06-27-1974 VC REG-MMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NQRTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1974 Present: Walter N. 'Colbath, Jr., Mayor M. C. Love, Jr., Vice Mayor William A: Greeley, Councilman Ronald L.',Heraty, Councilman Robert F.~Slater, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J. Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. Walker, Village-Clerk Mayor Colbath called the Regular Meeting to, order at ROLL CALL 8:05 p.m. All members of the Council were present. V'c M 1 i e ayor Love gave the .uivocation and Councilman_Greeley INVOCATION led the Council and the public in the Pledge of Allegiance - & PLEDGE OF to the Flag. ALLEGIANCE On motion of Councilman Heraty, seconded by',Councilman ~~ APPROVAL OF Greeley, all present voting aye, the minutes of Regular -' MINUTES Meeting held Thursday, June 13, 1974 were approved as - written. On motion of Vice. Mayor Love, seconded by Councilman APPROVAL OF Heraty, all present voting aye, the minutes,of Recessed MINUTES Regular Meeting of June 13, 1974 held Tuesday, June 18, 1974 were approved as written. I On behalf of the Village Council, Mayor Colbath presented a Certificate of Appreciation for Mrs. Kathleen Y. Gildan, in recognition of her many years of service ;to the North Palm Beach Library, to Mr. H. L. Gildan. Mr. Gildan accepted the Certificate for his wife, since she was unable to attend the meeting to accept it personally. On motion of Vice Mayor Love, seconded by Councilman Greeley, all present voting aye, the followng_minutes were accepted by the Council: Minutes of Community Appearance Board meeting held June 11, 1974 Minutes of Recreation Advisory Board meeting held June 11, 1974 Minutes of Regular Meeting of Planning and Zoning Advisory Board held June 12, 1974 Minutes of Regular Meeting of North Patin Beach Country Club Board of Governors-held June 19, 1974 Councilman Greeley moved that Council tableresidents~ membership at the North Palm Beach Country Club until such time as the Board of Governors has a workshop meet- ing on Wednesday, July 3, 1974 to further discuss this matter and subsequently report back to the Council. Vice Mayor Love seconded the motion. The motion passed 3 to 2, with Mayor Colbath and Councilman Heraty opposed.- CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION FOR MRS. GILDAN ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES RESIDENTS' MEMBERSHIP AT NPBCC TABLED 1 1 1 Minutes of Regular Meeting Held Thursday, June 27, 1974 Page 2 i Councilman Heraty moved that we table the recommendation of the North Palm Beach Country Club Board 'of Governors that the area known as the North Palm Beacfi Golf Course be used only for golf. Councilman Slater seconded the motion. The motion failed_3 to 2, with Mayor Colbath, Vice Mayor Love and Councilman Greeley opposed. Councilman Heraty moved that the recommendation of the. North Palm Beach Country Club Board of Governors that the area known as the North Palm Beach Golf Course be_ used only for golf be denied. The motion w.as seconded " by Councilman Slater and all present voted aye. Councilman Greeley moved to reconsider the previous motion. The motion died for lack of a second. On motion of Councilman Heraty, seconded by~Councilman Greeley, all present voting aye,. that we instruct the- Village Attorney to draft an ordinance incorporating the provisions of the recommendation of the'Planning and Zoning Advisory Board, made in their meeting of April 9, 1974. Bill No. 204 was advertised in the Palm Beach Post Times on Thursday, May 30, 1974. ; On motion of Councilman Heraty, seconded by,Councilman Slater, all present voting aye, Bi11 No. 204 entitled: i AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, SETTING FORTH ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR MEMBERS OF ADVISORY BOARDS OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH was placed on second reading and read by title alone. On motion of Vice Mayor Love, seconded by Councilman -- Heraty, all present voting aye, Bill No. 204 was adopted as Ordinance No. 10-74. On motion of Councilman Heraty, seconded by Vice Mayor _ Love, all present voting aye, Bill No. 207 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 45 OF THE VILLAGE OF -- NORTH PALM BEACH CODE, THE ZONING CODE,~B1' ELIMINATING RESIDENTIAL USES FROM ZONING DISTRICTS C-lA, C-1 AND C-2 was placed on first reading and read by title alone. On motion of Councilman Heraty, seconded-by Councilman Greeley, all present voting aye, Bill No. 208 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN'THE C-lA AND C-1 ZONING DISTRICTS TO THE R-3 ZONING DISTRICT I was placed on first reading and read by title alone. MOTION TO TABLE RECOM- MENDATION OF BD. OF 60V. FAILS RECOMMENDATION OF BD. OF GOV. DENIED MOTION TO RECON- SIDER PREVIOUS MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND VILLAGE ATTORNEY -.--INSTRUCTED TO DRAFT ORD.,RE RECOMMENDATION OF P & Z AD. BD. BILL 204 PLACED ON 2ND READING BILL 204 ADOPTED AS ORD. 10-74 BILL 207 PLACED ON 1ST READING BILL 208 PLACED ON 1ST READING u 0 Minutes of Regular Meeting Held Thursday, June 27, 1974 Page 3 On motion of Councilman Heraty, seconded_by;Councilman Greeley, all present voting aye, Bill No. 209 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE C-1 ZONING DISTRICT TO THE R-3 ZONING DISTRICT I was placed on first reading and read. by title alone. On motion of Vice. Mayor Love, seconded by Councilman Greeley, all present voting aye, that the bid for fireworks be awarded to Zambelli Fireworks Manufacturing Company, Inc. in the amount of $2,400.00. i Councilman Slater moved that we approve the funds necessary to renovate the bar at the North Palm Beach Country Club. The motion was seconded, by Councilman Greeley. Vice Mayor Love moved to amend the previous motion as follows: That we send this back to the Boaxd. of Governors and give them sufficient time to conduct the additional study necessary to make a recommendation. The motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Greeley moved to call the question. The motion was seconded by Councilman Heraty and all present voted aye. Thereafter Council voted on the main motion which passed 4 to 1, with Vice Mayor Love opposed. There being no further business to come before the Council, on motion of Councilman Slater, seconded by; Councilman Heraty, all present voting aye, the meeting, was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. i ~~ Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk i BILL 209 PLACED ON 15T READING BID FOR FIRE- WORKS AWARDED TO ZAMBELI,I FIREWORKS MFG. CO., INC. MOTION TO APPROVE FUNDS FOR NPBCC BAR RENOVATION VICE MAYOR COVETS MOTION TO AMEND PREVIOUS MOTION DIES FOR LACK OF A SECOND MOTION TO CALL THE QUESTION MAIN MOTION PASSED 4 TO 1 ADJQURNMENT