01-28-1982 VC REG-M1 MQ`]UTES OF REGULAR SESSION OF THE VILTI~GE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD TfIDRSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1982 Present: Tom Valente, Vice Mayor W. H. Brown, President Pro Tem Al Moore, Councilman Harriet Nolan, Cotmcilwanmz ' Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: V. A. Marks, M.D., Mayor Vice Mayor Valente called the Regular Session to order at 7:30 ROLL CALL p.m. All manbers of the Council were present except Mayor Marks. Vice Mayor Valente gave the invocation anal Councilman Moore INVOCATION & led the Council and the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to PLEDGE OF the Flag. ALLEGIANCE The Following minutes stand as prepared: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of Public Hearing held Thursday, January 14, 1982 conceminro MacArthur Beach State Recreation Area Minutes of Public Hearing held Thursday, January 14, 1982 conceminro the rezrnvng of the "Delacorte Site" ' Minutes of Regular Session held Thursday, January 14, 1982 The following minutes stand as prepared: ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES Minutes of Regular Meeting of Recreation Advisory Board held January 19, 1982 The following misiutes stand as corrected: Minutes of Regular Meeting of Recreation Advisory Board held December 8, 1981 Minutes of Public Hearing of Plarmin~ Commission held January 12, 1982 Minutes of Regular Meeting of the North Palm Beach Country Club Advisory Board held January 19, 1982 President Pro Tem Brawn moved that the recordation of the NPBCC AD. BD. North Palm Beach Cotmtry Club Advisory Board concerning one RECOI`M7E(`IDA`LZO1V golf cart being modified to carry four golf bags so that two DENIED u~embers could walk and two members ride, at a cost estimated ' at $250, on a trial basis, be denied because of the loss of revenue. The motion was seconded by Councilman Moore for discussion and passed 3-1, with Councilwoman Nolan opposed. Councilmen Moore moved that Council approve the reco~datian REC• AD• BD• of the Recreation Advisory Board that the Osborne Park building REC~IDATION be put into full use by improving the acoustical system. The APPROVID motion was seconded by Covncilwcman Nolan anal all present voted aye. Minutes o~ Regular Session Held Thtssday, January 28, 1982 Page 2 Covncilw~an Nolan unwed that we drop selling garbage bags at SALE OF the Public Safety Department and continue. to sell them at the G9'RBAGE BAGS Public Services Department. The motion was seconded by President Pro-Tem Brown and all present voted aye. On untion of President Pro Tem Brown, seconded by Councilwoman BILL 389 Nolan -- 3-1, with Councilman Moore opposed -- Bi11 No. 384 PLACID ~ entitled: SECOND READING ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE VTTTAf,F: OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FfARIDA, AMENDING THE VIILAGE CODE BY ADDING SECTION 5.86 WHICH L~OULD PERMIT THAT VARIANCES MAY BE GRAbTTID FRC1'I THE CODE SECTIONS INVOLU:fNG DOCKS AND WHARFS OF PROPERTIES BORDERING ON LAKE GARTH WHERE A LITERAL INTERPRETATION OF THE VILTAGE CODE MAY CREATE A HARDSHIP Ta c:F:RTATN WATERFRONT OLd~IERS WHOSE PROPERTY IS UNIQUE AND MAY BE ENTITLED TO A VARIANCE TO PERMIT A DOCK AND WHARF WHICH DOES NOT COMELY WITH THE LITERAL LANGUAGE OF THE V7S.LAGE CODE, AND BY ASSIC.NIIQG THE PO~TII2.TO GRANT VARIANCES TO THE DOCKS AND WHARFS SECTIONS OF THE VTf S AC,F. CODE TO THE VTf S Af:F' BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT was placed on second reading anal read by ta_tle alone. On motion of Cotmcilwanm~ Nolan, seconded by President Pro Tem BILL 389 ADOPTED Brown -- 3-1, with Covnci_lman Moore opposed -- Bi11 No. 389 was AS ORD. 1-82 adopted as Ordinance No. 1-82. On motion of President Pro Tem Broom, ~ecanded by Councilwoman BILL 