09-24-1987 VC PH-MMINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1987 Present: Tan Valente, Mayor V. A. Marks, M.D., Vice Mayor ' Judy M. Pierman, President Pro Tem Kenneth H. Mays, D.M.D., Councilman Craig Mundt, Councilman Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Steve Sandusky, Country Club Administrator Mayor Valente called the Public Hearing to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of the Council were present except Councilman Mays, who arrived at 7:03 p.m. All members of the staff were present except the Village Attorney, who arrived at 7:25 p.m. Also present were Shaukat Khan, Finance Director, and Steve Sandusky, Country Club Administator. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to hear the comments of the public concerning the proposed 1987-88 operating budget, including the North Palm Beach Country Club. Legal notices of the Public Hearing were published in the Palm Beach Post on September 21, 1987 and were pasted according to law. ' Mr. Immanuel Grinn, 536 Greenway Drive, posed several questions on the proposed general fund budget. These questions were answered by the Mayor and Village Council and the Village Manager Before Mayor Valente called for comments fran the public on the North Palm Beach Country Club budget, the members of Council stated their recommendations concerning the proposed $1.00 registration fee or other alternatives to cane up with the money needed for tee renovation and other capital improvements for the golf course. Vice Mayor Marks left the meeting at 7:33 p.m. and returned at 7:30 p.m. Robert Southall, 545 Overlook Drive, spoke in favor of the $1.00 registration fee. Art Loretto, 105 Paradise Harbour Blvd., spoke against raising cart fees, and offered sane suggestions on how we could save money at the club. Lucia Traugott, 721 Pelican Way, spoke in favor of the $1.00 registration fee. Michael Guarino, 21 Yacht Club Drive, was opposed to the $1.00 ' registration fee and in favor of a lump sum up front assessment. Win Johns, 29 Yacht Club Drive, wanted the cart fees reduced and the dues increased. Jean Buchanan, 52 Yacht Club Drive, spoke in favor of a $33.00 assessment. Reg Grant, 100 Shore Court, spoke in favor of the $1.00 registration fee. ROLL CALL PURPOSE OF PUBLIC HEARING LEGAL NOTICES PUBLISHED COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC GN GEN. FUND BUDGET CCMMENTS FROM COUNCIL ON CC BUDGET COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC CN CC BUDGET Minutes of Public Hearing Held Thursday, September 24, 1987 Page 2 Emily Ellis, 709 Osprey Way, presented a petition to the Council CCMHIENTS FROM signed by several members of the wGA who opposed the $1.00 PUBLIC ON CC registration fee. She favored an increase in dues or an BULUET assessment, as did the members of the WGA who signed the petition. Chester Bricker, 409 Flotilla Road, spoke against the $1.00 registration fee and in favor of an assessment. Ed Buchanan, 52 Yacht Club Drive, said he agreed with Chester Bricker. Dick Voss, 642 Atlantic Road, spoke in favor of the $1.00 registration fee. Harry Uan Note, 513 Harbour -Road, spoke against the $1.00 -- registration fee. He spoke in favor of a blanket assessment to all members. Immanual Grinn, 536 Greenway Drive, said the position of boss at the country club deserves more money if you want results. Jim Green, 404 Inlet Road, spoke against the $1.00 registration fee. He spoke in favor of an equal assessment for everyone and increased use of the golf course, espedially in the sLmaner. Chuck Weston, 832 Cinnamon Road, wanted to know why we collect only $7,000 from the driving range. He felt North Palm Beach should be getting more revenue from that source. ' John Ridgway, 745 Jacana Way, spoke in favor of an equal assessment for everyone. Richard Bingham, 120 Lakeshore Drive, spoke in favor of a one-time assessment of approximately $40.00. There being no further comments from the public, Councilman Mundt RES. 31-87 moved that Resolution No. 31-87 entitled: ADOPTED A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING A TAX ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERPY LOCATED WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ON JANUARY 1, 1987, FIXING THE TOTAL VALUATION THEREGN AND THE TAX MILEAGE RATE THEREON FOR SAID TAX YEAR; AND REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT WITH THIS RESOLUTION be adopted. