03-12-1987 VC REG-M,, MINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1987 ii 1 1 Present: Tom Valente, Mayor U. A. Marks, M.D., Vice Mayor Judy M. Pierman, President Pro Tem Kenneth H. Mays, D.M.D., Councilman Craig Mundt, Councilman Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager Phillip C. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Mundt called the Regular Session to order at 7:30 p.m. All members of the Council and the staff were present. Councilman Marks gave the invocation and Mayor Mundt led the Council and the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The organization of the Council is required by the Village Charter to be done at the next regular meeting of the Council following the election of any Councilman. Therefore, Council proceeded with its organization in accordance with Article III, Section 3, of the Village Charter. Judy Pierman nominated V. A. Marks for the office of Mayor of the Village of North Palm Beach. Craig Mundt nominated Tom Valente. Council then voted by ballot on the nominations for Mayor. Tom Valente received three votes and V. A. Marks received two votes; therefore, Tom Valente was elected Mayor. ROLL CALL INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COUNCIL ORGANIZATION TOM VALENTE ELECTED MAYOR Tom Valente nominated Craig Mundt for the office of Vice Mayor of V. A. MARKS the Village of North Palm Beach. V. A. Marks nominated Judy ELECTED VICE Pierman. Ken Mays nominated U. A. Marks. Council then voted by MAYOR ballot on the nominations for Vice Mayor. V. A. Marks received three votes and Craig Mundt received two votes; therefore, U. A. Marks was elected Vice Mayor. Ken Mays nominated Judy Pierman for the office of President Pro JUDY PIERMAN Tem of the Village of North Palm Beach. There being no further ELECTED nominations, Judy Pierman was elected President Pro Tem. PRES. PRO TEM The ballots shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council. The Village Manager placed the names of Tom Valente as Mayor, V. PLACEMENT OF A. Marks as Vice Mayor, and Judy Pierman as President Pro Tem on NAMES ON RES. proposed Resolution No. 10-87. 10-87 Councilman Mundt moved that Resolution No. 10-87 entitled: RES. 10-87 ADOPTED A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING CERTAIN OFFICERS FOR SUCH VILLAGE be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman -Mays and passed unanimously. The Village Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Mayor OATHS OF Valente, Vice Mayor Marks and President Pro Tem Pierman. These OFFICE oaths are in accordance with Section 2-41 of the Village Code and ADMINISTERED shall be spread upon the minutes of the Council. Former Mayor Mundt turned the gavel over to Mayor Valente. GAVEL TURNED OVER TO MAYOR VALENTE Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, March 12, 1987 Page 2 The Minutes of Regular Session held Thursday, February 26, 1987 were approved as written. Jack Ridgway, on behalf of the Disabled Veterans Committee of North Palm Beach Elk's Lodge 2069, presented a plaque to Mayor t Valente in appreciation for the Village Council's generosity and support given to their initial "Disabled Veterans Benefit and Golf Tournamant." Former Mayor Mundt reported to the Council that yesterday morning a group from North Palm Beach met with the Engineering Staff for Roads, Mrs. Karen Marcus, County Commissioner, Assistant County Manager, Sam Shannon, and Mrs. Marcus' Assistant concerning the proposed widening of Prosperity Farms Road. As a result of about two hours of discussion, we went from a five-lane road to a three-lane turning lane on Prosperity farms Road to a one-year postponement. It is delayed at least a year for any consideration. We have been assured by the Engineering Staff that they won't even propose it, and this was reiterated by Commissioner Marcus. They will do an evaluation of the other roads to be sure that they are handling the traffic. They would do an evaluation of Prosperity Farms Road only after the other roads have been determined to be operating at capacity. If it is necessary to consider anything furthur on Prosperity Farms Road, they would come to the Village of North Palm Beach first for some input