2016-02 Village Newsletteri L i y 791r FEBRUARY 2016 At F One of the founders of NPB, Robert "Bob" Ross on his wedding day to Edie Photo submitted by Margaret Robson H IN Dear Residents, In case you have not heard, congratulations are in order for Mayor Robert Gebbia, Council Member Darryl Aubrey and Council Member Mark Mullinix who were re- elected without opposition. It is an honor and a privilege to work for a Council that truly bases all decisions on "what is in the best interest of the Village." Please mark your calendars for an all day Charrette on Saturday, January 30, 2016 starting at 9 am in the cafeteria of the Conservatory School at North Palm Beach. There will be experts and researchers from all over the country attending the Charrette— economists, urban planners, and real estate experts along with staff from the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. This time will be used to create a new Master Plan for future de- velopment and re- development in North Palm Beach, and to determine the amenities for the new Country Club Clubhouse. All residents and busi- ness owners are welcome to attend! Those who attend will have an opportunity to shape the future of the Village of North Palm Beach! If you cannot make it on Saturday, the Charrette process will continue in the Council Chambers from 9am -9pm Sunday through Thursday, January 31— February 4, 2016, and Friday, February 5, 2016 from 9am –noon. A summary of the Charrette process will be presented on Friday, February 5, 2016 at 6 pm in the Cafeteria of the Conservatory School at North Palm Beach. I look forward to seeing you at the Charrette! Sincerely, 1 What exactly Is A Charrette? Charrette means "cart" in French-, various architectural school legends hold that at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in 19th Century Paris, students were still sketching as carts carried their boards away to be juried. Today, the term is used to describe a high speed, intensive creative session in which a team concentrates on specific design problems with citizens and presents solutions. ARTICLE II. - TREES IN SWALE AREAS Sec. 27 -17. - Planting and removal; written approval required. No trees shall be planted in the swale areas except by the village or by property owners who have obtained written approval of the public works director to plant any tree. Village Councilmembers Re- Elected Without Opposition The candidate qualifying period for the 2016 North Palm Beach Municipal Election has closed. Village Councilmembers Robert Gebbia (Group 1), Darryl Aubrey (Group 3), and Mark Mullinix (Group 5) were re- elected without opposition to a two -year term beginning March 24, 2016. The deadline to register to vote in the Presidential Preference Primary is Tuesday, February 16th. You may ver- ify your voter registration status, find your voting precinct location, or request an absentee ballot by contacting the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections, 656 -6200 or www.pbcelections.org. Concejales reelegido sin oposicion: El periodo de calificacion candidato para el North Palm Beach Eleccidn Municipal 2016 se ha cerrado. Concejales Robert Gebbia (Grupo 1), Darryl Aubrey (Grupo 3), y Mark Mullinix (Grupo 5) fueron re electo sin oposicidn a un periodo de dos ahos a partir 24 de marzo 2016. La fecha limite para registrarse para votar en la Primaria de Preferencia Presidencial es el martes, 16 de febre- ro. Usted puede verificar su estado de registro de votantes, encontrar su ubicacidn recinto de votacidn, o solici- tar una boleta de voto ausente en contacto con el Supervisor del Condado de Palm Beach de Elecciones, 656 -6200 o www.pbcelections.org. PBGHS NJROTC PATRIOTIC HOLIDAY FLAG PROGRAM Have an American Flag placed in your yard on HolidaysM The Palm Beach Gardens High School Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps is offering an annual Patriotic