07-26-1982 VC REG-MMINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH-PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1982 RECONVENED MONDAY, JULY 26, 1982 Present: Al Moore, Mayor . W. H. Brown, Vice Mayor V. A. Marks, M.D., Councilman Tom Valente, Councilman Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager Joan C. Bernola, Finance Director Charles R. O'Meilia, Public Services Dir. Absent: Harriet Nolan, President Pro Tem Mayor Moore reconvened the Regular Meeting of Thursday, ROLL CALL July 22, 1982 at 7:15 p.m. A11 members of, the Council were present except President Pro Tem Nolan Councilman Valente moved to approve the expenditure of MOTION TO $4118.41 for the emergency repair of a packer truck, APPROVE $1118.30 to be transferred from Account No. 33-534-43.40 EXPENDITURE to Account No. 33-534-52.18 in order to have enough AND TRANSFER money in the account to pay for the repairs. Seconded OF FUNDS by Councilman Marks. After further discussion Councilman Valente moved to AMENDMENT OF amend the motion as follows: transfer $4118.41 from MOTION Account No. 33-534-43-40 to Account No. 33-534-52.18, seconded by Councilman Marks, passed 3-1, Mayor Moore opposed. Thereafter, Council voted on the main motion, as MOTION PASSED amended, which passed 4-0. 4-0 There being no further business to come before the ADJOURNMENT Council, on motion of Councilman Valente, seconded by Vice Mayor Brown, all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Minutes recorded by: -Betty C. Green Deputy Village Clerk