09-10-1981 VC REG-MDUZV[TTES OF Rarrnau SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, SEPTE[~ER 10, 1981 1 1 Present: V. A. Marks, b4. D., Mayor Tom Valente, Vice Mayor W. H. Brown, President Pro Tem Al Moore, Councilman Harriet Nolan., Cotmcilwoman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Raymmd J. Howland, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Marrs called the Regular Session to order at 7:30 p.m. A11 members of the Council were present. Mayor Marks gave the invocation and Counci]maii Moore led the Council and the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag The Mirrutes of Regular Session held Thursday, August 27, 1981 stand as prepared. Mayor Marks, on behalf of the Village, accepted a trophy which was presented to him by Elaine Thompson and Kayla Rudner, members of the Lake Park-North Palm Beach Girls Ponytail State Championship Team. Mayor Marks then presented atrophy to each member of this chaugiionship team on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. The following minutes stand as prepared: Regular Meeting of the.Plann'ng Comrission held August 18, 1981 Special Meeting of the North Palm Beach Country Club Advisory Board held September 2, 19$1. 1 Councilman Moore moved that we have the Mayor write a letter to Mr. John E. Duvall, Assistant County Administrator, advising him that we are opposed to the proposed 2% tourist tax .which the Palm Beach County Tourist Development Council has recom- mended for Palm Beach County. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Valente and all present voted aye. Councilman Moore moved that the Mayor write a letter to the Old Dixie Fire Control Tax District No. 2 in reply to the letter they distributed to residents of County areas the Village is proposing to annex, which contained a great deal of misinforma- tion; advising them of the errors contained in the letter which angered the Village Council, and giving them the true facts. The motion was seconded by President Pro Tem Brown and all present voted aye. Covncil*,JOman Nolan moved, for discussion, that Bill No. 385 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VTTTAI,F' OF NORTH PATI~I BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING SECTION 26-29 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTfi PATS~I BEACH CODE WHICH SECTION LEVIED A TAX ON THE PURCHASE OF ELECTRICITY, FUEL OIL, ~ GAS AND BOTTLED GAS (NATURAL LIQUEFIID PETR~.~~ GAS) WITHIN THE CORPORATE LII~TS OF THE VTTTA(;F' OF NORTH PALM BEACH; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE AND SETTING FORTH THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. ROLL CALL INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES PRESENTATION OF TROPHIES -LAKE PARK-NPB GTRTR CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES LETTER TO J. E. DWALL OPPOSING 2% TOURIST TAX LETTER TO OLD D7~OE FIRE CON- TROL DISTRICT N0. 2 t c Ai~`:- ATION BILL 385 PLACID ON FIRST READING be placed on first reading. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Valente and passed 4-1, with Councilwroman Nolan opposed. Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, September 10, 1981 Page 2 President Pro Tem Brocai maned. to amend Bi11 No. 385 to change BILL 385 remavuzg the utility tax to. reducing the utility tax from At~IDID 8.75% to 5%. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Valente and passed 4-1, with Cotncilman Moore opposed. Ox>.irotion of Vice Mayor Valente, seconded-by President Pro RES. 49-81 Tem Bracsi -- 3-2, with Councilmanz Moore and Councilwoman ADOPTED Nolan opposed -- proposed Resolution No. 49-81 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VIIIAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIi14, ACCEPTING THE BID QF CATHEY'S CUSTi2! DRA~~S, WEST PALM BEACH, FOR NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB DINIlVG ROQvI AND BANQUET ROCM DRAPES TN THE AMOUNT OF $3,082.91, FRCM ACCOUNT IW. 63.1-572-62.11 (ICLTCHEN RENOVATIONS) was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 49-81. Cotncilman Moore moved that Resolution No. 50-81 entitled: MDTIODI DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAC~ COUNCII, OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTIIQG THE BID OF HARDRIVES, INC, FOR UNDER- GROUND SITE G,URK - DEMUCKING, DEG7ATER7IAG, CLEARING FOR THE VALERIE DELACORTE COMMUNITY CENTER not be adopted. The motion died for lack of a second. President Pm Tem Brown moved tba.t Resolution No. 50-81 be RES. 50-81 postponed until all of the bids are received on the Delacorte POSTFONID Building. The motion was seconded by Cotmcilwoman Nolan and passed 4-1, with Vice Mayor Valente opposed. ' The meeting was recessed at 8:35-p.m. and was reconvened at 8:45 p.m. RECESS President Pro Tem Brawn moved that we approve the transfer of INTER.