Holiday Flag placement at your residence. The PBGHS NJROTC will display a United States Flag at your home for President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day. The cadets will bring the flag the Saturday preceding the holiday and remove them the following week. The cost per residence is $100.00 annually with all proceeds benefitting the PBGHS NJROTC program. Please mail your check or money order made payable to PBGHS NJROTC to: PBGHS NJROTC 4245 Holly Drive Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 The president of the Cadet Parent Organization is Hilda Matthew. Her email is hmatthew8305aaol.com. Please contact her with any questions. ``_ AARP Tax -Aide Program: AARP Tax -Aide volunteers will be on -hand to help you rro '.�� prepare your tax return starting February 1st. M WEEKDAYS Monday, Wednesday, Friday LOCATION NPB Library Obert Meeting Room, February 1, 3, 5 NPB Council Chambers, February 8 through April 15 - HOURS 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Taxpayers should bring their current tax forms, W -2's, 1099's and other tax information along with last year's tax return and picture ID. For information, call the Village Clerk's office at 841 -3355. 2016 is the Village of North Palm Beach's 60th Anniversary! Each month in the newsletter, we would like to highlight events, places and people who have made NPB what it is today! You can be a part of history. Do you have a story to tell? If you live in North Palm Beach, or you have lived here previ- ously, we would like to hear what you have to say. Joanna Cunningham , Assistant to the Village Manager, is currently collecting old photographs, conducting interviews of anyone who wishes to contribute to the historical events that have occurred in North Palm Beach. Q9 • Information, testimonials, or written memories concern- ing early North Palm Beach • Oral or written interviews can be conducted, as mentioned above • Photographs of early North Palm Beach are also needed • We need more information about buildings or businesses in the area. We would also like to hear from those of you who remember Florida of the past. If you have anything you would to share, please call or stop by the Village Manager's office and ask for Joanna. (561- 904 -2122 and email is jcunningham @village - npb.org)or visit the Village His- torian's page on the website, www.village- npb.org /Village Historian, and complete the "Local History Interview Questions" form online. W k.at kAfJ fje, _eA i k fle M &VO4ti Of Fe4, -),r ,r y No rH& Pa *vL, Bev d%? * The number of building permit fees received in 1956 was $729,314.00 and in- creased to $3,263,593.00 in 1957!! (source: Florida Building Journal 41311958) * The North Palm Beach Branch of the American Association of University Wom- en (AAUW) was founded on February 19, 1959. The Founding members were Mrs. Harold Beery, Mrs. Thomas Hart, Mrs. J. Edwin Obert, Mrs. Edward Sharp and Mrs. Clair A. Thomas. * The North Palm Beach Library Society was formed in February to establish a library to serve the North Palm Beaches in 1963. The first location was within the former Oakes Estate and a group of men gathered to build the shelves and paint. Boy Scout Troop 151 moved the books into the temporary location and a book drive held by Mr. John McDermott netted over 1700 books! * The Grand Opening of the Public Safety Facility was held on February 27, 1999. HpritagP day Paraclp and Festivai Mark your calendars now! The annual Heritage Festival will be held on Saturday, Park! This year marks the 60th Anniversary of the Village. We want to have the ..