before taking any action. He said he felt the resolution which we have on the agenda this evening (Item 11 a) is an item that we should not pass at ' this time. He recommended that we remove it and further recommended that a letter, outlining the agreement with Commissioner Marcus as we understand it, be drafted and sent to the County Commission. The Council concurred with the above recommendation and the resolution was removed from the agenda. The following minutes were accepted as written: Minutes of Library Advisory Board Meeting held January 27, 1987 Minutes of Special Meeting of Planning Commission held February 10,1987 There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Minutes recorded by:C~/S~-4,~-~.. ~-~' ~ ~~ olores R. Walker, CMC, Village Clerk APPROVAL OF MINUTES PRESENTATIION OF PLAQUE - DISABLED VETERANS COMM., NPB ELK'S LODGE 2069 REPORT ON MEETING RE PROPOSED WIDENING OF PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD RES. REMOVED FROM AGENDA ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES ADJOURNMENT , ~ , OATH OF OFFICE.. State of Florida ) County of Palm Beach ) ss. Village of•North Palm Beach ) I, Tom Valente do solenmly swear-that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of .Florida, and the Charter '.and Code of the Village of North Palm Beach; that I will faithfully, honestly and impartially discharge my duties as Mayor during my continuance therein; that I am not directly or. indirectly pecuniarily interested in any public service corporation engaged in business in the Village of North Palm Beach, or in or with any person or corporation having contracts with said Village, so help me God. ~'i Signed ~~ Y ~~~L /F Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of Mdreh , 19 87 . ~ _ bo ores R. Iti!a er'fc~GMC -~- OATH OF OFFICE State of Florida ) County of Palm Beach ) ss. Village of-North Palm Beach ) I, V. A. Marks, M.D. do solenmly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Florida, and the Charter and Code of the Village of North Palm Beach; that I will faithfully, honestly and impartially discharge my duties as V7ce Mayor during my continuance therein; that I am not directly or indirectly pecuniarily interested in any public= service corporation engaged in business in the Village of North Palm Beach, or in or with any person or corporation having contracts with said Village, so help me God. Signed G~`~/ ' ~~~~/ ~ ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of March 19 $~ ~~~ ~ ~ Q-- F-[~.,~,,.~ Do ores R. Wa ker,.CMC OATH OF OFFICE State of Florida ) County of Palm Beach ) ss. Village of•North Palm Beach ) I, Judy M. Pierman do solenmly swear that I cvi11 support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of .Florida, and the Charter and Code of the Village of North Palm Beach; that I will faithfully, honestly and impartially discharge my duties as President Pro Tem during my continuance therein; that I am-not directly or. indirectly pecuniarily interested in any public ~ service corporation engaged in business in the Village of North Palm Beach, or in or with any person or corporation having contracts with ,. said Village, so help me God.. 1 // / c i?' °' 1. _ - I U Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~ day of March , 19 87 . 0 oral es R. ra ker, CMC wtm~a.. s~oxc,~zz~TiaN ze. ~ ~~ . Mayor 2. Vice Mayor 3. President Pro Tem - ~~~~ Signor e r /~ - d`7 COUI,QCIG RPARGANiZATION ~Yor 2 Vice Mayor 3 President Pro Tern U~.~~ Sigu[vre ~~ z~~'7 COTTi`TCIL ggp~r~t~ar~n~rr0l3 I; ... ~iny! ~A ayor ~, 2,. . Vice Mayor 3. Presi t Pro Tem 3~/Z/~/~ COLTt~TCIL 12~(}RG?,I`TL7~TION I; 'Mayor 2.. Vice Mayor 3. Presi t Pro Tem A~~~~~ ignatJure ~ ~l~' ~7 COIJp~IL REgRC,AN27.ATIQN Mayor 2.. Vice Mayor 3 President Pro Tem ~~ ~~r~~~ COUNCIL REpR(',ANT7ATION I: yor Vice Mayor 3 President Pro Tem Itr~ Nt-~ Signature ~" ~~. ~ ~" cr~ur~ca L ' .Gi .. _ _. _. .... ..... M........,. - Vice Mayor 3. Presi t Pro Tan ~~7~~ Date COUNC7Z RFARCaSpIZZ~TION 1. Mayor 2. ~~' o U I /kn AC~O Vice Mayor 3. Tres' t Fro Tem A~iYY\.tiw Signature 3-rz-~~ COUNCII~ REORC~NIZATION 2. ~ /~ / e iY~.~,ry~` . . ice Mayor 3. Presi ent Pro Ten ~z0g~ COUNCIL RFARC~ANIZATION Mayor Vice Mayor 3 President Pro Tem 3~~~/~ ~/