11-18-1982 VC REG-M MINUTES of REGULAR SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA VILT-AGE COU[~CTL Ok' NORTFI PAIM BFACH, FIAR~A TKUELSBAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1982 Present: Al Moore, Mayor W.H. BROWN, Vice Mayor Harriet Nolan, President Pro Tan Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: V. A. Marks, M. D., Councilman Tan Valente, Councilman I i Mayor Moore called the Regular Session to order at 7:33 p.m. ROLL CALL AlI mm~bers of the Council were present except Councilman. Marks, who is ill, and Councilman Valente, who is out of town. Mayor Moore gave the invocation and Vice Mayor Brown led the INVOCATION & { Council and the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the PLEDGE OF Flag. ALT~GIANCE On motion of President Pro Tem Nolan, seconded by Vice Mayor APPROVAL OF Brown.,-all present voting aye, the follawing minutes were MINUiBS approved as written: Minutes of Regular Session held .Thursday, October 28, 1982 Minutes of Special Session held Thursday, Novanber 4, 1982 Minutes of Special Session held Monday, November 8, 1982 Minutes of Special Session held Thursday, November 4, 1982 and Reconvened Monday, November 8, 1982 Minutes of Special Session held Thursday, November 4, 1982 and Reconvened Tuesday, P7ovas~er 9, 1982 On motion of President Pro T~ Nolan, seconded by Vice Mayor ACCEPTANCE OF Brown, all present voting aye, the follov~ring minutes were MINUTES accepted as written: Minutes of Meeting of Pension Board for General Employees held October 19, 1982 Minutes of Regular Meeting of Library Advisory Board held October 26, 1982 Minutes of Special Meeting of Library Advisory Board held November 9, 1982 Regarding the reccmnendation of the Library Advisory Board LIBRARY AD. BD. ' that the Village Council reconsider the action taken by RECQ~IDATION Resolution IQo. 42-82 concerning elinviiation of fringe benefits POSTPONID for part-time employees and also that they consider amending Resolution No. 42-82 by "grandfathering in" all existing employees until they are terminated or retire, Vice Mayor Brown moved that action on this itan be postponed until the entire Council is present (Council`s regular session of Thursday, December 9, 1982). The motion was seconded by President Pro T~ Nolan and all present voted aye. Minutes oi; R>r~ulaz session Held Thursday, Nov~rber T8, 1982 Page 2 On motion of Vice Mayor Brawn, seconded by President Pro Ten BILL 409 Nolan, all present voting aye, Bill No. 409 entitled: PLACID ON FIRST READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLpRIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 45 OF THE V7Id.4GE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE (THE ZONING CODE} BY DEFIPdTNG TIME-SHARE ' AND RESIRICTING THE LOCATION OF TIME-SHARE UNTTS TO THE - - C A, C-]A, CB, C-1 AND C-2 ZONING DISTRICTS; PROVID7IG A SAVINGS CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PUIZPOSES was placed on first reading and read by title alone. On motion of Vice Mayor Broom, seconded by President Pro Ten BILL 410 PLACID Nolan, all present voting aye, Bill No. 410 entitled: ON FIRST READING & REA7) ]SI FULL AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAAGE OF NORTH PAT3~S BEACH, FLOR7I)A, AMENDING ORDINANCE N0, 9-82, GkITCH ORDINANCE ENACTID INTO LAW A PEPdS2~1 PLAN kYJR FIRE AND POLICE II~LOYEES OF THE VILL- AGE, BY PROVIDING FOR DISABILITY RETIREMENT BFa~]EE"ITS FOR FIRE AND POLICE ~,OYEES AND BY PROVIDING FOR REVERSION OF UNUSID FUNDS UPGN ~~AmION OF THE SYSTEM T.0 THE GENERAL FUND OF THE V]ZiAGE AND TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA was placed on first reading and read in full. - The reason for adopting this ordinance on an m~ergency basis REASON FOR is that if it is not passed, sent to the State of Florida, ADOPTING ORD. and received by the end of the year, the Fire and Police ON 71~RGENCY Pension Fund will lose approximately $40,000. BASIS ' On motion of Vice Mayor Brawn, seconded by President Pro Ten BILL 410 PLACID Nolan, all present voting aye, Bill No. 410 was placed on CN SECOND READING second reading and read by title alone. & READ BY TITLE ALONE On motion o£ President Pro TeriNol.an, seconded by Vice Mayor BILL 4I0 ADOPTID Brown, all present voting aye, Bill No. 410 was adopted as AS ORD. 20-82 Ordinance No, 20-82, On motion of Vice Mayor Bx~m, seconded by President Pro Ten BILL 472 PLACID Nolan, all present voting aye, Bill No. 412 entitled: ON F772ST READING & READ IN F[IT L, AN ORDNANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIZ OF THE V7IdAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLOR7AA, AMENDING SECTION 2-151 - _ _ OF THE VILLAGE CODE BY AMENDING THE N~ffiERSH7P OF THE RETIRII~NI' B(],ARD OF THE VILLAGE GENERAL ET~IPLOYEES' PENSION FUND TO 73E COMPOSED OF THE MAY012 OR HIS COUNCIL DESIGNATE, VILLAGE PiANAGER., TFA EMpIAYEES Fr,F.