A Collection About A Local Legend by Marilyn Robsont A Grille c tirn About a iucal 3,1,6C.11d | � "Y y yateaQ '.inivernity of ,a t I dedicate this collecAun to the Villpto of North Pali Beach, my hpip, and to my £n Pr informants, vsppcially ken. W-1 A Worn for t\cir t!-c:.,,4,nda"v yelp, 'Son, ind' talrF. !bNnh YOU.—Mr. ,a, 4AO A His uAsolved murder 15 yenrs aLc KAN Whown, cown , 67nnny and mystarious aii: to 'Ap LoOdino, which some powylp Fay ntill purvodes. Musor had it oLp time that Mon wns murdercd right in tho plane', Pip. sl�l Monro Pays. 'If you don't OWN thst mili- (Palm beach Post Times, Urch 18, 197Y) In. � 4k; TAKE OF WHEN= I . I" trod Ue tijrl A Eistory of tarn North Fnlm Beach Country Club A. Architceturz! Zito Data Supplement B. A 1) The History of Wir Harry Oakes 4. The Murdcr of Sir Harry Oak w1 T A C F • anscriptiony of informants KYSPA, Mrs. Nonry F. Moore juldc nay SwAcrs john lythy Tiedemann AlUryn Y. iunkey Expinwa4icn of quCationnive Apalysin q"nr" i )ns A. bata fr�m nallycio P. WrIn7kon from JnWivifl " . TL P horn! jolyqu ,a. introduco on in October, 1?56, the small village of "urth ralm beach was born. It rests approy1mately two "ours nvFth of Niimlo Florida, and t has Wen my home for almost seventeen ycarn. Nnrth Palm is a pre- dominantay white, middte class, family community. Today, the pop- vlation has grown to 17,000, and it continuez to ret largvr as mare and more condors injunn and residential areas bocome available. Many of the homes are nn either the waterfront (canats, Lake Worth, or even the Ocean) yr are near the golf course at the harth P61M peach Country Club. This Country Club will be We center of this paper. When I wau ten or twelve years old, my little friends and 1 used to Co to this Club for reerentiunal reasons, One activity we engaged in was the telling of tales, p0marily about a my•der that supposediy happened at this place. Thes, tales have evolved to .a local legend, which means there may be .oaf mi�_- truth element to tie stories. Thin paper compares Qe true hintorical facts with the IeEends told to me by five differunt informants. The latter par4 of this presentation ex- amines this data to show the variatious in M material, when they oceurred, why the KA8 were told, what motifs are present, and at what stage of devolopment this particular legend is today, W what, might happLn to jt jD years ter comr. Furthermore, to provide "icing on the cake", i wiLl prusent evidence which wA2 indicate who the r,q nqrdPrPv Vyh" t(. Ee wisht 10 Al 5s, toAvY. 2A wholh?r the ISStpfy of7tbe Njv,h palm Doapp GjQntyy CjuL in! tho true historicul facts are ever rovonled Ines not mane'. UP toles, the IeEvudo will contAue reiordlcrr. Thpy oru fun tO tell- JL n, 0 Courffiry CLQb-cu+ o.-c�nf, OLO At - T Awl 79 i6 t. History )f the NuuLh Falm Be 211 Country Club k04 The Nt,rvth Palm beach Country :."lub wa, originally built by a man, Harry .1. KclE,,y, in The architect Lou i3 De Puyseger I from Paril, desip.ned the Palm Beach Wlritf r Club, as it was called Lhuip, iiv a.i old Mc(literranean style. Today, old picturps-and Paint- ings still hang in the mans..lon. Mr. Kelsey headed the Last Coast ?inance Uon.pany, which went bankrupt- during the depres.5ion. This forced Kel6ey to tiell the Glub, and he cold it to a wealthy old tyrant namDd S>ir H;_-r•.Ty Oakes. Oaken uved the �state a3 his winter homf_>. Rumor :jw,7 it tnat thiv; 1,s bccause tic was not we lcome. in the exclu8ive Pala Beach Li•ea. Oakef3 :�ddcd the �noth wing to his horbe, which be,C.miiu the flrr�t library in North Palm. He also added h.-),,-ge stablc and --, p-Af, 'Licld _f jr his wifp, E1Jn1c4-, ')nd hancy, ako� Who ',,;Cl'e fo-A of thr' !�port. 1r] Lhf. fr3rly 1)5 -s marision way 1.1']1: 11 t-)Iki-,. anl'Ji L.nu 1). IflacArthu'ro The pi•operiy went throueh some -0.6tv hand.e, uritil lf)6? when the of Palm Boach tauOlt Jt The Club 1.0w cuvers around 1 ­resv which iucJudt-,s tho club houste, djn_irq-i roorn, swimmi n E pou I pat i oS . J-r)l I' CU e, J)LIJ-k i Ile, rc. a 'WId O-A" 1"",ic old ni.nri;`iun. 'hLE, '11:illSioyl' at `�*51 U.S. lei tlw }F #1, i,a.; t.c:F ruled uns-Ife, 1,y thp, Villaue Buildiric Dp.pt. It h:N:'- detr�rtvrat�'d vrufitjy wil.17 -jj-.e �.md witki we.ithurirL. huge trees { linost cover tiLu oldirr '11' I ;„ windo,,n;,q are m.0stly boarded up, tn kLup the piij'onn ,-)ut wn,-j like is neill. in thf- dark, quiet Thorp is ,i about thu older area. Faybe the building, 1!kP ati old anc tired wor.an, has surrendered -s in life, mainly her health to the r, nnt deterioi f f) F'r� r 46 just the irievitub14- of Ur- . Intern: =01y, Use mansion looks worse 16-han the out --;ide. The pigeon" of the past have 1PEt rizde. reminders of their once — inhabitatJ n on the snc:eond and third, or top, --tort' floors. The mansion today, Is still. the oldes� -.in florth Palm. Parts of the first floor are still iised for dance classes and for bus- iness offices. The basement, which was used In the sixties and early severities for art and oance and gymnastic clisses' is TIOW out of Commission. The upper --,Aories are boarded off, so riu one can enter them. Raymund J. Howland, istar.-t VillaEe Manager, ilex with. a few others (Rrs. H:-.rtha Nadelman, Village iiistori=j.n, and Nrs. Nancy Moore, N.P.B. Librarian) are trying to get the old building approved {j� an histofleaj site. A committee in Tallahasse will deter,mine whet ter the club will be levelt,d or restured, which colld co St up to S300,0(M. It is interes-ting to tiote tfhi-it every oiie ur my informants, afLt,,r telling me the tales ass,-)ciatud with the club, expre.,�sed complete oppositiox, Lo tlie idea of destroying t,'-ue mansion. I do aigree. Do r,co t df struy our vill-age, jListot-y, do not Liestroy our vill.aGc lcgejjd!�, do not dc�strfjy our %fillage manolon, 1 4 �367- I I Ot C. 2 Florida 'N;a70,er '.')jtc Fiio oaf' t.jjE;. C r L: L, survL-y datr J"Yjr, 4o -Ilk \--1 4 In STATE Or- r-LOF110A OCRANTMPHT OF STATE site No. Djv; oor, cif Arcbjvns. "65t,(jrV i4nd Rix.prrls ManjyarmpeM Sita Name PaIrit Lach Whiter Giub ARCI I IT ECTLJ R AL s rr E DATA SUIPF I-V-. Nl E NT ARCHITECT Lauis De BUILDER Arnold Brother s TTic 874== STYLE AND/OR MODE klediter Mlem PLAN TYPE Formal Ope'a EXTERIOR FABRIC(S) Wlall-St-uzco, Raof-Darrel Tile--Ecavy 'good, DI-�-,tailing Fa�vas,B54== ST R U CT Ll R A L SYSTEMS) K, Pim-iary Foundaticn-1 leavy Wood Be,-m-Bas Lc J41, shit 14yanp- F'56== FF-ATLI49E OF STRUCYU RE (942)- FOUNDA'rm: Cc)ncrc--te- F30OF TYPE- Tile, &irre-1 .942==- SECONDARY ROOF STRUCTURNE13): FJat-Built-m, 942=� 'N CHIMNEY LOGA-rION: - lbrLh and South 942== WINDOW TYPE, 94Z=-= NIATERIALS (832): CHIMNEY' ROOF SURFACING: I NTF- R 10 R WALLS. 882----- File 882--- plastcrr 0 R N AM E NT I NT E1131 0 rl: Tbod 0RNAMENTz,x'1rER1OR: WDOd MAN I'ITATI V C- DATA (950-OGO): N 0. OF STO 11 E Y5 1hrp-0_ OB2== 950.— INO- OF CHIMNEY .—Two --952=-- OTHER (SPECIM ce-liar serves as 1-burth Floor kn front 954==- X56== I 0 OTHE F1 NOTABLE F E ATU H ES OF R U I LD I NG (F 11 EE T r- X-0 (365-1: ROOF STR UCTU R AL qYS*1 LM- FTMy-d 14)0f 41 MAIN ENTRANCE: Double wood fraae doors. with glass windim,�s WINDCAV PLACEMENT. AI)r)rox. 95 �,A_yjjcfw . -very Ar,�:IT. yir�,x rmf -md cellar. others ,appyRx. 4' x 8' WINDOW SURROUNDS AND DECONATION: Jqb()d set rrp- 0111 sbuLters I E S - BuibiLn 11.�L�, large patio in Lack NDAS, GALLERIES AND BALCON used fox din n, and dan ci,-nt- EXTERIOR ORNAMENT AND COLOR: Stucco paiaitod INTERIOR COMMENTS: T"Tone OTHER (SPECIFY): Verarica or a llcry on second fl casitsiOle. 113, sev�n.T, A I s and double door. MAJOR ALTERATIONS (FREE TEXT) (857=):_Cl) Added office 416 _sq.fL. One story, flat roof. (2) '1W swry addition iTi rear (-,,..7.st side-) 1200 sq.ft. T,4 -t nodified RdA-roof, fire place, -no bas i)mmt. OUTBUILDINGS (FEATUHES OF SITE) (,1376= =).- No b-uildixigs. New Clubliouse- and Pool built iu 1962 j.,s next or Tqp--.t of, -builclirc. SURROUNDINGS (CLASSIFICATION) Resirlential. RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDINGS (FnEE TEXT) (859==):, Servcs'as_PLCI_t_�_Te_s_ building to current clubhous.e_ 3ti-ble xdth re 6F�Ajjcjrhood. A 864�- A �- ,.�..b� _. Wit.+.• -�_ . jf J3 7k J� . 1 R r - — tip. V N O F { , 3 - ��.JJ+ 4Y }f cDti Ynr�frY .,r,�ti • {u krlAl Ac.r .S. 4 I}'__ 'a ' i' ��l rn �i' 4. •,,•i V IJ A 11 J FIFi 5 f fe] 1 ' y • (1 J..�..� S T } } k µ �Y 4.0, 4 n S! ' • "1 !IFtg. -N`4 A.I+hi lb • r ! g IT � I +� L _ LO r _r 5 a��- yI -�RT Yl2J� I,.��t '�+ —'YCp �'•'L'•,F .. 'Y} +j 15 4Wi _ '""" I rf •-- •Y,F,dy 6 _i'.r, h 1° !1 }•°r Tj U a� [r, - -4GT -- +;- F - -�d i P,i �..ze {lijr aryl °x al I LS r {y {ad •'} �•,� _ vi.Y� .vffrl! :;i.'a°,',glLyPo•11.•� Y u- 4�F {1 ty y" 4. ! SL' L tF 41 N � 1 , � rx)j)y of ur. -Ti 1937 Flo, bLElding Ye i_Sta is and re achible by water kt i gaaayi) t : YA ` The Cakes Estate- 1940s Library addition on the Cakes Estate �Lzlu The His tDry of Zir Harry Oakes wt.en he finally found gold On December 2?, 1674 William Pitt Oakes and his wife, Edith, had their third child nimed iinory. He gq; up in .:Irzgary lle, Wne- in his middle class, whi tc, American lone. family. His i n t er wanted him to be a doctor or a iiwyer. Harry slid gradwatc ,7-w bawd in WIN, in New England, and tLen went to two years of medical school it Syrneuse. but medicine was n9t for this fellow. Aprry did not want - Vo be a middle clann citizen. he a fortune", he 011 ncvrr7i peer believed him But an Alieved in narry, thouCh small in rive, was dote "ination. wantad _ 1d. "I 5 in a druG store himself, and tho :gig in ohnroofer am 60inc to Oak (3. one day. No one t wns enouj,, for and cou dencr ah( !Eht about Ke turn of the eentnry, "ol i buntina wos r ?Dpular. l it Ap$'F. a i_i' P . foyer, pIaquing many WKO cave in Vantac 1 with iii- for at on of tire:• EroWi g wines. fi,._yry Uikrs win unL immune. I � his early twenties, with mor ey ti verl to him by his mother, he lef'+ for ano of his many y gr7 ll- gfa;_ "c 1:4nS ,3dvont,u3 u . He wont to Aus wal ia, but he foaad no geld there. he worst to New Zealand, bit he found no gold there either. He went. try Caj ifornia, bQt still Fund no luck. The Belgian Cargo and A1:°ska slid not have gold for hi- either. Eut Oakpr did not rive up. In 1911, Harry Volk a train to a =31 mining tuwn called Swalt.ika in northern G Hach, He prnFp cited in thlo area ful' more than a yeast wt.en he finally found gold in what he called the WuCh Oakes Mine.' and the .Lake whore, lone. Initially he r'nn into all kinds o f like not having m9npy to rr,ako tl,p mines produce or to buy ne:irrt adverti , inC. Ult imN t.p l , after oevera1 1,o., mrs of Ural battles and money wars, in 19Y 1 , harry Onkpo Kann himself a very weal thy man, in fac' a many timp, ovpr multi- millionaire. inke 3hore Mine wns tne oecoLd richest in the Was torn Hemisphere. hvcryouP who invested _n that mine then became rich. Oakes had woNey and ho had Power. And his power he was quick to tos5 around. he wanted people to know be could control them. He often lacked manners and self-control. One article said "he seemed to delight in knockint his inferioro aru4nd. A spurtii5instinct cauFed hN to look upon Npgroes...a5 a form of life best used as punching bags or fontbally*4 As the years passed, he acquired more and more enewics. At this t. mv, Oakes was a citizen of Canad3. But the Canadian government kapt VarenyNg the taxcn on Bold minoF. Ac it was, Oakes paid throe million dollars a year K income tax. When notice came to him of rtQ1 anotner tax inpreasp, he pullnj qut of CaEvda. He nad met a wan na,04 WIN Chuistig who w.