05-10-1973 VC REG-MVILLAGE 1 Present: Absent: I~~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, MAY 10, 19731 ~I H. Mallory',Privett, Jr., Mayor Walter N. Colbath, Jr., Councilman Robert W. Martin, Councilman Robert F. Slater, Councilman Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Lawrence J~ Robbins, Village Manager Dolores R. ,Walker, Village Clerk Ronald B. Cadby, Vice-Mayor Mayor Prieett called the Regular Meeting to 'order at 8:08 p.m. All members of the Council were present except Vice Mayor Cadby. Mayor Privett gave the invocation and Counc"'11man Colbath led the Council and the public in the Pledged of Allegiance to the Flag. On motion of Councilman Colbath, seconded byl~ Councilman-- Martin, all present voting aye, the minutes of Regular- Meeting held Thursday, April 26, 1973 were approved as __ written. ' On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by ',Councilman Colbath, all present voting aye, the minutes!, of Community Appearance Board meeting held April 1, 1973 ;'the minutes of Regular Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Advisory Board held April 11, 1973; the minutes of North Palm Beach Country Club Board of Governors meeting held April 25, 1973; and the minutes of Beautification ~ommittee meeting held April 25, 1973 were accepted. On motion of Councilman Colbath, seconded byCouncilman Martin, all present voting aye, Bill No. 179ilentitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, SETTING FORTH THE PLANNED USE bF FUNDS RECEIVED UNDER THE STATE AND LOCAL FISCiAL ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1972, INCLUDING AN ESTIMATE OF INCOME TO BE RECEIVED AND THE SPECIFIC AMOUNTS AND PURPOSES FOR WHICH THE VILLAGE INTENDS TO SPEND THE FUNDS WHICH IT EXPECTS TO RECEIVE was placed on first reading and read in full'. On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Colbath, all present voting aye, proposed Resolution No. 24-73 entitled: I A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF l~ORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, APPOINTING MEMBER TO THE VILLAGE RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 24-73. ~, ROLL CAhL INVOCATION & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES BILL 174_ PLACED ON 1ST READING RES. 24-73 ADOPTED Minutes of Regular Meeting Held Thursday, May 10, 1973 Page 2 On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded Colbath, all present voting aye, propose No. 25-73 entitled: I II byiCouncilman d Resolution A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ,NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING THE FLORIDA'~STATE LEGISLATURE AND THE MEMBERS OF THE STATE CABINET TO REMOVE THE CONCEPT OF THE DIVISION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA INTO TEN REGIONS FOR CERTAIN GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES, OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE TO LIMIT SUCH REGIONS TO PLANNING ONLY AND TO GROUP PALM BEACH COUNTY IN A REGION WITH THOSE COUNTIES TO WHICH IT~,IS MORE READILY CONNECTED, SUCH AS MARTIN COUNTY, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, ETC. was read in full and adopted as read as Resolution No. 25-73. On motion of Councilman Colbath, seconded by Councilman Martin, all present voting aye, that the Mayor and the Village Clerk be authorized to sign the Agreement between the Village and Palm Beach County with regard to the County Library System for the fiscal year 1973-74. On motion of Councilman Colbath, seconded by Councilman ' Martin, all present voting aye, that we award the bid to Rich Motors for a pickup truck in an amount not to exceed $3,110.15. On motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by~iCouncilman Colbath, all present voting aye, that the bid for re- pairs to Lakeside Drive be awarded to Larry 'Jarrell Construction in an amount not to exceed $1,122.00. There being no further business to come b Council, on motion of Councilman Colbath, by Councilman Slater, all present voting meeting was adjourned at 10:12 p.m. Minutes recorded by: 1 re the conded the ~~ ~~ Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk I RES. 25-73 ADOPTED MAYOR & CLERK AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AGREEMENT RE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM FOR FISCAL 1973-74 BID FOR PICK- UP T1tUCY._ AWARDED TO RICH MOTORS BID FOR REPAIRS TO LAKESIDE DR. AWARDED TO LARRY JARRELL CONSTRUCTION ADJOURNMENT