09 2015 Newsletter
Village of North Palm BeachVillage of North Palm BeachVillage of North Palm Beach
“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”“The Best Place to Live Under the Sun”
Village Manager
Chapter 15 307.4. Care of Premises. -Landscaping.
The entire yard where exposed to public view must be landscaped. Play areas, flowerbeds, driveways, walks,
etc., not intended to have vegetative cover should be clearly defined and maintained free of uncultivated growth.
Landscaping shall be maintained so as to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance at least equal to the
original installation and shall be mowed or trimmed in a manner and at a frequency so as not to detract from the
appearance of the general area.
Dear Residents,
I am pleased to notify you that the Village has selected the architectural firm
of Peacock & Lewis to plan and design the new clubhouse and recreational
facilities at our Country Club. A feasibility and market study is the first step
in developing a business plan. Then, the location, size and amenities of the
clubhouse will be determined within the parameters of the projected
revenue derived from the business plan.
The Audit Committee will assist Administration and the Council in
formulating the level of funding based on the business plan and the choices
available to finance design and construction of the clubhouse. All final
decisions will be made by the Council after community input.
Our number one priority is to break ground on a new clubhouse on or
before September 30, 2016 with an anticipated construction completion
date that is 14-18 months after breaking ground. The planning and design
process will take about 6-8 months. Therefore, from start to finish, construction of the new clubhouse
will take approximately two years (give or take a couple of months).
The recreational facilities such as the pool, water park, all purpose exercise/meeting rooms, etc. will be
planned and designed after the clubhouse planning and design process is completed. Some portions
of the construction may be concurrent with the clubhouse construction and may be completed sooner
because the scope of work is less involved. Again, there will be community input built into the
planning and design process.
On another front, but just as critical to the future of our Village, is the creation of a Master Plan for
future development and re-development within the Village of North Palm Beach. The Village Council
has entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC)
to develop this Master Plan from September 2015 through July 2016. TCRPC is one of eleven
regional planning councils created by State Statute to assist municipal and county government entities
with major planning projects, such as ours.
The development process utilized by TCRPC provides many opportunities for resident, business
owner, Administration and Council input so that the final plan reflects community consensus along with
community support. Once the Master Plan is approved by the Village Council, it will be incorporated
into the Land Development section of our Village Code of Ordinances.
(Continued on next page)
(Continued from first page)
I would like to take a moment to reflect on how the above actions will affect the future of the Village. In
2016, we will be celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the incorporation of the Village of North Palm
Beach. We are atypical of many Florida municipalities because we have first, second and third
generation families as well as a strong sense of community which is unusual when considering the
transient nature of South Florida. This, combined with the following factors, have made our first 60
years successful:
over 30 miles of waterfront property,
close proximity to the intracoastal waterway and ocean,
safety and security provided by police and fire rescue services,
recreational programs and facilities offered to residents at reasonable prices,
the unmatched five days per week sanitation services,
public and private schools, and
a community Country Club with a Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course, an Olympic -size pool, clay
tennis courts, a driving range and clubhouse.
However, in order to ensure our Village’s success and sustainability in future decades, certain actions
have to be taken now. We need a Village Code that is relevant to today’s needs and standards and
that clearly defines what a resident or developer needs to do for new construction or renovation
projects. The code re-write process was started in September 2014 and is now addressing the
process and procedural code sections.
In July 2016, we will be reviewing the last section of the Code pertaining to Land Development. In
addressing this section, the Village must create a Master Plan envisioning how the village will evolve
over the next ten years. With appropriately planned growth (development and redevelopment), the
Village will ensure the highest and best use of commercial and residential property so that future
Village Ad Valorem millage rates will either remain at the same level or decrease.
