Ladies' Locker Room t4
Post Staff Writer
In November 1962, it was only the dimmer of an
idea in the mind,-, of some north county women_ -
--North Palm Beach ought to have a fibrary," said
the members of the North County Branch of the Ameri-
can As5oei a t ion of I - n i vemi ty Women (A AU W i. And the
appointed a committee,
Sometimes committees DO get something done.
'The results will be obvious next Saturday at 10 a, m.
when the new North Palm Beach Library. situated
behind the Village Hall on Route 1, opens its doors.
Remember Ernest Chappell- one of the golden
vojce� of radio'-' He's going to be master of ceremonies
at the dedication- which will feature Rep. Paul Rogers.
and ,bones L.Harrison. Public Printer of the United
States, as guest speaker.
But while the flags of the Marine Color Guard wave
and the trumpets of the Palm Beach Gar-dens High
School band blare, some AAUW Tnember-s will remem-
ber how it was when the library first opened its doom in
what had been the women's locker ro-om of the old
count ry club in North Pal m.,Beach -
"Uur workroom was a borrowed n)om in the fire-
house.'' says Mrs John Turnbull. curreril president of
the Library Society. ''We were the original glue- sniff-
ers. We had books hanging up on clotfiesfine, all over
the roo m - and it got pretty strong in the re . "
By the end of 19tH- the little library had 2,8M W)ks,
and the AAUW committee had expanded and changed
into ''The Librao: Society of North Palm Beach."
under its first president. Mrs. Ralph fluls.
The library. was st=affed by Societv volunteers until.
in 1964. the Village Council votf'�d to hire a librarian.
InAugustl%4. the growing library moved into what
glimmer of an
a library," said
ich of the Ameri-
AAUW). And the
rday at 10 a. m.
brarv- situated
its doors.
of the golden
- of ceremonies
p. Paul Rogers.
of the United
)r Guard wave
Gardens Ifigh
s Will rernern-
ied its doors in
)m of the old
room in the fire-
Tent president of
riginal glue-sniff-
theslines all over
irti had 2,800 books_
tied and changed
Patin l3each,''
volunteers untii,
a librarian.
moved into what
to Library
had been dining room of the old country club
The circulation de-,,k was the former bar.
The librarian's office was a niche in a hallway.
After a couple years in this location. it becarne
apparent that the library needed a home of its own. The
Library Society went after it- Residents voted a KOO,-
ON bond issue and acquired matclung federal funds.
The Village Council voted another $65,000 in local funds
for air conditioning and furniture.
Funds for more books were, collected, including a
$100 community donation from the First American
Bank of 'North Palm Beach , which- appropriately. will
purchase books for the financial section.)
Ground was broken for the new library on Oct. 24,
11W -
The �odinv Lipper f1wr of the building will house the
entire. libraF-,- for now, The lower floor ha.,,, been left
unfinished for expansion.
designed to meet the town's needs for the next
25 vears.." sav5 Larry Robbins. Village manager.
There's a large children's section. complete with
new child- sized chairs, and tablens. There's the '-Florida
collection" of books about the state, a garden clubs
collection, a genealogy collection and a financial sec-
And nDw there are 11,000 volumes.
The plant includes gold carryweang, new furniture
and shelves, air toning. office qwe, a work
room, an automue book charger a roorn for reeords
and tapes.
For Lbase wto em-t chmla stirs, there-s art entn'
ramp and an elevator Lo aceonuw&te wbeek!hiairs..
An d those bated gL2ss windws give a palm-fring ed