03-24-1977 VC REG-MMINUTES OF REGULAR SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1977 [l 1 Present: M. C. Love, Jr., Mayor V. A. Marks, Vice Mayor Al C. Moore, President Pro_Tem bVilliam H. Brown, Councilman Donald J. Kazimir, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Paul J. Nicoletti, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village-Clerk Mayor Love called the Regular Session to order at 7:33 p.m. A11 members of the Council were present. Mayor Love gave the invocation and Councilman Brown led the Council and the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The organization of the Council is required by the Village Charter to be done at the next regular session of the Council following the election of any Council- man. Therefore, Council proceeded with its organization in accordance with Article III, Section 3, of the Village Charter. Councilman Brown nominated M. C. Love, Jr. for the office of Mayor of the Village of North Palm Beach. Vice Mayor Marks moved that nominations for Mayor be closed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown and all present voted aye. ROLL CALL INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CO-UNCIL ORGANIZATION M_ C, LOVE, JR. NOMINATED MAYOR NOMINATIONS FOR MAYOR CLOSED Councilman Kazimir nominated V. A. Marks for the office V. A. MARKS AND of Vice Mayor of the Village of North Palm Beach. Council- AL C,_MOORE man Brown nominated Al C. Moore for the office of Vice NOMINATED-FOR Mayor. VICE MAYOR Councilman Kazimir moved that nominations for Vice NOMINATIONS FOR Mayor be closed. The motion was seconded by Councilman VICE MAYOR CLOSED Brown and all present voted aye. Council then voted on the nominations. V. A. Marks re- V. A. MARKS ELECT- ceived seven votes and Al C. Moore received eight votes. ED VICE MAYOR Therefore, V. A. Marks was elected Vice Mayor of the Village of North Palm Beach. A copy of the ballots will be attached to the minutes of this meeting. Vice Mayor Marks nominated Al C. Moore for the office of President Pro Tem of the Village of North Palm Beach. Councilman Brown moved that nominations for President Pro Tem be closed. The motion was seconded by Council- man Kazimir and all present voted aye. Council instructed the Village Manager to place the names of M, C, Love, Jr. as Mayor; V. A. Marks as Vice Mayor; and Al C. Moore as President Pro Tem on proposed Resolution No. 14-77. AL MOORE NOMINATED PRES. PRO TEM NOMINATIONS FOR PRES. PRO TEM CLOSED PLACEMENT OF NAMES ON PRO- POSED RES. 14-77 Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, March 24, 1977 Page 2 Councilman Moore moved that proposed Resolution No, 14-77 MOTION TO entitled: ADOPT PROPOSED RES. 14-77 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING CERTAIN OFFICERS FOR SUCH VILLAGE be adopted. The_ motion was seconded by Councilman Kazimir. Councilman Brown moved that proposed Resolution No. 14-77 PROPOSED RES. be amended in Section 3. by striking out the following 14-77 AMENDED sentence: "The remaining officer shall hold his office until his successor shall be appointed and shall qualify and during the pleasure of the Village Council." The motion cvas seconded by Councilman Kazimir and all present voted aye. Thereafter Council voted on the main motion which passed RES. 14-77 unanimously. Therefore, proposed Resolution No. 14-77 ADOPTED AS AMEND- was adopted as amended as Resolution No. 14-77. ED The Village Clerk administered the Oath of Office to OATHS OF Mayor Love, Vice Mayor Marks and President Pro Tem OFFICE Moore. These oaths shall be spread upon the minutes ADMINISTERED of the Council. On motion of Councilman Moore, seconded by Vice Mayor APPROVAL OF Marks, all present voting aye, the following minutes MINUTES were approved as written: Minutes of Regular Session held Thursday, March 10, 1977 Minutes of Special Meeting held Wednesday, March 16, 1977 Mayor Love read and. signed Proclamation on "DoctorsT .PROCLAMATION - Day in Palm Beach County" - March 30, 1977. "DOCTORS' DAY IN PALM BEACH COUNTY" Diana Roxas, 630 Southwind Circle, presented a Petition PETITION FOR to the Council requesting a traffic signal at Southwind TRAFFIC SIGNAL-- Drive and Northlake Boulevard. This Petition contained SOUTHWIND DR. approximately 572 names. The Council informed Miss Roxas & NORTHLAKE that we are studying the entire area and obtaining traffic BLVD. counts and that they will report back to her as soon as this information is received. On motion of Councilman Kazimir, seconded by Councilman ACCEPTANCE OF Moore, all present voting aye, the following minutes MINUTES were accepted by the Council: Minutes of Regular Meeting of Community Appearance -- Board held March_8, 1977 Minutes of Regular Meeting of Planning and Zoning Advisory Board held March 9, 1977 Minutes of Special Meeting of Planning and Zoning Advisory Board held March 15, 1977 Minutes of North Palm Beach Country Club Advisory Board Meeting held March 16, 1977 Minutes o£ Regular Session Held Thursday, March 24, 1977 Page 3 On motion of Vice Mayor Marks, seconded by Councilman Kazimir, all present voting aye, Bill No. 265 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, DECLARING THE ELECTION OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH TO PROCEED UNDER THE PROVISIONS ' OF CHAPTER 163, PART II, FLORIDA STATUTES, REGARDING PLANNING, ZONING, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, BUILDING CODES SUBDIVISIONS, ETC.; SETTING FORTH THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS AND TERMS OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, FEES FOR VARIANCES SOUGHT BEFORE THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, COMPOSITION OF MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION, THEIR TERMS, AND ADOPTING