Partial article from The Reporter74jWpaRTER May 9, 1968 - Page 2 for bwks. Recently the Library So- ciety donated 35 new books to the 1.'Io- rida. collection, including volumes grl history, industries, government, and� crafts. Past presidents of the Library Society are Mrs. Ralph Huls, Dr. Don- ald Bicknell, Mrs, J. Edwin Obert, Mrs. Edward Sharp, and Mrs. John AtwaEer. The present officers. are Mrs. Jahn Turnbull, president, Mrs. John At water, vice - president, Mrs, Jame Barton, recording secretary, Mrs. Axe Kogstrom, Corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Harold Stetson, secretary. The board of directors is comprised of Mrs. Ole Nissen, Mrs. Ma'rvin Glickscein, Mrs. William Abbott, and Mrs. Paul Edmond. In 1964, the North Palm Beach Vil- lage government sanctioned the opera- tion of the library and provided space at the Old Country Club. The !Torch Palm Beach Library Society in May, 1965, turned the library over to the village which now administers it. The Village Council Library Board Is com- Posed of Mrs. Herbert Gildan, Martin Gold, Seymour Bellak, James Gill, and Howard Campbell. North, Palm Beach just received a $100,000 Federal grant (matching funds) for a new $2UO,OOO library building and construction will :.tart in about 90 days. Plans for the new library can be seen in the Village Hall and also at Elie present library located in the Old Country Club. The new library will need many new books, and the Library Society, through the sponsoring of the- horse show -at the Saddle and Gun Club, June 9th, will be able to purchase many choice volumes.