08-24-1978 VC REG-MMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, AUGUST. 24, 1975 Present: Al Moore, Mayor Donald J. Kazimir, Vice Mayor W. H. Brown, President Pro Tem V. A. Marks, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Charles R. OtMeilia, Acting Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: Patsy B. Love, Councilwoman Mayor Moore called the Regular Session to order at 7:30 ROLL CALL p.m. All members of the Council were present except Councilwoman Love. Councilman Brown gave the invocation and Councilman INVOCATION & Marks led the Council and the public in the Pledge of _ PLEDGE OF Allegiance to the Flag. ALLEGIANCE On motion of Councilman Brown, seconded by Vice Mayor APPROVAL OF Kazimir, all present voting aye, the Minutes of ReoQul.ar MINUTES Session held Thursday, August 10, 1978 were approved as written. Concerning the recommendations of the Country Club CC AD. BD. Advisory Board contained in the minutes of their RECOMMENDATIONS meeting of August 3, 1978, Councilman Brown moved TABLED that we table all of the financial items with the ' exception of Item 3 until Council's Regular Session of September 14, 1978. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Kazimir and all present voted aye. Vice Mayor Kazimir moved that we approve the recom- CC AD. BD. mendation of the Country Club Advisory Board that the RECOMMENDATION greenskeeper continue to report to the Club Director APPROVED and that the golf professional supply advice as present- ly stated in the contract. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown and all present voted aye. On motion of Councilman Marks, seconded by Vice Mayor BILL 312 Kazimir, all present voting aye, Bill No. 312 entitled: PLACED ON 1ST READING AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE NORTH PALM BEACH BlJDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1977-78 BY INCREASING THE ESTIMATED REVENUE AND APPROPRIATIONS OF THE GENERAL FUND BY $8,350.00 was placed on first reading and read by title alone. On motion of Councilman Brown, seconded by Vice Mayor RES. 36-78 Kazimir, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution ADOPTED No. 36-78 entitled: ' A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING AN ALTERNATE MEMBER TO THE NORTH PALM BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION TO REPL.~ICE DOUGLAS L. TRETTIEN WHO RESIGNED was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 36-78. Minutes o£ Regular Session Held Thursday, August 24, 1978 Page 2 L~ On motion of Councilman Brown, seconded by Vice Mayor RES. 37-78 Kazimir, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution ADOPTED No. 37-78 entitled= A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, CREATING THE POSITION OF VILLAGE HISTORIAN AND SETTLNG FORTH THE POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES THEREOF was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 37-78. Councilman Marks moved that we postpone adoption of the ADOPTION OF resolution appointing a Village Historian until CouncilTs RESOLUTION Regular Session of September 14, 197S,and that we have APPOINTING the Village Clerk contact these people and ask them to HISTORIAN be present at the September 14 meeting so that we can POSTPONED askttietn some questions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown and all present voted aye. On motion of Councilman Marks, seconded by Vice Mayor RES. 38-78 Kazimir, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution ADOPTED No. 38-78 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF NEW LIFE, INC. FOR .ONE (1) ELECTRONIC CASH REGISTER WITH DATA CAPTURE AND PROGRAMS IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,350.00 TO BE EXPENDED AS FOLLOWS: $5,250.00 FROM ACCOUNT N0. 21-406, $3,100.00 FROM ACCOUNT N0. 21-245 u 1 was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 38-78. Councilman Marks moved that we allow the Acting Village NON AGENDA Manager to discuss a problem (concerning the North Palm ITEM DISCUSSED Beach Country Club) with us. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Kazimir and all present voted aye. Councilman Brown moved that we accept bookings for special BOOKINGS FOR affairs at the North Palm Beach Country Club, but that we .SPECIAL AFFAIRS- price them in such a manner that we make a small profit NPBCC and, in no case, any loss, and that includes full over- head. The motion was seconded by Councilman Marks and all present voted aye. Vice Mayor Kazimir moved that we direct the Acting Village Manager to begin the search for a neco Club Director. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown and all present voted aye. There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Marks, seconded by Vice Mayor Kazimir, all present voting aye, the meeting coos ad- journed at 8.40 p.m. cam/ 6--to-x_-~e ~~~%%~/ hQ--~-'~~- Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk ACTING VILLAGE MGR. TO BEGIN SEARCH FOR NEW CLUB DIRECTOR ADJOURNMENT