AS PART OF THE MASTER PLAN OF THE VILLAGE THE PRESENTLY EXISTING COMMUNITY APPEARANCE PLAN; AND RE- PEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH was placed on first reading and read by title alone. BILL 265 PLACED ON 1ST READING Vice Mayor Marks moved to increase the composition of PLANNING COM- the Planning Commission to seven members rather than MISSION MEMBERS five. The motion was seconded by Councilman Moore INCREASED FROM and passed 3-2, with Mayor Love and Councilman Kazimir 5 TO 7 opposed. Councilman Kazimir moved that the additional three persons AMENDMENT TO on the Planning Commission shall be members who need not COMPOSITION OF be engaged in any particular business or profession. -The PLANNING COM- motion was seconded by Councilman Moore and all present MISSION voted aye. On motion of Vice Mayor Marks, seconded by Councilman Moore, all present voting aye, Bill No. 266 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE NORTH PALM BEACH BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1976-77 BY INCREASING THE ANTICIPATED REVENUE OF THE GENERAL FUND AND BY APPROPRIATING MONEY FOR THE PURCHASE OF A NEW AWNING AT THE SENIOR CITIZENS SHUFFLEBOARD COURTS was placed on second reading and read by title alone. On motion of Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilman Kazimir, all present voting aye, Bill No. 266 was adopted as Ordinance No. 5-77. On motion of Councilman Kazimir, seconded by Council- man Brown, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 15-77 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE FLORIDA STATE LEGISLATURE STRONGLY URGING POSITIVE ACTION TO IN- ITIATE A MANDATORY STATEWIDE CERTIFICATION PROGRAM FOR CONSTRUCTION CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 15-77. Councilman Moore moved that we authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement between the Village of North Palm Beach and Ann Strasnicsak for professional ser- vices in the ballet arts program. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Marks and all present voted aye. BILL 266 PLACED ON 2ND READING BILL 266 ADOPTED AS ORD. 5-77 RES. 15-77 ADOPTED AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT BETWEEN VILLAGE & ANN STRASNICSAK Minutes of Regular Session Held Thursday, March 24, 1977 Page 4 Councilman Kazimir moved that we accept a deed for drain- MOTION DIED age easement from Royal American Industries, Inc, on Lot FOR LACK OF A 5, Block 54, Plat 6, Village of North Palm Beach. The SECOND motion died for lack of a second. ' Councilman Kazimir moved that we accept the deed for ACCEPTANCE OF drainage easement from Royal American Industries, Inc. DEED FDR DRAIN- on Lot 5, Block 54, Plat 6, Village of North Palm Beach AGE EASEMENT if this property is bulkheaded. The motion was seconded CONTINGENT UPON by Councilman Brocvn and passed 4-l, with Vice Mayor PROPERTY BEING Marks opposed. BULKHEADED Councilman Moore moved that we execute the Agreement AGREEMENT WITH _ between the Village of North Palm Beach and the YWCA YWCA FOR GYM- for gymnastic equipment. The motion was seconded by NASTIC EQUIPMENT Vice Mayor Marks and all present voted aye._ EXECUTED There being no further business to come before the ADJOURNMENT Council, on motion of Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Kazimir, all present voting aye, the meet- ing was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. ~~~~ Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk 1 1 (. /~ ~, mc..~s ,Z , A . C.,._ vn a p rL ~ ~ ~V~j //~~~2~ ~ ~. ~ ~7pp r~~ ~f 2 yl ~, j~~/~~ z Y ~`. r~~i~ S 3 ~- Z, d ~ . ,~,q,~fis. ,. ~ ~~~ Z << emu,.. ~, ~/, /a ~ u rte. ~~~~~ OATH OF OFFICE State of Florida ) -- County of Palm Beach ) ss. Village of North Palm Beach ) I, M. C. Love, Jr. do solenmly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Florida, and the Charter and Code of the Village of North Palm Beach; that I will faithfully, honestly and impartially discharge my duties as Mayor during my continuance therein; that I am not directly or indirectly pecuniarily interested in any public service corporation engaged in business in the Village of_North Palm Beach, or in or with any person or corporation having contracts with said Village, so help me God. Signed ~~?. { ~ - . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24 day of March 19 ~~ ...;11;1 OATH OF OFFICE State of Florida ) County of Palm Beach ) ss. Village of North Palm Beach ) I, V. A. Marks do solenmly swear that Z will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Florida, and the Charter and Code of the Village of North Palm Beach; that I will faithfully, honestly and impartially discharge my duties as Vice Mayor during my continuance therein;_ that I am not directly or indirectly pecuniarily interested in any public service corporation engaged in business in-the. Village of North Palm Beach, or in or with any person or .corporation having contracts with said Village, so help me God. _ Signed ~ ~ "' ~~~~~~~~' " '_ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24_ day of March 19 77 __ OATH OF OFFICE State of Florida ) County of Palm Beach ) ss. Village of North Palm Beach } I, A. C. Moore do solenmly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Florida, and the Charter and Code of the Village of North Palm Beach; that I will faithfully, honestly and impartially discharge my duties as President Pro Tem during my continuanc~,therein; that I am not directly or indirectly pecuniarily interested in any public service corporation engaged in business in the Village of North Palm Beach, or in or with any person or corporation having contracts with said Village, so help me God. Signed ~., _~_ „_,.,~/'';.__ Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 ~-1 day of `~~e~e.-L_ , 19 7 .