NPBPLibrary 1970 puppet show ACC 1970.2472Al 13� q Tiwir-s
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Puppet Show Set
A children's Puppet Show
will be. presented at the North
Palm Beach public library at
10 7 30 a rn - Saturday,
Mrs. Jackie Zaborski, librar-
ian, ;;aid the show is tieing l iv-
en to recognize National Chil-
dren's Book Week this week.
The show will be presented
by five youngsters, aged 7 to 9,
who are taking puppetry and
drama class with L
Palm Beach Recre,
Mrs- Zabomski said
SLYYIM� R 1971
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children made all the puppets
to be used in the show, which
is entitled- "The Cat That
Walked by Himself." The
show is open to the public and
will be precedeA by a repiar
5atur4y story hour at 10 a - rn -