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Marks and passed unanimously. Councilman Mundt moved that Bill No. 516 entitled: BILL 516 PLACID ON AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, SECOND ADOPTING BUDGETS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1, 1987, T17 READING SEPTEMBER 30, 1988, BOTH INCLUSIVE, FOR THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL FUND, INCLUDING DEBT RETIREMENT, AND FOR THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB REVENUE FUND; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE be placed on second reading and read by title alone. The motion was seconded bl' Councilman Mays and passed unanimously. Councilman Mundt moved that Bill No. 516 be adopted as Ordinance MOTICN ZU ADOPT No. 15-87. The motion was seconded bl' Vice Mayor Marks. BILL 516 AS ORD. 15-87 Minutes of Public Hearing Held Thursday, September 24, 1987 Page 3 Councilman Mundt moved to amend the motion as follows: Leave the MOTION DIED line item the same amount and charge fifty cents for each person FOR L~CR OF going out to play on the golf course. That would catch A SECOND nonmembers as well as our own people and it would be equitable across the board from everybody who plays on the course. The motion died for lack of a second. ' Mayor Valente passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Marks and moved to amend the motion as follaas: To delete line item 41-347-00-00233, fee of $20,000, which is the "walker's fee"; delete line item 41-572-111-35227, (Tee Renovation) in the amount of $8,000, increase the greens fees, Account No. 41 347-000-00231 fran $162,000 to $174,000, making the new Country Club budget $1,068,569. The motion was seconded by President Pro Tem Pierman and failed 2-3, with Mayor Valente and President Pro Tem Pierman voting aye, and Vice Mayor Marks, Councilman Mays and Councilman Mundt voting nay. Vice Mayor Marks returned the gavel to Mayor Valente and moved to amend the motion as follows: that all golfers be assessed $70 and if it is a family, $105. In lieu of this, to make it more equitable, we would cut the cart fees from $15 to $13 for members in season and $12 for members in summer and $15 for non-members year-round. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mays and failed 2-3, with Vice Mayor Marks and Councilman Mays voting aye, and Mayor Valente, President Pro Tem Pierman and Councilman Mundt voting nay. The meeting was recessed at 9:01 p.m. and was reconvened at 9:14 p.m. ' President Pro Tem Pierman left the meeting at 9:23 p.m. and returned at 9:26 p.m. Councilman Mundt moved to amend the motion as follows: that we go back to the original budget as proposed by Council and brought forward fran the workshop. The motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Valente passed the gavel to the Vice Mayor and moved to go back to the original motion. The motion died for lack of a second. Vice Mayor Marks returned the gavel to Mayor Valente. Councilman Mundt moved to amend the motion as follows: that we adopt the budget as it was proposed. We leave the line item in for the capital improvements or registration. We leave the tee improvements in and we charge fifty cents for every person who goes on the golf course. The motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Valente passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Marks and moved the amend the motion as follows: that we have an assessment of $50 per membership and reduce the cart fees fran $15 to $14 in season and $12 in sinner. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mays and failed 2-3, with Mayor Valente and Councilman Mays voting aye, and Vice Mayor Marks, President Pro Tem Piennan and ' Councilman Mundt voting nay. Vice Mayor Marks returned the gavel to Mayor Valente. MOTION T1~ AMEND FAILED 2-3 MOTION T'O AMEND FAILED 2-3 RECESS MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND MOTIQV DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND MOTICN DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND MOTION FAILED 2-3 Mayor Valente passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Marks and moved to MOTION TY) amend the motion as follows: that we have an assessment of $50 AMEND PASSED per membership. The carts will be $14 in winter and $12 in 3-2 summer for members and $15 year-round for non-members, with an increase of $1 per person for cart rental for lung card players and cancer card players. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minutes of Public Hearing Held September 24, 1987 Page 4 Mays and passed 3-2, with Mayor Valente, President Pro Tem Pierman and Councilman Mays voting aye, and Vice Mayor Marks and Councilman Mundt voting nay. Vice Mayor Marks moved to amend the motion as follows: that we MOTION DIED ' make the cart fees $13 in winter and $12 in sunnier. The motion FOR LACK OF died for lack of a second. A SECOND Thereafter Council voted on the main motion, as amended, which MAIN MCIPION, passed 3-2, with Mayor Valente, President Pro Tem Pierman and AS AMENDED, Councilman Mays voting aye, and Vice Mayor Marks and Councilman PASSED 3-2 Mundt voting nay. There being no further business to come before the Council, the ADJCtIRNMENT Public Hearing was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Minutes recorded by: ~f-C.,~s~~~~~r ~~C, Iblores R. walker, CMC, Village Clerk C 1