-s -:P� in the haha as. ChNsUe wn; v---y' well known in the lolandn. The nativen came to him with pvolless an well as the MUM 6ovPrnmen, off icials. The EnvamLv wap a Britiph colony thvn. Christie had a lot of in- fluence then, in fact one coula sLy. he wao THE All portan dpoinions uitinnt&y rostod with him. He had one main 1rean, and it was to Nvelop the inhama Inlands dnto }. rofugo for the rich. ie wanted "A society an via&, so rVerk sO inbrK, so idle, s.-i soft that its cnrru Qoa was jmpj_cjt in its crtotlwh." Chriatle talkea i1'1 }' ,y iL!n Enying one of Ku ara"c-yt, most OW�nt nt_rrl' In tho babvmls. Air toxer would lr low, his wnrri�r WUS0 be C-W, hip' comforto would ly �!Q- MP UaIGY CS!", ""Ournu, dozeny of rnnmF, a 7u,!, tennis r5urts, a 60; oQnrsc, a 6arden, 10 4M. 04ro� i and it was right anon r the Ocean. &-Les fit in r igb tr away in the Bahamas. He was ganerous to the n ' ives, t'rovirtinE them with trans- portation ani aped ival yer vices. A helped irm;rove they Islands, and Harold Christie tasked in his dream come tr -e. But then in 1911, Cakes' sister and closest companion and adviser, -!Gertrude, d iod. T ais made Oakes bitter, revengeful and full of hatred. Cup friend asked Christie, who was with Oakes the most often, "How can you tolerate that impossible roan? The mare is a tmpast, a detestable, ignorant, nouveau-riche beast". But Christie could. calm Cakes, like no one else, not even his wife lunioe, wbom he had married several. years earlier. But life went an despite his Undictive mood . wingr. By 1935, the C=ake sc a had ,fives children. Nancy, the eldest, was Harry's pride and joy. A pampered het• and wanted the best of every- thing for her. In thr Mid- thlrtie2, Unkes adden trarso stuUles can to his :state•_ in North Palm leach for NaLc,y, , this estate t,e was one of his vacation Wnter hu mae ., away from the Bahamas.. V had been owned by a developer Harry Kels oy, who went bankrupt and sold the Country Club to Oakes for tanotier• resort. Uakus adldel rao= to it,, and this estate, 1111. ca like 'i`ce:i'..bi_+',.]rne, had many r'od mr v a golf coirm , !' u e trees, and role` gvnonds. This i,came was for Fun co and Nancy Oates. R, in keeping Win n hi want for pe rfgc t. h iun for ancy, hnr•ry w4 wear her to marry Lho ido al KaBba:nd, if ho wanted her to marry at :ill.. ir, the late thlrties9 A m..un reamed COUU Alfr•:.,ci dc. �.ar gny sh9wed 1,1Ee > Ac s .El'4.:?laP . Do Mr iCnj SA a Z n t ny MOW!, h1 w" s KIP!- Went, en't, 1r= w"7 j ..nvd worker, but to w=as divorced twice, wa` too opinionated,, ani 01 n "playboy" irrrnEp. HP was ._nt an rictot•;r'at.. 11,arold Christie tnlcr ot7 d do Yar ,raj b :"n"se !hc Count hod been ''1 It EA famous yachtsman n l this was brJi Ong goad publicity to the rah - amas. But thy other Nos au officir ' s did not rnucj him at fill, The two highest ones wweve the Duke of 4indsur ut d Mr. irl a Rill inan, the Attorney General. Do Vrigny very deliteri .cly annoyed the Duke. He made snide remarks -tout "ex-Kings". c al ll d bn resented de Varigny. for racing yachts incte d of helping to fight Lire war.. which was taking; place. aye X" Lny had his bad points, but We worst of them was that he lovcd Nancy O3kpn. And wurse than this was that � he loved him too. In Hay of 1 ?19 , when Nancy was only two days over Qg teen, and the Count was t hi rt,y- Wo,. they eloped in New York: Lady Oakes collapsed when she heard the new". Harry was disgusted. A month later the Oakeaes Nnd the day Xar"ignys met, for di r rur in the Dnhamas. Barry and his new son -in -law had a truce, but it wao not peace. he more t iuze in W i_r mansion in Bar Harbor. As the war noved rant O kps l profits from Lyke Wre mine d+ecre ascd. He Verame move and more 0- r stable, and a big contributor to this wan his gaff -in -law. In Feb- ruary of 1045, Oak€ s and rip Kar i gn;,M had their main falling out. De Mar.ig ay had ignpred an invitation to a party hos hvd by the Duke. This infuriated Oakes. One night, sic: Ha igny was asleep in his hawn iaowc°, and Chkesf sera 6idn y, was sleeping over, starry banged at the door loudly and demanded th, L his son re Lprn homQ with nim. This was the last Lime de Mar igny saw hio father-in -lair allve. Lady Dares, refused to Le involved wi Lh Freddie :also. A few wrc k 7 passed and the month of v my come me 'round. July was hot in the Bahama". And it rained con: ta,nQy. I' n y resiW 0 left the Kjand for this n[;ason, including Haney and Lady Oaken. But the Count remained, and Harry remainod. This month would be the worst V W1 'A . two men would never h` ve pedcc. They would never l ik y each other. t_iake? moods r'"ont in ed to gp L worse. Lady Oapus was spending more t iuze in W i_r mansion in Bar Harbor. As the war noved rant O kps l profits from Lyke Wre mine d+ecre ascd. He Verame move and more 0- r stable, and a big contributor to this wan his gaff -in -law. In Feb- ruary of 1045, Oak€ s and rip Kar i gn;,M had their main falling out. De Mar.ig ay had ignpred an invitation to a party hos hvd by the Duke. This infuriated Oakes. One night, sic: Ha igny was asleep in his hawn iaowc°, and Chkesf sera 6idn y, was sleeping over, starry banged at the door loudly and demanded th, L his son re Lprn homQ with nim. This was the last Lime de Mar igny saw hio father-in -lair allve. Lady Dares, refused to Le involved wi Lh Freddie :also. A few wrc k 7 passed and the month of v my come me 'round. July was hot in the Bahama". And it rained con: ta,nQy. I' n y resiW 0 left the Kjand for this n[;ason, including Haney and Lady Oaken. But the Count remained, and Harry remainod. This month would be the worst V W1 'A . Bahamian history tthusfar. This moL' h would re ndor a black [lark QN upon the relaxed and regal aslant , t sort, This month would mark the death -the riuvd( r7 of the func P. '"hobo none rich", tyrannical Sir Harry Oaken. t hyn , Alan, "Who Killed Sir O,i'L "'yi Oake ? ", o '�I�° Engazfne, p.101. Mute: the v st Y he 0 ":•Ma W& in this section, The history of Sir Barr° Mus, was lFq extracted from this biograpsy, the only too!, , K rut Harry DakoR. 1 The Murder o! Harry Wes It A at this Do int. iri Cakes' history thit, the picture be- comes very 1r:6_'J.uar. The Fact s are mudd1rd, ` =rd somewhere in Wtwr'e l them ail lies the tT•at. "l. His x1E'at i uiclsie the front page N the rall q Eeach Post, Timms for wPeku after It iiaiwpc nod. Several oral mayor maga- zines, zed's, like lima anu 1► E_.r.,^-.iti Fe's k C`o#IE! red the .inv stitation and the trial and tit= post-trial reports. i'ct all of thus a acegunts oeem to conflict, and provide different ver7 ons of what "really" Merit on in s the Oakes mystery. iris lack of clarity adds to the mysteriousness of the murdor and ' h- man. The fact that the murder never was re- solved ands to the wynteriounneso of the s i tun t. i un. Where there are holes in star• ion, pr=° plp will often fill them in with W Never they think wets^ to f i ' � ir want This rr,al be the maA reason why so much folklo �� has � p Y ��, rc����pt.ed �rcpu�r {.� the yiic,pt.h of Marry Oakes. He was a famous mom, an uriu8wal man, who was killed in an unu ual' way, and it was never runAved, which is unusual. So legends crop- ped rap. 'These vary from the true happenIn s as much as the different. artiC:las vary in 007 accounts. Yut., by beta --a d- pjec:ing, I will tr y to pruvide , pic.tui c of the actual murder. Ori tlPe :r[orni?i,_ of Ju3j 8, 1943, Barry Oakes wab murdered in his estate, Astt1o;,arwQ, in the Bahaman. It afar; a grusoup rr;aNer. He w; bludgunnc d to death, with scairu kind of blunt ob je L, and then ze t on _'' irc.. in his be!. Fo thers were round scat :.c; red Wouai ou, I,& bedro PMz, which :!lcY.d- i n t Yl. Tiler seem like? come kind of j' j i U,A i`= t c or primitive :avi. Who committed ti er: acct has never yen rovealed. FLe evc:nin6 bd fary Lhe wurclvr,, harly hod had several fripn over for dinner. 'jai. yerr d � a fold Chri t 3t_ �. � cwx.� f'r•�+ r� , -, 7 m- =.ri rramni Charles iiuUbard wk; was a ..a:= i2 "nss aCt: aintoupc odd jai os, or he wante .4. 'o be, and a woman, Mrs. Dulcibel lenneagc, and a few others. Th(, . 17N group ate dinner an then is four nantioned played some Chinpst- SWO checkers. MnanwWe, o4n of tie caretakcrs, whu wao at the oppositu end V of the lslaiW, Faid he Eaw a motorboat pull tap and rome st•angers got out of it, entered a car, and drew away. Months later this siting at lyford Ca; Ly the caretaher, was investigatcd. Bat strangely enough, the caretaker was "found drowned" and thin NU wap dropped. At aboLt IWO I" o% July 3, 1314), hjUbard and Kra. Henneage $ left for the WqAt• EardId Ch•iotin elected to spend the night at Westbourne with Harry. Appanently this was a common practice of his- to just sleep whorepver he happened W be when bedtl;ite- rolled around. Q The two mcn talked tricily and tiro " went to their rooms. The two betwecn the two bearnins. if thin is tcup, the tai hroDm and ottir bedrogm betwrvr t%im must have bjen very small. !n any case, Cbristic- SaW he went to L-d that "Eht, Veld Time muenzinr7 Yor Wee quarters of an hour, and thpy fell asleep. CeverV stzonre things happened thin might. A 5uperintendent Ldward Sears of th" Bqhnma Poj ice Firce, cold that on the %ight of the murder, at arinna 12:00 am on Day Street. he aaw Hnrald Christip drive Ly him in Y Ration wazon. Ch•istin wao in the front seat, though nrf tne driver. Sears could not identify the drivov, ani W, did not queFtion KIR At tho time. Khrislin 'notified in coart that he awake twice during the night.i Thu first limp it was bpennse snDr mosquitons were WN&q.7 ti f 'he sorond timr he wa7 awakened L; thunder from a finyct, Iij. 'L I storm thal hit that vamp W&L (doesn't this cprir set nlyns!- -40 is bedroons were juiard Ly onP other ledroom ard a V Ornom. Thpy had I—N an adjoinilE I P070h. . 1) One art icleAtItes thaL therc wac vighteeb 00. betwecn the two bearnins. if thin is tcup, the tai hroDm and ottir bedrogm betwrvr t%im must have bjen very small. !n any case, Cbristic- SaW he went to L-d that "Eht, Veld Time muenzinr7 Yor Wee quarters of an hour, and thpy fell asleep. CeverV stzonre things happened thin might. A 5uperintendent Ldward Sears of th" Bqhnma Poj ice Firce, cold that on the %ight of the murder, at arinna 12:00 am on Day Street. he aaw Hnrald Christip drive Ly him in Y Ration wazon. Ch•istin wao in the front seat, though nrf tne driver. Sears could not identify the drivov, ani W, did not queFtion KIR At tho time. Khrislin 'notified in coart that he awake twice during the night.i Thu first limp it was bpennse snDr mosquitons were WN&q.7 ti f 'he sorond timr he wa7 awakened L; thunder from a finyct, Iij. 'L I storm thal hit that vamp W&L (doesn't this cprir set nlyns!