Weekday articule 1996 ACC2019 (2)I -Z4-ru L i braries Is there anything you can't find in a library Not awarding to local librarians, You want to start a business? Find a lcetrg lost friend? Need to use a computer? Tam a trip and want some books on tape Need a quick answer and can't leave your desk? The answers are as close as your nearest library. Next 'week we'll bn:& a series of columns by Martin J. Kirschner oa Libraries In the northern Palm Beaches, We hope they will introduce you to your local library and the world of resources it has to offer. By Debbra Doess It all seeatLS so simple. You browse the hooks lining rows of shelves, pick a few that suit yovr fancy, check them out and you'nG on your merry way, A visit with the librarians at the North Palm Beach Lil =y shows drat it sl so simple because the librarians and systems that rnakc it work strive for that. Noah Palm Breach Library boasts five librarians with it combined total of SQ ycm-s of experience. Half of those years are attributed to the Library Director, Nwicy Moore, who ;celebrates an anniversary of 29 years with the bbrary on December 1. Nancy has a€sernbled a dives.. anal proud group of women that serve as "departnnnrtal" librarians, Karen 'White., the R.efcrenee Librarian, sa3''s, y job is like playing leopaady every day," when speaking about the varied questions the depa=ent fields ffcm patrons aM radars. "We average about 35 telephone. inquixnes a day, that`s sLw days a week Betsy Taylor, the Circulation Supervisor, is the one who keeps those books moving. She operates with throe past time tstaff -afrd five volunteers and they move plenty of bOOILS. "Many ,People arc taking out as many as ten books a week," Taylor says. "Fqualiyr popular, she continues, 'is our audia- book collection. It is one of the largest in the oDu ty with everyd ing, fmin best wilem, biogrshies, travel, self -help and instrwtional." That Children's Librarian, Sheila Wilkie. is a trplant from the County library system. She ap7eeiates the, North Palm Beach Library because of the "mare specialiZbd attention the structure here allows us to give to patrons," Wilkie says. Operating with two hull time staff and two voluntaexs, the Children's Library has varied story houis, .a surnrner reading program, PLEASE TURN TO PAGE $ North'Pa1M Be ch Library 't74'intrr Hann A,d it Llbr -l' mgn&y - 3l=sll to a..m. to 9 P- Fridty dr. Sal=r ay to a-M, ter 5 pan: Children's Libsar'y: mff, ay A went m&y I o at nt- W 7 psn. )W,&tr-sday & They Igmw7p -m. Friday 1 pen- to S part. s arltrday 10 am, to 2 P-M /kc - -�, ) 9 C? 6/ZC)9 Librarians can put the world at your feet CWMWED FROM PAGE 1 - - Weial programs throughout tilt year and a pjanday BooL Club. The Birthday Book Club is an opportcsnity for pereuts. grandparents or whoever, to don= a bx+k in honor of someone's birthday. A special book plate i�onars the Birthday girl or boy and n atcs the donor's rrxme, wilbe says. "It's It great way to add to our collection, and for parents and gfandp'arent$ to encourage their children's interest and love for books and reading." And. lbstly, the Technical Services Librarian, 'Vickie 70slin. 'Vickie, working full tint€ but wich the help of village education reimbursement program. just received her Masters degree in librarw scivoce. She's mow applying much of that experience into the automation of the library which is set for 1996. The village .c*uncil has Amoved$9 LOW tO that end, Technical Services a1w meearas taking care of the books, processing all materials, cataloguing anti, now, Qortrputefizatian. Of course, the Y %may ah-cedy ha& Selflift -the DEL -Ibre access service -- available and ort the Fourth Wednesday of Every month, provides a special training for beginning Sciflin users. Technical services seems to leave it's finger in evm-ything a< the L ilaary- - And,'. accordin=g to Nancy Moore, „that's how we operate - =as a team. Yon know" she adds, "it's fitting that our staff be wome19 since it Was a remarkable. ,group of wmnen that started this library over 30 years 8910 Lastly, Nancy wants to salute the Library's Friends of the Library group which is so important to the facility's growth and imprrwernel According to Moore, in March the group gave 56,000 to the Library. "it's 150 paid rrt=ben are a berm to asuf aperatiOrts," stys Moorm. Meet the women who have all the info--your NPB fibranfans THE NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY has a -Farm y " of librarians at their patrons, the town and each other. Stop in and say hello to tbese librarians. sex -•lee. These women {1-0 Vidde Joslin* Bets' Toylor, Karen White, Sheila They'll make you feel at home. Wilkie and Fancy Moore seated [in the front, care about the library, its* —_...