At this juncture, please allow me to digress. I have a college -age son looking for a place to rent
(guess who pays the rent!). In looking for a reasonably priced place, I came upon a nice 2 bedroom, 2
bathroom condo in a gated community that was reasonably priced (I thought) at $27,000. Upon
further examination, all homeowners were required to be members of the Country Club which costs
$28,000 for an equity membership, plus $5,000 per year in dues. This did not include golf/tennis/pool
membership, HOA fees ($650.00 per month) or taxes.
My point is that residents of North Palm Beach have a Country Club, but don’t have to pay for an
equity membership or annual dues. This is a huge amenity that adds value to all property in North
Palm Beach. With this in mind, rebuilding our clubhouse and renovating our recreational facilities at
the Country Club will have a direct positive effect on residential property values.
In summary, to sustain the quality of life that all residents have become accustomed to in the Village, it
is critical that the above projects are completed in a timely and progressive manner. There is much
work to do over the next year to achieve success. I am excited about this once -in-a-lifetime
opportunity and look forward to working with you to make it happen!
Jim Kelly
Village Manager
Upcoming Events
The third annual Veterans Day
Ceremony will be held on Veterans
Day, Wednesday, November 11th, at
9 am in Veterans Memorial Park.
The Village is honored to have
decorated veteran Brian Mast as the
keynote speaker. Again this year,
Boy Scout Troop 155 , NPB Honor
Guard and students from the
Conservatory School of NPB will
Serving his country is what Mast
always wanted to do- it ran in his
blood. Brian Mast was raised in the
middle class home of James Mast and Timoxena Trujillo in Western Michigan. Brian's parents instilled in him
the necessary work ethic and deeply rooted American values that brought
him success during his career in the U.S. military.
Brian's father first served in the armed forces during the Korean War as a
soldier in the U.S. Army, as did his uncles, all who served their country in
different branches of the U.S. military.
After graduating from South Christian High School in 1999, Mast followed
in his father's footsteps and enlisted in the military, where for over 12
years, Brian Mast served our country as a soldier in the U.S. Army. Brian's
service also included the honor of serving under the elite Joint Special
Operations Command (JSOC) as a bomb disposal expert.
Working under JSOC meant that Brian fought at the tip of the spear for the
U.S. military in the ongoing war against radical Islamic terrorism. Being
a bomb technician in this high level of special operations came with the
responsibility of protecting his fellow soldiers from the wars most deadly
enemy, the improvised explosive device (IED). For Mast this meant putting
himself directly in the line of fire without the use of bomb suits or robots.
While on his last deployment in Afghanistan, Mast was tasked with protect-
ing his brothers from IED's on a nightly basis. While he was able to detect
and destroy most of these IED's, the very last IED Mast found resulted in him sustaining catastrophic injuries,
which included the loss of both his legs.
As a result of his service and sacrifice to our country, Mast was been awarded medals for Valor, Merit, and
Sacrifice, to include The Bronze Star Medal, The Army Commendation Medal for Valor, The Purple Heart
Medal, and The Defense Meritorious Service Medal.
While recovering from his injuries at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington D.C., Mast’s focus was
singular: get better and get back to serving America, which is exactly what he did. Each day for him consisted
of 8 hours of grueling physical therapy, after which he would also provide his requested expertise to the Nation-
al Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms (ATF), and the Depart-
ment of Homeland Security (DHS), all on top of his ongoing military duties.
Mast recently donned an army uniform again in a show of support for the nation of Israel and the freedom it rep-
resents in the Middle East and around the world, as he volunteered with the Israeli Defensive Forces (IDF).
“For me, showing support for what I believe in is not writing a post on Facebook. It is giving of my own sweat,
my own blood, and my own tears in the most right and worthy causes I can find.” -SSGT. Brian Mast (Ret)
Village Clerk
September 17, 2015 marks the 227th anniversary of the draft-
ing of the Constitution of the United States of America by the
Constitutional Convention. In remembrance of the signing of
the Constitution and in recognition of the Americans who strive
to uphold the duties and responsibilities of citizenship, Congress
designated September 17 as “Constitution Day and Citizenship
Day,” and September 17-23 as “Constitution Week.”