- -40 is mandate that loponds be urvnted?!). Christip had his cAr (the makc, � I could not find Gut) brought to Wstbourny that wigK, which he 00# I nald in court wav not unusual. AW in court, when the defense lawyer, Godfrey Hi6gs, vsked Christie about hip movements that f morning after dl�;novrring the body, Christie panicked and starting shouting. 4 his friends said he was just upsct but he did not men- tion the station waEon. Finally in a private report, Christie ad- mitted-that he was in thin car that night. fie had concealed it, he said, because he was protecting the reputation of a married woman an the Inland, with whom he had opent the niGnt.b No one ever quest- ioned who this wymon was. I So someone in tae night snuck into Oakes' bedroom and killed him. Harry slept IYKhtly. 6 This win a defence he acquired ear3y, Vi life, for many lwopin hatei him. hi, Wdrolm Mor was wwodpn and creeked Joudly. The n,Viyny must nAve fine -M acruns the floor to keep Harry from wahir , ,. Ualess Knrry had Men drugged beforn- going ta br-. "An %�'nYPA of the Ln�y showed a Pack vNeqns fluid in Sir harrvi 0 but this wi5 nevor analy7rd. "7 Whj? Wth(r dnfunpE Hnrn _ - w z to kapp a revolvor in a drawer P next to hiF bed; Lot At 7onetime this 6un w,F -emoved from his room, and was ncvpr lornted. shen C�kvp And Christip went to bed, the two men chattod while Qakcs lot an his as jam. and tLen Christic went to bin roamd WhMpr anyanp Gise was ever !L Cates' bodroom that 11IJ1t., WIS D-Vnr qvestioned. :)-j ,,iornitq , Harold Christie djFr-vP --d CAkrnl body. The way Ke wav mordered wiries from article U %"Iivir- Ow cPYvKhPd it The -nsqcn yrnwlev had in Lis hands come innfroopnt with a zhnyp frian6u:wr point it tn- e rO ... ( t its instruient) oyashpd with force t"! 47 thn side of Sir qorry WWI skull just ibove oDd behint the Par. Three m9rc times Unkes shuddered %nder thy. ,blows ... produced o down of gasol i ie and poured it over the bed, th"n ret fire WK. 10 Another source says that the kilte• "bad d4berately taken time to...concentratc an intense flame on Oakes' eyes and genitals... the sprinkling of feathers over the corpse after death swg6euted a cult-like ritual of some kind he wan bludgeoned to death. He had been burned while alive and dead. This was dp tee rmined by the wet blisters which appeared on bis body. Theop only arise when one j I S alive1z . WhPn Mrs was found by Christie, he was face up in bed. The four wounds were about a half inch wide and more than a quarter of an inch Kup. These were probably du%e by the "and of an instrument of oume kind"13and by an uounually strong person. Oakes was very bloody. Tne blood room We waunW was running up- 14 ward past his nose, ond it coagulated in thin position. which meant he was in a differant poritiin initially, and then turned over on the bed, face up. The feathers From the matress were not burned! which means they were probably placud there after the Fire was out. One writer ouggented that the flames had burnt throu6h a pillow while the killer tried to put out Lhe fire, and this scat- tered the fentherp. 16 But, as mentioned, the feathers were not urn Possibly Qu;Y wa2 a strugaln when 4he wurdcre• attacked Larry. T111:1 YqY V rovf! Onkus wao not drugged. Unc artleir s(ates: in sultry WD, the dying = drag6ed if thrcugh thp bedrQom door into thc- �W!-..Ahead was the Mirway, and in th(, tn, itt his L2dj, horribly trio, an the stain' .? rail. into Few hour.-!z ?:?i.er, the victim war fsk'uLd r,3 ad n" the Sarred 17 ;I€�r�,...uTt��;I' his tacra�c:. �u�s ��1 l��ti :ue`rir +ci pillow. Mr. Oaar s 7j ns t havo cried out foe nelp at `. }; s time. ` et Harold Christie Fle t. undisturbed, only awakened t~ some ro.rqu to€o and he V rAing ChrS t: i, testified that he woke o-,p at 7.30 am, went to su= - wanp fov breakfast, and entered the bedroom. 18 Thc' }ody was an V.- L-d. Christie said, "I went into the room and saw some smoko...1 {if'ed his head and put.: a pillow drier it (this eat- $ ptairns why L e pil >w was not bornnt), tuck a g or of water and put; some to his .^n th."19 Cnee artic lc said "The Pophimber was heavT with s.rnkr. . r•- :-t. of a rub; was smoldering."' :et, despitr Lbe smoke and deFpity thof Uak s had bean cload KF° :several hour- (he was killed between 7:0 and 5 :00 &J, Christie tried 4o give him a glass of water. 11 i s tern werp on Oakes' body, he wan hirribly trurned,his-y blood ;,ryas coagulated, and Chrintip tirr,rught, he might he thirsty. Almost thrPo hours massed be.orc the pour• found out about the murder.` 'hat: Christie did for this poriod of time wan nearer questioned. When the policr- did final oqt, they i ?rmpdintcly ia,!°ormad the Duke of W indpor, n ,-'ovd friend of Oakes' and of Chr Kt i& o and an enemy of cis: Niri.gno'v, the son-in -law. Tha, Mr cP%tavLPd a Miami cop, who taA been his hadyLvard when he v.i..siUd t f.- arenAhi s cap Edward Melcken, ii {:aC:pd the Kmic ls, l Lu.' r-'nu- TnP T IV t,016 X''j±: t cuun that an important c i tizon wa o CtiCt'd, and that "it: might to t ujP : &e ".l4 By 11:V0 ail,-, Captain Alwhen. :.and toe head of tho Mani :� uI: its:,t.ior; Department, were on a pInne to Se Bahamas. But,, unfort unn. tely, since the ivvcwtigatarq hnd been old by the DuK that it waw a I% 43, _1%. A Sir Ha ry. Pe� 1 - the best bedroom,' - ---. __ - in -, THE CAST, �4 I % M' " V 6p Al e.A ftil-MI1.31Ld tAtrinn—unan Ilarc 14d 016,3 ANVC%Lbournc lunise gtic5t tl Le IIIIJI(Of I fl4-. murdef, hV fQUILd (11C IX9ty- A '4 i; L A'i F,' L K AR R V _t 51:17 -S dird tLith his Ergots off. rnPArm&t1oi&wL dte 11 fa _ gta r. Charged with murde r T?v MI NAN C V f Ti Le eharrn�d, mw,:Iatv.d cx7rpsc of Sir Harry Oakeo. At I vft, are-' hind the. bud, is thr blood-smeared screen fronri which Dctcctivc Barkcr said he obtairied the fingerprint of Freddy de Marigny. lit n • suit idc f they had f9 i i ed to bring e he correct equipment to .invest - igate , _.._ p a • wy ivr. It was a viouo from the flames, the has mull in the air, the horrible: head wounds, that this had been no suicide. Why did the Duke think this was a suicide (if he really t did) ? Why would Christie have told the pol Ve that it was a Sui- cide, cRide, ur .why would the police have told the Duke it was. acne? Lo one has ever explained ow "suicide" entered they picture at ail. Mol.chen and ni: associate, James barker were jtvcn complete contrul of the moth were competent me%, but tivoy had � no whore nonv LhP cyper once r7!`'eded to handle -, rnrder as bad n; Oaken'. Earkcr was to do the firr,ec.rorinting, but unfortunately AP did not have his f nor-pri.nt enmern? Yet strsngrly enovgh, they dJ% get a fingerprint ni f of rr blood spatteved scrc cn in Oakes' roam. Thin way it v _. r- ;F ?"in +,.e?a7ngl,:rL to tie du['p:]pula?r dp t• i,'PI'if}rly. It canto rji.it 4 iiat the aiAf" *.1iod they hid to il•'"-n on cet the finEcopr nt ( bf5{'a . . llpj Geld nut ha vc t.}'it„ ! 7 i°'.tr:ae:.`av) was not . Ve r y reliabae procedure. won .:p Vectives had l i °QJ thr print with dhes 0v tape off the ;cre L, Fu they Raid, nod thou pd)iyF1C�4 rod an ii�l,o t,,�,�- 4 �*i"apheC: it. The e f r°con and a wavy pattern j" It €':a! a.ai. n Old "at appear in the f°incp print. Why not? ii }'y did nu l7r p pursue t:.h:io? he fingerprint could ,."7e teen l.if'ed off nrything 'but do Mar.igry touched Another thinC 1! %! the irrvPs t iCat.nrs claimed to havo Mundi that p7ALK to do ° _. r ; {.rte° a2 the ;E ord er L r, rt,hnwej tAnt do i`: rit''nj had sin, vd hair i test was d,Le on Harold Christie by I`elc:hen was a hair analys0 ,1tr:I1 and hatkeriv It proven negative. at no one ever questioned theso results ands no one ever varil °ia =ct them at t rs Q time. 3:`trt =r doctor from the Bahamas General is spiteal d j examir.p V r•:arigny, and be, Dr. Ulrich Oberw rr.r, die; 7-0 . not find any singed hairs. A 4140d "S The other ; Lrlr; r thing abou° the finoorprints and thc, hair tests, was that darker did not rpyort their findings unt=il ten days after the - ves t i o taco on JuI7 10, 1943. The pre vioun, days- f: had been too muggy for finger print ng, etc. yet they ti will. claimed they lifted a print with tape). When the two did print the bedroom, they skipped over lor,gc areas. But the print . ha k r• did get, he lifted with tape, in humid weather, and then p4u tographed with they wrong; kind of camera, and claimed he had a right, little f inge'r � print from de Ear,Qwy. . This evidonc:e was thrown out of court. Harry Cakes of wayr had a n gh L watchman. Oakes was very weal thy and he know he was hits d. he wanted protection, and always. Me night of his murd L , j4ly 7/8, s oPnoone 6avc his night watchman the ri eNt:` 6AN `rdoo? Lo 9%P ever- know. jhortly after Aar°ry's death, UK watchman was "f C]uLd drA in a fishing t„ a6t= L arch,are d off ly rood 'My % Natural causes w i.r- reaoon proviNd. althouCh one ar* Icle rayF n12 urownyd. in ey Mer ism, this was anot pr dead Cu i in thr Oakus r murder. The pra)1ico kni still anotner piece K evidnnnp k:.ney said in- dicatpd that de Mayikny ': a5 tV V L? l o r . Thoy a`eY' d h i m to x.`°_ nd ump the sn i n kr wps wr^ai` i f V the n i t of t:.:] +, murder. He ro"I d o . h I tx:: "7Y"!rninf thq , wkr' C tr[;i.�i��r was An no, d" A ignj had left. h!P home nn--' hir 1 use -rd r.c`y ;np P006 Lave Sc in it a f A 'r` 7 hin Mot. .iotF. . i ur , his i,a9iler aid his •nS.+IL_ rI 4.1: of A:. �,, ai 1�1.ng. A7 �. �ar'a. }Y'� Lois i.•n'�.4��{. on tr i'�� - k suit LP wc2r At L'.0 Nforc wau Eratly -nrcpzed. This wns tho us- ai ser v iep `3w 3rdr ! , rich man, ne had !Q I n YSidr y' None Ally. . A- Ma2'kny'5 rh rl r.a' ,cr F'tiown up, but Mt cif -- nnt i:Jpon anything 7- t -4, . since Inyono cu ild Bove S191en itP FurthS`rFl +"' rc * why Geed the police- f It rani. to know s;tieif n1l bout h:1 ;ti l t;' Why ti�� lrf�. watcii'� 'shy did they assumo that dc Korigny (cc any 1'TbuT'd#}rer) would wear the same shirt tF] cour.,iit a murder in that he had w9rn wt, le s9cialtzing. earlier? See, de Marigny had had some guPPA at h i o hou q that night. At approximately 1:30 am, Eye drove one of the women goon. On this gray back, he drove by Wesl.bour °ne. The invest,i.lator's charged that this waF wbon cue Marigny muripred Cakes. But 1;brough f Other uvestizati n by de Marigny's lawyers, It would have meant that � Cie Marigny '..wind have had about, eight minutes to r~'7!'7mit the crime, based o n when he wns seen nest, etc. This was it pnss ible so this evidence was thrown out of courts. De Marigny win x "- uster. and c4arged with the murder of Sir Harry Oakes less than forty-eight houro after A happened.32 he was tPr"., cd More a ,]udLe and a i'ahz'C.fi ian ;jl #ry and nDder Ur BMW[ legal system, He wir acquitted in Novtymbpr of 1 )41 and told to .a leave the Islands with his wife Nancy, who had .;uyjpor. °tied him, and in fact, hired the #°-xr n"7 private s etnctiv( .. A Schindler of New Yurk, to fi"d hur husband innocenL. Schindlcy it is believed has enough a W].til.Tkrvo to fry the min who killed Oakes. In 1959, a man Limed 5tev€ ra<-un t.r•icu to get the governor of the bahumau to 2be evidence ond the rumors ind trio Wen circulating about the Cakes m.ardr3r ;ro•- J tst endleso. Some i remember from reacir,j� are, for #"T`✓;lfl:fi} e, in 1190,, two Wd ?MM went W thP h9.la.mas Q V10- ation. One 9f R hom, iii. ity Renner, 7tnrted asking tor; many ques t ionr _ . On AP :J_ 17Q# Betty wns cimut.dprod, fwaten to death an'l about the O=1nen GllLiI'u E'. Some ",,,a':iid a 'hn nha1:1gton l'iiitor had told hPr ` to look in to tho _,nna. She was warned, ^Lapp a:':cdly, 2bout Cott ng _ . On AP :J_ 17Q# Betty wns cimut.dprod, fwaten to death an'l killer waF never funn i. '"'he FFI and Scotland }arc kn - Y offered to iel ► Wyss tlEato the case a' .iny t i p . But the Duke r efNA th i .n offering. Whi? The caretakev At hart :seen so m- yPn poll up In a smell goat the night of t u 7i7dcr, also sald at one Saint '._gat• he had see; these same peopip 1 y,nvv 4 Who were they? Wny wp r v they there in the piddle of the nigbt? 