NPBPLibrary Dedication, Development 1969 ACC 227,232,233Genera! Contr W. G. Lassiter Griffin Flooring Co. 400o take Ave. West Palm Beach Jack's Concrete 226 NE 3rd Delray Beach EJ. Brodbeck &Sons, Inc. Roofers 4801 Georgia i Architect McKerchc & wallac 1003 Park Ave. Lak & Lakeview 81( North Palm Bey Sun Art Pain Corp. 110,5 btu Ave. So. take Worth 1 3i24 Broadway, RiviE genera! Contractor L assiter Co., Inc. 'Qt Georgia Avenue Architect M cKerch ar & Wallace X03 Park Ave. take Park & Lakeview Bldg. North Palm Beach sun Art Painting Corp. 24 Broadway, Riviera Bch. Sasser's Glass Works 504 Datura St. West Palm Beach Merle W. Merchant, Inc. Steel Erector 5409 Georgia Ave. W.P.B. Ferry A. Diamond Plastering and bathing �_Tlv Page 8 PALM BEACH OUTLOOK Nt 2-8,1969 North Palm Beach Libr Dedicat'i'on, Opening, The new North Palm Beach Village public library opens this Saturday with the V,I,P- treatment it so richly deserves. Beauty has been harmoniously wed with function in this 15,000 square foot building that has a potential 45,000 volume capacity, Books now on hand number about 11,000. The new library, designed with a 25.000 village population in mind, teems to have provided handsomely for the present as wvll as thie future_ An inclined sidewalk giving access to a _ground floor elevator allows the handicapped or invalid easy entrance to the library's second fluor, where the present opeTatjOn i5 cvTitered. A complete aiidio-visual section will be operable in the immediate future. providing tapes, disks and film strips. Equipment for the unit is now being standard- ized with other county library - system irnateriabi to allow the new library to participate in a Qou3ity rcx)-op system. This program i:.urisists of a central agency which will provide all Palm Beach County librarians with material requested but not on hand in their par- ticular facility. Financial and in which the nei Sight is a legal sel Ample space basernew. This munity group P3 for the benefit raring PT0jCCt5 groups as the N1 Stich items i xrym �Kj_m W."11 PUBLI r" LIBRAY CONGRATULATIONS cacti LIUFU[-y �.vmpierea; Bening, Set For Saturday sidicapped or invalid easy second floor, whe m the d. ti sn , °ill be operable in tapes, disks and fArn is now being smndard- syystem material to . ]rate in a. county co -oft of a central apney Beach County librarians. -Moll on hand in their pair- ocular facility. Financial and refe:rcnce sections are two categories in which the new library excels, and the next goal in sight is a legal section to match in excellence - Ample space for expansion is seen in the library's basement- This space will be available to various com- munity groin, projects which are specifically deigned for the benefit of tile. library. Several of these ftmd- raising projects are now being finalized by such groups as the NPB Action Teens and Senior Citizens. - Such iterns as a complete 26- volume specially- of ATIONSI, Im B ea c b new Library. bound set of the Warren C:omnikWon report, the tire series of the 1967 Con g ssional Record 1969 edition is now corning off the press) and 14-volume-U. S- Code Annotated, are just a fei the many goad things in store. foT visitors to the library, In the planning sinve 1968, the Village Cot validated a revenue bend issue at that time fbr parading of library, recreational and Village Hall ti ties. The Council then applied for a Federal Grant matching funds. Estimated cost was set at $200, i -or the library with I DO-0001 in rnatch.in;g funds - BV the time the contract was let, however, the of the new facility had increased about 22Xr, and Council found it necessary to use other rave bonds to finance the increase. Library hours have been sct tfrom I 1 to ti, Mots through Thursday, 10 to 5 Friday and Saturday, closed on Sunday. These hours are tlexibh% howe through nild -term and f mil exam time to fit the r of students using the facility, The SatLlTda!r° dedication program will begin al am, with Congressman Paul