03-28-1974 VC REG-MMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE J 1 VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1974 Present: Walter N. Colbath, Jr., Mayor M. C. Love; Jr., Vice Mayor William A.:Greeley, Councilman Ronald L. Heraty, Councilman Robert F. Slater, Councilman Herbert L.~Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J~ Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R.; Walker, Village Clerk Councilman Slater, acting as Chairman of the Council, called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:O1 p.m. All members of the Council were present. Councilman Greeley gave the invocation, and'Councilman Love led the Council and the public in the Pledge of Allegiance to-the Flag. On motion of Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Greeley, all present voting aye, the minutes of Regular Meeting held Thursday, March 14, 1974 and the minutes of Special Meeting held Wednesday, March 20~ 1974 were approved as written. The organization of the Council is required~by Village Charter to be done at the next regular meeting of the Council following the election of any Counci]Jnan. Therefore, Council proceeded with its organization in accordance with Article III, Section 6, of the Village Charter. On motion of Councilman Love, seconded by Councilman Greeley, all present voting aye, Walter N. Colbath, Jr, was nominated for the office of Mayor off' the Village of North Palm Beach. On motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Councilman Colbath, all present voting aye ,; M. C. Love, Jr. was nominated for the office of Vice Mayor of the Village of North-Palm Beach. On motion of Councilman Heraty, seconded by Councilman Love, all present voting aye, William A. Greeley was nominated for the office of President Pro Tim of the Village of North Palm Beach. ~ Council then instructed the Clerk to place the names of Walter N. Colbath, Jr. as Mayor; M. C. Love, Jr. as Vice Mayor; and. William A. Greeley as President Pro Tem an proposed Resolution No. 10-74. On motion of Councilman Heraty, seconded by; Councilman Love, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 10-74 entitled,: i A RESOLUTION OF fiHE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF; NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING CERTAIN OFFICERS FOR SUCH VILLAGE was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 10-74. ROLL CALL INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES COUNCIL ORGANIZATION W. N. COLBATH, JR. NOMINATED AB MAYOR M. C. LOVE, JR. NOMINATED AS VICE-MAYOR W. A. GREELEY • NOMINATED AS PRESIDENT PRO TEM ~~ :^ PLACEMENT OF NAMES ON PRO- - POSED RES. 10-74 RES. 10-74 ADOPTED Minutes of Regular Meeting Held Thursday, March 28, 1974 Page 2 Clerk administered Oath of Office to MayoriWalter N. Colbath, Jr., Vice Mayor M. C. Love, Jr'. and President Pro Tem William A. Greeley. Immediately thereafter, Chairman_Slater turned the gavel over to Mayor Colbath, who chaired the balance of the meeting. , On motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Vice Mayor Love, all present voting aye, the minutes pf Recreation Advisory Board meeting held March 12, 1974;; and the minutes of Regular Meeting of the Planning; and Zoning Advisory Board held March 13, 1974 were accepted by the Council. Bill No. 198 was advertised in the WeekDay;newspaper on March 7, 1974. On motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Councilman Slater, all present voting aye, Bill No. 1~8 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH ,PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 11 OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH CODE BY REMOVING THE: REQUIREMENT THAT DOCKS BE CONSTRUCTED TO FULLY COVER THE AREA IN WHICH BATTER PILES ARE CONSTRUCTED', AND BY PERMITTING THE CONSTRUCTIQN OF EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURES WATERSIDE OF ESTABLISHED BULKHEAD ' LINES AND PROPERTY LINES AND SETTING FORTH REGULATIONS GOVERNING SAME was placed on second reading and. read by title only. On motion of Vice Mayor Love, seconded by 'Councilman Greeley, all present voting aye, Bi11 No. 19S was adopted as Ordinance No. 4-74. ., On motion of Vice Mayor Love, seconded by Councilman Heraty, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 11-74 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING AND REAPPOINTING CERTAIN VILLAGE OFFICERS I was read in full and adopted as read. as Resolution No. 11-7~F. Village Manager read letter of March 2S, 1:974 addressed to him from Howard L. Searcy, President off' Mock, Roos & Searcy, Inc., concerning the proposed plat and develop- ment plans for Suburban Estates Subdivision (Cromwell Estates No.