'shy did Qat rarrUker die the next woek? Who said A was foom "nnouai C31.1s€`s"? i+"'ho said he had drowned? If there wers two nivUwn!? men working that nQht, why were they 'Math not questioned? Whe it are they today? i er a ten day period, no press releases were given from the Islind. All reports were halted. Who crdercd this? Why? In 1951, tho nnvernor of they Bah- amas, air* Puree Snodfard' triad to got the case reopened. but unfortuna eJy he died Qe mc?raing after a cuekt•aR party. fain cause ' of death7 A {:ak'CJun y ±h'°c?mbo i:. but the r";rartS guPst;s insisted the grapes he ate were pninnnod becavre he tried to roopen the 0alp, case. Several artir3P8 indicate that whoever killed Oaken, was and is, still powerful Pri +ugh in Bahamian influence that he can still. stifle inquiry,. In =addition, the weapons used were never recovered. Some thought the nntingular object aced wn6 a piece of a picket fence. Others t }iuuEht Dakos was bludgeoned with a pyoopeotor's pick that was possibly uissir g Crom Oakes' tool :s4nd. A blow torch burnt his body, but this was never found either. :tore' short, stubty hand- prints smen red blood on the window and the wra_i s of Harr i's bedroom. Whose were they? Wo nsac has ever c?etermiac d this. SOmP b owd wu lri[;'::5heo off the wj.i;]ows and other yarQ of the room. Kjr nd by whom, wan never nnswered }�r� fitI�E �. StpvCl2on sadd i" "Oakes was killed by one of his r o not friends, I oak he had no 3E°''.2on to suspect, and he ,dt�. nr. with him se+veral iic urn before the lot. " He meant Harold Chris t ir°. a The Oakes ca;--r, lye.^ iievcr beer, reopened fov ieivestigation. it remaino un5olvesA in 1 -]7 . l �.md a lJ t rar :i-rl at the North Pala Beach library see it ., }rf. (-{)uld .fin- out if Ghri -tie it Ltill ali.vt. he pr«baiLly is, and is living in t,h,a hahama —s at: Ga adilla the. His ptone !r +.1mbur is ? -2020. If hO- lives now, lie 1. eig qty - three, yel r s .! d, and han b(�uri �.• t is�'�l since 1948. Such more evi,le,nce is presented in bit-o- _end- pierce in thip-- Th( %, all show very tlhat *.hi -,, murder was :huddled up fr;)sr� he t e �,ir�ni.�t , llo th l nL was dote right. All of thi :� VnL.ucz,'- -s l?ttq 1-ft many ho](Is th—it each rreecleyd i': l? ing. Sc iegend2; A-r! 1-•�i -y grei w todai fill n,,; thr. [-.3ps in the rnur•,der. minybe 'Jrv� d'a' " Will C"! -1v, rrcc' "'if' .D L-th`,°. man )t }cti rrs to .1-Cifives tiv:Itc-, thi"; i�;F a ",sly bC 01i k: y W i L 4 ijl With f;t- _LctF, -I rid Iij+ i'_-t.i411k. i. =�_' �%e '!Ay, *a rd wl11 trL.Ij 'k.1 ow- why killed "ir 113! -r. I q -0. "Ae CaEL A' CnA-ncOrs in the Oakv, hys ter y", Tic Raturd, Eloping pwtj 71 1959, p,84. The Ca:t of �qvters-in tic Dakpr "Oakc, Witurnp VY7 6f Storm", The Yalm bciph Post Times, 11 Anust 1943, f•on! page. &M Bahamas, the Ruffled Sheet", !Ky, 1 Novpmber 1941, P-25. r , "The Cost of Characters in the UaRcn Nyptery", P.M. 6 Alan Bynd, "Who killed Sir Harvy taps? " ", True p.108. 7 GCGWrOy DOCOn, The Life and Death of Sir Eq--- Oikes. p.153. 8 Bocca, 910akes Otnesn Teils of Mrm". 10 Mew, P.144. 11 hynd, p.106. 12 P.1?1. 11 hynd, p.27. 14LOCCa. P.M. 19., hynd, p.100. 16"The Cipt of Characters in thr Cakes hystcry"* p.65. 17 "i ho Oved the jolly ? " ", Newwank, 16 AaLust IJI), p.7L. 18, heariar Delpypd in Opkes Urder", TKY O!A OnA rte: VwFlp, 27 JOY 1940, fron' piap. 19 horea, p.147. -is 20 Hynd, p-17. Hynd, 22� The Cast of Charactprs in the Oakes Mystery", p.85. 2, Aid. &Uynd, p.109. 0"Oakes EQuenve to be levealed", The raim boach PD Time.9, 19 July 194?, front pagv. 26 "T ho Cast of Chavaeters in bhe Oakes Eystery", p.68. 27"Oakos Evideme to be Revealed". 2 8"The Cast of Characters in the Oakes MIstury", P-85. 29 Bocca, P,155. r, 30, The hahamns, the Trouble with Harry", Tion, I June 19599 p.47. 71 Bacca, p.164. 32"De Marigny Will Me AcQusation", The Palm Aach Post Time 11 July 1943, frmt page. 6012 .-II&I �' f ". Mro. I';aria`y F. Moor c, 7. ,idle Kay Souders 4. john Wythe Tiedemann 7. Allicyn L. Eankey Note: Each in?'ormint. was Fiven a questio"Ary v fill Out tip. "al?Y before I ire k.t1ry i,,wed him or her. A copy of this survey and an explanation of arch of the questions an it that I rs' vd, precedes the following transcriptions. iptions. 27 A. PLEASE NOW THE Ft.71,11VSK 0? EACH �. If l;. jTAIN-J) Survey for lulklore Name: GENERAL JNFURMATION K G. 1. (J. E. and to .gee what age groups Age: Date of birth: r+- i DVO 1 L Q - 1 P t 1 2 -In no- - Address: KnPrIl Inf"roation &. Where were you born? tq see if the informant in a native N.P.B. resident What is your native language? G.T. doesn't relate to this lore How long have you been livin a. t your current add rQSQ9.-Q.n0±L the cGrrelatinn between nNive residents and new resi What is your profession, job? 11 .,.cL fP,L in"w"yqoL uqqJ--Q answLijag qudsti-I What is your favorite sport? same as ah9ve What is your favorite hobQy? camp as above Are you a member of the North Palm Beach Country Club? In -nee Whoit social proups this tore was dominant in How many yeaW to nee if re7ular or active participation in the N.P.B.C.C. was a crif77777't 1 -7 1 F7777-e-77-71, Tne 17177— What do yuu do there primarily? WQLL 40W Unts Q; "i-a—ca.L.Luz �.)L: 'List' to vjFit the tower? Will Ull the significance of the lore. Are there other members of your fqmily who belong? try Ene if I r-rp re others I may want to interview How many? I What ages? Did you ever go into the old tower there? t2 qpn t,ql tiinking and rcmembvrinK the} tales When? How often? With Whom? to see if thowe ore others J nay want try intrrview *Why did you go there?,, get the informant thinking about the lore *What stories do you ax3oclate with the to...? a0 we Wescribe the tower please. above *NOTE: This wiLl be tape-recorded. TEANK YOU FCC YuUR HELP AND C00JERATIOW -IN Mari lyn Robson. -Lil 4d, Name: r I - / Survey for Folklore I Age* c2l I Data of birth: Address: er ,C) / , -:< Where were you born? What is your native lar.,6uage? if -4t Plow long have you been living at your 0-arrent address? CD What is your profession, job? What is your favorite sport? I C/ 'r r- A What is your favorite hobby? a,r-� Are you a member of the North Palm Beach Country Club? 0- i I H'�-)w M.---tr years? What clo you do there primarily? 5LO'l-I-) r T-HANK YOU FOR YoM, IELP ANID COC%IERATIONI Varliyn Robson Ak K44 LJ /'0 Are there other members of your family who belong' fllr-`3 U (_az 14 -5 -!t Wriat ages? Did you ev'M go. -into the old tower -there? ,Then? �-2 How ofL'ten? Cn t-AA 1(41' ith who ?"" .i _rat *Why did you go there? *What s��ories do Y3`U associate with the tower? *Describe the tower please. t> .5-16P *NICT1% This will be tape-recorded, T-HANK YOU FOR YoM, IELP ANID COC%IERATIONI Varliyn Robson Ak K44 LJ /'0 Genre: Local legend :4arnu: Yyf�ulf, age 21, female Occupation: stiident UF, Amerin;in Date heard: 1967-69 Date collected: 19/16/79 T 'ranneriptian frorinj tape: I remember- when I was ten or twelve ye,-:Lr:', old, we, uE;cd Vj take art lessons in tno Furrier at the North Palm beach Country Club. We used to climb up in the olri tower. It was always told that the old tower, which always looked, the sun always came throur.h in the window. TbPre was a lot of pigeon droppings and a lot of pigeon. feathers be(-ause the windows were all brokun out. You could hear the eerie coninF, of the birds and yo-u could always hear the IUT•eeS 1-UStl- ing. It's about thrt-,�, storips o tile grvund. But wr-? used to clir!.Qb kind of a back, wiridy staircase to get up to the t.,)p, and once you're up at LhP ton, there$s broken F, .- around. S-,zppf)red1y that gl,-Iss iti from brokefi wine ,lasses and llquox• bottles from Lhe man who lived there and hil wifi, tut in a big figlit. Or some 1,ridy, inan and some lady. There'zi bi-Oken glass around. Tilere's (,ven stalvr or, the walls, that was where therm was bla,.A, becaLz!ze up there, in that tnwtr, a murder took place, really knew who the man w.:is, but, lie was the uian who lived at the Goi rLry Club Ycars and years af.,O, and supposedly the nnisc,, also whin yc)u went up tliere, it alw.ayo c•oOked. This is tr"e. It was always ve.ry eerie, very ghostlike, suppooedly his ghurt still lived and live,-, up there now. I forl.eL W1110 NIUE-dered Y,im. I don't think 1i was Paver reaL!y oaid. flis wife � -ilso I think was killed. lie k ill t.,J jr s0111(30t'1-- did. It felt like there I \.—., was a prespEce of om-- )ne still there. Then tliF•Y Otopped letting marilyn Robson '13c, Watorway Drive Noeth P(Am B&4�4 Floiida 33403 Mj k.... Nami-: Myse] f (continued- page two) kids up there. They ;i!*Arays had it c iainpd off and w(! w4rewt stupposed to go lip, IjPj'I we always did anyway. Kjdq -tsed to L-o .jp there by the rlovenl- t,�) l000k at that old tow r. 1 think there is some truth tuo a muf'fj(rr having bsen assw-iated wi-I.I-I.,. the North h Palm Beach Caufitry Club,. It was always hot, the, air- was Qlick Up there and there wpve blood stains on the walls where lic wan murdered. And bro� Pn j-,I ass wiif-.-,r-e they had bee ri in a f IgIlt. That Is What I rem. e€ frc.m when I wn ill third (11� fourth j.-ra&,. Elid transcription Additiona"L Informatiot,,: 1 learned VIP!-e "tories when 1 was ter; or 4WplVe ate- jrS old. Other kids. my aj7e t)Id there to mc!, jljgt liko I �)Id tkiem, tL) Thpy Wprre L-"aj'IIY told at the Countr'y ('] -y'b, befc;rp or after art -)v (Ianre or .�wjm Lt Mij-d',Lt bf, I�jiportarit to know tI,-1.t 1 record(id rny versi,,)-) of the tales vcr., si,,ortly after I lecided nri thFF topic fol. ti.in piper. At twine time, I did not know of the trur, hi-ntarical happenin,-r relevant tG the ColintT-y Club. -',o this if: an un- biased accri4rit 1r, that I had (lone no rpsearch at the time of the tapif;g. JI-Je7rd VII R-obNon X36 WCjLOrWf'jY J�-fjve North,ka I rn Beach, 31 Florida 33408 77 Winding staircase of IN.P.B. Country Club 1979 - 4.111. .l Bedroom and closets of, 1.p.B. COuntrY Club-1979 f fir. Survey for Folklore .N'a me SNOW Age: b� Date of birth:- Address: Where were you born? What iu your native iar,uage? Haw long have you been living at your current address? /f ,,-t < What is youx profession, job? V9 Cil What is your favorite sport? .1", Z-14 A erej What is your favorite hobby? Axe you a T.-iember of the North Palm Beach Country Club? how niany years? A L�J-IA ,7 What ao you do "here primarily? Z�Lam-.Zz& Are there other members of your family who beloDg? How ziarq? Wiiat ages? ;Z L Did -ou eves o;-into the old tower -there? :ZI I gD I- - When? How often? :Lt- L With *W'-,iy did you go -there? *What staries da L!.au associate with t�-.