06-24-1982 VC REG-MMJNUTES OF REGULAR SESSIODI OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1982 ~I Present: Al Moore, Mayor W. H. Braan, Vice Mayor Harriet Nolari, President Pro Tem V. A. Marks, Councilman Tan Valente, Counr~~*~n Raymond J. Haa].and, Village Manager Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Joan Bernola, Finance Director Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Moore called the Regular Session to order at 7:32 p.m. ROLL CALL All members of the Council and the. staff were present. CoLmcilma~z Valente. gave the invocation and President Pro Tem INVOCATION & Nolan led the Council. and the public in the Pledge of Allegiance PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE to the Flag. On motion of Counci]manz Valente, seconded by President Pro APPROVAL OF MINUTES Tem Nolan, all present voting aye, the Minutes of Regular Session held Thursday, June I0, 1982 were approved as written. On motion of Councilman Valente, seconded by President Pro Tan Nolan, all present voting aye, the following minutes were accepted as wrrected: Minutes of Regular Meeting of Recreation Advisory Board held June 9, 1982 Minutes of Regular Meeting of North Palm Beach Country Club Advisory Board held June 15, 1982 Vice Mayor Brown moved that the recommendation of the North Palm. Beach Country Club Advisory Board that Cotmcil approve funds to buy a spare water cooler for the golf course be post- poned until budget meetings and be added to the budget for discussion at that time. The motion was seconded by Pres- ident Pro Tem Nolan. and passed 4-1, with Cotmci]man Valente opposed. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES CC AD. BD. RECQ~1- M~TTON POSTPONID President Pro Tem NoL3n moved that the reccumendati_an of CC AD. BD. RECCM- the North Palm Beach Country Club Advisory Board that Council MENDATION POSTPONID approve the hiring of Pat MiL3zzo on a full-time basis be postponed until budget time.. The motion was seconded by Councilman Marks and alI present voted aye. On motion of Councilman. Marks, seconded by Councilman BLLL 402 PLACID Valente, all present voting aye, Bi11 No. 402 entitled: CN FIRST READ]NG AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE QF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 5 OF THE VILLAGE OF' NORTH PRIM BEACH CODE BY ADDING THERETO SECTION 5-22 PRO- HIBTTING THE USE OF BOATS FOR TEt~ORARY OR PERMANENT RESIDINCES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LII~LCPS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, BELTING FORTH EXCEPTION ~RFrn was placed on first reading and read by title alone. Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursdax, Jvne 24, 1982 Page 2 On motion of Vice Mayor BroFm, seconded by Cotmc;lm~„ Marks, RES. 32-82 all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 32-82 ADOPTID entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH; FLORIDA, ADVISING THE STATE ,OF FLORIDA, DE- PART~T OF NATURAL RESOURCES, THAT THE VILLAGE COUNCII~ OF NORTH PALM BEACH AND THE VILLAGE OE NORTH PALM BEACH 0R7E('T TO USE OF ANY PUBLIC PROPERTY WITHIN THE «TA~ OF NORTH PALM BEACH FOR NCIDE SCIDTBA7.TiING OR OTHER EXPOSURE OF SEXUAL ORGANS AND RECC{VIl~7QID7NG THAT THE DEPAR~n~tar OF NATURAL RESOURCES COOPERATE WITH THE VILLAGE 1N ENFORCING APPROPRIATE VTTSA(,F. ORDINANCES was read in full and adopted as read. as Resolution No. 32-82. On motion of Vice Mayor Brawn, seconded by President Pro Tem RES. 33-82 Nolan, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 33-82 ADOPTED entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNC7S~ OF NORTH PATI~I BEACH, FLORIDA., URGING THE FLORIDA DEPAR'1rnFN'r OF TRANSPORTATI~t TO ,PLAN, ~ .', AND CQ~'-.'LEFE CERTAIN ROAD PROJECTS WITHIN AND OUTSIDE NORTH PALM BEACH, FL0RIi14 was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 