~-r~.n By THE EMPLOYEES AND ONE OTHER VILLAGE RES]DENT ~F:f F('PF1'1 By T~ was placed on first reading and read in full. _ The reason for adopting this ordinance on an ecrergency basis REASON FOR is so that the Pension Fund for General Employees can continue ADOPTING ORD.. to be administered. ON m~ur.FiyCy BASIS President Pm Tan Nolan moved that Bill No. 412 be placed on MOTION TO PLACE second reading and read by title alone. The tmtion was second- BILL 412 ON ed by Vice Mayor Brown. SECOND READING Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, November 18, 1482 Page 3 Vice Mayor Brawn moved to amend Bi11 No. 412 as follows: In MOTION TO AMEND the third paragraph, line seven of Section 1, after the ward. _ disabled, add "resigns, tPmm~nates Village employment".... The motion was seconded by President Pro Tit Tdo1an. Mayor Moore passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Broom and amended MO'iZON TO AMEND the amendment as follows: In the third paragraph, line eight A~tr PASSID of Section 1, after the word ~tployees, add "or the Council".... 3-0 Also, in line sixteen after the word as, add "non voting Cbai.r- - man except in case of a tie vote".... The motion was seconded by President Pro Tan Nolan and all present voted aye. Vice Mayor Brown returned the gavel to Mayor Moore. The Council then voted on the first amextdment which passed FIRST'AMEN~]T imaivmously. PASSID 3-0 Thereafter Council voted on the main motion, as amended,. which MATH MOTION, AS passed unanimously. AMENDID, PASSID 3-0 The Village Manager then read Bill No. 412 by title alone BILL 412 READ BY TITLE ALONE On motion of President Pro Tem Nolari, seconded by Vice Mayor BILL 412 ADOP'PED Brawn, all present voting aye; Bi11 No. 412 was adopted as AS ORD. 21-82 Ordinance No. 21-82. On motion of President Pro Tan Nolan, seconded by Vice Mayor RES. 44-82 Brown, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 44-82 ADOPTID entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VTfTA(:F' COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEAGEi, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE VTfSAI,E CLERIC Ta. SIGLQ A DISCLAIMER TO A CF'RTQTN UTILITY EASHS'IF?VT ON LOT 20, BLOCK 21, PL9T N0. 1 of THE VTTTAC;F OF NORTH PALM BEACH was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 44-82. President Pro. Tan Nolan moved that Resolution No. 45-82 en- P40TION TO ADOPT titled: RES. 45-82 A RESOLUTIf~I THE VTTSA(:F' COUNCIL OF NORTH PATS4 BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF DAG750N COMPANY, INC. FOR SEPTIC TANK AND DRA."Q~IFIELD FOR VALERS>; DELACORTE C(PM4IJNITY CENTER IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,400.00, FROM ACCOUNT N0. 71- 581-63.13 (1981 BUND CONSTRUCTION FUND) be adopted. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Brown. - Vice Mayor Brown moved that Resolution No.. 45-82 be amended RES. 45-82 as follows: Make the following a new Section 2: "That the AN1E~7DED installation of a septic tank at this location is of a tan- porary nature, and as soon as 'the sewex line is procrided in this area, the septic tank should be abandoned and the Valerie _ Delacorte Carmtmity Center will be connected to the sewer systan", and make the present Section 2 of the Resolution Section 3, The motion was seconded by President Pro T~ Nolan and all present voted aye. Thereafter Cotmcil voted on the main motion; as amended, which MAIN MOTIOTd, passed tmanirmusly. AS AMENDED, PASSID 3-0 Vice Mayor Brown moved that we accept the Proposal of DuBois ACCEPTANCE OF Chemicals for chEmical treata~nt of the coaling tower at the PROPOSAL OF North Palm Beach Country Club Clubhouse in an amount not to DU BOIS CHFS~I- exceed $810.00 to be expended from Account No. 34.1-572-46.20 ICALS Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, Novembez 18, 182 . Page 4 (Clubhouse Maintenance). The motion was seconded by President Pro Ten Nolan and all present voted aye. Vice Mayor Brawn moved that we accept the ProQosal of USS Agri- ACCEPTANCE OF Chemicals for 12 tons bulk standard sulfate ancmnia in the a~vnt PROPOSAL OF of $1,545.60 to be emended fran Accrnmt No. 1I.1-572-52.23 USS AGRI-CI~M- (Fertilizer and Chemicals) for the Country Club Golf Course. TCALS The motion was seconded by President Pro Ten Nolan and all present voted aye. President Pro Ten Nolan moved that we postpone Iten 12 (c) 1TEM ON FRINGE under Miscellaneous Business (Fringe Benefits for Part-Time BENEFITS FOR E~loyees) until Council's Regular Session of Decenber 9, I9$2_ PART-TIME The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Brown and passed unan- EMPLOYEES POST- imously. PONID There being rio further business to cane before the Council, ADJOUi2I~+7ENT on motion of President Pro.Ten Nolan., seconded by Vice Mayor Brown, all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. [dallier, CMC Village Clerk