Rogers introducing dedicatory speaker, James L. Harrison, the vN el the U. S. Government Printing Orf ce, Ernest Chappell, it villago resident and radio nee.r, serving as master of ceremonies, the Paln7 13 [ =1trdens l igh School bane], plus various other di taries, should ma.l£c for a real sendoff for this bea ful, functional, and much - needed library facility. TT) rx LIBFMRY - DEVELOPTIENT _PCO111—T'ryFl,�_ Bentember 27,1,96'9 Fror,a Ladies' Locker Room ti By SHEILA TRYK Post Staff Writer In Nnyember 1%'2, it was unly the glimmer of an idea in the minds (if some north county women. --North Palm Beach ought to have a library." said the members of the North County Branch of the Ameri- can Association of University Women (AAUW i,. And the appointed a committee. Sometimes, committees DO get something done. The resui ts will be obvious next Satkirdav at 10 a. m. when the new North Palm Beach Ljbrar�y, situated behind the Village Hall on Route 1, opens its doom. Remember Ernest Chappell. one of the golden voices of radios He's going to be. master of ceremonies at the dedication, which will feature Rep. Paul Rogers. and James L.Harrison, Public Printer of the United States, as guestspeaker_ But while the flags of the Marine Color Guard wave and the trumpets of the Palm Beach Gardens High School band blare- some AAUW members will remem- ber how it was when the library firm opened its doors in what had been the women's locker room of the old country club in North Palm Reach. ­(jur workroom was a borrowed room in the fire- house-'' sags Mrs. John Turnbull, current president of the Library Society. ­We were the original glue-sniff- ers. We had books hanging up on clotheslines all over the rkx)m, and it got pretty strong in there.' By the end (if 1%3, the little library head 2,8DO books. and the AAUW committee had expanded and changed into ­The Library Society of North Pzjlm Beach,— under its first presideill, MrM. Ralph Hull_ The library was staffed by 1%wietv volunteers until, in 1969 the ViIIWC COUricil voted W hire a librarian.- InAugust],964. the growing library moved into what oom to Library glimmer of an a library." said :h of the Ameri- iAUW). And the icT thing done. rdav at 10 a.m. )rary, situated its doors. of the golden chf ceremonies 3, Paul. Rogers. of the United olur (;"rd wave Ph Gardens High rs will remem- ned its doors in room of the old room in the fire - ent president of iginal glue- sniff- th hhnes all over rye.' ' had 2,8W books: lbded and changed th Palm Beach." ails h- volunteers, until, �e a librarian _ Y moved into What had been dining roahn of the old country club. The circulation desk was the farmer bar. The librarian's office was a niche in a hallway. After a couple years in this location, it became apparent that the library needed a home of its own. The Library Society went Niter it. Reezidents voted a '$100. - 000 bond issue and acquired rautching federal funds The Village Council voted another �f,,s.iWj in local funds fur air conditioning and furniture. Funds for more hoofs were collected, including a $155 common tv donation from the F'ir!0 American Bank of North Palm Beach ! a�hic h, appropriately. will purchase books for the financial section, i Ground was broken [oi- the new library on Oct. 24, l M. The suhinv upper flour of the building will hnhhse the entire library for now, The lover floor has been left unfinished for expansion, :It's. designed to meet the town's needs for the next 25 year,." says Laarry Robbins. Vilta;ge manager. There's a large children -s wection, complete with new child-sized chairs and tables. There', the ­Florida collection" of books about the state, a garden crab collection. a genealogy collection and a financial see - tion. end now there a,re 11.010 volumes, The plant includes gold rar-wting. new furniture and shelves, air - conditioning. uffice space_ a work room. an automatic book charger, a room for record's and tapes. For those who cant climb stairs. tbere.s