Parks & Rec pg 67 personnel changesContinue to maintain and upgrade all public park facilities and Commence work on removal of water treatment plant; and
equipment throughout the Village ensuring safety and focusing
Continue to maintain 100% occupancy in marina wet & dry
on resident enjoyment;
storage areas.
Enhance and maintain overall appearance of Village parks and
recreational facilities; The personnel / title changes for FY 2008/09 are as follows:
Continue to improve the quality of Heritage Day activities to
generate more resident participation; Deletion of one (1) Parks Summer Staff p/t (seasonal) position
(pay grade 10);
Offer more diverse travel opportunities to recreational and
educational destinations for residents of all ages; Title change of six (6) Pool Instructor p/t positions to Pool
Lifeguard (pay grade 10);
Upgrade Community Center complex including gymnasium
flooring, restrooms and stage; Deletion of one (1) Recreation Assistant p/t positions in Tennis
(pay grade 10);
Upgrade Osborne Park facility;
Addition of one (1) independent contractor for evening court
Continue to improve customer service at all locations and for all
maintenance in tennis facility;
Addition of one (1) Grounds Maintenance Worker p/t position
Initiate a memorial trail program throughout the Village parks;
(pay grade 15);
Offer an organized special event each month;
Deletion of five (5) Parks Maintenance Technician f/t positions
Initiate email blasts of upcoming programming, events, and
(pay grade 17);
registrations to participants;
Deletion of one (1) Crew Foreman f/t position (pay grade 20);
Initiate participant surveys;
Addition of one (1) Supervisor, Recreation p/t position (pay
Create a department-wide sponsorship packet to solicit funds for
grade 22) / Deletion of one (1) Supervisor, Recreation f/t
various events (sports, special events, programs);
position (pay grade 22); and
Develop department branding and uniform look on all collateral
Deletion of one (1) Supervisor, Parks Maintenance f/t position
(pay grade 25).
Reduce expenses, increase revenues, and increase service;
Initiate monthly water activities at the Village Pool throughout
Integrate Pool and Tennis programs with other events conducted
Revenues collected by all divisions of the Parks and Recreation
at the Country Club and/or by Parks and Recreation;
Department are as follows:
Improve marketing of tennis facility to residents and non-
residents (emphasis on the ?country club? not being a private
Program Activity Fees: All non-resident users of Village facilities and
programs are charged:
Complete tennis building and court refurbishment;
Classes and programs: A yearly fee of $15.00/Individual;
Offer a senior (55+) single and family discounted tennis
Youth Sports leagues: An extra fee is charged for non residents
Work closely with design/engineering firm to expedite
which varies per sport; and
Anchorage Park improvements project;
Facility usage: A higher rate is charged for non residents.
Continue beautification measures to Anchorage Park Marina;
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