The Constitution is the supreme law and landmark legal docu-
ment of the United States of America. It establishes the three
branches of the federal government and specifies the powers
and duties of each branch. The United States Constitution is
the oldest written constitution still in use and was adopted on September 17, 1787 by the Constitutional Conven-
tion in Philadelphia. In 1791, a list of rights was added to the Constitution; the first ten amendments became
known as the Bill of Rights.
Mayor Robert Gebbia has proclaimed September 17 as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day and the week of
September 17-23 as Constitution Week in the Village of North Palm Beach.
The Constitution of the United States is available for viewing on the National Archives website, http://
www.archives.gov/ (link: http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution.html)
September 19, 2015 is International Coastal Cleanup Day. Volunteer to help clean the
shoreline of Anchorage Park and Lakeside Park, or consider picking up trash on your street
or the shoreline behind your condo. We’re lucky to live in a beautiful community with access
to the Lake Worth Lagoon, North Palm Beach Waterway, Earman River, and many interior
lagoons – help keep our waterways trash free. The Recreation Department will have a lim-
ited number of tee shirts available for volunteers who pre-register.
Contact NPB Recreation at 841-3386 or Anchorage Park Activities Bldg.
Stay in Touch: It’s easier than ever to keep up with Village news and events on the new website, www.village-
npb.org. Citizens can sign-up to receive emails or text messages when items are posted on the website. You
can subscribe, unsubscribe, and manage your subscriptions online. Choose the information you want to
receive: Parks & Recreation or Country Club calendar of events, Village Newsletter, Police Department News,
or Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes – sign-up and stay up-to-date on the activities that interest you. Click
on Stay Notified in the
blue box on the left side
of the home page.
Report a Concern: Res-
idents can now report
concerns and track the
status of existing requests
online. Using Request
Tracker, your concern will
be reported directly to the
appropriate department
for action. Click on
Report a Concern in the
blue box on the left side
of the home page.
Parks & Recreation
561-841-3380 Pg. 4—Parks & Recreation
Registration for Fall Activities
We are now registering for all Fall Activities and
Classes. Many classes begin the week of Sept. 8th. We
offer classes for adults and youth. See our schedule for
more details on classes such as: Fitness Over 50,
Karate, Jazzercise, Country Dance, Pattern Line
Dance, Paddleboarding, Special Needs Academic
Camp, Yoga, Chair Yoga, Tai Chi, Bellydance, and
more!!! For a complete schedule, visit www.village-
npb.org (departments-parks & rec-activity registration).
International Coastal Cleanup
The Village of North Palm Beach is participating in the
International Coastal Cleanup 2015, sponsored by Keep
Palm Beach County Beautiful, on Saturday, Sept. 19
from 8:00 am until noon. We will coordinate the clean-
ing of Anchorage and Lakeside Parks. We are encour-
aging residents to join the efforts to clean our public are-
as. You can organize a group to do your street, a park
or the waterfront areas by boat or by land! We are look-
ing for volunteers! Community service hours given to
school students! Call 841-3386 to sign up to help!
Soccer Shots
Soccer Shots is an introductory soccer program for
youth 2-7 yrs. that meets on Saturdays at Anchorage
Park starting Sept. 12! It offers have high energy, fun,
and age appropriate curriculum. Soccer Shots coaches
are energetic and enthusiastic, great teachers, and love
working with children. Children will not only gain soccer
skills, but also work on improving balance, coordination,
and agility. Soccer Shots also teaches children im-
portant concepts such as teamwork, sharing, and re-
spect. Join us for a FREE INTRODUCTORY CLASS on
Sat. Sept. 12 @ 9:00 am! Fee: $135/130(RDF)/10wk.
For more information contact Kennedy @ 305-467-6400
or kennedy@soccershots.org.