an entry ramp and an elevalor to accommodate wheelchairs. Ahhd those tinted giass windows give a pains - fringed view MRS. JOHN S. ATV4'ATER WITH TOM SWIFT'S APB Plans Saturday Event ibrary Dedication Set 73v WILLIAM LEITZ Times :Staff Writer NORTH PAL_FA BENCH The North Palm Beach Li- brary, designed for 25 years of growth, will be dedicated at 14 a.m. Saturday°. The library was built with the help of federal funds. Orig- inally planned to cost $200,1XIO, the final cost came closer to #225-OQO, Of this, S106,000 is from federai funds with the re- mainder supplied by the vil- lage. Tile building, which could be called - modified Aztec. in die - sign, is situated behind the vil- lage hall,. off U.& 1- The upper floor, which will be used ini- tially, contains 8,100 square feert of space and includes a main reading roam carpeted in gold: office and librarian space with automatic record- ing machines: a workshop with a frilly equipped kitc=hen; a children's reading area. a "Florida book" collection: a genealogy section. a record room: and, a financial news and inforrna ion suction. The financial department, unusual in a library, is a re- flection of the fact that the community is composed large- ly of professional and college people who have substantial interest in today's ec=onomic markets. A grant from the SPEAKER — James L. Harri- son of Washl000n, appu aced U.S. public printer by Presi- dent Kennedy in 1961,' will speak Saturday morning at the North Palm Beach Library ded;cation ceremonies, First American Bank of forth Palm Beach, stimulated the acquisition of many of the fi- nancial -news publications. The building has an addition- al 1 -900 square feet of space can the first floor. Since the upper flour is sufficient for the 12,000 or so volumes that the library presently has, no definite piam have been made for fu- ture use of this first floor. it was indicated. however, that perhaps an entire children's li- brary complex would be planned in this area in the fu- ture. The library budget for next year is pegged at $211,147. $13,147 of this is for salaries, 971R for contractual services such as heat- rnaintetiance and other items, and SM for com- modities. 55,W is allocated for books and other library mWisitiow. Sincethe librarynowhelon to the county li=brary sy=stem, ail additional $2,000 is available frown the counter for books. Mrs- Jan Dannelley - the li- brarian indicated that with the new facility they are going to greatly expand their services. Future plans include the ex- pansion of the reference sec - tion to attract students and other scholars. The financial section will be enlarged for cf+mmiunity service. Within the ,corning year, the audio roam will be equipped with suitable phonograph and tape machines and records and tapes will be acquired. The library plans to sub- scribe to the McNaughton book plan, whereby 150 new boo" are leased to the library each year. These will be available to the public on a rental -Fee basis. Each month 15 looks r46°1jl3zb will be replaced bV newer books, just as in a circulating library system. 1'he library will also have access to about twenty 16mrn films each month through two county library- These fi rm, an all subjects will be availablr to any=one who has equipmeffl to shops them. At present the library does not have a projec- tor, Mayor Thomas F. Lewis said that the %dilage probably would reach its full potential population of about 25.000 within the next eight years, and expects library growth to kee=p pace. The library, when full. is expected to hold nearly 50.000 volumes. Volunteers are still packirsg and transporting books and stocking the shelves of the ne* - buliding in preparation for t dledkatiam on Satin day, The dedication will feature Eruest CbapNIJ. the "Golden Voice- of radio fame, as mas- ter of ceremonies, U.S- Rep, Paul Rogers of West Palm H�each and James L. Harrison, Public Printer of the ITr?40 Stag as speakers. iwlilitary escorts will be