392 Nolan, all present voting aye, Bi11 No.. 392 entitled: PLACID ON SEC~1D READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE STrr.r.ac~: of NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, . AMENDING CHAPTER 45-19 (E) OF THE VIIi~P,GE CODE BY FILING AUTHORITY FOR THE VTTT.A(F. COUNCIL TO REGULATE THE TYPES, ' LOCATION AND LENGTH OF TIME OF USES OF BUILDINGS AND LAND PUBLICLY OWDIED AND USID IN THE PERFORMANCE OF A PUBLIC FUNCTION IN ANY ZONING DISTRICT AV THE «rAr:F was placed on second reading and read by title alone. On untion of President Pro Tenn Brown, seconded by Councilman BILL 392 ADOPTED Moore, all present voting aye, Bi11 No. 392 was adopted as AS ORD. 2-82 Ordinance No. 2-82. On untion of Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Nolan, BILL 393 PLACID all present voting aye, Bi11 No. 393 entitled: ON SECOND READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE VII~LAGE OE NORTH PASM BEACH, Frrnzrna, AMENDING SECTION 45-35 OF THE VTf J A(,F' CODE BY PERMITTING USES IN THE P-PUBLIC DISTRICT TO BE EK[~tDID TO GOVERN- MENTAL AGINCIES OTHER THAN THE VII~AGE GoVERrP7ENT was placed oxi second reading and read by title alone. - On untion of Councilman MAOre, seconded by Cotmcilwouaan Nolan, BILL 393 ADOPTID all present voting aye, Bi11 No. 393 was adopted as Ordinance AS ORD. 3-82 No. 3-82. ' On untion of President Pro Tem Brawn, seconded by Councilman BILL 394 PLACID Moore, all present voting aye, Bi11 No. 394 entitled: ON SECOND READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILT AGE OF NORTH PATl~I BEACH, FIARIDA, AMENDING CRAFTER 45 OF THE VTfTAC:F. CODE BY REPEALING SECTION 45-21, OCEANFRONT LAND IN R-1 DISTRICT was placed on second reading and read by title alone. On motion of Cotncilwou~ Nolan, seconded by Councilman Moore, BILL 394 ADOPTID all present voting aye, Bill No. 394 was adopted as Ordinance AS ORD. 4-82 No. 4-82. Misiutes of Regular Session r held Thttxsday, January 28, 1982 Page 3 ~ motion of Councilman Moore, seconded by President Pro Tem Brawn, all present voting aye, Bill No. 395 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILI~IGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 11 OF THE Vrrx.a~: OF NORTH PATIOS BEACH CODE, THE ELECTRICAL CODE FOR THE VILLAGE, BY ADOPTING BY REFERINCE THERETO THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, 1981 IDTTION, AMID SETTIIQG FORTH AMINII~'N1'S TO SAID NATIONAL ' ELECTRIC CODE . was placed on first reading and read by title alone. On motion of President Pro Tem Brown., seconded by Councilwanan Nolan, all present voting aye, Bi11 No. 396 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ANIED]DING ORDINANCE NO. 10-81, THE BUDGET ORDINANCE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 was placed on first reading and read by title alone. Councilman Moore nominated Jim Green for appointment to the North Palm Beach Country Club Advisory Board for a term ending May 1, 1983. President Pro T~ Brown nrminated Mary Daly. Vice Mayor. Valente nominated Bob Willits.. After the ballots were cotmted, it was determined that there was a tie vote between Jim Green and Mary Daly. The Council voted again, and the second ballot resulted in a tie vote between Jim Green and Mary Daly. Therefore, Council postponed the. resolution appointing a member to the North Palm Beach Country C1ub.Advisory Board until their ' Regular Session of February 11, 1982 because of the tie vote which could not be broken. Councilman Moore nominated George Baldwin for appointment to the Code Enforcement Board for a term ending May 1, 1984, Councilwrommz Nolan n~;nated ,john Nossal. After the ballots were counted, it was dete+~npd that George Baldwin was appoint- ed to the Code Enforcement Board. A copy of all the ballots are attached to.the minutes of this meeting. Ori