- largest parade ever!! We want sixty floats/ " entries for sixty years! If you know of a band, - r group, horses, antique ri April 2nd at Anchorage i cars, twirlers, scout G troop, organization etc. 1 —we want them to participate! The form to enter is on the Village Website under Recreation /special events. There is no cost to participate! s� -•i The parade will start at 11:00. It travels from Village Hall - north on Eastwind Dr. to Lighthouse - Lighthouse to Anchorage - ending at Anchorage Park. It features local clubs, businesses and organizations. We invite clubs, businesses, organizations to participate by entering a float /unit. Call the Recreation Dept. at 561- 841 -3386 for more information or visit the recreation pages of village- npb.org. Bicycle Brigade - the tradition continues! The North Palm Beach Yacht Club will continue a tradition that it began in the year 2000 by awarding $250 in cash prizes to the top three best - decorated bicycles in the annual parade! Children 12 years of age and un- der are invited to decorate their bikes and fall in behind the Yacht Club float as it makes its way along the parade route. Parents can join in, but the prizes are for the kids! Prizes will be awarded in Anchorage Park following the pa- rade. The winner will receive $125; second place fin- isher gets $75, and third place will win $50. _ , r UL'; Originality and appearance count, but the highest marks go to the "Brigaders" who do their own work, without Mom and Dad's help. It's a fun contest for everyone. We invite clubs, businesses, organizations, etc. to participate in the 1 mile parade! Contact the Rec Dept. for your application and more information. 561 - 841 -3386. Volunteers: If you would like to volunteer to help with the Heritage Parade, please contact the Recreation Department at 561- 841 -3386! We are look- ing for adult volunteers! Ak- ■ Festival Sponsors: We are also looking for festival sponsors. If you or interested in helping make this festival a fu need your support! There are various levels of sponsor sup- port available to your business from a cash donation to display- ing at the Business Expo. Please visit vvvv.V111dL npb.orq or call 561- 841 -3386 to see how your business can gain exposure at the annual Festival. your business would be n, family - friendly event, we I naaaLIIWM�-A y1;-4�rtA� Village of North Palm Beach Heritage Parade Entry Form April 2, 2016 11:00 am Please complete the form below and fax (561- 844 - 1836), mail, or email (recreation(dvill e- npb.org) it to the North Palm Beach Recreation Department by March 25, 2016 so that a spot will be reserved for your group in the Heritage Parade. For more details on the parade and festival, go to the web site: www.village- npb.org. Please abide by the following parade rules: No entry or float should be higher than 14 feet due to allowance for electrical, telephone, utility clearance. No water guns. No throwing items from floats /vehicles. You can have walkers hand out items Lineup will begin at 9:30am. You will be notified ahead of time as to your position in the lineup. Please arrive early so you can get your group into position. Name of Group: GroupCoordinator(s) : Telephone # Address: City: fax: Please print: # participants_ email: other # zip: Please circle the appropriate description of your entry: Car Motorcycle Float Band Boat Horses Marchers Truck Drill Team Other: Please include a brief introduction for your group to be read at the judge's viewing stand and any pertinent or interesting information regarding your organization. You can use back of form if needed. . a ■ a ■ a a ■ . w ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . I, understand that Ilmy group am/are choosing to participate in the North Palm Beach Heritage Festival and Parade at my/our own risk and neither the Village of North Palm Beach nor agents representing them accept liability or responsibility regarding vehicles, equipment, or personal injury during this event. Signature Date Please feel free to call the Recreation Dept. at 841 -3386 with any questions. I IIC r[CGICdIIUII UCjJI. IIdJ d JCIICJ UI LUIIGII oc LCdIII UdJJCJ IIIICU Up IUI Jdl]Udly dIIU rCL)fUdly. I IICJC informational