Soccer Shots 2-3 yr: Sat-9:00 am. This high-energy
program introduces children to fundamental soccer
principles, such as using your feet, dribbling, and the
basic rules of the game. Through fun games, songs, and
positive reinforcement, children will begin to experience
the joy of playing soccer and being active. Parent
involvement is encouraged.
Soccer Shots 4-7 yr: Sat-9:45am. Using creative and
imaginative games, weekly sessions focus on basic
soccer skills like dribbling, passing, and shooting. A
positive character trait is highlighted each session such
as respect, teamwork, and appreciation.
Partner Pattern Dance
Partner Pattern (circle) dances are sometimes called
Cowboy, Traveling Cha Cha, Schottische, 10 Step,
Cotton Eye Joe or Western Promenade Dances. This
new class will teach you the steps to all the favorite
pattern partner dances done in the clubs across Ameri-
ca! There will be lots of open dancing and one lesson/
night (and review for a while until everyone is comforta-
ble with it). You will need to know the basic steps, as
this is not a beginner class, but rather a chance for
those who know how to dance to actually get to dance
for 2 hours. Participants should have a basic
knowledge of step combinations like step-pivot, shuf-
fle, rock-step and coaster. Lots of fun and make sure
you bring your own refreshment! Stop by Anchorage
Park to watch! Class held on Monday evenings 7:00-
9:00 pm and fee is $7/person. Instructor is Rita
Paddle the Park
Enjoy a scenic guided standup paddle tour of the
beautiful inland waters of John D. Macarthur State
Park with High Point Paddle. Begin with an on-land
lesson, and then perfect your skills with a leisurely
paddle over to the mangrove estuaries inside of
Munyon Island. Beginners are welcome! September
19- 1pm. Is limited to 8/cls; $42/40(RDF)/person
$12/10(RDF)/person with your own board. Please note
that participants will also have to pay the park entry
fee: $4.00/individual $5.00 for 2-8 people. This class
will meet at the public kayak launch inside of the park.
Pre-registration at the Anchorage Park Activities Bldg
is required!
Kids Night Out
Kids Night Out is for kids 7-11 years of age and will be
held at the NPB Community Center on a monthly ba-
sis. You can have the evening out and we will enter-
tain the kids with indoor activity, games, pizza, and
fun!! The cost is $17/$15(RDF)/child. Kids Night Out
are from 6:00-10:00 pm and scheduled for Sept. 18,
Oct. 16, Nov. 13, and Dec. 11. Sign up for all 4! Kids
are guaranteed to have a great time!
5K Ghost Run
The Recreation Dept is registering runners/walkers for
the 5K Ghost Run to be held on Saturday, Oct. 17th.
The 5 kilometer (3.1 mile) certified course begins and
ends at Anchorage Park. Anyone between the ages
of 7 and 90 yrs is eligible for participation in this event.
In addition to the 5K, we will be holding a Spooky
Sprint for youths 3-6 yrs, and a 1K Goblin Run for
youth 7-10 years of age. You are invited to join in
even if you don’t run! The school with the most en-
trants will get an award too! Pre-registration fee is
$25/person at www.runsignup.com and $30 on race
day. Pre-registration for the 1K is $10 and $15 on
race day. You are guaranteed a race t-shirt if regis-
tered by Oct. 5. Call 561-841-3386 for more infor-
Volunteers needed for Ghost Run
We need people 16+ yrs. to help out on the race
course of the Ghost Run. You will just be making sure
the runners are on course, making a turn, manning a
water station. If you are interested, please contact
Becky at 561-841-3386 or recreation@village-npb.org.
Hours will be given for school community service, if
needed. You help is greatly appreciated!!!
Village Clerk—Pg. 5 www.village-npb.org
The North Palm Beach Police Department would like to
remind citizens how a simple act of locking their vehicles
and removing their valuables can significantly reduce the
likelihood of being a victim to auto burglary. It only takes a
few seconds. A laptop, cell phone, GPS, purse, gym bag or
even a cup holder full of change can create temptation and
present opportunity to a thief.
