Present: Al Moore, Mayor
W. H. Brown, Vice Mayor
Harriet Nolan, President Pro T~
V. A. Marks, M'. D., Councilman
Tom Valente, Councilman
Raymond J. Howlarud, Village Manager
Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney
Wally E. Schott, Deputy Director of
Fublic Services
Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk
Mayor Moore reconvened the recessed meeting of Monday, November, ROLL CALL
8, 1982, which was a continuation of the recessed special
session of Thursday, November 4, 1982. All members of the Council
and the staff were present.
The Mayor stated that the one item that was left open at last ITEM LE~L OPIN
night`s meeting was the motion to resolve the stage lighting AT LAST NIGH:C`S
at the DeL3corte Commnity Center. The meeting was recessed MEETING WAS
to-'have the staff find out what it would cost based on the MOTION TO RESOLVE
original bid date and what it would cost. today; what the STAGE LIGHTING
damage to the Village would be and the cost based on today's
price. The Mayor also stated that the only motion on the
floor that he knew of was to resolve the stage lighting at
the Delacorte Comntmity Center. That i.s the original motion
that we had at the Special Session of Thursday, November 4,
Coinci'I,nan Valente moved to amend the motion, as previouasly MOTION TO AMEND
amendedz as follows: that we accept a change order not to MAIN MOTION
exceed g1,380.00.in accordance. with the memorandtan dated
November 9, 1982 (copy of which is attached to the minutes
of this meeting) ,if su~nitted by Cox and Palmer,to complete
the Alternate B electrical wiring anal hookup, switches, controls,
etc. at the Delacorte C~TM»ty Center.. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Marks.
Vice Mayor BroHm waved to mend the amendment as follows: that MOTION TO AMFiID
reasonable steps be taken. by the Village Manager to collect AMF'NrMFN'P PASSID
the damages to the Village by the Architect's error. The 5-0
motion was seconded by President Pro Tem Nolan and all present
voted aye.
The Council then voted on the first amendment which passed un- FIRST AST
animously. PASSID 5-0
Thereafter Council voted on. the main motion, as amended, which MAIN NSYTION
passed tmanimovsly. PASSID 5-0 I
Counci_]m~n Marks moved that we reconsider the vote on the motion N%7TI~I ~ ~-
to pay $7,000.00 to Cox and Pa]mer for stucco on the interior C~ISIDER VOTE
walls at the Delacorte Buildingg. The motion was seconded by ON ~IOLq TO pAY
Vice Mayor Brown and passed 4-1, with President Pro Tem Nolan $7,000 TD COX
opposed. & PATSIER FOR
Minutes of Special Session held Thursday, Nov. 4, 1982
Recocroened Tuesday, November 9, 19$2
Page 2
Vice Mayor Brain moved that whereas the contractor has not met CONTRACTOR
the specifications and ac~trnitted there was no way at this point DIl2F.CTID
of making a presentable finish on the various wa7.ls anal structures TO MAKF; PROPOSAL
inside the building, that the contractor be directed to make a TO VIIdAGE
proposal to the Village of what he will. do to remedy the situation TO RII~IEDY SITUA-
to the satisfaction of the Village's Architect and the Village to TI~V RE WAISS
provide a surface essentially as aesthetic as would be resulting & STRUCTURES
fx+~ him having met the specifications in total anal in detail. INSIDE DEI.ACORTE
The motion was seconded by CDTAtrilman Marks and passed unan- BUILD]NG
There being no further business to come before the Council, ADJOURNMENT
on motion of Councilman Marks, seconded by Vice Mayor Brawn,
all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Misiutes recorded by: Dolores R. FJalker, CMC
Village Clerk
t0: Ray Howland, Village Manager date: November 9, 1982
fro r11: Wa11y E Mott, Asst. Director of Public Services
subject: Feeder Conductors to Alternate B Ligfiting SysXem
The following is the cost analysis requested by the Village Attorney
for the Council to add the additional lighting panel, feeder conductors
and connect to tfie light tracks using the in place 2" raceway from the
MDP (main disconnect panel) to the stage area.
Quote from Cox 6 Palmer 11/9/82 $1,380
Cost to Village at time of bid
(3/29/82) would have been - $1,265
(confirmed by elec. contractor
Comparison Cost 11/9/82 3/29/82
Electrical Contractor #1 $1,195 $1,095
Electrical Contractor #2 $1,300 $1,200
Electrical Contractor #3 $1,175 $1,075
NOTE: The comparison cost from the independent Electrical Contractor
does not include Cox & Paimer's mark-up of 15~.
The cost differential between 3/29/82 and 11/9/82 is due to an in-
crease of 10$ in the cost of panel equipment and 5~ for wire cost.
November 9, 1982 .
Cox & Palmer's quote includes labor and materials to complete the
1. Install fuses in existing MDP.
2. Install 4 - #3/o cu feeders in exiati,ng conduit.
3. Install one 1~" conduit with. 28 #12 conductors (Pipe A).
" 4. Install two - 2" conduits with. 48 #12 conductors (Pipes B E C).
5. Install circuit breakers in additional panel boards to control
individual receptacles separately.