NPB Honors Thelma ObertWSr.KDAY
,Zg • '4-'
NPB honors
Thelma b rt
committee 33 years ago
by Bill Friis
SOrne 60 volunteers, supporters and staff"
anembers of the North Palm BeaCh Public
Library, as well as seytral Village €rffiei.als,
gUdIcrtd in the large downstairs m{"cting rmrn
xt he library- last Tuesday rnofning for
cercmunics hnnoring Thelma 4?bcrt, a.. lung -
timc village resident wilu first €nrrrt*j a
iarmmitt4:e to Mktdy the Tirol €or such S library
33 ycafS :dg[3, iirl+J fear whom [he mccling rrx7m
is namrd.
That gnIup, ual]cat Flee. Lihr3ry Study
CUmraaittCC, wnrKed fear two years to build
support fur the library among rr:sidcnts, ta,egt
bti:riness and social organi7.aU011s, awit
go'=rnent offi mals. After collecting almost
3,flfXJ books donated by fesid mm, the library
began operations with an ail- vniuntee[ staff on
July 14, 1963 in the former women's ioa;ker
morn of Fhc rand "Harry Kels Country Club
building, then located un 1I.�., Highway 1.
From thOsr humble- hcginnt gs the library
has grrawn to its present statue a ont of the
lrrcmiur puhliC library fWAitics in f'slrn flcatCil
A high pnint or the Ctremonies was the.
surprise presentaticn to MS. Obcrt of a
buslitlfully frami`d Photra portrait of humelf
taken marry years ago.
Also honored during the eLlemonir_. -:wem
the staff mensbcrs and rmt,.merous vo]unteers
who kecla the library furtctioniing.. Speakers at
the 4. ent inrludtd Library Director Nancy
Wora, Rcfcrencc Librarian Karen Whitc,
Village Mawr Gail Vasiola, Town Manager
Dennis Kelly, and Library Board Chairman
Joho Farlcv.
Thelma Ph <ert tact Thur%dati morning were Ccrtmonie-, in the
lihrary':s lame dttw'nRtair% meeting roaam attended by mrare than M.
residents, library volunteers and starf rnernhers, and tillage
ofrlelaie. Shown above following the presentation to Ebert of a
Ace " /c
framed photo portrait taken many years ago are (left its right):
Uhrurs' Hoard Chair-man .Icahn Farley; North Palm Mayaar Gail
Vastola; Village Manager Dennis Kelly; %
MEbert: and Library
Director ?wane} Maanre.