motion of Councilman Moore, seconded by President Pro Tem Brawn, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 4-82 entitled: A RESOLUTI~T OF THE VIId1~GE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING NIl~ER TO T'fiE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PATM BEACH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 4-82. President Pro Tem Brown ueoved that we. accept the request for a ' permit per paragraph two of Public Services' letter to Village Manager dated January 25, 1982 (copy of which is attached to the minutes of this meeting); we accept item a, b, c, d, with the length of time not to exceed four years; we substitute holding tank for septic tank; and we will not waive the fee until-the State waives 13~e sales tax.. The motion was seconded by Councilman Moore and all present voted aye. Councilman Moore moved that we approve the expenditure of not more than $840.00 from Council Contingency Accrnmt No. 61- 519-99.11 for paneling and upgrading of the Village Manager's and Secretary's office. The motion was seconded by Covnc:il- wanan Nolan and all present voted aye. There being no further business to cane before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p..m. ~ ~~~~~ Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, QKC Village Clerk BILL. 395 PLACED ON FIItST READING BILL 396 PLACED ON FIRST READING TIE VOTE -FIRST & SECOND BALIATS - NONfIIJATIONS FOR NPBCC AD. BD. RES. APPOINTING MEMBER TO NPBCC AD. BD. POSTPONED G. BALD4JIN APPOINT- ID TO CODE ENFORCE- MENT BOARD RES. 4-82 ADOPTID DNR REQUESTS - MAC ARTHUR BEACH STATE REC. AREA APPROVAL OF PANELING FOR S,~rr.r ar_F: MGR. ' S & SECRETARY'S OFFICE ADJOURNMENT r CODE E4FORCENIENT BOARD. B:LLLOT ~ _ 1. / u 2;. 3. 4. 5e DATE CODE ENFORCE~S£NT BOARD BALLOT 2 0 ~ s~Q_ 30 4e 5, ~~ ~!' ~" DATE : ... </ 3.-- CODE EAiFORCEr~NT BOARD BALLOT 3, 40 So DATE': ~ a f/ ' ~ CODE. ENFORCEifE~T BOARD - BALLOT ~e ~~ ~~~ 2 e ~ J ~_ 3. 4, Se _ .~._~-.- rz:-i ~~ DATE: ADVISORY BOARD BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD z _ /Y! Q 4. 5_ °DFiTE: ~ ~ /~2~c~Z ~. ~DVZSORY soaRD BaL~,a~ COU~'TRY CF,L'B e?DVISORY BQ~;gp 3. 2. 3_ 4. 5. ~ ~ 7 -- ~,~ ~ DATE' : d'd~ ~~~ f= ADVISORY BOARD BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOAP.D 1_~ ~.y Z_ Jt ~, C ~~-~~ 4_ 5. ~~` „ ADVISORY BGARD BALLOT COUSTRY CLUB ADVISORY B'JARD ~. ~~-1.u,1~ z. 3_ / '~ 4. S. DATE': u ADVISORY $OARD BALLOT COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD. , Z _ -.~V~n 2. 3. 4. 5_ Y ADV.CSORY BOARD BALLOT COU\TRY CLUB ADVISOtZY BOARD 1-~ rl~.c.~-~ z_ 3. ~# 5. ADVISORY BOARD BALLOT ___ __ COU\TRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD . 2_ 3_ 4. S. DATE: • }1DVISORY BOARD BALLOT COU~:TRY CLUB ADVISORY BOARD 1. ~ I 2. 3_ 4. 5. •DATE i _ _ ~ -_.. _. __ _.- : -_ t~"t£i'i'~vrandum -~,~: VilTage Manager (jat@; 1-25-82 ~YOt"3'1: Pufzlic Services g ~ ~j~g~~; Mobile Homes -MacArthur Beach State Recreation Area - - -V °' T. If the changes to the Zoning Ordinance are passed on second reading, _„` D.N.R. is requesting a building permit for the construction of two mobile homes at the north end of the park to 6e used as residences _ ___.-: to the park rangers and their families Csee Piot Plan attached). I _ 2. Prior to issuing the building permit, the Village Council should + " +~JJ p approve, under the new zoning changes, the following: ;ld' L___ a) Location of the trailers `~ "` ~ -- 6). Useage of the trailers as single fam~ dweiTingS ~ ~"'~e-- c). The trailers as a type of Building d7 The length of time the trailers: may remain on the approved site f ~~~ s 3. D.N.R. has also requested a waiver of building permit fees. This is a legal question, but, I do not find any provision in the Village Coda for anyone waivering the permit fees to y a ency Fees are estimated to Be $500.00'. .> ti