MAY 2016 Country Club Preliminary_ as of 6-10-16The Village of North Palm Beach Country Club Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2015 -2016 Preliminary Eight Months Ending 5131116 FY 2016 % of FY 2016 Prior Year Golf F & B Admin Total Revised Budget Budget Original Budget May 2015 9/30/2015 REVENUES Driving Range $ 252,506 S 252,506 S 304,953 82.80% $ 304,953 $ 257,044 $ 313,882 Membership 591,991 591,991 631,635 93.72% 631,635 567,028 569,851 Cart Rental 616,045 616,045 874,771 70.42% 874,771 634,396 821,855 Walking Fees 39,283 39,283 53,818 72.99% 53,818 44,190 52,718 Greens Fees 724,295 724,295 913,172 7932% 913,172 779,737 879,743 Lessons 89,950 89,950 140,000 6425% 140,000 113,035 159,237 Tournament Proceeds 3,699 3,699 3,000 12332% 3,000 2,847 3,059 Merchandise Sales 116,593 116,593 185,000 63.02% 185,000 135,703 180,971 Liquor Sales 187,307 187,307 271,745 68.93% 271,745 181,516 248,806 Food & Beverage Sales 341,057 341,057 504,965 67.54% 504,965 352,839 466,248 Sales of Surplus 145,000 - 145,000 145,000 100.00% 145,000 0 - Interest Earnings 4,753 4,753 10,000 47.53% 10,000 7,126 10,393 Other 52,030 27,540 8,114 87,683 354,617 24.73% 90,617 79,286 92,484 Total Revenues 2,631,393 555,904 12,866 3,200,164 4,392,676 72.85% 4,128,676 3,154,747 3,799,246 EXPENSES Personnel: Salary & Benefits 375,174 383,607 42,292 801,073 1,209,119 66.25% 1,209,119 717,051 1,090,503 Operating: Accounting & Auditing - - 5,687 5,687 7,000 81.24% 7,000 5,319 6,219 Charge Card Fees 44,787 9,554 - 54,340 66,095 82.22% 66,095 57,189 70,095 Contractual Services 786,411 16,369 72 802,851 1,269,563 63.24% 1,269,563 746,801 1,116,070 Entertainment - 3,975 - 3 ,975 8,000 49.69% 8,000 3,722 5,204 Rental- Equipment/Uniform, etc. 6,687 7,142 2,118 15 ,947 23,850 66.86% 23,850 16,966 23,398 Legal Fees 5,233 5,233 10,000 52.33% 10,000 5,425 10,770 Lessons 27,459 - - 27,459 52,000 52.80% 52,000 42,696 58,723 Marketing & Advertising 2,016 260 - 2,277 39,000 5.84% 39,000 9,227 13,334 Materials & Supplies 19,970 22,738 1,848 44,555 79,150 56.29% 79,150 49,482 70,493 Merchandise 72,789 219,354 - 292,143 366,450 79.72% 366,450 275,241 384,168 Professional Services - - 158,230 158,230 264,100 59.91% 100 120 120 Repairs & Maintenance 10,534 3,236 - 13,770 68,598 20.07% 68,598 32,457 92,588 Solid Waste Disposal - - - - 0 0.00% 0 0 - Utilities 96,610 30,478 1,483 128,571 181,306 70.91% 181,306 120,566 185,831 Other Operating Costs 11,870 4,891 2,910 19,671 51,055 38.53% 51,055 27,173 35,732 Capital: Capital Outlay 19,783 - - 19,783 20,000 98.92% 20,000 8,161 8,161 Debt & Other: Debt Service 199,079 199,079 398,151 50.00% 398,151 199,079 398,159 Golf Cart Lease (Capital Lease) 149,566 149,566 112,000 133.54% 112,000 90,441 135,662 Insurance- Prop & Gen Liab 34,592 34,592 51,889 66.67% 51,889 42,439 63,659 Contingency - - 115,350 0.00% 115,350 0 - Total Expenses 1,822,734 701,604 254,464 2,778,802 4,392,676 63.26% 4,128,676 2,449,555 3,768,889 Revenues over (under) expenses S 808,659 S (145,700) S 421,362 $ $ $ 705,191 $ 30,357 S (241,598) Rounds 31,408 44,200 44,200 32,142 42,934 FY 2016 Revised Budget 4,392,676.00 FY 2016 Original Budget 4,128,676.00 Difference 264,000.00 FY 2015 Open PO Cazryover