workshops will begin at 11:30 am, consist of an hour of information, a light lunch and time for questions and answers. The fee for each workshop is $8. Lunch & Learn Chair Exercise — Feb. 11 - learn how to do a complete exercise routine that you can do from the comfort of your home. This will involve using a chair and everyday objects you have at home. This is great for people with balance issues or who cannot get down on the floor to exercise. Lunch & Learn Apple iPad /iPhone — Feb. 17 - Get a new r iPhone for the holidays? Do you know how to use it or did your kids /grandkids give you the abbreviated 10 minutes of instruction? We will show you the basics to using your new phone or iPad; using the camera, texting, emailing, basic apps, and more!! Lunch & Learn Android phone /tablet — Feb 24 - Get a new _J Samsung, LG, Motorola, Nexus, HTC or Kyocera phone /tablet for the holidays? This workshop is for all smart phones that are not Apple. We will show you the basics to using your new phone or tablet; using the camera, texting, emailing, basic apps, and more!! VIIlago of No rlh Pa Im9each Regular Co Ile ctl on Schedule Tuesday mix Rkloy ash d D.N Iramef 7-- GuIll AYTHE HIGHLIGHTED BOX, THE A' EMU Trooll� 3 relk Trelh6 Sul Apr" Olrbop. Ik llama!Vepolal�an ARM 6.rb.pe C.rLap. rr Ap ncyepnp nn Cc'mc�lo� 24 ra on.eyrad Honwr. Tuea do, Jnnonry l NMy Y Rn Pay a-. ll lif; Mwday.Jonuary2l Bh>h4.yarryWtlnlueie. P a ?� hmnday, F"—V 1a P.eeldenre pay �. Wnday, WY 27 A4m ,00 pay b 0 to rnuradoy,hly 4 lndependel D.y y' hW d ay, sapmmoe. 2 tam, pay N nosy. N—mdr, I, ammree. D.y a rn� raaey, Nmeme.r 25 The ekagldnp Mdnosaay, Decemhor 25 Chne9eo. Day 4l TRASH TALK If you are still using the magnet from 2013 — please throw it out! It is no longer valid. Please reference the back cover of the newsletter, Facebook page or the Village Website for the correct garbage schedule. Distraction Thefts OF 5`ICF� The North Palm Beach Police Department would like to inform all residents on how to protect themselves from becoming a victim of a distraction theft. The key to prevention \l is to understand the method of operation and how these criminals are able to commit this type of crime. Suspects can be either male or female and will often pose as land - '� scapers, pest control specialists, plumbers, electricians, and /or utility workers. These {► 4V subjects will attempt to gain the trust of the victim and create a sense of urgency to dis- tract you from your home and into your backyard if possible. While being distracted in your backyard, others may enter your home without your knowledge and steal any be- longings that they feel may be of value. Do not feel obligated to open the door. Confirm POLICE the identity of all workers prior to allowing them into your house or onto your property. If - - you are not expecting a service and feel that this is suspicious, call 911 immediately. Distraction Theft Criminals, otherwise known as traveling criminals target elderly resi- dents when they are the most vulnerable. Do not allow yourself to become distracted. If you know of a neighbor who may be considered a vulnerable target please share this important information with them so that they will be prepared in how to handle this type of situation. Be mindful of suspicious activity in your neighborhood and re- member to immediately call 911 to report the information to the North Palm Beach Police Department. j1 11 It Imh ISUN Hours Driving Range Hours: Monday & Thursday 9 AM - 9:00 PM Tues /Wed & Fri - Sunday 7 AM - 9:00 PM Golf Shop Hours: Daily 6:30 AM- 6:OOPM Restaurant: Open Daily 7AM -7PM Library Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 7 PM Friday - Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM Sunday 1 PM - 5 PM Pool Hours: 7:45 AM - Mon. CLOSED Tues. —Fri. 12 PM - 4 PM Saturday 10 PM– 6 PM Sunday 12 PM - 6 PM Water Aerobics— Tues. & Thurs. - Jane 7:45 AM - Wed. & Fri. - Steve Sun. 11:00am - 12:00pm Members Only Swim- 10:00am - 12:00pm Tuesday - Friday Tennis Court Hours /Club Plaw Mon. - Thurs. 