One of the techniques used in modern crime prevention is
"natural surveillance." The way that it applies to auto
burglary is where you choose to
park your vehicle. If you are in a
public place, park in an area that is heavily travelled. The more eyes that
are on your property, the safer it is. Criminals do not like to commit
crime in plain view of others, they like seclusion. If you are at home,
park your vehicle inside the garage when possible. This is the safest
location for your vehicle to be overnight. If you do not have a garage,
remember these tips:
Close your windows & lock your doors
Remove valuables or place them in the trunk of your vehicle
Park in a well-lit area
Park where your car will be easily & frequently viewed (natural sur-
Use a car alarm, it will alert anyone nearby
**Report suspicious persons to the Police Department immediately by calling 9-1-1**
Retirement of Captain
Robert “Bobby” Furey
July 23, 2015 – On behalf of the
Village Council and Administra-
tion, Mayor Gebbia presented a
certificate and award to Captain
Bobby Furey in recognition of his
30 years of dedicated service to
North Palm Beach. Mayor Gebbia
presented certificates to Captain
Angela Dallesandro and Sergeant
Andrew Council in acknowledge-
ment of their promotions.
Pg. 10—Country Club/Golf
Freaky Food Truck Frenzy
We have a triple treat for you on Saturday, October
24th. We will have fantastic Food Trucks, a movie in
the park (Hocus Pocus) and Halloween costumes!
This great event will be at Anchorage Park, 603 An-
chorage Drive from 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm. There is
no admission charge. 20 different food trucks will
offer a fabulous variety of delicious gourmet foods!
Kids can come in costume as well as adults, but
keep the costumes appropriate—this is a family
event! Bring your lawn chair and blankets! See you
Touch-A-Truck & Fire Safety Fair
October 3 from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Touch-a-
Truck is a fun, community event gives children of
all ages an opportunity to touch, explore and see
their favorite trucks and big equipment on wheels.
The dump trucks, tractors, construction equipment,
race cars, motorcycles and many other types of
vehicles will be on display. You see them on the
road everyday….. now you can get close enough
to touch them all! Look at, climb on and explore
the inner workings of your favorite big rigs! We are
pleased to be offering a horn free hour from 10:00
am to 11:00 for children with special needs and
sensitive ears. The Fire Department will hold their
annual Fire Safety Fair at the same time! Children
will be able to see demonstrations, explore fire
trucks, police cars and much more! This is a free
event that will be held at Anchorage Park, 603 An-
chorage Dr.
Support Your Local Businesses—Pg. 11 www.village-npb.org
Travel Trips from the Recreation Department!
The NPB Recreation Dept. invites you to join us for
upcoming trips to local attractions! Seating is
limited, so don’t wait! Now registering for:
Sept. 9 – Glass Bottom Boat Tour - $55
Sept. 24 – Morse Museum in Winter Park - $45
Sept. 30 - Little Havana Culinary Tour - $65
Oct. 24 – Hurricanes –vs- Clemson Football Trip
- $85
Oct. 29 – Mai Kai Luau Dinner Show - $65
501 U.S. Highway 1,
North Palm Beach, FL
Driving Range Hours:
Monday & Thursday 9 AM - 9:00 PM
