Pierettes Will Pirouette at Library Masquerade 1964HERE'S A SAMPLE of the goodies to come at the Masquerade and Frolic the night of ()cc. 17th at Capt. Alex's at which North Shore society will go all out for the North Palm Beach library fund. Rehearsing for that magic night are Mrs. Axel Kogstrom, co-chairman of the affair; Mrs. Raymond B(Yetel, Mrs. Jaftqpamacher ;And Mrs. Harald Khron. Tickets are $71.50 a couple. fT WILL BL A MAGI- CAL WORLD of Make Be- liew at the Second Annual Masquerade 1 relic, to be held the night of Saturday, Oct- 17th at Capt. Alex s Colonial Room by ladies of the North Palm Reach Library Society. . . . and &_more determined, enthu- siast,ic and personable gnvLV of females has never before been brought to- gether! Tb*t the ladies are det- ermined is demonstrated by the verve with which tb" have undertaken the gale of tickets at $7.50 per ccuple, with a picas- ant fee of $15 each for i- =, who would like to beCQrne patrons of an in- adualon which has soared from one, itty-bitty, single volume when it was started m an ever-growing catalog of some 4,000 titles, and growing every day. The goal sought through the masquerade if; some- thing over $1,300, -required for special lighting, shel- ving, etc., for the library ='s now quarters in the old building at tLc North Palm Beach Country Club. It's a "Carne-as-you- please" masquerade, with no set theme, a policy em- anating from last year's most successful party, which had an Oriental theme and which raised some $1.300. "We're leaving it to the imagination of our pal- ions," explains one of the sponsors. Judges of the costumes to be worn in the Grand\March will be Edward Jacomo, head of the art classes at the North Palm reach Country Club, North Palm Councilman Thomas Lew- is and Mickey Cox, a well- known girl singer. First k PTiZC for the winning, Cos- tume is a ►eek-end at the Carillon fjotel in Miami Beach for two, with every- thing, including meals, to be paid for as a part Of the prize. Co-chairmen of the af- fair are Mr. and Mrs. Alex Koggirom, pictured here- with, while Mrs. D. Dahl- berg and Mrs. J. McRob- erts are patron chairmen, and Mrs. J, Turnbull is ticket chairman, who can be reached for tickets at 842- 1340. The music commit- tee is made up (Yf Mrs. Kogstrom, Carl Cassell, president of the First Am- erican hank; H. Inserra, owner cyf the Butcher Boy .bleat Emporium, and R. wim5hip, of Winship's Drugs, The party will start at 9 p.m., and Will last at least until. I in the morning;. pp�— -- - - - - -- - tt�� 44 I A w