NPBPLibrary Horse Show ACC1968.381-Mr. _R*M-rR 5-4 - lq-4v Horse Sho,,-,- Akl 1x#161/23S1 351 Horse Show Wi Benefit North Palm Beach Library Handsome quarter horses, saddle- )reds, hunters, jumpers and walking )arses will perform in all their well- :rained sophistication at the North Palm Beach Library Horse Show June � at the Saddle and Gun Club, Hood Road in North Palm Beach- Proceeds derived f rom the show will be uEied to purchase books for the shelves of the soon-To-be constructed North Palm Beach Library, which will be located at [he North Palm Beach village hall. Judging the saddle horse class will be Robert Mannix, a na ionally recognized judging expert. Names of other judges are yet to be announced. North Palm Beach residents who will and Macky McCullough. Susan Hatch will be riding Morgans. Spectator response is expected to match in enthusiasm shown by the equestrians in the show and members of the North Palm Beach Library So- ciety who have worked tirelessly since 1963 to the goal of providing compre- hensive library service to the families of North Palm Beach. The story of the North Palm Beach Library began six years ago, in 1962, when the North Palm Reach BrAnch of the American Associationvf University Women undertook a study to determine how Much interest residents would have in an area library. An A.A.LT.W. library committee was formed and or- ganizations in the area were invited to send representatives to the Organiza- tional meeting. In 1963, the group of- ficially became the North Palm Beach Library Society, 17ic. The -Society's aims are the promotion and mainten- ance of the library. Its members have been active in providing staff assist- ance at the library and raisins funds participate in the show are Kathy Smith, Terry Smith. Karen 9chwenke and Ste- phen Bicknell in tine hunter and )u roper classes; Crissy and Jody Prince, Bar- bara 13ell, Macy Kay Adelsack, Gina McCullough, Mrs. Arthur Coxandh4rs. Parks Nicholls in the saddlebred class. In walking horse classes, competitors include Ike Turner, TvIrs. Morris Frost PRESENT AND FUTURE - Architect's rendering, above, of the soon-to-be constructed North Palm Beach Library, contrasts sharply with the present library facility, located in the North Palm Beach Country Club. right 0 7 May 9, 1565 - Page for books. Recently the Library So- ciety donated 35 new books to the Flo- rida collection, including; volumes an history, industries, govcrnmerEt, and crafts... Past presidents of the Library Society are Mrs. Ralph Huts, Dr. Don- ald Bickne11, Mr,s. J. Edwin Clbert, Mrs. Edward Sharp, and Mrs. John Atwater. 'rhe present officers are fobs, Jahn Turnbull, President, firs. John At- water, vice - president, Mrs. ,Tames Barton, recording secretary, Mrs. Axel Ko,gstrom, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Darold Stetson, :secretary. The board of cirectors is comprised Of firs, Ole Nissen, Mrs. tllf ruin iickstein, Mrs. William Abbott, and Mrs. Paul Edmond. In 1964, the North Palm beach Vil- lage government sanctioned the opera- tion of the library and provided space at the Gild Country Club. The North Palm Beach Library Society in May, 1963, turned the library over to the village which now administers it. The Village Council Library Board is com- posed of Mrs. Herbert Cildan, Marvin Cold, Seymour Bellak, James gill, and Howard Campbell. North Palm Reach just received a $100,000 Yederal grant (matching funds) for a new $200,000 library building and construction will start its about 90 days, Plans for the new library can be seen in the Village Hall and also at The present library located in the Old Country Club. The new library will need many new books, and the Library Sociea_y, through the sponsoring of the- hearse show at the Saddle and Gun Club, June 9th, will be able to purchase many choice volumes.