2016-04-13 Comp Plan Amendment 16-1 ESR Reviewedty ry..
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Rick Scott
April 13, 2016
The Honorable Robert Gebbia
Mayor, Village of North Palm Beach
501 US Highway 1 Village Clerk
North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 -4906 APR 18 2016
Dear Mayor Gebbia: Received
Cissy Proctor
The Department of Economic Opportunity has completed its review of the proposed
comprehensive plan amendment for the Village of North Palm Beach (Amendment No. 16- 1ESR), which
was received on March 15, 2016. We have reviewed the proposed amendment pursuant to Sections
163.3184(2) and (3), Florida Statutes (F.S.), and identified no comment related to important state
resources and facilities within the Department's authorized scope of review that will be adversely
impacted by the amendment if adopted.
The Village is reminded that pursuant to Section 163.3184(3)(b), F.S., other reviewing agencies have the
authority to provide comments directly to the Village. If other reviewing agencies provide comments, we
recommend the Village consider appropriate changes to the amendment based on those comments. If
unresolved, such comments could form the basis for a challenge to the amendment after adoption.
The Village should act by choosing to adopt, adopt with changes, or not adopt the proposed
amendment. Also, please note that Section 163.3184(3)(c)1, F.S., provides that if the second public
hearing is not held and the amendment adopted within 180 days of your receipt of agency comments, the
amendment shall be deemed withdrawn unless extended by agreement with notice to the Department
and any affected party that provided comment on the amendment. For your assistance, we have enclosed
the procedures for adoption and transmittal of the comprehensive plan amendment.
If you have any questions concerning this review, please contact Erin Schaefer, at (850) 717 -8498, or
by email at Erin .Schaefer @deo.myflorida.com.
aylor Teepell, Director
Division of Community Development
TT /es
Enclosure: Procedures for adoption of comprehensive plan amendments
cc: Jodi Nentwick, Village Planner, Village of North Palm Beach
Michael J. Busha, AICP, Executive Director, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Caldwell Building 1 107 E. Madison Street I Tallahassee, FL 32399
866.FLA.2345 1 850.245.7105 1850.921.3223 Fax
www.floridaiobs.or I www.twitter.comLrLDEO I www.facebook.com /FLDEO
An equal opportunity employer /program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice
telephone numbers on this document may be reached by persons using TTVTDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711.
r !
Section 163.3184(3), Florida Statutes
NUMBER OF COPIES TO BE SUBMITTED: Please submit three complete copies of all
comprehensive plan materials, of which one complete paper copy and two complete
electronic copies on CD ROM in Portable Document Format (PDF) to the Department of
Economic Opportunity and one copy to each entity below that provided timely
comments to the local government: the appropriate Regional Planning Council; Water
Management District; Department of Transportation; Department of Environmental
Protection; Department of State; the appropriate county (municipal amendments only);
the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services (county plan amendments only); and the
Department of Education (amendments relating to public schools); and for certain local
governments, the appropriate military installation and any other local government or
governmental agency that has filed a written request.
SUBMITTAL LETTER: Please include the following information in the cover letter
transmitting the adopted amendment:
Department of Economic Opportunity identification number for adopted
amendment package;
Summary description of the adoption package, including any amendments
proposed but not adopted;
Identify if concurrency has been rescinded and indicate for which public facilities.
(Transportation, schools, recreation and open space).
Ordinance number and adoption date;
Certification that the adopted amendment(s) has been submitted to all parties
that provided timely comments to the local government;
Name, title, address, telephone, FAX number and e-mail address of local
government contact;
Letter signed by the chief elected official or the person designated by the local
Effective: June 2, 2011 (Updated March 11, 2013)
ADOPTION AMENDMENT PACKAGE: Please include the following information in the
amendment package:
In the case of text amendments, changes should be shown in strike -
through /underline format.
In the case of future land use map amendments, an adopted future land use
map, in color format, clearly depicting the parcel, its future land use designation, and its
adopted designation.
A copy of any data and analyses the local government deems appropriate.
Note: If the local government is relying on previously submitted data and analysis, no
additional data and analysis is required;
Copy of the executed ordinance adopting the comprehensive plan
Suggested effective date language for the adoption ordinance for expedited review:
The effective date of this plan amendment, if the amendment is not timely
challenged, shall be 31 days after the Department of Economic Opportunity
notifies the local government that the plan amendment package is complete. If
timely challenged, this amendment shall become effective on the date the
Department of Economic Opportunity or the Administration Commission enters a
final order determining this adopted amendment to be in compliance. No
development orders, development permits, or land uses dependent on this
amendment may be issued or commence before it has become effective. If a final
order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, this
amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution
affirming its effective status, a copy of which resolution shall be sent to the
Department of Economic Opportunity.
List of additional changes made in the adopted amendment that the Department
of Economic Opportunity did not previously review;
List of findings of the local governing body, if any, that were not included in the
ordinance and which provided the basis of the adoption or determination not to adopt
the proposed amendment;
Statement indicating the relationship of the additional changes not previously
reviewed by the Department of Economic Opportunity in response to the comment
letter from the Department of Economic Opportunity.
Effective: June 2, 2011 (Updated March 11, 2013)