`2). A copy of this letter is !attached to the minutes of this meeting. On motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded :by Council- man Heraty, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 12-74 entitled: ; A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, GIVING TENTATIVE APPROVAL OF THE PLAT OF CROMWELL ESTATES NO. 2 i was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 12-74. OATHS OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED _ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES BILL 198 PLACED ON 2ND READING BILL 198 ADOPTED AS ORD. tE-74 RES. 11-74 ADOPTED LETTER FROM VILLAGE ENGINEER RE CROMWEI,L ESTATES N0. 2 RES. 12-74 ADOPTED j~ ~J u Minutes o£ Regular Meeting Held Thursday, March 28, 1974 Page 3 Councilman Greeley moved that Resolution No. 13-74 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO SIGN A', RIGHT-OF- WAY EASEMENT TO SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY be ad.opted.as read. The motion was seconded by Council- man Slater. Vice Mayor Love moved that Resolution No. 13-74 be tabled. The motion was seconded_by Councilman Greeley and all present voted aye. ' On motion of Vice Mayor Love, seconded by Councilman Greeley, all present voting aye, that we approve the construction and location o£ the memorial to Andrew G. Ford in Lakeside Park. On motion o£ Vice Mayor Love, seconded by Councilman Greeley, all present voting aye, that Resolution No. 13-7~E be put back on the Floor For consideration. Thereafter Council voted on the motion to adopt Resolution No. 13-74 as read, and the motion passed unanimously. There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Councilman Heraty, all present voting aye, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Doloresr, Villag MOTION TO ADOPT RES. 13-74 RES. 13-74 TABLED ANDREW G. FORD MEMORIAL APPROVED RES. 13-74 PUT BACK ON FLOOR FOR CONSIDE~.ATION RES. 13-74 ADOPTED ADJOURNMENT a ~I OATH OF OFFICE ~ Village of North Palm Beach County of Palm Beach I'i State of Florida I, Walter N. Colbath, Jr. do solemnly swear that I will support and protect and defend the Constitution and the Govern- ment of the United States and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitl',ed to hold office under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and that I will, Faithfully perform all the duties of the office of Mayor of The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. Article III, Section S, Village Charter I', Dated this Z~_ day of March 19 74 ATTEST: OATH OF OFFICE Village of North Pa7,m Beach County of Palm Beach State of Florida I M. C. Love, Jr. i I do solemnly swear that I will support and protect and defend the Constitution and the Govern- ment of the United States and of the State of Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty 'and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, and that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of Vice. Mayor of The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. i G Article III, Section 5, Village Charter Dated this Z$ _ day of March "v F--~,-~-.-,° Q.eccc.~ II 19 74 . /`. OATH OF OFFICE Village of North Palm Beach County of Palm Beach State of Florida I, William A. Greeley do solemnly swear that I I will support and protect and defend the Constitution and the Govern- ment of the United States and of the State o£ Florida, against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same, and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United States and the Co'n titution and Laws of the State of Florida, and that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office of President Pro Tem of The Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. ! Article III, Section 5,. Village Charter Dated this 28 day of March 19 74 . ATTEST, - ~ ~ :, ~.. -.sp, as l.. _ , ,. ~ ~ n. 'rn :i, "R.. _ - e. ~. .. q ~ - t . ~ i ._ ~ ~,~"{ 55~~ ff ~T.~hh{{~;, { f, r *: - ., ~ ru.i ~y + i r ~-fit ~u ti ~;- ,;,; ~ ' ~-t. ,~' 1,~ __~_ _~ TALI ll~9~1„{. ~ -"S ~.- ~ 1 Z-_ ~~.a ..~ l.F -. _ 1.:.1 k j ~I 2930 OKEECHOfiEE BLVD., WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 339p 1,~ PHONF (305)683-3113 March 25;; 1974- i Village of North Palm Beach- Village Hall, U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida -33403 . Attention: Mr. Lawrence J. Robbins Village Manager Subject: Proposed Plat and Development~Plans for Suburban Estates Subdivision (Our Ref."NO. 69-84) I Gentlemen: I Pursuant to-your request, we have reviewed the proposed plat and development plans for Suburban Estates Subdivision as prepared by William G. Wallace Inc.' Several recommended changes to--the _ plat were, discussed directly with engineers and these changes, have been made. The .proposed construction indicated on the .development plans conforms to the. appropriate ordinances.of the Village of North Palm Beach and it is therefore.re~ommended that-this .plat and development-plans be approved. It is.-our understanding that the-work will be constructed prior to the filing of .the plat. eliminating the necessity of .posting-of'a per3:ormance bond or`; an escrow account as required by the ordinance.. _ If we can be of further assistance,.pn this matter, please.... contact us. , Very truly yours, MOCI~Ii~rROOS ~& ~EARCf3, INC. HLS:dc cc: .-Charles R. O'Meilia cc: William G. Wallace..