33-82. There was discussion by Cotmcil to determine if the money to DISCUSSION RE resurface the two t~*+~~ courts at the North. Palm Beach ACCOUNT N0. TO Country-Club should be taken from the Tennis Assessment BE PLACED ON Account or from the Bond Construction Contingency Account. RES. 34-82 Thereafter the Village Manager-read Resolution No. 34-82, leaving the account rnanber blank. Vice Mayor Brown uu~ved that Resolution No. 34-82 be adopted M(YiZON TO ADOPT RES. only after the account mm~ber has been added. The motion 34-82 AFTER ACCT. was seconded by President Pro Tem Nolan. NO. IS ADDID President Pm Tem Nolan moved that Accovnt No. 62.3-572- MOTION TO PLACE 63.11 (Tennis Assessments) be placed on Resolution No. ACCT. N0. ON RES. 34-82. The motion was seconded by Counci]inan Valente 34-82 PASSID 5-0 and all present voted aye. Thereafter Cotimcil voted on the main xrotian which. passed MAIN MOTION PASSID ta~aninausly. Therefore, Resolution No. 34-82 entitled: 5-0 -RES. 34-82 ADOPTID A RESOLUTION OF THE VII~AGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PATS4 BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF MASTER TE[~IIS COURT BUILDERS FOR RESURFACING OF Ti~A TEI~IIS COURTS, NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB, 2N THE AMOUNT OF $3,500 FROM ACCOUNT N0. 62.3-572-63.11 (TII~IIVIS ASSESS~]TS) was adopted. Vice Mayor Brown unwed that CoLmcil deny the recoumendation MOTION Td DENY of the Cotmtry Club Advisory Board that the golf course CC AD. BD. RECQ~I- maintenance staff be required to wear bard hats while MENDATION working on the course. Mayor Moore passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Brown and seconded the motion. President Pro Tem Nolan moved to amend the motion as follows: MOTION AMEPIDID That we deny the specific reccxm,Prdation of the Country Club Advisory Board, but that the golf course maintenance staff be encouraged to wear bard hats while working on the course. The u~otion was seconded by CoLmcilman Valente and passed 3-2, with Mayor Moore and Vice Mayor Bro~,m opposed. Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, June 24, 1982 Page 3 Thereafter Council voted on the main motion, as amended, which passed 3-2, with Mayor Moore and Vice Mayor Brown apposed. Vice Mayor Bran returned the gavel to Mayor Moore. Cotnci_lmazu Marks moved that we authorize the Mayor to sign the engagemesut letter with Ernst & ~lhinxuey-for auditing ser- vices for the Village of North Palm Beach.. The motion was seconded by President Pro Tan Nolan and all present voted aye. MATH N%nION PASSID 3-2 MAYOR AUTFIORIZID TO SI(~ ~arar:Fr~rr LET1~R WITH ERNST & Wf~IEY Councilman Valente moved that we authorize the Mayor to sign MAYOR AUTHORIZED the response to the Department of Veteran and Caiminzi.ty Affairs Ta SIGN RESPONSE answervZg the objection to the amendrents to the Canprehensive TD DEPT. OF VETERAN Plan. The motion was seconded. by Coumcila~ari Marks and all & CAVITY AFFAIRS present voted aye. RE COMPREEIEtVSTVE PLPN Councilman Marks moved that the rolling gates which were in- stalled at Osborne Park on a trial basis be left there per- ~~*+tly. The motion was seeded by President Pro T~ Nolan. anal all present voted aye. Councilman Valente moved that we place acne-eighth page advertismtaZt, in the amount of $62.00, in the Special Convention Issue of the FLORIDA MUNICIPAL RECORD, the fiords to be expended from Account No. 61-519-99.11 (Council Contingency). The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Bro~aru and all present voted aye. There being no further business to cane before the Council, an motion of Counci]man. Valente, seconded by President Pro Tem Nolan, all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. TrIa7.ker, CS1C Village Clerk ROLLING GATES TO BE LEHZ AT OSBORNE PARK AD TO BE PLACID IN FLORIDA. MUNICIPAL RECORD