08-25-2016 Special Permit for Similar Use - MGA Heine 1 LLC1 � lit 11111 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ORDER ON APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT Applicant: Location: Legal Description: Zoning District: Gentile Holloway O'Mahoney and Associations, LLC (Agent) on behalf of MGA Heine 1 LLC (Property Owner) Lorraine Court — Southeast corner of Lorraine Court and Alternate AlA ( "Property ") Lot 13, Lake Park Manor (less right -of -way for Alternate AIA) PCN: 68- 43- 42- 17 -05- 000 -0130 CC Transitional Commercial District Request: Special Use Permit for a Similar Use to allow the additional retail uses of cellular sales and repairs, interior design, cabinet and /or lighting store, vitamin shop and rug and /or tile store on the Property. This matter came before the Village Council for public hearing on August 25, 2016. Upon consideration of the recommendation of Community Development Director and the statements presented by the Applicant, members of the public and other interested persons during the course of the public hearing, the Village Council hereby finds that the Applicant's request satisfies the criteria and requirements set forth in Section 45 -16.1 of the Village Code of Ordinances for the grant of a special use permit for the establishment of a similar use within the CC Transitional Commercial District. Based on the foregoing, it is hereby ORDERED by the Village Council that the application for Special Permit is hereby GRANTED. DONE AND ORDERED this 25th day of August 101C VIL itz ATTEST: Melissa Teal, Village Clerk