aF ~
Present: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1982
Al Moore, Mayor
W. H. Brown, Vice Mayor
Harriet Nolan, President Pro Tem
V. A. Marks, M. D., Councilman
Tom Valente, Councilman
Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager
Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney
Dolores R. Tvallcer, Village Clerk
Mayor Moore called the Special Session to order at 7:02 p.m. ROLL CALL
All members of the Council and the staff were present.
The purpose of this Special Session is to discuss the status PURPOSE OF
of the Pension Board for General Employees' meetings and con- SPECIAL SESSICi~
rider appropriate action regarding than.
Mayor Moore informed the Council of what had transpired last IlV'~'ORMATION RE
week concen" a the Pension Board for General Employees, and UNSCH®UI~D ~
explained why he called this Special Session. At about 3:00
p.m. Last Tuesday afternoon., November 2, 1982, he was informed
by the Chairman of the Pension Board for General Employees that
there had been an unscheduled meeting held in the Village of
North Palm Beach. She bad talked to the Village Attorney
concerning what she should do.about it-and he, in turn, told _ .
her to call the Mayor. The Mayor called the Village Attorney,
but was unable to reach him. The Village Attorney then called
the Mayor and they discussed the situation. GJhat seemed to
have happened was that the meeting was in violation of the
Village Code, violation of the Stmshine Law, and there was
no notice posted seven days before the meeting, which is re-
~rired by ordinance. It was held in the Village Manager`s
office, with at least one door closed. Thexe were three
menbers of the Pension Board present -- that is all of them
except the C'.hair~nan -- and the Finance Director was present,
for how long a period of time the Mayor aid not know. The
Mayor stated that if you read the ordinance which. created
the Pension Board, you will notice there is nothing the.
Council can do for misconduct or anything else that the
Board emits, and there is really nothing the Mayor could
do. So Mayor Moore suggested that in Darr disco.+ssion tonight
we decide what we would like to do about the General Employees
Pension Board.
After a lengthy discussion Councilman Narks unveil that the Pension MOTION RE CCN-
Board for General Employees be constituted as follows: STITilTION OF
The Mayor, or his designee fry the Council, who shall be
Cha~-nT~~*+ but who shall not vote except in the case of a tie
The Village Manager
Two employees, elected by the general employees of the
Village; not more than. one from a~ department
One citizen of the Village who shall be appointed by
the Cotmcil
and that this ordinance to effect the change be drafted by the
Village Attorney for. first and second reading, on an energency
basis, for Council's regular session. of Thuu:sday, NovemUer 18,
1982. The motion was seconded by Councilman Valente and passed
4-1, with Vice Mayor Brawn opposed.
Minutes of Special Session
Held Monday, Novenber 8, 1982
Page 2
Mayor Moore stated that the. Pension Boards for the General Em- MEETIbIG TIME
ployees and Fire/Police e~loyees should meet at the same time FOR PENSION
the .other boards in the Village meet, and not during working 'BOARDS
hours. He said this is based-an his discussion with the Village
Attorney on this matter.
There being no i-~ther business to came before the Council, on ADJOIIRNCSEN'.C
motion of President Pro Ten Nolari, seconded by Councilman
Valente, all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned
at 7:50 p.m.
Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Flalker, (MC
Village Clerk