-e to; �_ r? *Describe the to*e_- Please. 117 * NT G =-4 _- ThIS will 1,je-5 tape-recorded. T-HANK YOU FOP YoUR HELF AND C001EI01TION, Marilyn Robson 33 elf: o Note: This was the first 1--tter I wrote about this project. Somehow, it wound uv on the desk of Nrs. Nancy Moore. Her response to it w-s this transcription, plus some �440 ..,or newp,:;lper articles, a ' d many hours of talking with me. 7 ­01 _,.W. Ai -Axt, lid. #1Z. LL i [Jr.; % i ij c , i., i . 3 P(JO I � ) ; , 1, (11 bu 1, J , I I I ';3 lrtf arma L il,11 ,;e- ry I Village Ila! i 14orth P�AlLr. 'P'I - Dear .;jr: I am stiikiji :.iE, LP mi l, x.j a I 11) iJI w I F- M3` 11. 4- !'1-11 1 I"r!J Lr,".%]...L. Pk �LJ[N Lk !j u,-, is pro j4e(.L on Fol k "1 0 IL I.- W I I ; k: I i I e rt­:t;ai,c i, te) Oialk, ;y' ;u calL hell) file 1 t1jiS My Proji:'A Can bt! JU t,ili, CQUIll Lif .1.1(1 So on. ThE rC,t! j.rd C _i F,i■ J ,:t � i ,. o.i .t J's' t JJA T I hil 101't: W-Ji, s k.t: L'y word o f tI 10 A L11 1 V I J I I III, JL.! t 110 L a V C � I I C P W F3 iL IA I. it J 1' -1 as I4't.:J. I Ib'U5_ 111x1 6C 1k]. J' rUe F1 t . W he n I W 1., Y F I L' 1 xl I III t k,' J'C F1,t Jt,1 t I' 'I I C a F I fjj� f eve 11 It VtOr'_iUU 1' 111110 UB I J I W I I.( I i A t I 1":II i 130 6va'.. V, Cad? LzAry is 1A. I 1,u a vci ft.. t i wx I, .1* 1L. I t4 I k U F t: A . W 'c 1111 d there ariii tUll"Iy or, I / kLj,3 L,) ]IN r used to c 11 m b 4, 1 o i i r,, ;11:11 1 J Ct.. M VA_ I CO i ��Jet6ti alld L P i 80 TI fv ��L W J k: r, J'c I Dili' C1 Lh iS or kLJOW Of i 1 1 1 no t What hap- pened at all, IL, L, i Le ':l 1, V Folklure and t ac t A I ,;p L I.. Yl:L11 rl t.,,( I Was votiA oil Ly ti 1 J:I­oplu. ,I' I'l 1 6 4F JJ I L11 )(1 JJJg rather thi-Itt ti' i I V C.L. Wll L I Lfirt-JI t'al ft"elinks abr)"A i ! . e u 1. t; U t,t 0 ifj, OL, ri i - r I i I 1 .,1 B4. 0 ,1,, 1 rtht 1 1 o L-C -L.- r i is J Jr very own . I wou Id 'I i k i ro, vi.' iL pijtk1 lot, i t . i-.t till Ila VlFe it. .1 i S tt? d IN I ID' 1"0 Vt,' 4- 11 VO tj I I hO PU YOU CiirJ kit' I It IL-,t t'j L' 1' 1 4! 1' . 'J;y T.A L: I - al' J.; t:. I t; S 101`. TI a r-, k you and I look r w, t r, I f4a r,t, -, v i :qJ _ j,,t,A Jtf V C genre; Local legend Transcription from tape; 14, !;.'incy F. Moore Age: 50, female, American Job: Librarian N.P.B.. Fla. Place collected: Audi�) t: - room, I.P.B. Library, Fla, Late collected; 10/19/79 Ee. Ulmm., tiie lady over at the Village Ball told me that she had heard that there was mafia involvement in the murder, had you ever heard - nnyOkng about that? Mrs. Moore: i think if you read this , it will pronably (she handed me an artic3c, Wo Killed bir Harry Unkeo"), he had m8ny envmicF. 1%2ny pc-tj;_,-1e cjuju have done it. Could hove killed him. TAP wholo idea, the whol" of the tale that went along wUn the ild build- inE up tary originoted qtr imarijy from the kids. `L ho Lpard-Ar, rownd abuit ways that sumeone Wd been kurder(a, and um, knowinE that tho man, Sir Hnr7y Oakes, one time owned that buildinE, was his ho r!. Me: Plus did Wildings generate... Nrn. Zoore: T7jp, "nJ thoy knew tho name CaNs was eunnected with with that building, ond then then they heard that Gakcs was murderew thol an0matically POL it in with that %Ind nf, oh, atnusp5pre of that old bulldlvE. !Dey Pnro,o,rt !he story thpm- [, h,w it was spread around, *,hat': inorr Aarry Oakes way morlerad. Ard I Qan assure you mquy of Urn WHY rIM Lhink thot'o exqrLly whot happened in that Aid WIN NE. Tut the stqry her ind it won he was murdered, hut he waH murdered in the Afari�ypz Robson 2 1 236 Wqferwn7 Drive Nniih Pulyn bccicli k1orido 33408 IM -IN Bahama kla%dn, Nanc: Nanny F. moorc- 7'r-arrner i pt:io n Qon` .) prase Me: Oh, 1 nee. Yrs. Moore: And tLa$ never nave come up with who killed him. Uh, They do. have a nun Eject, a ;4s11i'c t of his nnL- In -1 w. lie• l see. Me: What, bec,a re ho would inherit the estate? MrE. !;porn: No. I really don't thick Ihtat had anything to do with it. 1 think U, ar l arid, it's all in that article in detail. I don't remember exor tI,r what the depth if it, so you read that. Sit as far is pAl inn with this old building, it never hoppened Vi c: 1' d v o-a ever hear any of the s tarins ? Errs. Poore: On, jec, yer in Me: dU ch men did you hear? Kra. Moore! W cu we war'f_ , yuu know, when our library I iraL }'torted,, it was in UP fire ; LaLion and that was we r i rp L r'oum tLat we '. ere d- tven aut iolly to put our books in was that wild room Lh r`c A the Cr,unLry Club building... 1 think Su Firat V, me I vVer, *`s_aliy lieaird it war, um, 1 w=is voluLtenr5.ng .'nd one day P . ft 1 1f.Tic g :s C'i;- .191 and thny r d, Tau]' yu, tell an aN i'o that man a'7ao kil?r`€1r ?' And i th[lulnht they iral.nut a wronk d o oil h"S L" -S Unid, 'Thot {old: man, that ON Tapia w"n %filled in t.hit; +941sel, n. , r, ht out.nIde the 11.0.l.ry, Or 1`jEht in "'"i- SDOC Mari1>. n Dobson 736 Wciterwav Drive Nurth Pillih Beuch F'Inridq 33406 9 genre: Local Ie6und K�wc: Nanry F. Moire Tran5cription (con't) pa6e 3 room of the library, there wan a Staircare that went UP and Zo: That's what I remember. f Mrs. Moore; TLvy said, 'We t&h% iL wns up those . Wjrs' nnd they said IWO!, cov& wp go see it?' And 1 suLd, 'Weil, !, I novel., Kard VhAt beVre'. And that was the ArSt 1 heard it. And then, yo i know, I "ink abnat it and 06yy said yes, tkat's wbo! the 03F thoupht, and K hnd Leen told sn ma"I times til A w"s almost about to to arreptod aF true happening. And then one of tLe:ii sold, 'it was in the Knement*. The house has a larg- basement, the while length of it, 7P the3 Wt that he w mardered d9wn twere, to th�r-17 pen many, won; tale, told in many, many d if- f-rcnt woys alint bow Kis man was killud. jonvan, evon s.id one t!ne hr "uppW nut the bedroom window- d Nei 1 hoara it wan with a gun. Krs. Ware: And un, no Kere's been si =any diff err Lt. tainCO tw:d, on-- rumobouy rill, in yvu know, antunllj in knio article, be was birned, hounc. op, he was founu in a bed jurt bornt, and soweboay wauted to know if he CqL burnt up in thp firpplace up therp, Thercls a lwc f ire pi"Oe in the room in W library. Beautiful Mone firepince, tnc ninnry, yuu kinw the chimrpy'n on the Wide, nNa thry said, 'Now, ir that where fhvy bovnad him pp?' A& Yo, Qerv*7 so ON05 Kid aluut iL. Me: Y! Y— rVer V, 1p tKore, in t�at towar in tIlL staircaFr? Mrs. Koifn: Von, wil - Q! th" pig{ Dns. Kv: 11d ion sce lnp OnOn glass all Dvpr? Robsoll 1.43 wcoerway DriVIS J�,,Jh PCOM BaKoh Flosaa 3340 zenre: local insunrl tame: Ono F. MoDrp Transrription Won't) nage 4 Me: And I renamber hPino told,thei? were different stains on the wails, thnt that was blood. T Ers. Moore: Yos, and my opinion of that K that 6nmebody frDm the carqqjes ShO7 went and cluaned their hands off an the walls. Yeah, i've beard !hat and it's up there. An I said, with t the wtory'r told, with the War W6 thaL the Wvp to work with, with UP uterioration, and with all UP markings an the wall, and evcrytKirig, could think it could rertainly K. kho- ever tho,ht the story up sure had a good basis ror it. ThP Ouse. The evi6encc is right Chore sq to speak. Juot every- body addr WiL littlo two centF tu iL aNd it get, bigger And Utter SJI th- time. M, e Inva yuu huari if it anytior 7; vpnLly? Mrs. Oire: Oh ycy, Ken we were trging to ,,et., qid am atilt tryinE. to Let thn old swunp declared a historic Oi4n, we Lai qvite it bjt of a-wr oovorntv, and I met with ono of the channtlo w1) t4re Onn qnj. Thpi WaWd to AO intD �hv all builaih, anki lr�o k rid, r f on r v i I I a go h in t o r W, No r L hA N adelso" anO I h nd t r : r d t 0 1 - a V F th V name U y 5 i I da r I I C ak a r 0 U t 0 F ;S-4] U - -"nri ic w,rw it ta go tout w the WgOW name !WL Rispy Ihn Winter Club. 3n tney pnqx in nnd W- rail, In1w, don'! WOr don'l V(t Or Wri CIP-P mix-" 1v witi, , iojy, nr�n; �-Plv of the -nn J ;)nr r-Tor! -ns V wor P s"TPI- rtitim that bc wAr Pliod Orr. Let'a lumv. hK gut nf this, innanor if W-P rot 11 drPOIWA n VS 10K o, C rif i a W', 7! ) I W f1le rVj 0 f L rive N,rih PcLlul yjarifIE, 33408 E .1% Eenry: Looal let-nd Name: Nnney i. Rowe Tr�nnrripfion cont. pa �- rather Vo nn the Wt that Mr. KcIvey hwilt tAir and it wis for hiz, yqu know, ord this anrry OnVos jost hippenPd try own S; it at Ono time. Well, would yqu believp tnut thn last state- ment thit he onid as hn wont off the air. They ould, 'And w%ny people today belinvn thot Q., thaL Sir Harry Oples was murdpred right U r i i in this placc, and wnat do you think?, But they wanted a littin bit of rpice added can understaul that too. Oh place Ord I tKr it alwayp of Kc or thrro counselmen, were to Vatep rh�ll we dent wild !qE. Awd it tiod. Lven Me: Exactly? to their IfItle interview, to I yes, U is nLill said about t& will bc. Lns( K%rah at the cloction they had a straw billot. And you roy or shall we rartorp the old stoven. Mrs. Poore: Even Strvun, can you brnev- that? Me: Do yUU k";w LYE-dy !ally that still lel.17 that story? Mrs. Moore: to, not really. There's no v*oyy behini it, railly, ex- Cept that ya! Vanw, thit thiF is just what we've heard. The whyle, LJ thing K, it's innt as 7impl- as thiF, a min who once owncd tha' -!f;ijre waF7- riurdered. do wasn't wurdercd thcre. Q was murdered V the Fahamos, but it just. 8o happened thaL thy: Bet tint of' 'nis Ku se thot ho owned s" matched the settinE of murder that w.-.u-r, Uj�-, r..f?n v("!1y was murdered, ycars Karr' on, un4il Ke story x,t moved right back up here. It >Keht A Qu wNwl; 4.;7U8. And Lhere wrrp W warkn on the wall. ThnL waF Quod. ALn there wpo traVen No thrrets it' 111 n) PK:0. ThE rKry ihat YqUIVC Leard wrn lVaLLY just like Kit ieve 1 11d YON. 14c),th Palm Beach `ICJ Fjorida 33408 Fireplace where owner was burnt &p- 1979, 2.t,a.0 -C- #6 ( - � M � Kelsey i6 £font of his Palm aeaCE Winter £oee Are you a member of the North Palm Beach Country Club? How many years? 1 'IL-6 J 0 What ! you do there primarily? ")t-Okfy)- c- 4 Are there other members of your family who belong? e how man:j7 ages? Survey for Folklore Na2 Did you ee-qte,F...-, go. into the old tower there? Age; -,,-,I4--,Date of birth; 1 Address: 1-7 bC L *Why did you go th -- r e 5VI L(-� Where were you born? E. What is your native lar�Uage? I How lonE have you been living at your current address? What is your Profession, job? L- v is - -w t What is your favorite sport? IIIJ M k -S What is your favorite hobby? UJ Are you a member of the North Palm Beach Country Club? How many years? 1 'IL-6 J 0 What ! you do there primarily? ")t-Okfy)- c- Are there other members of your family who belong? e how man:j7 ages? Did you ee-qte,F...-, go. into the old tower there? When ? How often? �,t -,I') C. With who M. ki 14 1 *Why did you go th -- r e *What S-! O4 iQ3 d-I you associate with th6e tower? *Describe the to,, e_ please. 41 / A 4, lilis 7 4 A V, K Y Q U F GR Y t; U R hE L P A I;,D C (), -) 'r -E R A T 10 N! Mari lyn Robson 'CAI rl 0 ly, -Iqe k r' A y:. * T r 3. .�' `. .I "Yfff aF r �y F a ",� `fir "- ''� - a 1r�� • .