7:45 AM - 10 PM Fri. - Sun. 7:45 AM - DARK Tennis Office Hours: Story Time -1 Oam E Mon. - Fri. 7:45 AM - 7:00 PM Sat. 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM Sun. 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM CHARRETTE BEGINS SATURDAYJANUARY 30TH. 9AM -3PM AT CON- SERVATORY SCHOOL. SUNDAY JANUARY 31ST 9AM -3PM IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. PUBLIC INPUT ON MASTER PLAN AND COUNTRY CLUB liff, MON 1 Charrette 9am -9pm Member Golf Clinic - 2:30pm 9 & Dine -3:30 pm Shotgun Knit & Crochet -1 -4pm Friends of the Library-5:00 pm Tennis Clinic- 9:30 am TUE 2Charrette 9am -9pm MGA- 7:32am tee times Story Time —1 Oam Baby Time —1 lam Great Courses -1 pm Junior Creativity -2:30 pm Water Aerobics - 11am -12pm Pickleball -5 -9pm Cardio Tennis - 9:30am Men's Doubles- 6:30pm 7 Super Sunday Better 8 WGA Team Play– 9am 9 MGA- 7:32am tee times 0 Ball & BBQ Lunch -1 pm Knit & Crochet -1 -4pm Story Time -1 Oam E Tennis Clinic -10am Tennis Clinic– 9:30 am Baby Time -1 lam Great Courses -1 -pm E Junior Creativity -2:30 pm IC Water Aerobics - 11am -12pm 1 Pickleball -5 -9pm N Cardio Tennis – 9:30am F Men's Doubles- 6:30pm 1 14 Tennis Clinic -10am 1 5 President's Day Village Offices Closed VALENTINE'S DAY 21 /28 Tennis Clinic - 1 Oam 0 �c CUP �tel, Tennis Clinic– 9:30 am 22/29 WGA Team Play– 9am Tennis Clinic– 9:30 am Men's Doubles- 6:30pm Knit & Crochet -1 -4pm 16 MGA- 7:32am tee times Story Time, 1 Oam Baby Time . -11am Great Courses -1 pm Junior Creativity -2:30 pm Pickleball -5 -9pm Water Aerobics - 11am -12pm Cardio Tennis – 9:30am Men's Doubles- 6:30pm 23 MGA- 7:32am tee times Story Time -1 Oam Baby Time —1 lam Great Courses -1 pmJunior Creativity -2:30 pm Pickleball -5 -9pm Water Aerobics - 11am -12pm Cardio Tennis – 9:30am Men's Doubles- 6:30pm 0 Golf 0 Parks & Recn Community a en 561- 841 -3380 The North Palm Beach Country Club and Village Tavern Restaurant are Calendar. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 951 US Highway 1, NPB, FL 33408 Phone: 561-691-3430 www.npbcc.org WED 3Charrette 9am -9pm WGA- 8:15am shotgun 9 Holers -10:28 am tee times Water Aerobics -11 -12 pm Ballroom Dance Class -7pm Story Time, - 10:0 Oam Travel Film —Noon Kids Creativity- 2:15pm Read to Ellla the Dog -3pm Tennis Clinic- 9:30 am /6:30pm 10 WGA- 8:15am shotgun 9 Holers -10:28 am tee times Water Aerobics -11 -12 pm Ballroom Dance Class -7pm Story Time - 10:00am Travel Film —Noon Kids Creativity- 2:15pm Read to Ellla the Dog -3pm Tennis Clinic- 9:30am /6:30pm 17WGA- 8:15am shotgun 9 Holers- 10:28am tee times Story Time - 10:00am Travel Film —Noon Kids Creativity- 2:15pm Read to Ellla the Dog -3pm Water Aerobics -11 -12 pm Ballroom Dance Class -7pm Tennis Clinic- 9:30am /6:30pm 24 WGA- 8:15am shotgun 9 Holers- 10:28am tee times Story Time, - 10:00 am Travel Film —Noon Kids Creativity- 2:15pm Read to Ellla the Dog -3pm Water Aerobics -11 -12 pm Ballroom Dance Class -7pm Tennis Clinic- 9:30am /6:30pm KEY ■ Library I ecreation Tennis THUR 4Charrette 9am -9pm Water Aerobics -1 lam Coloring for Adults -2pm Pickleball -5 -9pm Men's Tennis - 6:30pm 11 Water Aerobics -1 lam Shakespeare Authorship Con- troversy -2pm Pickleball —5 -9pm Men's Tennis - 6:30pm Council Meeting- 7:30pm 1 8 Meet the Author -1 pm Kids Crafts 3:30 pm Water Aerobics 11 am Pickleball -5 -9pm Men's Tennis - 6:30pm 25 ArtHist.Lecture -1lam Pickleball -5 -9pm Men's Tennis - 6:30pm Water Aerobics - 11am -12pm www.village- npb.or Council Meeting- 7:30pm NPBCC Restaurant FRI 5Charrette 9am -Noon 71./' Tennis Clinic- 9:30 am Quilters Group -10am Water Aerobics -11 -12 pm Tai Chi -10am Charrette Presentation -6PM @ Conservatory School 1 2Tennis Clinic- 9:30 am Quilters Group -10am Early 20th Century Novels- 2pm Water Aerobics -11 -12 pm