Tues, Wed, Fri-Sun 7 AM - 9:00 PM
Golf Shop Hours:
Daily 6:30 AM—7:00PM
Restaurant: www.npbcc.org
Daily 7:00 AM– 7:00 PM
Library Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 7 PM
Friday - Saturday 9 AM - 5 PM
Sunday 1 PM - 5 PM
Pool Hours:
Tues.—Sat. 10 AM - 6 PM
Sunday 12 PM - 6 PM
Water Aerobics— Tues. & Thurs. - Jane
Wed. & Fri. - Steve
12:15pm - 1:15pm
Members Only Swim-10:00am - 12:00pm
Tuesday - Friday
Tennis Court Hours/Club Play:
Mon. - Thurs. 7 AM - 10 PM
Fri. - Sun. 7 AM - DARK
Tennis Office and Retail Shop Hours:
Mon. - Thurs. 7:45 AM - 7:00 PM
Fri. 7:45 AM - 5:30 PM
Sat. 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Sun. 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The North Palm Beach Country Club
and Village Tavern Restaurant are
951 US Highway 1, NPB, FL 33408
Phone: 561-691-3430 Fax: 561-630-0932
Parks & Recreation
1MGA—7:40am tee times
League Play—5pm Shotgun
Tennis Clinic– 10am
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10am
Baby Time 9-23 mons.—11am
Water Aerobics -10:15-11:15am
Pickleball—5-8 pm
2 WGA– 9:40am
9 Holers—9:00am tee times
League Play—5pm Shotgun
Ballroom Dance Class—7pm
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Beginners Tennis—9am
Tennis Clinic– 6:30 pm
Story Time, Ages 2-4 10:00 am
3 Elder & Special Needs Semi-
Water Aerobics –12:15 am
Tennis Doubles– 6:30pm
4 Tennis Clinic– 9:30am
Quilters Group—10am
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Tai Chi—10am
5 Junior Golf Clinic - 1-2pm
Tennis Clinic – 9am
Village Garage Sale –7:30-12pm
Table Tennis—Osb., 11am
Adult Chess Club—11 am
Kids Chess— 11am
Computer Help - 2-4pm
6Tennis Fun RR– 9:30am
Golf Course Opens at 7 AM
Village offices closed
8 MGA—7:40am tee times
League Play—5pm Shotgun
Tennis Clinic– 10am
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10am
Baby Time 9-23 mons.—11am
Knit & Crochet—1-4pm
Water Aerobics -10:15-11:15am
Pickleball—5-8 pm
9WGA– 9:40am
9 Holers—9:00am tee times
League Play—5pm Shotgun
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Glass bottom Boat Tour
Story Time, Ages 2-4 - 10:00
Beginners Tennis—9am
Tennis Clinic– 6:30pm
Water Aerobics -12:15 pm
Tennis Doubles– 6:30pm
Council Meeting—7:30pm
11 Tennis Clinic– 9:30am
Quilters Group—10am
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Tai Chi—10am
12Junior Golf Clinic - 1-2pm
Tennis Clinic – 9am
Free soccer shots class-9am
Table Tennis—Osb., 11am
Computer Help - 2-4pm
13Tennis Fun RR–
14 1st Tee opens at 9am
Investment Seminar—10:30 am
Knit & Crochet—1-4pm
Tennis Clinic– 9:30am
Morse Museum Trip
15 MGA—7:40am tee times
League Play—5pm Shotgun
Tennis Clinic– 10am
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10am
Baby Time 9-23 mons.—11am
TreeSearchers Geneology
16WGA– 9:40am
9 Holers—9:00am tee times
League Play—5pm Shotgun
Story Time, Ages 2-4 - 10:00-am
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Ballroom Dance Class—7pm
Beginners Tennis—9am
Tennis Clinic– 6:30pm
League Play– 5pm Shotgun
Water Aerobics—12:15 pm
Tennis Doubles– 6:30pm
Belly Dance Classes begin
18 Tennis Clinic– 9:30am
Quilters Group—10am
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Tai Chi—10am
Kids Night Out 6-10pm
19Junior Golf Clinic - 1-2pm
Tennis Clinic – 9am
Adult Chess Club—11 am
Kids Chess— 11am
Computer Help - 2-4pm
Coastal Cleanup—8-12 pm
Table Tennis—Osb., 11am
20 Tennis Fun RR—
