, January 28, 1993 Language was inserted to state that club membership shall terminate at the end of employment. Section 6, Resignation. and Section 7, Termination: "ninety (90) days" was changed to "thirty (30) days." After discussion, the motion to authorize execution of the contract, as amended, passed 4-1, with Councilman Vastola, Vice Mayor Marks, Councilman Valente and Mayor Pierman voting aye, and President Pro Tem Gardner voting nay. With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. 1 f 5