Tai Chi -10am 19 Tennis Clinic- 9:30 am Quilters Group -10am Water Aerobics -11 -12 pm Tai Chi -10am 26Tennis Clinic- 9:30 am Quilters Group -10am Early 20th Century Novels- 2pm Water Aerobics -11 -12 pm Tai Chi -10am Kids Night Out -6pm SAT 6Junior Golf Clinic - 1 -2pm Team Golf -2pm and 4pm Tennis Clinic - 9am Adult Chess Club-1 lam-4pm Kids Chess— 11am -1 pm Table Tennis —Osb., 1lam 13 Team Golf -2pm and 4pm Junior Golf Clinic - 1 -2 pm Tennis Clinic - 9am Table Tennis —Osb., 1lam Puppy Love —fpm 20 Team Golf -2pm and 4 pm Junior Golf Clinic 1 -2pm Tennis Clinic - 9am Adult Chess Club-1 lam-4pm Kids Chess— 11am -1 pm 27 Team Golf -2pm and 4pm Junior Golf Clinic -1 -2pm Tennis Clinic - 9am Table Tennis —Osb., 1lam Mystery Night -7pm 501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, FL � The OoServa4-or Sc r9ol @ Kortli Palm Beach Employee Announcements Congratulations to Village Clerk Melissa Teal in obtaining her Master Municipal Clerk (MMC) Certification! The PBC Municipal Clerks Association has 58 active members from the 38 cities in Palm Beach County. Melissa is one of 14 Master Municipal Clerks in Palm Beach County. THE PROFESSIONAL GOLFERS ASSOCIATION OF A Casey L. Mitchell, PG Submit Class A Photo on PGALinks Elected 10/2015 27430138 South Florida Section ,4 1DC A ,,obouni ! ?� ��4 , �G A�p1 Oee li—+T C:,nhn. The [ki;wnxi. m.d Masten Municipal Clerk ujw Melissa A. Teat MW In F.1611 ii (M R"mmmrrrc F'mKriW NTk Imcmonnnal Im¢¢urc l�F ]Aunici�l Clehe- ,.:nlnl be of Norwnufr n.n. Director of Golf Casey Mitchell obtained her Class A Certification from the PGA. Way to go Casey!! t Please welcome to the Management Team— Denise Malone. Denise is the new Community Development Director and brings with her over twenty years of experience with the County and most recently as the City's Comprehensive Planner with the City of West Palm Beach. She has a Master's Degree in Public Administration, and she is AICP certified. Ms. Malone is the current President of the Palm Beach County Intergovernmental Plan Amendment Review Committee (IPARC), and is a member of the American Planning Association, Urban Land Institute, ■ •� ' 4 f Florida Planning and Zoning Association and the ' PBC Planning Congress. :A -BO � P. v► www.village-npb.org We look forward to working with her and hope you welcome her to the Village —the best place to WORK under the sun! Libmy MYSTERY 11TH NIGHT! ANNUAL MYSTERY Are you a cunning, re- � sourceful team player? NIGHT Are you great at solving / clues? Then join us for ---✓✓✓ the annual Mystery Night at the Library on Saturday, Feb - ruary 27 at 7:00 PM to search for clues that will unravel the mys- tery. Knowledge of books, authors, and library resources will be very help- ful! Beginning Monday, February 1st, present your library card at the circulation desk and receive your free admission ticket to Mystery Night! *Limited to 24 adults patrons and admission tickets are re- quired.* The North Palm Beach Library has many a -books available for download! Come check them out! Pg. 10— Library —A M F NLSAV R %. 0 P H B Z D yoEBKSFO r g q x I Z Rt" r) W n We are currently accepting new ( +dal ) 627-6M patients and provide optical services 840 us Highway ],Suite 430 on site at both of our Iocations.We North Palm Beach,FL33408 look forward to providing you with (561) 747 -7000 quality, personalized, comprehensive 210JuplterLakes Blvd, Building 4000 Suite 106 ophthalmic care. Jupiter, FL x3458 Village -Wide Garage Sale We barely get past one garage sale and it is time to start signing up for the next! Start cleaning out the closets and getting ready for the March 5t garage sale. This humungous sale will be held at the NPB Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Fm. Rd. from 7am — noon. Spaces are available for $21.30. Reserve your space early! Only 1 space /household. Is ................... ............................... The