11-24-1980 VC SP-MMINUTES OF SPECIAL SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA. HELD N~NDAY, NOVIIVIBEft 24, 1980 Present: V. A. Marks, M.D., Mayor Al Moore, Vice Mayor Tom Valente, President Pro Ten W. H. Brown, Cotmcilman Harriet Nolan, Councilwoman Raymond J. Howland, Village S?anager Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Cheryl S. Co11~.r~s.,~Deputy Village Clerk 1 Mayor Marks called the Special Session to order a 5:30 Vin. ROLL CALL A11 members of the Council were present. The reason for calling this Special Session on this date was REASON FOR SPECIAL because the business at hand could not wait until Council's SESSION Regular Session of December 11, 1980. President Pro Tem Valente moved to accept the recommendation ACCEPTANCE OF COSTS of the Village Manager for the costs of site preparation and FOR SITE PREPARATIO"I off-site work for the Delacorte Pavilion, which ftLlding is to AND OFF-SITE [~lORK FOR be included in the proposed bond issue. The untion was DELACORTE PAVILION seconded by Councilman. Brown and passed 5-0. Nominations of architectural firms and ranking them in order of V=f~.AGE MANAGER ID first, second and third choice, to enable the Village Manager NEGOTIATE ?TITH to negotiate for the design of the Delacorte Pav!lion, were ARCti'~iITECTURAL FIRM as follows: Vice Mayor T7oore nominated Norman Robson; Mayor FOR DESIGN OF Mar'~cs nominated Sten_han. Yeckes; Councilwoman Nolan nrm,;nated DELACORTE PAVILION Rudy M. Arsenicos. Following tabulation of the ballots, it was determined that the above-named n~~nees were ranked in order of: Stephan Yeckes -First Choice Norman Robson -Second Choice Rudy M. Arsenicos -Third Choice Vice Mayor N~ore moved that Resolution No. 61-80 entitled: NATION T'0 ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 61-$0 A RESOLUTION PROVIDIi~ FOR THE ACQUISITION ARID CONSTRUCTION OF MUNLCIi'AL CAPITAL ]1~9.'ROVFS~~]TS FOR THE VTI'TAC;F' OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF NOT EXCEEDING $1,250,000 IlKPROVEyIIVT REVEN[TE BONDS, SERIES 1931, OF SUCH V77SA(;F Ta PAY THE COST OF SUCH PROJECT; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGRTS OF THE HOLDERS OF SiICH BONDS; PROVIDING FOR THE PAS~GNT Tf~REOF; 9'VD MAIZLNG CERTAIN OTHER COVENANTS AND AGREIIKII~TTS IN CYJNNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH BONDS. be adopted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown. Vice Mayor Moore moved to amend Exhibit A to delete item 1., T+~TION ID ADS item 6.f., and change 6. i. from "two power mowers" to "one PASSID 5-0 power mower." 79.ie motion was seconded by Councilwoman Nolan -- and passed 5-0. Thereafter Council voted an the main motion which passed 5-O. MAIN MOTION PASSED 5-0 ' There being no further business to come before tbe Council, ADJOURNIl~'VT the meeting was adjourned at 6:38 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Vi1La;e Clerk