-0BJEGT $10,000 from Acco~mt No. 63.1-572-63.15 (Parking Lot Lights) TRANSFER to Account No. 63.1-572-63.12 (Pool Deck Resurfacing). The oration was seeded by Councilwomen Nolan and all present voted aye. President Pro Tem Brawn moved that Resolution No. 50-81 en- MOTION TO ADOPT titled: RES. 50-81 A RESOLUTION OF THE ViTJACtF. COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FIARIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF R. L. GECK CONCRETE SERVICE, WEST PAIM BEACH, FLORID4, FOR KEYSTONE RESURFACING THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB POOL DECK, IN AN ANDUNT NOT TO EXCEED $23,409 FROM ACCOUNT N0. 63.1-572-63.12 (POOL I~CK RESURFACING) be adopted. The motion was seconded by Cowacilmmz N~ore for discussion. CoLmc;1~+ Moore moved to amend Resolution No. 50-81 to spend MOTION TO AMEI~ID $23,798.50 and be about $387.50 in the red on it, and do it RES. 50-81 all (keystone resurfacing at North Palm Beach Country Club pool deck) so you are through with it. The motion was seconded by President Pro Tem Brawn. President Pro Tem Broom moved that we amend this motion again RES. 50-81 bacl: to the original motion. The untion was seconded by ADOPTID Councilman. Moore and all present voted aye. Therefore, Resolution No. 50-81 was adopted as read by ~,r;A,,;,,r,us vote. !" n- • 4 A 1 1 Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, September 10, 1981 Page 3 Vice Mayor Valente moved that we authorize size Village Manager to go out to bid for the following items, to be expended-from the Golf Course Assessment Accotmt: Item Scow Body Installation Fairway Vacu~un Sixty Cart Baskets at $12,50 each Rake Holder & Rakes Amount Account No. $2,600 62.2-572-64.10 5,900 62.2-572-64.10 750 62.2-572-b4.10 750- 62.2-572-64.10 The motion was seconded by President Pro Tem Brown anal passed 3-2, with Covnci7znmz. Moore and Cotmcilwommz Nolan opposed. AUTfiORIZATION FOR ITEMS TO BE PUR- CHASID FOR NPBCC President Pro Tem Brown moved that we approve the 1981-82 APPROVAL OF greens and cart fees for the North Palm Beach Country Club, 1981-82 GREENS a copy of-which are attached to the minutes of this meeting. & CART FEES The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Nolan and all present voted aye. President Pro Tem Broom moved that we reconsider the vote to postpone Resolution Pdo. 51-81 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE A'R:rArtF. COUNCII. OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF HARDRIVES, INC. FOR UNDERGROUND SITE 4a0RK - DEMUCI~iG, DEWATERING, CT.F.AR'ING FOR THE VALERIE DELACORTE C~IITNITY CENTER. The motion was seconded by Covncilw~n Nol~az. and passed 4-1, with Councilmmz Moore opposed. Councilwoman Nolan moved that we adopt Resolution No. 51-81. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Valente and passed 4-1, with Councilmaxn Moore opposed. There being no further business to come before the Counc:i.1, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. ~~11v~~ ~a.~C-der ~~~ Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Wa CMC Village Clerk VOTE TO POSTPONE RES. 51-81 REC~ISIDERID RES. 5I-81 ADOPTID ADJOURNMENT t.: -^ COUNTRY CLUB FEES ~r~; GOLF GREENS FEES RESIDENT Winter - 10/1/81 - 4/30/82 18 holes $12.00 PLUS SALES TAX 9 holes $6.00 PLUS SALES TAX Summer - 5/1/82 - 9/30/82 18 holes 10.00 PLUS SALES TAX 9 holes 6.00 PLUS SALES TAX Junior - All Year 18 holes 3.00 PLUS SALES TAX 9 holes 1.50 PLUS SALES TAX NON-RESIDENT Winter - 10/1/81 12/1/81 Summer - 5/1/82 Junior = Winter - Junior - Summer - GUESTS Same as Re GOLF CARTS A11 Year $8.00 PLUS SALES TAX _9.00 PLUS SALES TAX 7.00 PLUS SALES TAX 6.00 PLUS SALES TAX 3.00 PLUS SALES TAX nust play with guest. 18 holes $10.00 PLIIS SALES TAX 9 holes $6.00 PLUS SALES TAX TENNIS RESIDENT Prior to 6 P. M. After 6 P. M. NON-RESIDENT Adult $ 2.00 PLUS SALES TAX Junior $ 1.00 PLUS SALES TAX Adult 3.00 PLUS SALES TAX Junior 2:00 PLIIS SALES TAX', AlI Hours Adult $ 3.00 PLUS SALES TAX Junior $ 2.00 PLUS SALES TAX GUESTS Same as Resident's fee if paid with member's card and member must play with guest. POOL GUEST FEES Child $1.00/Day PLUS SALES TAX Adult $1.50/Day PLUS SALES TAX - 11/30/81 18 .holes $15.00 PLIIS SALES TAX 9 holes - 4/30/82 18 holes 18.00 PLUS SALES TAX 9 holes - 9/30/82 18 holes 12.00 PLUS SALES TAX 9 holes See Above 18 holes 7.50 PLUS SALES TAX 9 holes See Above 18 holes 3.75 PLUS SALES TAX 9 holes sident's fee if paid with member's card and member ** CORRECTED COPY