Sand Dollar Quilters Group Raffle This award - winning group of dedicated quilters has been meeting and quilting in the library on individual and group projects for several years. If you would like to join them, a knowledge of basic sewing skills is highly recommended. The Sand Dollar Quilters is an award - winning group of dedicated quilters who have met and quilted in the library on individual and group projects for several years pow 561 - 841 -3380 PUPPY LOVE Saturday, February 13th at 1:00 pm. You and your "best friend" can enjoy an after- noon of contests and fun by the Bark Park at Anchorage Park, 603 Anchorage Dr. Exam- ples of contests may include: Best Valentine Attire, Best Tail Wagger, Best Trick, Best Singing Dog, Smallest Dog, Largest Dog, and Best Kisser. A fun - filled afternoon for all! You don't need a dog to at- tend this event! Several organizations will have adoptable dogs on hand! For more information, please call 841 -3386. A Travel Trips — The North Palm Beach Recreation Dept. invites you to join us for upcoming trips to local attractions! The Recreation Dept. now owns a bus so we will be able to take the trips with less chance of cancelling due to low enrollment. Sign up now for the- se scheduled trips: Feb. 18 — Wynwood Art Tour in Miami - $60 Feb. 22 — Perez Art Museum in Miami - $20 Feb. 29 — Out to Lunch Dolphin Bar, Stuart - $10 Mar. 10 — Strawberry Festival - $70 Mar. 19 — Mt. Dora - $25 Mar. 28 — Miami Heat vs. Brooklyn - $40 Call Bill for any questions you may have regarding these trips. 841 -3386. Spring Camp — Now accepting registrations for NPB Recreation's Spring Camp. This camp will be held on March 21 -25 from 9:00 am — 4:00 pm and will be held at the Community Center. This camp features field trips, indoor /outdoor activity, games, and lots of fun! Registration is limited so register early. Ages: 8 -14 yrs Fee: $175/$180(RDF) /week. For more information, call 561-841-3386. F1 1- ifeguard Certification Course Looking for a great summer job? We are offering a lifeguard certification course February 19 -21. Hours: 4pm -9pm Friday, 8am -6pm Saturday, 8am -6pm Sunday. Fee: $155/$150(RDF). This course provides entry -level par- ticipants the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emer- gencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until EMS personnel take over. This class will be held at the NPB Pool, 501 US Hwy 1. 1• Prerequisites: o Minimum age: 15 years o Swim 300 yards continuously o Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs o Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds o Starting in the water swim 20 yards o Surface dive to a depth of 7 to 1Oft to retrieve a 101b object o Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point o Exit the water without using a ladder or steps Contact Mark Howell at mhowell @village - npb.org or call 561- 904 -2136. Lifeguard Training Parks & Recreation 11 —Pg. NPBCC Super Sunday Best Ball �titit 3L..y Sunday, February 7th, 2015 r Q 1 :00 pm Shotgun 2 Player Best Ball Entry Fee: $99 for Non - Members $44.99 for Members (Includes Greens Fees, Cart Fees, & Lunch) Open to Everyone Join us for our annual Super Sunday Scramble on Sunday, February 7th at 1:04 m te . Entry e includes BB buffet lunch startin at 11 :00 am prior to a 1:x}0 pm shotgun start. $44.99 includes cart lee, tournament fee, BBQ buffet, tax and gratuity for NPBCC members. $99.40 includes eens fee, cart fee, tournament fee, BBQ buffet, tax and gratuity for non members. Cornhole and Ladderball games will be set up on the patio during lunch for your entertainment. $10.00 Superbowl boxes for golf shop credit will be available for purchase in the golf shop prior to kickoff. Good luck! THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE MR. JOSEPH KLAIRE ON HIS HOLE IN ONE HOLE No. 5 134 YARDS DRIVER DECEMBER 5TH 2015 Support Your Local Businesses Advertise Your