9:30 am
211st Tee opens at 9am
Tennis Clinic– 9:30am
Investment Seminar—10:30 am
Knit & Crochet—1-4pm
22 MGA—7:40am tee times
League Play—5pm Shotgun
Tennis Clinic– 10am
Story Time, Ages 2-4—10am
Baby Time 9-23 mons.—11am
Water Aerobics -10:15-11:15am
Pickleball—5-8 pm
23 WGA– 9:40am
9 Holers—9:00am tee times
League Play—5pm Shotgun
Story Time, Ages 2-4 - 10:00am
Beginners Tennis—9am
Tennis Clinic– 6:30pm
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Ballroom Dance Class—7pm
24 Water Aerobics -12:15-pm
Tennis Doubles– 6:30pm
Council Meeting—7:30pm
25 Tennis Clinic– 9:30am
Quilters Group—10am
Book and a Movie—2 pm
Water Aerobics -11-12 pm
Tai Chi—10am
26Junior Golf Clinic –1-2pm
Tennis Clinic – 9am
Table Tennis—Osb., 11am
Computer Help - 2-4pm
281st Tee opens at 9am
Investment Seminar—10:30 am
Knit & Crochet—1-4pm
Tennis Clinic– 9:30am
29MGA—7:40am tee times
League Play—5pm Shotgun
Tennis Clinic– 10am
30Little Havana Culinary Trip-
Beginners Tennis—9am
Tennis Clinic– 6:30pm
Coastal Clean-up - Sat. Sept. 19 at 8:00 am
Touch a Truck– Oct. 3th
Food Truck Frenzy—Oct. 24th
Tennis Fun RR-9:30
501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1
************** ECRWSS
Advisory Board Meeting Schedule
Audit Committee ………………………………………...on call
Business Advisory Board …………...4th Monday, monthly, 6:30pm
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate ………….………..on call
Construction Board of Adjustment……………………….on call
Golf Advisory Board …………..3rd Monday, monthly, 6:00pm
Library Advisory Board ………..4th Tuesday, monthly, 7:00pm
Pension Board - General Employees……………………..on call
Pension Board - Police & Fire …………………………...on call
Planning Commission …………..1st Tuesday, monthly, 6:30pm
Recreation Advisory Board ……..2nd Tuesday, monthly,7:00pm
Waterways Board ……………next to last Tuesday, monthly,4:00pm
Regular Garbage Pickup Schedule
Mondays - Garbage only
Tuesdays - Trash, Bulk Items & Vegetation
Wednesdays - Garbage only
Thursdays - Trash, Bulk Items, Vegetation & Recycling
Country Club
Golf Shop 691-3433
Pool 691-3427
Tennis 691-3425
Restaurant 691-3430
Community Development 841-3365
Finance 841-3360
Human Resources 882-1155
Library 841-3383
Police and Fire:
Emergency 911
Non-Emergency 848-2525
Public Works 691-3440
Recreation 841-3386
Anchorage Park 841-3386
Community Center 841-3389
Village Clerk’s Office 841-3355
Village Historian 841-3371
Village Manager’s Office 904-2122
Upcoming Council Meeting
Thursday, September 10, 2015, 7:30 pm
Thursday, September 24, 2015, 7:30 pm
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
North Palm Beach
Village Council
Robert A. Gebbia Mayor David B. Norris Vice Mayor Doug Bush President Pro Tem Darryl C. Aubrey Councilman Mark Mullinix Councilman
Jim Kelly
Village Manager
Melissa Teal, CMC
Village Clerk
Village Council members may be
contacted through the office of the
Village Clerk at 841-3355
Regular meetings are held at 7:30 pm
the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month
and are open to the public.
All meetings are held at:
Village Hall
501 U.S. Highway One
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Holiday Garbage Pickup Schedule
Monday September 7th HOLIDAY—NO PICK UP
Tuesday - September 8th Garbage only
Wednesday - September 9th Vegetation and Trash
Thursday - September 10th All Recycling
Friday - September 11th Garbage only