pro- vided by the 3220 Army Re- i serve Garrison. The Colo! + guard will be supplied by the t Inspector- Instructor staff of F the U. 5, Marine Corps re- f Serves. Music will tie provided by; the Palm Beach Gardens i high school "Fightin' G.atom" l band. s. .1&�-';1! PURI In L- 11, iyEW NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY TO BE DEi9l+, ATED SATURDAY — The new North Balm Beach Village PLJl)lic Library will be dedicated at 10 A -M- SOWFday- As finishing touches were made to the IibrarY Chief Librarian MFs. Jane DaTImiley gia@4 woks to mayor Tom Lewis, center, and Village MEnag€r Lawrence Robbin:y,. The library will open im- mediately at ter 'tha dedication services.- (MOTFOP (3 rftn Photo) Ad6*, IZY23Z VIP Dedication Planned Saturday For New North Palm Public Library A VIP dedication program will oper, e new North Palm Beach village Iblic. library on Oct. 4. Congressman Paul Rogers will in- .'oduce the dedicatory speaker, James ,. Harrison, the chief of the U.S. Govern- IeM Printing Office at the 10 a.m. Irogram. Immediately after the ribbo,-t cutting in front of the building the library will be open for the first time, announced Mayor Tom Lewis. The library is located across the street frorn Village Hall and a block from U.S. I near Anchorage Drive. The dedication program, said Lewis, will be the biggest event of the year for the village. Ground breaking ceremonies last October highlighted the village's 10Eb anniversary year. Ernest Chappell, a village resident and radio pioneer, will be master of ceremonies. The Palm Beach Gardens High School band will open the program. The Rev. Nlilton DuPriest, pastor of the Lighthouse Baptist Church, will give the invocation. Before Rep. Rogers introduces the Open until 3 p.m. The library's regular speaker there will be remarks by Mayor hours are noon through 9 P.m, Monday Lewis. The Rev. James Anderson, pastor through Thursday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. of the First Presbyterian Church in Friday and Saturday with the library North Palm Beach, will give the bene- closed on Sunday. diction. The military will be represented with There will be a walk-through roux of the U.S. Marine Corps providing the library facilities until 11 ;34. The library color guard and the 3220th U.S. Army will close until 1.30 p.m. and remain Garrison an escor for Rep. Rogers and more NORTH PALM BEACH about LIBRARY PROGRAM the speaker. Mayor Lewis said chat Haarlison, who was appointed the 14th public printer of the United States in 1461 by President Kennedy, is giving the library the com- plete 26- volume Warren Commission report, the entire series of the 1967 Congressional Record and will furnish the 1968 record. He will also furnishthe 14-volume U.S. Code Annotated. The new library is a $200,000 struc- ture and was designed by McKerehar and Wallace architects. Contractor was W.C. Lassiter. It was built with $100, 000 federal funds and $100,000 snatching funds provided by financing from the proceeds of a bond issue which was purchased through the First American Bank of North Palm Beach. In describing the building Mayor Lewis said that the building was built with expansion in mind. The library at first will utilize the second floor leaving: the first floor vacant. Invalids will have easy access to the second floor by a ramp from the street to the first floor and an elevator to the secondfloor.. "This way," he said, "use can expand vertically and not interrupt library ser- vice when we decide to increase our operations. p } The library's capacity for the second floor is approximately 5,000 books . and currently Librarian Mrs. Jane Dannelley said the old library has 11, 000 volumes. The library's a cooperating member of the Palm Beach County Library Sys- tem. The library will have an outstanding financial section, the chief librarian said, 'fie will have periodicals and financial books including Moody's Investors Service," "We have received more requests for