� . IL r r" V- -, genre: Local Ingend Transcription from tape: jime: julie had souae= Age; V4, female, job: nental hygi Amurican onis t Julie's apt. Ct� 13-2� Gainenvilln, Fl. Q606 Datc callectal: In/?4/73 Me: You wcre a member of the N.F.h. Count ri Clab. UY, were your friends MCMUrs? Julip: YeaY, that'n what we mainly all did, all ;ne families K I lio, rth Ya Ln- ,;a longed to tho Country AV V "aw n the kid.,} could V I go up therv, v%d you know, be " : or their motnem hair for A wail ••. Lnry nooYnd afferinn aj4p.'rn in t&-! Mar. A: MrM K M", 1he tower jorulf, con -Yo. -1 V. it' JUIN: ipahl it's nnac n4t if like stnre -r pnor t.! 1 11 got you knnw, to 7'.s lending in in it, -A '4Ln Sere's . old part Mr! wcpd tn be the tallet stud>, nO then jou Pan go InFl3irro %nd therp's a,pincp where Urr;lc a art Mrs held. A :hc n YVA could 0 911 thu wly up, Kta KV taw( - And vwrc wa-S IMP a rnom ... Me: What kind of rtairn? Julie: Phey were all wind Mairr. It was an old Lulldin,. T"Y Qoor-'3 wer- wood. Ann it rouly did have kind nr a spaakj �--,mnee. That hai a In! to do wita it, whrn we W`.ry yann"Pr. it was OD old, %hort wcre MferPnt NVOR or Otn'r. Navin! ; t it. I think 1"nre was anc FLA !Cnse that won ptrO;1K ap, and 'On Marilyn RoJISM= 'Yriva 7�6 WcAerwaY F- L North Polin BeochA +3 FlOrN&I -33403 unre: Local Wend "art; , nliu Kay Souders 7--a.norrintion woni. page Rr Loo taere was one that diinit. It hod aiffrrcwt Avp1s. The staircase io the tower spiralud op But not to the different i Jovcls. t t, pia' second floor. Ancthpr thinq was there are -jots of big n1d trees arnund A. Any idAd to the appearancf , of it. Me: ro yo remember any colorn? Julie: No, it was vpry dull, I just remember actually it was a very $ dull Luild0r. Off-white, or something even darker than that. Me: What about Uxtury? Julie: Yeah, I remember it was rough and it was old. Vie: DO YOU 11CRAVer the pigeons? Julie: noova. Ap. What about lwvc? julie: to, ; don't remeber anythint ibout U00. Re: Okay, whot otnrits did you associate wiLh the tower? Julie: We used to bear all kinds of riff rent sto•ics. The one that sticys in my mind. Me: Who tuld them? Julie; Kids! Me: Each other? Julie: Yoah, you know kids would taik aboot it? KC: Did you tell Acs to other A Julic: 1 g"Cww, Uh, no, 1 didn't roolly teLl it to other kiln Caurf I wn,alt suro reaily, you know. There was always a question in my mind it to wnaL rLaily took pJarn there. but wr gne .dory that nticks in my mind was Qat same"wo wan KiL104.1, Alahivu AS= a;v 21 7-'6 Waterway Drive North Palm Beach Florida 334'33 4C nr": !Dca! i ( wend .!dal Kay Sou%ifers iranscriptiun Irani t. p. 3 up Were, and that was alwals the big thing. Somvone was killed up lure. Thu ownpr. The owny wao killed up tf-.Lt r P Up in the tower. X, r� : 'k-as it a he or rhe? Julie: It was a he. And it all seemed M fit in Mcayse at the t imp o to do"rr to the rooms in the tower were always locled wcually. So we'd go up au 0r an we could, ano they'd cay, 'Go c, Ko door's leeke&' You know. Qntlu behind Kare Me: What was w4ppoFnd to be behind there? julic: Well, we w�n! hohin! thorn. One d-; the d"ar was unlocked aN we 41 pnuv! vphind tber"I nno therc war a room in kbern with a tathtub. :- u know, and a SiLy. And IV rtlyj wao, tnp guy was killrd in the LltLtub. ft was, you kn"w, blcKy an.], Me: Therc was I!-Qd therc? jul iv: W& v nn, I don' t remember n"y Ul nod. They may have pa inted to s.Tr rKins 7nd said$ 'That's hinvd' -rd we'd all say, 101 YPLE, -0, when it wqsnit n_ Mly UT n3. it seems OD me rome'Li'dc NO the ENy wrs rinh:- n WIN K won in tno Kth- tul. K w5r arf 9 tQ myntvy,- And it all roomed *0 Yt 1, -1 Lernose it ""a such a kind of {%o €f} Alyce. MU: War hnnru -qy troken Clone? Oilir: Yenh, thcrc wns. it speor to on KnorL W07 vc,Arn !Qqw, '111. br0en wind-& Me: DO ; nu , vpr K-ar thot hP wqs wurdr—1 in �n� at 1 W : V,!M . SJA -7-W, QP� MQLC nthcr woj; w-n, �, !,-cd. 1 V Thr only n! � IM rtnily r! orkr in 1V Mi: 1 W)n K 0 KC wir jllari�yn A'obsoll 4ra j,16 waormw(vy Lriva Norih Palm FK-ach Florida 33408 renre: Li col loge Nnne: Julie Ay Souders Tran7criptian cont. p.11 killed in the hathtub. I'le Why do yQu think lie. was '411 1;kd? Julie: T don't know. You know, I don't Oink, the whole thLnL was, we nFvcr really of Q.thal dctail. The whole thA6 was a murder had teen committed. We were too yuung to really ask wly. We didn't care why. Me: Well, why do you think tent those storico circulated? Julie: Well, it waR a small area, and you know how kids are. it wao nctual3y thn talk of the club. To on lit le kids. We all knew about it. I'A sa; it was the leCend of North Palm heaoh. Me: Do yon thinv thare wop nny structurp t" tho story? Was it vlwiys told the same wny? Julie: TOTP were romp variations. Ve- Do yon rempmber anything aboqt how he was Lurned up in the fireplace? Me: What about LiF Ghont? Julie: Ymah, we woed to wunder,if Quit -a a bhoul, that still lurked arpuad. it was creeq, you know. 00 nuurse we thought maybe thero wis a ghast. me: A to V %d n ntill think K's up there. A Met some people today }ti!] think he's alive. Julie: SnAel i:, y Y. ured to think that whcn I war littir, that WeIr' be al it W j!Fjdq, We wo"Id Mane each ot hr- ter and say, 'took, i 7"% y no n re 1n time tower window.' And 1 think Vu re A I Ij thyugh j th� 1 r jmc b imen we saw zome-ne :on king at as from the lVatc-Twe'y Drive A-L Nonh Patin BeaciL Florida 33408 g,enre: Local legend Name: AM Kay 5oudm-, Trour"ription Pont. P. 5 to'Adcr t;'131tia'ti. BZ this day, don't, think there was a;ljr'=7ne in t:ne ';.owa r wind"w. but we did question it at that time. Q didn't know. Me: Right now, th Qntry VuL is LL£1s er ;. vy'r u coTrshiering destroying it. " - t,.y�, oyi ng the ;old. O��1� as mars ion. What would. be your ft 1 Jinja {bout that? O ai iv: t don't tkink t,hoy .should. � AP: Cawu it's non t. It's 1 AP a Oradi ark for N ar ob ?177 Aeach. We always iC':iwlbpred it. It erakeF the Country '7,11 -.i. . ro ether . n.,ntr°y clubs. Cause it Ayes hi v- that l_tttlp bit of histar'y T just. Un't 1L IA they auld tear it down. They shvuld lonvc it. me: Thar- you fl; jour r help. Y Njr) 95 XvC1tCT .•ra'T L7rive �} North Palm klorida 33408 77! The bed in which the owner was Oupposedly burned up, at the N.P.B. Country Club-1979 An outside view of the N.P.B. Country Club Tower-1979 4t 41iGkrn A u.x"vey for Folklore r � r Are you a member of the North Palm Beach Country C lub? how many yearo? 5 What do you do there primarily? Are there other members of your family who belong? e P How many? - � - -�,�� What ages? Did you ev6 o, into the old tower there? � hfhen' 31~i'{ i r How o.,`ten? L With w,izom? *Why aid, you go there? *That stories de you associate with t-i!- tower? *Describe the tower please. 16-f't' �- *NOM, : This will e tape- recorded. THAN YOU FO i4�:1? �� UP All C -)i%R TI-- N! ij 3 �V Varilyn Robson ,n Age: �j — Date of birth; - Addresr�rt f 5 'There were you born? 1 What is your native lc r",l,uage? How long have yo4 been living at your' current address? What is yutx profeos on, job? {ghat is your favorite sport's � � ��: � 0 What is your �i favorite hobby? r,' .� s ' C Are you a member of the North Palm Beach Country C lub? how many yearo? 5 What do you do there primarily? Are there other members of your family who belong? e P How many? - � - -�,�� What ages? Did you ev6 o, into the old tower there? � hfhen' 31~i'{ i r How o.,`ten? L With w,izom? *Why aid, you go there? *That stories de you associate with t-i!- tower? *Describe the tower please. 16-f't' �- *NOM, : This will e tape- recorded. THAN YOU FO i4�:1? �� UP All C -)i%R TI-- N! ij 3 �V Varilyn Robson ,n genre: local IeZen; i Lome: _L , , iieder:3 y, Job: Univ. Fla. student pineu C111cuted: gay pt. ''517 S.W. Archer Rd. #1201 Gainesville, Fl. VE08 Date collected: 10/25/79 Me: You were a m m bpr at the North Palm Beach Country Club? John; Yeah. A: Okay, why did yoo Co tnere? John; To swig. i was on the team. Ke: Do yon I`fiwpmvpr the tgWpV? -,. John: Yeah, you meoN the tjwer an thr building, r rht.? john: eab.. Me: First uf jail, , ._ j. a describe it? john: It w?s wall and I Kink it was yellow, wi r.h a damP sort of t. inL, I eon" rermpmuer thnt well. it wa t"at p t!-y --1ypc of nement. Abe: that kind of bu i_td iras was it.? Wba w k; 2d of utyle? Jnhr: Oh. it era.; Q!. It looked like it wsF Prodp in the twenties. I was j "o of tQ nidest Midinez arqund. John: I know thit on, the Euy wL0 ;-;uilt nn plaor oz omm ".d:W Uld, 60t r ,aA .i r :. !Le e :3ahnmas , I thin:. Buy :j rrjj you , nr.)w _Lnd if, ar t; _ I Ulsud 0 al way V thin k 0f that. Ke And yuu 'oo dot in t he 't;raw(Ir Vw i i l! i,!l,:ktor Jar in 'ri°:'.A Forth Ftilm Ucrach F9oriaa 33408 TraseripLiu% cunt. pate e John: 'dell, 3 was a>=out, ten or eli ven, i guess. And um, we jLsq }u1f1ebgd.y said there was a skoif ton !KJ OJLV of the closets. So we went and Inaked for it. Mc. A �k 1e ton in the tower Closet? John: Yeah, in AP clonct. Fe: How m4Ly storics were there? John: At least two, I don' t remember, there l i6h L L:e Uirce iC?u.r• Me: And whowe skeletnLs were they? J(hp! Therc was just, 1` a uppi:.Jzed to bu one, nn4 1 don't, know whose it was 3 u �spo od i q U. Maybe it. war �.r #�,�. ovine r�,. but I don't know. , pk, a lj3i: Um, to{ { i'f°-a,a- y,. 1 (lover t n,,t 'a:.iJu t it. it won gust, wp wort, y Wqr the kry wo 0NQ. i 0 ton hyl a gee to tho :iliag!... 'A`un win e nLd L ~]'!' d, viEV QK= it it ght have, l'm not s r . A: O Yr i 00w j the W' V"! W— , 'i1 C'd-=ynd Why 'idly 4:n #. ty said ht. Vas an-arrC17 ,I04h: Jtint that Le r iv,# of ,'msonc . 1 'pink I- L i d h n - 11, F 1 . ' I f _.0 h a y e t � i I J Me '. f � I 1 e P R. X � j t S , { i l � 41. i if Kam. no: _ ton Olin ' . %g Won ?'f'.ilLpb";. nh.,w! `En tqS-,or ir that t.l-ierC' wan I n4pirion in 'on NOW. - .v'J31E;. ` } penre: Lac& 1cond NAmr; inn syth, Lipipmann Tranocriptior elut. P9. 3 ,,b,: y,ah, we opon,j sum(, cjorptr, Tay wvrc rviLpi, but tnero wery no Sk9jutinc. I. mp: Thank jou. -7 ND Nitr: john ErrW up K AM Palo Amch. A A1SU lived On Kingfish A"ad, near Wic boudern. .Afarilyn Roly-�;On 73G Vi alcrv.lay DrivIa Norih Palm Peach 33403 ro -L 4M F -- - Bedroom in Cakes Estate-1979 jw C:I,)sets w"nere skeletons are in N.P.B. Country Club-1979 46. Sd3 0 :qT- '5 Survey for Fi�lklore r Name: Age: Data of birt h: Address; d Where were you torn? N-rzc! W What is your native lay-1,,-uage? How long have you been living at your current address? What is your profession, job? LIE— What Is yoi= fav=rite sport? Sj)1.12]1T7Jan- Wh,-A'l is your favorite hobby? af--� ---, f C-C-L Are you a member of the North Palra Beach Country Glub? how many years? What do you do there primarily? Are there other members of your family who belong? /qrc-t How many? what ages? rynW I -! '. 'i) i LLL LR+ 62 Did you eve. gD,-into the old tower there'? When? ow often? With whom?k' a,( 4zr—� Ott v . --77-' / . I *Why did you go mere? e-naxl' *'dha-II.