09-14-1978 VC PH-MMINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1978 Present: Al Moore, Mayor Donald J. Kazimir, Vice Mayor W. H. Brown, President Pro Tem V. A. Marks, Councilman Patsy B. Love, Councilwoman Paul J. Nicoletti, Village Manager Jacquelyn Reedy, Deputy Village Clerk Mayor Moore called the Public Hearing to order at 7:00 ROLL CALL p.m. All members of the Council were present except Councilman Marks, who arrived at 7:04 p.m. The purpose of this Public Hearing is to hear the comments PURPOSE OF of the public concerning the proposed 1978-79 operating PUBLIC HEARING budget. Legal notice-of this Public Hearing was published in the -LEGAL NOTICE Palm Beach Post on August 30, 1978 and posted according PUBLISHED to law. The Village Manager made a presentation of the proposed PRESENTATION budget facts and figures. OF BUDGET The following members of the public commented on the COMMENTS FROM ' proposed 1978-79 operating budget: THE PLTBLIC Thomas R. Boyle 100 Wettaw Lane H. Mallory Privett, Jr. 724 Nighthawk Way Jean Atherton 1128 Country Club Drive John LaCerda 130 Yacht Club Drive B. P. (Mickey) Rooney 125 Shore Court Reggie Grant 100 Shore Court Joseph Kazimir 110 Shore Court Joe Kitterman 517 Greenway Drive All questions posed by the above-Mentioned persons were answered by the Village Council or the Village Manager. There being no further business to come before the .ADJOURNMENT Council, the Public Hearing was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Minutes recorded by J. Reedy, Deputy Village Clerk and transcribed by Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk ~+ W 'S'HE PALM BEACH POST Published Every Weekday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared _ DOLL K. Creamer C115S . AdV . ~r •of Tlae Palm Beach Pose, a daily who on oath says that he is ._ ................____._._____ _._ newspaper published a Wesc Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the aeeach- ed copy of advertising, being a ._NOb1Ce _, __ - in the matter of .....PrO~OSeCl BU(~.,get in the__.._..___..._........._,.-e -----_-_-__Court, was published in said newspaper in dte issues of -.---- August 30,197$_..T.- AEfiant further says xhat the Palm Beach Posc is a newspaper published ac West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each weekday and has been entered as second class mail matter ac the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year nest preceding the first publicarion of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebat commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement or p licat~o~ i~t e said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3{~/t, {day of -_Au~ust A~y.D. 19 ?$ ...~.1~'._..._. ~`.' NOTARI' PUELIC S; qrE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE MY.CGM rotISS~ON E:PIRcS JU!Y 26 1982 60NDED THRU GENERAL INS. UNDERWRl TERS APPropriaHOns General Goversmen[ 319,513 Public Safety _ 855.519 public Services 960.956 Izisure Services 379,513 Debt Retirement 143.011 _ - 67,018 Reserve Ca i[al Improvements Program 60,500. 'total Appropriations 42.793,930 AD VALOREM TA%LEVY 19T/-78 ~~~ Actual Operating MNeggee 5.673 5.144 Debt Service litillage _ .568 - .540 Total Millage 6.241 5.734 DATED this 25th day o[ Avgust, 1974 Village of Nor[h Palm Heach . _ __ . Tlnmres R_ Walker. VInaQP QM'k ~~ ~ THE POST Published Daily and Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM EEACH BeFore the undersigned authority personally appeazed ..DOX1. K...Creaz4ex:...... who on oath says that he is . G.~as.S . H~Y,~'Igx:... of The Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising, being a .. No tl C e, _ . ,_ . , , _ , . , .. , . _ .. . ............... ~ .... . in the matter of ... Prono.~?.~. ~24taaae~i ............................ .......... in the , , , : -, :: , :-r --.--.: ---n-- .. Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of ..august . ~ 9..19.7 $ ......................... ... . ................ Affiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Pahn Beach County; Florida, for a period of one yeaz next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commissi "oir' d for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publicatics~ pa r. No. 7zrua TO WHOM Tr MAY CONCERN: ' PUHLIC NOTICE L4 HEREBY GIVEN that the Vlllage o[ Nor[h Palm Beach, Florida, will ftold a_ Public Hearittg on Thursday, September 14, 1978 at 2:00 P.M. at the Vfll_age Hall, North Palm Beech, FlaHda concerning Ne bud et .estlmatec [or 1918-'!9 and Ad Vnlm~em Tip Levy (or 19'15-R9. _ _ VB.I.AGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH ' - PROPOSET) B[n)GET f'.. ' 39'!&79 SVb1MARY OF REVENUES ,:~~ .`, AND APPROPI9SATIONB . ... .. ~bi ~,:7' ~D~ ET Revenue ~ - .,'q'_Sy Taxes -~ y t 'i.4.lg. ~r ¢,fi04,090 . Licenses antl Permits F'..3`t ~f. 178,060 nent ,+ ' .,~ re.7s3;sa9 1 .~. 319,513 - - ~ 855,419 ~ ~ 960,956 _~ 379,s1a Actual !'`sue, '-~'.:~'_ _Pfoposx Operating Mlllage _':,i.i„ 5.673 .. 5.195 Debt Serv(ce Millagc _ .568 .591 Toml Malage - 6.241 5.75 DATED tFly 25th daX o[ Ahgus41978 ' Village o[ North Palm Heach Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk PUHLLSH: Palm Heach Pact = a Swom to and subscribed before me this ..31. of . `Ja}??~S'.y... • . AD.(/1~1y9~,!S~"L-6""~ _ N:Y CAMMISiIUN trJ'i6e~ ivs r rood _ ______ -- E. Q+~'~~ L.3'lkU C.u`L:~ LW. utwJEs:>n P,11 F$5