financial information than for any other subject," said Mrs. Dannelley explaining why the heavy emphasis on finance and business. There will be other sections onflower gardening, a genealogy collection and art as well as reference sections. The library mx irks the fulfillment of dedicated planning starting in 1962 with Forth Palm Beach Chapter of the American Association of University Women's library committee. The AAL W members launched a drive to raise money for reference books and eoliected ,other books throughout the village. In July 1963 the library opened in what W now the women's locker room of the North Palm Beach Country Club. By the end of the year there were 332 family membership cards, and the library had 2,800 books. A library society of North Palm Beach was, foamed and for the first six months of operation the library was staffed by society members. Society presidents have been Mrs. Ralph Huls, Dr. Donald Bicknell, Mrs. J. Edwin Obert, Mrs. Edward Sharp, Mrs. Stafford Atwater and currently Mrs. John Turnbull. In 1964 the library moved to the old dining room of the club with the check out counter being remodeled from the dining room's bar. With the library growing at a rapid rate the Village appointed a Liiorary Board in 1965 with Herbert L. Gildan as chairman. The decision to build was trade in 19,58. Mrs. Cildan is now chairman of the board. Today the library is staffed withChief Librarian Mrs. Danneley, assistant librarians Mrs. Nancy Moore, Miss Judy Martin and Miss Barbara Fox. Me nab ers of the society continae to serve as volunteers. F,Mn NQ,M r pUBLIC LIBRARY CONGRATULATIONS! Village of North Palm Beach on the opening of your new Library. We are proud to be a part of your success! i PALM 'EACH OAK ;r v 19 69 ti Aec,",9i69 Z Pap 8 PALM BEACH OUTI-00K Oct. 2-3, 1 W9 North Palm Beac L ibrary Completed; dedication, Opening, et For Saturday The new North Palm Beach Village public library opens this Saturday with the V_I_P_ treatment it so richly deserves._ Beauty has been harmoniously wed with function in this 15,000 square foot building that has a potential 45,000 volume capacity. Books now oTi hand number about 11,000- The new library, designed with a 25,000 village population in mind. seems to have provided handsomely for tbu present as well as the future. An inclined sidewalk givinL access to a ground floor elevator allows the handicapped or invrand eas)-, where tj entrance to the, libTUTY'S second floor, tile e pre-sent operation is centered. A complete audio-visual section will be operable in the immediate future, providing tapes, disks and filni strips. Fquipm.ent for the unit is now being standard- ized with other county library system materials to allow the new library to participate in a county co-op ,system. This program consists of a central agency which will provide all Pahn Beach County librarians with material requested but not on hand in their par- ticular facility, m Finan.clal and reference sections are two) categories m which the new library excets, and the next 9cml in Sight is a legal section to match in excellence, Ample space for expansion is seen in the library's basement. This space will be available to various com- munity group projects which are specifically designed far the benefit of the library. Several of these I'Und- raising Projects are now Mrig iiTialized by such groups. as the LNPT3 Action Teens and Senior Citizens. Such items as a complete 26-volume specially- hound set of the W.4]-jen Commission report, the. en- tire Series of the 1967 Congressional Record (the 1968 edition is now rooming off the Press) and the 14-volume U. 9� Code Annotated, are just a few of the many good things in store for visiton- 10 the new library_ In the planning since, 1968. the Village Council validated a revenue bond issue at that time for ex- pa n d in g o f li b P4 ry, To urQation a] and Village. J [all facili- ties. The Council then applied for a Federal Grant for matching