- storics do you assovJate wit the towe ? -rder rno.n cuho *Describe the towir PIPase. th c I tv CSI J (�A n c) (d b /1 62 od h6w4�5 CV01 el -P plg'611 5 1. . his will be ta dcd. //'d UVIV, pe-rec- o. I TH.Ar,K YOU FG;4 Yv'JR h-ELP AND C0,01 BRAT ION I Par!lyn Robson 19 S',� eerrv: iocn, lcrviv' Tre ns cripi i gn f rom t son. Nnyr: Allivyn K. hnakej Am &1, fomale, American Jot: Univ. of Fla. S ,Men t Plice PVT-etpd: Univ- or Fla- It Libr3ry East Date collected: 110/7-1 Vie: Y,,),1 werp a-ss(sciated with the North PAIn Bpach Country $ Club? Allicyn: Ypnh. I Pfartod Vning whon I was nbout eight, no, probably M. C: Allicyn: Me: A I in; 0: Me . atnut six. Do yoa kn-�w tfir nun.ie VP 1h. , -)w do-S ring I That wan the part of room. Sere 's a litt C,.-U yon dr-Orite tne I towe r. I? hK Q the buildiny that 6qos up ta tnc 111(je 10 tOUM Up thLre. towur? Allicyn: Well, ona • we r wont up there with , bunch of my frionds and we wrof up there just beraurn we had heard thnt vhyre w�7 this rnom up thure thot rupposedly Y�mpDnv wnn w"odered in. jo wo w"nt up tnerr, whole bunch of M. NOF Ov five of up, you nnw, thero's this narrow ntaiucase that went up to it. And MM, LhPY wore rually "Id balldings. Really dillpluqtvA "Od jaro VOVPrVJ with, am ;,Coon nt�jf. ja WP n.1'walkiJ up real Now, and it was really dark too. 1heru w-r- a Pw 1101v windiwr, bYL until jn Cut ts 1hu windvw, i; wdy P-my jork, Wn wunt up wye, rnwiy intic1pnting wn, wan wrv. But whenun co! a� '.ni we all rclrm! I iva A 155 N,,th Palm Be-aull Florida 33400 penru: local legen-i Travocription cunt. p.? each other. Then we saw Mat thuc was trim rnom and all these pigenno up there mWing all his noise. And when t tnay were maKing ull the nolve, wu raw t"- rnom n junt. .a gInnop, nud Ken &P ran back downstairs, me: WhaL do y)u remember about Lhe MIME? What did it look like? Allicyn: M room, inside the room, it wis whitv. A stark white Iowa. it 'n ,r juaL really torn apirt. 1 remember this bec! b-Ins thtru thoL was old, just th- frnmu. AT! bent ap. me: Dn you rnmP*hvr knowing hnw it EY thit wny? Allicyn: No, 1 don't rumembvr hearing anythMe. Thorn wam just prnbably -Inur prople ro&A up. Ne: Whn wun" ap in UP %wer? Allivin: On, juM " t-vrh of kids. EP: Adults CSC, itr wpnt up'? Allicyn: Nit 00 1 runnsbcr. Me: Why did wp want to go up there? Allicyn: I suer s K"alry of whao WC used 'A punt, thr s0rier W,�, u3pd to h--r PLM hnw, 1 a�nit know. I Wink I heard fro.,n Nom thn 4 'at re war someone, the 1 oy who nwnvd the hu 11 d Q, wis suppnFrd I I murdv red. A Q tne" I heard f run Ae k1us tn. t was rupDosedly in Lhe Mur. E4 1s ou hav, ony idea why to war L"rUrva? All icjn: nP was in n Can;. Wcll, I think Ust 1 neard be was in, um, H, was assocKbed wiQ propl-, undes0ables. 7K v"A way Olds Nodh Pahn Bnach Fboda 334A S(O Lenre: LQcal t a", nri kd Knop: Allicon K. Lankpy Tran7cription rant. p.5 Me: How war by MaMerpd? Allicn; 'Uh, I he,a-d bat W wa8 wrdered ty, ah, Yvin; wrappod up ill :-a,7r nr some mnterial, rind P"aknd in 7as und -burneq. : _Pthjng like that. Me: Did you ever hear he was shot? A 'Plry!: All, maybp L heard he was shot first and then burned. Iii c HOW abouk vnytnina with the bathtub? Alliryn: F-, hp w in his bed or sqwPtA:Pn like Ant. HIP: Arid IL�-- w4,u kil led at the Cnuntry Club? All icyn: Ycah, at the tower. 111: : 1F thorn n Lhost up therr? Allicyn: Ar. Mc: Tell Mn OVA Me ghoyl.� !VIP his char!, right? A1103L; Icah, I tLink. He's suppaped to W Q there. Ke: A's ip Wro or the ghuct Q? Allicyn: M ghowL jr. me: now abus! hip wife or any relaLiwcoT Worn -,!. -)Y (f thcril AllicYN: No, I nevor h(ird that ar wis an�ricd or any thine. I dun't Kink that he was warrird. Me: that Mut n AMMA Allicyr: No, never henrd aLout a PkeloWn. Me: Q you thiok A won uUmen. Do YjU hove any Edon why? Allicyn: Mj jWt L-rn,d AS L dy, 1 gUOMS. !W 'A' 1-t- kids Vf V abOV WQ i- W- .. f-rV"%? No, Ncrth Palm 13eckch 17 Ylorida 334 U8 , T Met Are there .any other star;en with thr CuQntry Club? Allicyn: ho, no. ve: And Your I'ir.7'I told YOU tni ^? Yeah. Me: Me: ] t } i)o you kj.,- 'nr�:l're she hf_�3rd it? Allicyl: Me just. heard, :ruu know, that the = who had owner the b'lildin6 w,°LE= e:illed, wa;s lliai'dercd. And l.i{on I Near( the ,ory it:_''+ f: him bring In thn Lower heivj murdered. :)-) yr!,.� know ,gran he was k ille4? A I. :cyn: ThoM 4+ip v rr il1_yr jonC time "ge. l tr',: r! tic stnrt #'s in For.' ML., it was a really 7 rare; ` a e nqv. �- �ki¢ 1y l.ivi : Yeah, .l'rti"a r, in tic fiction, v. oh;-.K,. Mae we, MIRY= No. Me: ! nuJ . yon rw%morize your ir°v unt of thn :;. F.B. t nwpr qnd the 1. iJ 'i1s,v? l, l { s When 1 w_ - s all, I waF t i ad thut, 11 Mon, -, .. a. the "';nn •.5! "n '•iNV6 the :u ild it t{Orp, ; f he v' T•r :'Lp -I rd later 1 i,ea"d a-t,om gchnil 3riendr Oat __t. w .s 4 ir i t the tower. o ` ! a ' ` n t uo f V ur q the 4, f 5',`,r e` w,:prn P nularl°]sedly h`=1,pvned, and thuru war U��,_# are Did �:o Q and T in nr ➢ii e, % Pon 13 .'+lem. Aid ,�,et,.: only got ii I °.l !& r• },1 €vo at it 'n use we wore ot.''tr!`_d whpr we went uF Merv. � 1 ,7 it wns rail. :' 1 , J--Ab 1 Tine Nor1h Palm P-cxch Flcs ,rada 334W nre. Weal Anna Nampt AllicyD K. Hinkey V1, ransarlption con'l. P. Mez one othFr quection, JD y,u know if those ntorins am still told today? Allicyr: I con'! KLow. Yuan, they're probably still Cvinr ou,- Fie: They're conoidering tearing down thp N.F.E. tower and rebnildiuF another one. What would be your tho;jhts on that? Allicyn: 1 wouldn't like that. That building haF a lot of goo& womorins. For historical reasons and nv%timpntal Ten ions. F 7hanks a lot fnr yo u' help. E !O-D Note: Allicyn also Crew up in UOM Palm. She lived near the Country CVb, on Country Club Drive. S4 IX Wai4rwny North Palm Btach Florida 33 408 „& a . LIE. dh owp` dlil ..... . . . . � Asm WOMEN” IRIS MEN& F'jP Al� 4p e Out At Nil 6 1 1 '�� o9c 1 11 f g -V c 44 k4k Aivilysi _iicgtinri^ These queFtions wi L.1 be applied t SoMf, w- tides as well as the local ie,gerjds to id. The purposQ will be to vc cal any patterns, if any, that occur in the factual material -irj _ the lcrc, h.upufully, therc: will be somf p,,Ir'a.iJf--1. a that will help determine the origin of t ±I(" lt reo 1. What happened 2. W.ij was mardered? 3. How many were 4. Why . How? 6. WhLery did it takc place? 7. Who dirk, it? L. What happened t.o the riurdcrcr 9. Art- uher°e any d,nosts? (at A p Pi PaIn Mach Yost Faim Beach Post jv!7 Eeach ? my 10. � i-:� e q Times 4 3 3 a murder n murder I p ° • bat son-in- "I fee In E 4otwei 's-- -ore s MCHOF & sr+ Ond ..axa i �, L. vr?. ". A f mi. i3 r.S -: ` i. and - _ tcd- _ _ _ w �e:`,`-n I'_ w =e , i_� . _. . v :. .state 4 � L P I �I I 47 OS Palm Beach Post HIM Beach FCS1 Ain En a..__ lost Ps i= pooch P TimeF, My iines !Lnvs jo l: j�!y 12, 103 7�11 20, wrdpr z�rder. :-V- Qr7j WOF lakes "71ry INS -Y s e! K 77- DppcS onsure, tat 3in-In -ake Marris, Los =,live no &F;!gny ans his inEktor, Anc, to dvv7n, AN Rn i KAbed and fire sv, -�dxnnea W010S, !�rny -,horned Mdy E. 10. I !�YEII nnr 1 ing 10 47 OS M ' . _ = 1'F r I g, ly F ca "IX e r. e 4 Ls 'r .,ice C r -Y Newsweek 107 :Ine .-Iar 19 1941 f I f ? m -az4. cr a warder a zurivr .. _'.`p, IIOf. . _r _ ile Iv .. _ - .. . b:a "-_es —wil ,a t 1, `x~ es u i : .aj ua_ � s GC at not o a _ v .> _ F- sell sel 1 like z- y c nj;eoned, turns in - ► swirl of Kond not ntatod femhrrs M vestocirne k' 1 IIj 9 i :;anc-Ire acc,� C r a 1r -a r d e rl on IF I? EE r ft L -I- 74- informant W7riant A7 - P if Ars. WC7 Nocre :-Irs. :.f�incv x7orl j�:ie K. Wscer.- Ads no;v tower a murder a M�Vzer �ids tour �r-ke� SIA�;, nurdol. m4f_Er a, - i�- s _ry caveE scossne, olt sc=eons, AE, lived an :,7. �w, owner eL 10� one n.1 S�rpj C� zany hatod ": Gon'r 3on't know dDn't kn7w.'' 2hla to w-. V 4 1 4 sn: I ni; co in !=;es very tinc4i tea nIL;7W, 0—re the 0?1=04, Very tivady. Or Whama Riands t" Cr :-..i Ae "Tzo z2nn7rY L2=11 io in 10 in LaInIV- ncver oa�n OP inn, 1 -A7W 4 -hrIF&C -S�:Iy WI-0 im. 002pec* ncv-0 r ., 0e a gn", dnn,7 lncw �nnw don', hn7w n w W�s fn tA t7wor - - -fit. - � un `iii ter: af e �i ss —err F in to r et vonclusion 0 M kmlysk- ine fivrl tirre articles anal,ncd wort the newepaper repirts that followed vory any" after Men war murdered. TwD other Palm 3earh Post Tin-P nrkivles f9lJow these throe. Thcre arc No major variatia"s in thn WYAW except the iduntificaklon of tW- murdcrer went from unknuwn un July 10, 1AS to ouFpcet Inc karigny on MY 11, 101, L pre tty-sure-de-M,?rJ, ny c" July 12, 103. The desriptiou of the n�uder 7iried in the detalln providad, but evcn these acconnis rannin?d fairly'oQ11ar. Fivu OnLnzirL 'POOKO folluw thv nawspaLrr novwuntF. The l'. KEA W vory siyLifloanWy ip AovoDber, IM. ThK native (Whj) disapuears Dn I!/1/1X. Ither facts in junn if MI. Mi in after thu :.Ie muidrr W�s Unrollud so nPtVPn1 On WIMIr QvinqLints — nnv k Knels" had oWEr' n L--v Vni f a new native W14M. A fird (Mroll Chrin'rp). nhaner in 1 nur Anvew v, 0= I nnvigng. trial 9nd 7quiltil -f dc Y th ws,iwn i�n 011pr, M in MAIP" 1159, SO ONLY& rupouts. LV-P, nny Sir] "-! Wnr KPIS ;AV r 1,Llf I o IN I vrrj If j ors iL 1: r j-4 , rlwy or kotWr—n �jn Aformint-S n-prw�l- ind thr "tr�c" CO - Y-- �70- ina na�.r ine) �Pss�r , - 1hr iarntj�n of '. n4rder Wni-n fr-7 ; ylt� u � : - th- Zo.nt:' Hub 1n Eq r I b 1 : 7 7 . ° P n _ Ln a f t W pe rs" - Y4 ni -a - ir V now. 1- the informaj V !-I- Hnw we "'.'fir murd•or! v,r;. Y 1% 9 . di. ' — L' infqrn! OZ. !no �' K7- For. MW yundrr :n anc( MAK. T P y 1:' the LArdry -v mdnS jr qi&nown Vy v- 11 , , I W ;n- "tian . f *% M%C 1- V O,qn --a, a PAOS t - Und sk- 10 MA 1 rn"I rd 1 it I ne lrcrnd -. TYP it tr LP -ypented f W 1 W rrqsair, uncOM 4irnrr Wn. (4 '1 �' I'lic t at, t i 4- 1 r, that I cowpr cd w,'Ir i[LOs 1. n t r)lle , it t7 F: -3 r h o ifs I ri=�Inif, of w! w,-- -i k11 u -r-nppears :; nd th c� L4 (-- 7 " . - true Iu f t)ie r de I rj,,-- t me n t i oned 1N eV( T'y opke of these accounts the only inform.ition t} =4'. j E ts throlugho.--) t is � -)r the c-aurder 6irinF.e � �;. rid .1)1.he r relative i nf, Inn ch] ,jrircs , but the idlea )f � ri.i1j,rdo-r 1,-ikirig placP ('�iritirjues. A t-wr-d15'r, tPkinc p!,CICe is the mntifeme il" Ujj'3 cf)]Aectiun. The motifs, rjr the woys U.- W� II a j)CVSO,. ( ULk:. -'-PWN - t' , -I iiian w4o W 5 re, 4 JL r C� lived the-Le, lli: - the diff'crfi.t Sr):oe u:r tht jiwtifs obvi,-;u!'.y pri,,;(nil auo: F1061.4-- iii dictates h 3 'e'l . 1 . 1 . — — L!ti,) t I y m ur d r u i w -;f murder -he lkrth Pal..: eaof, -1co'crid but ric--ther h-I it,--, I-ocito in truc ,S• FLAtUJ-4' ILa.l(.r- rela-iig ti, tlierp I I Iiave a t.,-I.qc (".11 C k:f W,-I dell , ? tj(: i!- motifeifie(c) ,�nd I O - ?YA 40, The Weal "t gQnc One definition of a legend ma3y n that it is " narrative su - ppse ly Wc d on Vant, with an inf.,.:rmixtury>tof tr_idit.ir na! materials, toed abuQ* a pf,'r k "L, pJl2we, or iI-iu mF'nt" A nor "aR ion is the- W lin6 of and went or stoiy, whether true or 1wagined! Legends usually coo not contain ` upernn tural creatureF . The ou would %v t kac_ bei ie ed to be truly, and logendL arc: often thought, of as truo, on onr lovely or y n i t.her (U- t'=LlI'j vPe or poy c hologil'.al.) . The chir"sc ", Ors A them often lived at mono " WQ. 'i',he [;vE'nts often are true, or a_ least are partiaDy Wt. l.'r';c,.}nd. The diff'.,.d t`t'e_, i.°, %a the . mr i:.it.