Village Business Here! Tax Planning 8 Preparation Accounting Services IRS Representation ANNE GERAGHTY - NEAL Certified Public Accountant 745 U.S. Highway 1, Suite 102 Office: (561) 882 -0350 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Fax: (561) 882 -0226 E-mail _ agncpaa@aol.com agrigagncpaxoln RICHARD S. HARTMAN REALTOR ASSOCIATE THE HARTMAN TEAM 561.249.3732 1;61.762.4787 561.2d9 -3733 RHartman(c�N ova Reall7stateinc -corn facebook.com/TheHartmanTeam . ■ www.setlingpaimbeachhomes corn linkedin.com /in /RichardSHartman 1201 US Highway One Suite 230 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 PALM BEACh RECt14NA[ *%. ": - R I . 701 Northiake Boulevard, Suite 106 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 (561) 882 -0674 Fax (561) 882 -4141 e -mail: pbrmri@yahoo.com Gloria Malden Kaplan LLC Enrolled Agent Admitted to Practim Before The IRS Income Tax Preparation Individual, Partnerships Corporations, Trusts & Estates 561- 799 -7090 Fax: 561 -459 -8057 700 U.S. Highway t - Suite K gloramatdenkaplan.com North Palm Beach, FL 33408 gloriamaldenkaplan@cvmcast.net t EdwardJoneS VittorioBertuzzelli MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING Financial Advisor 877 -V B -AT -N PB 818 U.S. Highway One, Suito 1, North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Bus. 561- 776 -0846 TE 877- 822 -8672 Fax 877 - 781 -2294 Ccil 561- 315 -0614 v ittori a. h ertti zze I l i Cie dwa rdj o n es. r.0 m www,edwardjoncs.com Mike's Aluminum Specialties Windows, Doors, Shutters & More Locally Owned and Operated for 20 years Mike Sanicky PGT Phone (561) 848 -7188 Dealer Fax (561) 627 -1960 Free L.ic. #1317386 Estimates Lie_ #1320484 MikesAlu m i nu m @gm ail, corn MikesAlum i nu m Speci altiesxo m I{ n U�U[Il�� 9qq Jcnalrecar= Motorization ■ Sheers ■ Solar Shades • Blinds Silhouettes • Drapery • Cornices HurrterUouglas ., • EU , Ed Yeinnock 561 - 932 -3712 edwa rd swi nd owdecer(Ogrina il.com www.edwardswindowdecor.com No 5howroom - No Overhead - No Exiro Cost To You! els�ers 631 N. U.S. Highway One, Suite 100 North Palm Reach, FL 33408 P 561 - 626 -9500 • F 561 - 842 -4163 jtalef 0seniorhelpers.com Jeffrey Taleff Director of Operations J/ License #1­10299993752 VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 xxxxxxxxxxzxxx ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 Holiday Regular Garbage Pickup Schedule Mondays - Garbage, Trash and Bulk Items Tuesdays - Vegetation Wednesdays - Garbage, Trash and Bulk Items Thursdays - Vegetation & Recycling Fridays - ............................................... Garbage, Trash and Bulk Items ............................... Holiday Garbage Pickup Schedule Monday, Feb. 15th (President's Day) - NO PICK UP Tuesday, Feb. 16th - Vegetation Wednesday, Feb 17th - Garbage, Trash and Bulk Items Thursday, Feb. 18th - Vegetation & Recycling Friday, Feb. 19th - Garbage , Trash and Bulk Items Advisory Board Meeting Schedule Audit Committee ................... .............................on call Business Advisory Board ............. 4th Monday, monthly, 6:30 pm Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ........................on call Construction Board of Adjustment ............................on call Golf Advisory Board .............3`a Monday, monthly, 6:00pm Library Advisory Board ...........4`s Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm Pension Board - General Employees ..........................on call Pension Board - Police & Fire .... .............................on call Planning Commission ..............ls` Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm Recreation Advisory Board ........2 °a Tuesday, monthly,7:00pm Waterways Board ...............next to last Tuesday, monthly,4:00pm Upcoming Council Meetings Thursday, February 11, 2016, 7:30 pm Thursday, February 25, 2016, 7:30 pm PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 Recycle Please