funds. Estimated coq was wt at S200,0,()o for the library with $100,000 in matching funds. By the time thQ contract ct was let, however. the cost of the new facility had increased about 22%, and the Council found it necessary to use otllc bonds to finance the increalkE ir revenue Library hours have been set from I I to 9, Monday through P-lursday, TO to 5 Friday and Saturday, and closed on Sun day. These hours are flexible. however, thmugh mid -term and final exam time to fit the need Ofstlldcnts using the facility. The Saturday dedication program wilJ begin at 10 an). with Congressman Paul Rogers introducing the dedicatory sPedk-er, James I_ Hairrison, the chief of the U. S_ Government Printing L Office. Ernest Chappell, a village resident and radio pio- neer, serving, as MaSter Of CeTUMOnics, the Palm Ruach Gardcns High School band. Plus various other digni- taries, should make for a real scridofr for this beauti- ful, functional, and much-needed library facility. A ) 9 32. North Palm Death Library Dedicated Sunday the North. Palm Beach Library was offi- cially turned over to the Village of :North Palm Beach. The Program drew a small but distinguished groelr. The dedicationbe- gan with Mrs. J. E. C}bert Norih Palm Beach Lib - rary Society President, giving thanks to the many cOnimittees t'kat have hel- ped through the years, then Miss Pauline Ran- cher, librarian, read a poem about the library. Mrs. 11. Gildan gave a brief history and Mrs. H. Campbell presented the library with a flower and plant encyclopedia from the North Palau Beach Garden Club, mrs. W. Abbott then read time dedication to our Mayor Tom Lewis, The mayor gave a heartfelt thaw to the Society =. Mrs. Tom Levis served and the guests viewed the library. z �3 Left to right, Mayor and Mrs. J. E. Obert Palm Beach Library. VILLAGE OF NORTH PAIN! BEACH HISTORIAN f Tom Lowis, \,Irs. �� °. Abbott at the dedication of the Nox`th PARTICIPANTS in the dedication of North Palm Beach Library are pictured, left to right; Mrs. J. Turnbull, Mrs. J. E. Obert, president and Mrs, l-i. Gildan. The North Palm Beach Library will be dedicated on May 23, 2 p.m.. can the patio w rich adjoins Elie library at the old Country Club. The program will begin with Mrs.. H. Gildan read- ing a brief history of the library. Mrs. J. Turnbull will dedicate the library to Thomas Lewis, North Palm Beach Mayor accepting. Refreshments will then be served. We would like to Invite the public co help us cel- ebrate our 3rd birthday and dedication and to view this fine library which now has 1,1.84 card hold- era and in addition to a fine selection of looks, our library also has a record library. New . officers for the North Palm Beac�L Vil- lage Libraay Society were elected on May 13. Pre - sidenC firs. J. F.. ()bert, Vice President Mrs, Ed- ward Sharpe, Treasurer Mrs. H. Gildon, Record- ing Secretary firs. W. Abbott, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. J. Turn- - bull, and Directors Alex Kagstrom and Paul Ernond. NORTH PALM BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY the v i M Gage of �Eli rc florida S .t" , 0,1-L- 4, 196 9 VILLAGE OFFICIALS Mayor: THOMAS F. LEWIS Vice-Mayor: THOMAS R. BELL Counci Imen -, ALLAN V. EVERARD H. MALLORY PRIVETT, JR. HERBERT A. WATT Village Man ager: LAWRENCE J. ROBBINS NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY BOARD MRS. HERBERT L. GILDAN, Chairman MR. SEYMOUR BELLAK Mk OLE NISSEN MR. JAMES GILL MR, HOWARD CAMPBELL 9 Librarian: MRS. JANE DANNELLEY Architect: General Contractor, MR, D. STEWART McKERCHAR W. G. LASSITER CO. ► Music by Palm Beach Gardens High School .......... "Fightin' Gator Band" M i I i tairy E scort — A rely G aft i son 3220 Invocatioa — Rev. Milton Du Priest .................. Lighthouse Baptist Church Presentation of Colors .................................... Uriited States Marine Color Guard National Anthem Palm Beach Gardens High School Band Introduction of Attending Dignitaries ................. Master of Ceremonies — Ernest Chappell Remarks by Mayor Thows F. Lewis ................. Rernarks. ty Congressman Paul G. Rogers and ..... Introduction of Keynote Speaker — Hon. James L. Harrison, Pubkc: Printer of th Dedication Address — Ron. James L. HafrisoR..... Closing Remarks — Master of Ceremonies, Ernest C Benediction — Rev. James Anderson .................. First Presbyterian, Church "AmeTica The BeaUtifU[IT Palm Beach GafOns High School 133nd Ribbon Cutting ........................ ....... — ... _ ...... Mrs. Thelma Obert, Mrs. Ralph M. Huls, . Mrs. Edward M. Sharp, Mrs. John S. Atwater, Mrs. Library Visitation ........... ............................... GE OFFICIALS P-1 ram KAS F. LEWIS Music by Palm Beach Gardens High School ....................... — 9,45 AX to 10:00 A.M. wiDra "Fightin' Gator Band" kAS R. BELL Military Escort — Army Garrisort 3220 6w: Invocation — Rev. Milton Du Priest .................................................... 10-00 AX AN V. EVERARD Lighthouse Baptist Church —LORY PRI VETT, J R, Presentation of Colors .......... ....... ....................................... ...... 10:05 Am. A. WATT United States Marine Color Guard Natkinal Anthem 7z-k 'C- J. ROBBINS Palm Beach Gardens High School Band IfItTOdUCtiOn of Attending Dignitaries .......... .......... ---- ............... ... 10,10 AX Master of Ceremonies — Ernest Chappell Remarks by Mayor Thomas F. Lewis ... ................................ .............. 10:20 A.M. Remarks by Congressman Paul G. Rogers and ........ ............................... 10-25 A.M, Introduction of Keynote Speaker — REACH LIBRARY BOARD Ron. James L. Harrison, Public Printer of the United States Dedication Address — Hon. James L. Harrison ... — .......... — ...................... 10,30 A.M. ERBERT L. GILDAN, Closing Remarks — Master of Ceremonies, Ernest Chappell ........................10:45 AX Chairmcn Beiedicflon — Rev. James Anderson .................................................... 10,48 A.M. First Presbyterian Church YmCUR BELLAK "Arrierica The Beautiful" .E NISSEN Palm Beach Gardens High School Band MES GILL Ribbon Cutting ......... .................. ....... ............. A.M. IWARID CAMPBELL Mrs. Thelma ObeTt, Mm 1Ralp4 M. Huls, Jr., Dr. Donald R. Bicknell, Mrs. Edward Ml. Sharp, Mrs. John S. AtwatRr, Mrs., John W. Turnbull, Mrs. H.L. Gildan • Library Visitation ..... .................................................... -- ...... Until 11:10 A.M. Librarian: JANE DANNELLEY General Contmclor. 'HAR W. G. LASSITER CO. R 46�zsz / --A40,ttfi �I�z Y29.4, 9- CoTdLdry EaUiLA i L)U to auend t& Alzw -,IYort6 JD4fm -fitn-,y tat t.En OZO64 a.m. on frM rrty erxl of .s.tutd-Y, 0,1�05,n �-A��tzzn Auadwd aad aixty-nlac At the dedit�ation or r7><r new municipal lihr.-9ry on ") ;J lyday. Ortr.`ber 4, we world likc, to have tht-, past pret;idcnts of -Ihe I'.i.hrary Society zinc[ the chairman of the Library Board, col l c- etively , take part in the ribbon out Ling ceremony. We are enclosing i oepy of the d<,dic aticn pT^ogrum so tlr;i r y(ju will be .aivw-jrc oF when this particular ocremrny will take I;l; -Jv s. Sincerely, Tom Lewis M.-i yor Eric. Z.I a; VI�L.AGE OF THOMAS F. LE M5 t y�^ TrnM,AS R bfit �'Ii1AGf HALL +p NORTH P.ALm BEACH, FLORIDA 33-403 4 $A93d74 + 'd EVE,RARD _ Py PRIVETT, JR. WATT L: ,_ POEFIMS ept °r°rrbrg..25, 1.959 rrALrga `1'(11: Mrs,. RrIP11 M. HLrls, Jr. Dr~. Donald R. Bickne_ Mrs. J. F.dw in i,I�ir'rt Mrs . Edward M. Sll r-I ) MrL ,. ilc.hn S_ 1ltagator, MT'F. . ,Jokin W. Turnbull Mrs.. Fl. L. G ,IA,- rti At the dedit�ation or r7><r new municipal lihr.-9ry on ") ;J lyday. Ortr.`ber 4, we world likc, to have tht-, past pret;idcnts of -Ihe I'.i.hrary Society zinc[ the chairman of the Library Board, col l c- etively , take part in the ribbon out Ling ceremony. We are enclosing i oepy of the d<,dic aticn pT^ogrum so tlr;i r y(ju will be .aivw-jrc oF when this particular ocremrny will take I;l; -Jv s. Sincerely, Tom Lewis M.-i yor Eric. Z.I a;