`l. T' +..r , KPA L.t'4'f+adn wrk, 1Wal l ; w''_ ": ., ' _'. to _ orecif ."' are=1, ' W, ... ', h, To 1 n P i nun 7= of the we &I in i 1 1 ann is t.; e impl 7 cat 1. _5 i th L lowcAs 1 ' follow a :1'yp if Vie. : t.T'unti. ry n r, for oxa Mile. . z _.sn,ln , . AMP, ..r f'Ed, Host 7y.L`i}ba l di confirm to i ..Pft,er R 44 t, 1.11f= jv did V rs 1 ' ! f:- t 1lic. la the ir 'Ue el ymn ., ms„8s I I PIPW- mnst have wyn a 7r. _ :cuts f )xn at rune point. he ...!'yyrd at i-.'r= K—r th Fan Pfy°,'Sj.rh Countra Clot 'Lnd SA } , ;WK! ,iyc r r "'gu. h- And - 1 "" +Y':i"'iLd Woo ,yi f .. ivr6.hcr'I d iii t_"lnt, ild o Swrr- .. 0 wW or be w�r Ptabbed, 7i- hir s�oivtonk) was still 140 in 'Ir tower. loo r 0 411, .110 Liz is u t kr-w,. a�.. v­ VIM kwo W "artaln, but twl Porri!Pitles arr ''"I 4C waa anL 1CAted with the mafia, or �n w.v wanted treause he had a lot ref muney. t This material may qualify as oral history becuane it lacks the structure numanly found In folklore. Lite ural history, lnngiw starien havP not rnttpn around to large Froupn and they do explain onmethins that happpnpd. But this in also true of the local legend. Pnsni0y Cr�J Hi: tory is just Qe early rKEQ th2t data & through beforeftyquairlwt na 1e6p rd matpriai. Lut wheth!�r uiy material is local Inend or '�ral history or both, which it probably the cane, does not matter. it oerves a purpose regardloss. Very obviounly, Lhe leganin t0A about Lhe Countri Clob hovP 7= true niFtorical faots in them. A man did live it the Country Club thirty years "L9 (probably the caret4ker rinco Uaken only, used it as - vay.!jcn home). This man way` have oWnnd the placr (Si&I'' it may have Uen Unken 4t a given time). This man . owner, was indeed murdarod. But hu was not murderel in NortY Polm. There waL� a gun involvrd in thr narder (it wuc stolen ouL of the drcs6cr next to Oakes' Lod K hv7tbuorne the Lijht of Ke =d 7'}. He wac Larst up in bed. He wor PLaUnd (wAich explaian wiq PPOLP of the talc,'3 think tnerr shoild L- blood on thQ walls). AD kPjA Oakes 00 !- nevvr Loco rrVOOK!, q12 yaj nc was 1111od ny7 rcv-v U-en confif"-d. A is Lrur tLat w -Y havr Nun 'nVOWN wi"h th nnOOvairld- P. has ajrn V�Pn Von-.'Y-! 00 !- won Miri fl- 01pnol. f-azl"r. When n� w hin gold -jnrr worr Lot rz-] f I -s ouph, and Ku wa- s7 -w', 7,Z h,T t-, Cakes for a r.i, P (I jVp E- ry'a 7! her�jr :,I 661 4 make thu lihamb irlinds W, a so-oorsful resort for the rich) . So Oakcs m% ypr� A-11 Live boun W-ntrd herausp he had a to of more,. The main v between the KLAW 511 and the true; h1storical Tarip, 'nit 1. no woman (wife) was involvPd. P. no one was throwr oot winnow (although thn wind Sid blow into a large bay window K On?PF* hedroon the night of the marder. Ve know this Irrouse 40 wiNd, coupled with th- air from an electric fan, helped put !hu fire out that was bwr%ing his tpd and Mi.) 5. 2here wan no f thtub involvod ia the ruaJ murder. A. No ghoFQ4, or el tar_:. were in the old tower (I don't thinh). 5. Los tly, and mort siEnlficantlg, the Marder dia not take place i% North Palm Beach. The actual scinc Df tbh murdcr in Wastbourno respmbles vpry much the se ktinr c tno Country Club. ThO made it easy for thn_ matQNSI to transfpr from one locatiun (thp bahamas) to nnother (Nortb FaIr Beach). Thy fact that Mew at one Uno ownyt the Country Clob also msAe possible an casy connection. The fact tKal the old monn ion was old (rontrary to ail Ihe rcw homes in the area) also made it eaFy *, generate Ie6ends. FuMurmirv, Vat the crimc., was ncver ,-Oivydl Ku s Tuft many holey Dpon Oggina to bo fillod, made it very eany to Oil Mos. Mnny Wtors moJe it vary. 1�ut c-a�-(- which Ke ntoriop were ogntrived don not explain CL- very importaut Ming. hhy? Wns would pCipil "A"! *--) tell Mvp particulir MOP& Why would they WANT a worlar asnicialLd with thei; ".rv" lipmunity? Mr, . Snore Loll me tnat nhe 410 %, prvc6 to p,t �i mo4 Lrin& Gaker' name into a nywr rtpyrt of Q� CaunLry Cluo Wn Nin ncnauwv, she fearpd, it would create -7 to -4, neceteary Ind publioity (to!, disc rsloh in in Ar tran5cription). Tel fact, navoynJ tinj� LD '' ur inw- viow, rho wu"Id tell my a series of tales, nnA nho Wid tom with much cn%uoiapm. Kv oat up straight in her chair aw laughad ofton t the "rumors". bqt continued to tW1 10CM to me. but Lunn Ke would stop W plynes, as if she VpalAud whnt rho was SAYUL, and remind me, "fhern's no story Whind Of cnu7Fc, then Wi roht'nue talking and she woold tall or v faw nova verAous of ii. Vs. Lanne L-d in- hAitiono Lbont w1ot eorps down to lee lInL And If leEeils are just lics, then .:An;, mony NortK Palo Dcaclrrp are 11irs. 1-lut IfI7 r11v­W"n W11 romnirs about Y�d V n-W nomnAwity WqU1J tell Vpsr y ! 10"I"r 100PAS. Kat fynrtk , "i. ry re7veT Therr appeirRally, with a murder. it in true Wat %lur Kid theSP WKS, and Wy Qrht W In Sturested In "unifying" the nrighburhoid curcioasly. Fn tic; nigHt indrud tv inte•nstrd in unifyinE each other, and what W-Wr wqy 1F t4erp than to 011 rarrUlp murder storius? Fri6ht ard tragedy brought thuse loongsters elan-r. Yet, childrpn were not 1hu only ones to tel '�, lrge"df - One infOrman, war. 2: in -Tincipir n"j =yk in pa-t in L orth in' t now cummasity has n- con., Dn ihrfUP. A new community, 114a narK film Nich, ha,.� no hisiory. Cir w�j to uulfj N1r0h PA% wo0d bo with a tragodis appeirRally, with a murder. it in true Wat %lur Kid theSP WKS, and Wy Qrht W In Sturested In "unifying" the nrighburhoid curcioasly. Fn tic; nigHt indrud tv inte•nstrd in unifyinE each other, and what W-Wr wqy 1F t4erp than to 011 rarrUlp murder storius? Fri6ht ard tragedy brought thuse loongsters elan-r. Yet, childrpn were not 1hu only ones to tel '�, lrge"df - One infOrman, 0111an WnN3) Wj one hkard b1W nn: !;,rr7 from her nnther. Mrs. Moore is InoWr example of an adw:t Wnn WIS the WKer. The Crrntj "Y to- 1r" rds served the vlilv�e re7ldents tg glyint-- them rommu thrupdr. It was a fnrm of supp,4 borgurr 1 nPw vDw - munity rupp-rbd io nn=in threads (local Wi-niPi VAV a WtUr' chance at survivni. Today tne Old Wes Hanslun might bn torn denn. A-on f my -71 410 .LMOrmnnts S;pOsed Via idea. julle 204duys qppos(d it Wassor "It (tite MaUSIUn) MrKeV thC 0OULtY. Club uniqup ... vp= it docF have that iittlp bit -f hiFtary tncre...." Allicyn hankey said, "I wouldn't like twa J it were turn down) f !tat buildin6 has a lot of good memorics. For 4isturical apd senUmeutal reasons". Neither OX there Ararninto knuw We true hivtory of the mansion when they made these ntatements. But they both know tie "senti- mental reasons". Thuy Loth knew that they nod toll tales at that Club that had hyonjt them together wLen they wvcc youneer, anu they both Vow that My did not want Mv Ord leveled by a Uull- do2er. Lo for Lay rnrionks, the legcndr praviue no emotional tin, .'at they 11ra nvr A 07torical and function. HIM- 70calij, Qum &LWY nup ortpn wMeM vp tra, (as irp, Eoort�� and thp rew- rep)rin an!j. hnvinE o commv histny, co " n1so unibc i WAKE nFn;wnjtj. In Ac ITCH of -ntrAAnmrQ, therr legends irr, Wry FlOply, fUn to W11. M� M_•n_ Monre 1-ij,hen frcq .;r:tly while talkAr. Ky Mornant jAp Had•mann, a1sn wic cntr_fqin-j w"on he reralind marvhQU W lower closets with Ws 1'. We fr-rnAF. For tho Parf r-:onv? ivirr th- tywpr M the V,Wry 710-i Minslon, pw Upop 1-prou n f f "n� WWS irasn%r, Arnasp 9V Ws, 4%U t%jpr 1C,VC j,* ir"n'ilvn qYDN nu H_n, : nrien s"v-ril jourrrr I VPOPTO If tLQ Knd Lwrq nf the le,pOdS ! "lei K-U rM . EAYO, +hey nyv still till, Pik rertainij t" n lr-rrr �-­ . TVA buillin" is not used dii Or art classes or as thn ljbvar.� - so fpwer pponle 4re vronnd !, dolly. In the iuturr, W W. — dr I --' these tiles Q'i 0:0"d it likely on the lutorr nF Kq nplin. if it !v 7. will be the inCendn. if P 1; r-7--red, Sn "T 11 47 will be the Iscol lorondc. Thpse AJ impor!"nt in a nviChhorKnod. "The toll ec 1 ion of I YeQnJ s pre5erv, Q by any rommun i ty is a use f ul index if that c=m4nity's interemto and If this im true, I conclude that the residents of Nork Palm Beach certainly i. . are creative. They have vivid WaCinatiwnF. Footnoted Leach, Maria, vd. Itandard Diction1j, ,I �-Iorc, and inapd, P-611- MAN, El iyabc th. Derigns j n F 1 i Jq! V b 1 P -: M On- Killan Company, 10n, p-255. 3- leach, p.640. 4 Ibid. I 111�ley oi7 lnrcormanLl� t 1. Name: M-ir.-Tyn Omy Age ? 1 I:i.Ll F, Lnalish at the bniv(� rr-;ity )f Fla* j,,x i Drivf�, Norl.b Palm it ueh, Fla. 7X406 �JatiQj-al Eative Fr-q''1 -is)i Name: A,g 1 7 I' ':,,i r ti 1 rnlr,-j Ft. i:i t n�a 1 A.,. i 11 % 0 c c u v c Ea o wn- 1�', 4 1 7t n t -i na 1, f I jC i index of Irlormantf POVO Z. Amp: Allinin K. Qmkny Age: 21 Occupatlun: Full tivir Fkulpvt Q Mvernit; nP Floril't Addrear; 6726 SA, 11th PI., GUnpovii1r, Fla. 17601 Natiinality: Arwripori hative 1r5 ;oaar: KoL)ish I',— 75 40. phy "The Baham:L,-, Kil Ito M Large", T 1 in, vol .XMI 1943), p.SO. "The Bahamas, the Auffled Sheet". Time, VAMIJ (Novpmbar 1, 1943) , p-25. We baharna-t-, thal, in July"". Ngw-w(ck, vol AIII (Junc. I y 7 • "The Bahamas, thp V,Me with Mrry". TW, vol.lMAl (June 1. 1)rq), p - o". Birt, Geofyrry. "�rfcycnlun Added ti NPE hlr ion W Wave Dakar Monrin0- Februari 14-M, M& pou I. Lonna, GeofpTy. !V1 hi7p Rrd le7V Ar Sir ivrij CvVeF. kew York; Ko., 1M. Branch, Ch.rlyn h. "TIP Vaken Unwinn avi P5%-n- 7-j7". "The r t -1 Chnr-WnrP in 0- QnUs EMply". YK, . ltlrnw E-rn,, V�rL, 7 ?1 p52 , no, J 7 k On t )btr 74 , 119)), p.7%. "Count of Man. iti.r". h-wrwnck, MAKI, ne.11 (loptnuter 11, 1143). "Death in 4hp 0-h!" W. Anx, wo 01p VOI&XII, no.! (in;, e.71. "De M.rignj AW-Y ZparNE% "De jot vate E ,nny% V� 0' : wh K-t 1 1. :00t POP 11 J U Doyle, Ann X. "Wes Building: Fix it Demnlinh?" 7hp Pin spaef, Fo5t �?�rr, 18 Anreh V-47J, P-,�?. D'arson, Richird N. A"LrICHU FOI&OrC, ChjCOgu: 7ne 6n1VUrSjty of Chicago PrPro, lj7?. Burson, hic;n-: n. Buji, the Wind. Chicago: The Univernity of Win gcrpriut A, !k Center of hnavinL". Too PnIq Wych Pori Times# 11 Auaupt 1;!" page 1. "Fleeting FdLnCYv"- T-WrWOU4, VOI.XNII, no.p kul nf 73, 1943), "The GrW Oikes". i1mvp VOIWII (july 11, 19MI), p.7A. Enryng, AlIfolu Y.- Krnymant. "Hparing Doi-yea 5n �I&v PurdPI". !Tv V-1v ;rA ?-at T!--P, WparinC i Oaker Core is Beinyed", fhe InIm iw,-4 lost jilps, fi "Hearine hn�v !hd !n Cates OlajinK% ibn KI. .7mc Tc7t 2? All rurt 147, 17 1) �Z,0,V-` ':dp ejINcOm nC into sun> as Lrh Florid, Naster AW Vle, KK iNrehqpr hlvl�vj or the AP&Q, 06 hiPturiP fqtP ShOvtv, -�Q- Llan. Wq hK'O 7ir hqrrg wqkps?u vuy Q'-nnihi p.99. 7-01P War,". .- C 1013), p-27. 1 Maria. 7!,! 1-p-W. how A A: FunK d wncn-' !7 :-1 L ny, 1070, P.&P. (love-Irr >'n. -77 44, Moore, Nancy Y. Y!prmant. -11 rr,)-n Jrtnu:jry III r) i! VO!0L W iUn bookletv 14, 1 V7. Maker Capo LawyFr Noy Wrinsfer". Thp Palo hpaaL Post Timonp 1A, july 011, P-1. "OakeF SyKancu to 5v Revealed". Palo EpAch Post Times, 1) My 101. M. "Oakcs i-ystqwy SKI ! Unrolvrd After Autnpzy". Palm Beach Pont 77mpc, 12 jull 194�, p.l. "Oakes Wit ncss Tp!lp or Storm". Pain ?Poch Post iiwcy, 11 Aujust IM, p.l. Roboun, Mar'Iya D.-Mormant (MQ). "Sir hirry'8 Will"• Newrwoukp vol.XAI, w9.[. 1947), 0.33. jalin Z. -informant. Quspert F 06 hur0r Charge in Me o Deal.". i 'Q jui, 1941, ..1. T lop won, . Kth. Eo5f index K FM Litowatur". indLywo UnIvorrity Ireso, MO. liedemann, uuhn W.-informant. "Wi-6o Ni-,)vcd too hody?". Newswoek, vuWAIT, no. I{ (AoEust 16, 143), "Witwav Tell or ,fir" -nh www". Palm hunub Mat Time -, 20 july 1943, Ynge 1. -7 ei 40,